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The Pirate's Slave

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by Angela Knight

  The Pirate's Slave

  By Angela Knight

  I stood naked, the collar riding my throat like a lead weight, each of my wrists bound to the opposite elbow in such a way as to pull my shoulders back and thrust my bare breast southward in lascivious display. It was very cold in the room, and the chill drew my nipples shamefully hard. Yet my cheeks were blazing hot. I could almost feel the hungry gaze of my male audience slide over me like acid, burning my bare skin, stripping away my pride.

  Odd. Of all the fates I'd envisioned for myself, this hadn't been one of them. Death, yes, I'd seen my death a hundred times shot by the pirates, mercenaries or gun runners I hunted, blown to quarks in my patrol ship by some lucky enemy, knifed by a fleeing prisoner. Even, given events lately, murdered by my own side. But never this.

  The auctioneer grabbed one of my nipples and twisted it viciously. I didn't reward him with so much as a flinch. "A month ago she was Captain Rayna Kinkaid of the Stellar Patrol but that was before she was found guilty of taking bribes from the very pirates she was supposed to hunt." He leered, his round face taking on an evil cast. "Which of you gentleman wants to be the one to punish her for her crimes?"

  Grabbing my arm, he spun me around, then caught the chain that dangled from my collar and jerked it, dragging my head down. "Just look at that ass, men." He smoothed his plump hand over it. "See how round and firm it is. And pale. It begs for stripes, doesn't it? It begs to be caned until she screams for mercy." Roughly, he grabbed my cheeks and pried them apart. "And then, when you're hard and she's begging, there's this tight cunt, or maybe this rosy little asshole. It would be your choice.

  "And she'd deserve it, wouldn't she? Every stroke of the whip, every thrust of your cock. She betrayed the honor of her Stellar Patrol uniform. The court says she deserves the worst you can do to her. She's at your mercy."

  Staring at the back curtain, I curled my lip and fought the impulse to slam my foot back into his crotch. It would only earn me another caning.

  He kept me bent over like that through the bidding, spurring it on when the bids began to flag by thrusting a fat finger into my anus and reminding the crowd of my former rank. After all, it wasn't really the chance to punish a convict that appealed to them; it was the opportunity to fuck and torment a female Stellar Patrol captain.

  My back was aching from the enforced position by the time he finally decided to give the crowd another view of my tits. I don't know why he thought he could drive the bidding any higher; it had already reached astronomical heights as it was. In fact, all the men had been forced out except for two relentless bidders, dueling for my favors with outrageous sums. Not realizing, apparently, that whoever bought me would be buying his death. I'd sworn to kill my new master and escape by any means necessary.

  But then, looking out over the crowd as the auctioneer mauled my nipples, I recognized one of those bidders. And my heart stopped.

  Armand Deguere.

  Those with a poetic bent called him The Black Lord of the Stars; we in the Stellar Patrol simply called him pirate. Or rebel. Or bastard. And sometimes, in our deepest hearts, we'd called him brilliant, ruthless, elusive ... Or at least I had. I'd hunted Armand Deguere for five years.

  More than once I'd expected The Black Lord to be the architect of the death I'd known would come. Yet now it seemed he had another fate in mind for me entirely. He stared at me from across the room, his handsome face set in hard lines, expressionless save for an icy sort of determination. Odd, that. I'd have expected gloating enjoyment. Here I stood, naked in chains, being auctioned off to the highest bidder for use in the most humiliating way possible. And he apparently intended to be that bidder.

  Though if the Patrol had known he was here ... It was fortunate for him that Slave Mart was a planet outside the Patrol's jurisdiction; the brass had set it up that way in order to turn a blind eye to some of the violations that went on there.

  In the end, I wasn't really surprised when my other would be master surrendered, and Armand strode toward the front to claim

  me. In all my years of pursuing the Black Lord, I'd learned he generally got what he'd wanted. And the few times he hadn't, it was because I'd thwarted him by some combination of luck and trickery. Still, I'd never managed to have the final victory of putting him in chains.

  Now it was he who took my leash from the auctioneer.

