Book Read Free

Heart Like Mine

Page 30

by Maggie McGinnis

  “There are a couple of folding chairs in the tent if you want to grab them.” He looked up from the fire. “And donuts in the cooler.”

  She laughed out loud. “You brought donuts?”

  “Megan accused me of ruining donuts for you. It sounded serious. I know I have some work to do.”

  She laughed again as she ducked into the tent and pulled the two chairs out, setting them near the fire as he put on some more wood. As she sat down, looking past the gentle flames at the moonlit water below them, she felt a peace steal through her.

  “I have some news,” he said as he sat down beside her.

  “I’m intrigued.”

  “I’ve decided to officially cut back my hours at Mercy.”

  “Really?” She turned, shocked.

  “It’s time.” He poked at the fire. “I need a life.”

  Inside, Delaney felt a warm happiness glow through her chest. It was followed quickly by a sharp slice of guilt, however. Was he doing this because of her?

  “You’re not doing this for someone—else, are you? Because … if you’re not doing it for you, you’ll end up resenting the decision—and her.”

  He shook his head. “I’m doing it for me. It was high time I reexamined my life, and upon careful analysis, it appeared I was going to die a lonely old man.”

  “What?” She sputtered out a laugh.

  “It’s true.” He shrugged. “I could work a hundred hours a week at that hospital, topped off by fifty at Avery’s House, and in the end, I’d retire to a big, empty house … with nobody besides me in it. That’s not what I want for my life.”

  “What do you want?” Her voice was quiet, hopeful.

  “You,” he said, his voice equally soft as he took her hand. “I know it’s crazy. I’ve only known you for weeks, but it feels like a lifetime already.”

  Delaney blinked, tears threatening behind her eyes, but she didn’t trust herself to speak.

  He entwined his fingers with hers. “What I want is you, Delaney. I want you in my life, I want you on the third floor doing the work your heart should be doing, and … I want you … in my bed.”

  He took a deep breath. “And while we’re just putting everything out here, can I just say that although you are probably the best financial analyst Mercy has ever had, I can’t stop thinking about you with the kids on my floor … and I can’t stop wondering if maybe there’s somewhere else in that hospital that you should be.” He tossed a twig into the fire. “It’s not where I’d put you if I were in charge of Mercy staffing, your MBA be damned.”

  “Where would you put me?”

  “On pediatrics, because I think that’s where you truly belong.”

  “Wow.” Her voice was quiet.

  “I know you’re qualified to be the CFO someday, if that’s what you want. But honestly?” He squeezed her hand. “Your heart is wasted up there on the sixth floor, Delaney.”

  She wrinkled her nose as she shook her head. “I don’t know about that. My heart—might be safer up there.”

  “Maybe,” he allowed. “Probably. But is it happy? Do you go home at night thinking about the Charlottes and the Kayas and the Ians of the world?”


  That’s why my heart is safer.

  He sighed. “It hurts like hell some days. I’m not gonna lie to you. Letting yourself let those kids in? It’s an act of courage, because sometimes—sometimes they break your heart.” He looked at her steadily. “But they only break your heart because they’ve made it so much bigger in the meantime.”

  Delaney pulled in a ragged breath, squeezing her eyes shut. “I … have some news, too.”

  His eyes widened. “Oh?”

  “At the risk of having to admit you’re right, I decided to sign up for a couple of courses this fall. Nothing bold, no big decisions at this point, but I thought maybe it was time to see if maybe … maybe you’re right. They’re just basic ones, but they’d slot nicely into a child life specialist degree, if I decide at some point that maybe it’s a job I might really want to do.”

  She watched a slow smile take over his face. “Really? Really?”

  “Yeah. Really.” She touched his cheek, letting her fingers rest on the five o’clock shadow she remembered doing delicious things to her body. “And I have you to thank for opening my eyes. I never knew.”

  He shook his head. “It was inside you all the time. But just so you know, I can’t promise psychotic gunmen every day. Sometimes the world of pediatrics is downright dull. Can you handle that?”

  She pushed herself out of her chair and slid onto his lap, leaning back on his shoulder as his arms came around to hold her tight.

  “I’m pretty sure that life with you could never be dull, Dr. Mackenzie.”

  He buried his nose in her neck, kissing her softly. He nibbled her earlobe, then whispered, “Does this mean you might someday consider the possibility of life with me?”

  “Well, it’s still early days.” She gasped as his hands moved upward. “But you make a compelling argument.”

  His lips and fingers moved in concert, heating her up in the light of the fire as he kissed her. Then he paused. “We’d make an excellent team, you know.”

  “I think we already do, Joshua.” She smiled as she stood up and pulled him into the tent.

  Chapter 36

  Ten weeks later, Delaney found herself sitting in the Bellinis booth where she and Joshua had eaten their first dinner together, but this time, her hands weren’t shaking, her hair was in a casual ponytail, and she still had on her scrubs from an afternoon of volunteering on the third floor, Mama B’s no-scrubs rule be damned.

  Joshua sat across from her, an amused expression on