  And in that moment, when I saw his hard brown fingers close around the chain, I felt a sense of inevitability. As though this was the moment I'd been heading for all along, as though I should have known all those years of combat and pursuit would end like this.

  "Congratulations, sir," the fat man said, giving me an oozing look. "You'll find taming this one an enjoyable challenge."

  "Shut your mouth, you vile little prick," my enemy snarled.

  The auctioneer's mouth fell slack. His shock was such almost dropped Armand's credit chip when the Black Lord tossed it to him.

  I was still blinking in equal astonishment when Armand swirled his cloak off his massive shoulders and wrapped it around me.

  "After what I paid, I don't want anyone else leering at my property," he grunted to me.

  But just as I was thinking my relentless foe had a softer side, he wrapped a big hand in my leash and pivoted on his booted heel. "Come, bitch. You and I have a long night ahead of us."

  I almost fell at the hard jerk he gave the chain. Gagging, I hurried after him.

  God, it was ironic. Once, in the days before the Star Patrol had betrayed me, I'd dreamed of the opposite scenario. In my fantasy, I'd captured Armand, testified against him in court, seen him sentenced to slavery and bought him myself. I'd dreamed of keeping him a deliciously handsome prisoner at my family villa. Of resigning from the Patrol to devote myself to rehabilitating him with loving applications of my tongue and hands and creamy cunt.

  Now it seemed the slave collar was on the other neck.

  Armand dragged me down the length of the room, pausing only when he noticed the other patrons leering because I couldn't hold the cape closed with my arms bound behind me. Impatiently, he reached out a muscled arm and folded it around me, holding the cloak closed as he pulled me into his side. I was suddenly, vividly aware that the top of my head barely reached his armpit. For the first time, I had a gut realization of how very big he was.

  Odd that I hadn't noticed it before not even the night I knife fought him in that Rigel bar. Hell, he'd actually defeated me that time; only the arrival of my backup saved me. I could hold my own with Armand in ship to ship battle, but hand to hand I'd never had a prayer. He was simply too strong, too skillful, too quick.

  It was as that uneasy thought crossed my consciousness that I looked up and saw the mural we were passing. It showed a chained, naked blonde being slave fucked sodomized by her massively endowed master. A superimposed image behind them showed her asshole stretching impossibly wide around his enormous cock. It was an erotically violent painting, and it reminded me uncomfortably of the times Armand had threatened me with just that fate.

  There'd been a moment on Rigel when he'd had me pinned under him, and I could feel size of his erection as he ground it against me. In a voice that rasped with lust, he described how he was going to take me back to his ship, collar me like a slave, and give my virgin asshole the traditional auction night ream.

  I never told anyone that when my backup burst through the door, I felt a moment's disappointment.

  But this really was auction night, and there'd be no Stellar Patrol backup to save me. Hell, the Patrol had practically delivered me to him with its blessings. He could do everything to me he'd ever promised, and there was no way I could escape.

  I just wished I didn't feel quite so ... intrigued by the idea.

/>   "If I had known you were so easy to buy," he gritted suddenly, his arm tightening painfully around my shoulders, "I would have done it a long time ago and saved myself a great deal of frustration."

  "I wasn't up for auction before," I snapped back, shrugging against his hold. To no avail.

  He shot me a burning, black eyed look. "Not according to the Stellar Patrol's prosecutors."

  I stiffened.

  "Imagine my shock when I heard that the ever virtuous Captain Kinkaid had been taking bribes all along." His handsome lips took on a contemptuous curl. "A thousand credits? Come on, Rayna. Not only were you corrupt, you were cheap."

  I didn't bother to deny it, though my jaws had to clamp against the words. He'd never believe that I'd been framed. No one else had.

  "The thing that amazes me is that you apparently feel no shame at all. After all those sanctimonious speeches to me about how the law is the only thing that separates us from the abyss, you let Will Tucker buy you off for a thousand credits." He shook his head. "And then, a convicted felon, you stood on that stage while that auctioneer bastard mauled your breasts, and your face was as cool and your back was as straight as though you were standing on the parade ground at the Stellar Academy. You have a lot of gall, lady."

  I lifted my chin and held my tongue.

  Suddenly he wheeled on me, his big body lunging into mine, forcing me back against the corridor wall. "So expressionless," he growled. "So icy. I wonder if you'll be able to hold onto all that pride when you feel my cock ramming your little asshole. Then again, maybe you're used to it. Maybe Tucker's fucked you there already."

  I stared up at his blazing dark eyes, struggling to hide my astonishment at his hot rage. "Jealous, Captain Deguere?"

  He jerked away from me as if he'd been scalded. "Hell, no. It doesn't matter if Tucker's fucked you a thousand times. He's never touching you again."

  "I'm insulted you think I have so little taste." I was sharply aware that the cloak he'd given me had fallen open over my thrusting breasts.

  He was staring at them hungrily. "Oh, I'm sure you taste absolutely marvelous. And I'm going to find out. Come on."

  Dragging me back under his arm, he quick marched me to the shuttle port. I was barely aware of the thundering noise that filled the huge hanger as cargo was loaded onto the shuttles for transport to orbiting ships overhead. I was far too busy mulling Armand's amazing jealousy.

  He hustled me aboard his own shuttle it was scarred with a laser burn I suspected I'd made myself and directly to its tiny bridge. Before installing me in a crash couch, he unlocked the manacles binding my wrists to my elbows.

  I bit back a scream as my stretched, abused muscles felt the full flow of blood again for the first time in hours.

  Armand swore beneath his breath and gently began to massage my cramped arms. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked gruffly.

  I shrugged. "I'm sure I'll survive."

  His dark eyes narrowed, his handsome face taking on a stern expression. "Don't bullshit me. If you need medical attention, tell me now. I can have you at a planetary hospital in three minutes."

  I forced myself to give him a mocking grin. "Why, Captain I didn't know you cared."

  "I don't care," he snapped. "I just have other plans for those long hands than dropping off from gangrene."

  With that, he threw himself into the pilot's chair and began to ready the craft for liftoff. I eyed him. "Aren't you going to 'cuff me again?"

  "Why bother?" His big, brown fingers glided over the console, stroking the ship to readiness. "I doubt you can move your arms enough to be dangerous."

  I studied my hands. They lay limply in my lap, burning viciously as circulation returned. I tried to lift one and couldn't. "You have a point."

  He was silent through the takeoff which was remarkably smooth; Armand was a hell of a pilot and stayed that way until I felt called upon to prod him.

  "Where's the Blackbeard?"

  He flicked me a look. "A day or so out. I wasn't about to bring it in close to any planet where there might be Stellar Patrol ships."

  There didn't seem to be anything to say to that, so I fell silent. In my exhaustion, it wasn't long before I dropped into a doze.

  I awoke to Armand's hot mouth biting and sucking my nipples. The sensation rolled over me slowly while I was still asleep, burning me, arousing me. Until, by the time I was fully aware, my cunt was creamy and my breath was short. I moaned and tried to lift my hands, only to discover he'd chained me to the crash couch.

  He looked up from my glistening breast, one rough, dark hand toying with the other rigid pink peak. His eyes were as black and demonic and tempting as Satan's himself, and his smile was slow and white. "If you'd waited much longer, you'd have woken up with my cock in your pussy. Or possibly your ass. I was still trying to make up my mind."

  I snorted. "Who are you trying to kid, Armand? When you decide to slave fuck me, you're going to want me awake for every


  He laughed softly in a velvety curl of sound that caressed my senses. "You know me too well, Rayna. I've been waiting to get my hands on you for five years, and I'm not going to let you miss a second of the humiliation, suffering or pleasure I've got planned."

  I licked my lips, watching in uneasy fascination as his hot stare wandered across my bound body. "You always were a black hearted bastard, Armand."

  He glanced up at me, a corner of his handsome mouth quirking. "Darling, you have no idea."

  His thumb teased one nipple, stroking its hard little peak. "The thing is," he said absently, staring at it in absorbed speculation, "you offer a black hearted bastard such a wealth of erotic possibilities. Take these magnificent breasts, for example. Look how round and full they are, yet they manage to thrust even when you're lying down. And they're so exquisitely sensitive." He feathered his fingers over them with a touch so light I caught my breath in pleasure. "I have a delicate little cat o' nine tails back at the ship. The lashes are quite short, designed strictly for use on a slave's tits." He looked up at

  me, his voice dropping to a seductive purr. "I hope you don't expect me to resist the temptation."

  I barely managed to suppress the hungry roll of my hips. "So much for your reputation for treating enemies honorably."

  Anger flared in his eyes. "I have always treated honorable enemies honorably. Unfortunately for you, your own Stellar Patrol has already established you have no honor."

  I bit back a hot tirade of self defense.

  "Besides, the rules have always been different between you and I." He stroked a hand down my naked belly. I would have closed my thighs, but my ankles were bound to the legs of the couch. "You, with those neat little traps you set for me, or the way you were always divining what my plans were and how to beat them ... You made it impossible for there to be anything between us but heat."

  "I wasn't the only one setting traps," I gritted. He'd discovered the soft tangle of hair between my thighs. "Remember that ambush on Argilia?”

  He laughed. "I almost had you that time. I was so sure I'd have you bent and spread by the end of the day I had a hard on during the entire battle."

  I shifted uneasily in my bonds as he traced the soft line of my nether lips. "Why did you let us go, Armand?"

  "Your ship's engines were still on line, though you were too badly damaged to fight. I knew if I attempted to board, you'd blow the engines and you with them."

  I nodded. "True. But there was nothing to stop you from destroying us yourself."

  "And miss the pleasure of this moment?" He slid a thick finger deeply into my cunt. Feeling my cream, he grinned like the pirate he was. "I knew I'd get a collar on you eventually. Though frankly, I'd prefer to have enslaved you in some more dramatic way. I've always fantasized about spreading your cheeks on the bridge of your own ship." He began to thrust his stiffened finger deeply into my helplessly wet pussy. It was all I could do not to moan. "After a pitched space battle, perhaps, followed by a bit of hand
to hand combat you'd be hopelessly outclassed, of course..."

  "Of course," I snapped, stung. Though he was right, damn him.

  "Then, after all that, I'd peel down those tight gray uniform trousers and grease you up for a slow, leisurely buggering." He drew his wet forefinger from my sex and sought my anus, just barely pressing. "I've fantasized about watching my cock slide up your ass a thousand times." Slowly, he began to enter. I gasped, instinctively arching my spine. Eyes molten with lecherous enjoyment, he smiled down at my breasts, thrust upward by my position. His finger felt huge, burning, as though it really were his prick he was raping me with. Bending his head, he began to lick and suck my hard nipples even as he continued reaming my virgin bottom. The sensation was like nothing I'd ever felt; overwhelming, painful ... Yet there was something about it that was wildly erotic. My most deadly foe was exploring my untouched asshole in preparation for sodomy. And it made me hotter than I'd ever been in my life.

  "Poor little Rayna," he purred, withdrawing only to enter again with two stiffened fingers. I sucked in a breath. "Such a tight rectum. I can only imagine the pain you're going to be in when I slave fuck you. I'm afraid I'm rather well endowed, so the fit will be somewhat ... brutal."

  "And you can't wait," I gritted, as his fingers burrowed deeper.

  He smiled slowly. "I'm counting the seconds. I hope you're not expecting mercy."

  "Not from you."

  "Smart girl." Suddenly he dragged his hand away and stood up in a rush of muscle. With a single, violent gesture, he opened the fly of his black trousers and pulled out his cock. My eyes widened. His crack about his size wasn't an idle boast; his prick was so thick I doubted I could close my fingers around it.

  Swinging a leg over the crash couch, he straddled my naked body, one hand grabbing a handful of my black hair. I gasped. He aimed the big plum head at my mouth. "Open up, Rayna. It's time to suck your master's prick."

  I licked my lips and obeyed. In a moment, he thrust his hard length deep into my mouth. Closing my eyes against the blazing triumph in his, I began to suck. He was more than a mouthful, bigger than I could comfortably accommodate, but he didn't give me a choice, so I took him anyway. The head of his organ was velvety, tasting deliciously of pre come and Armand's own male scent. I swirled my tongue over it, savoring the heat, the taste, the texture. Savoring the way Armand loomed over me, his big, muscled body dominating mine.


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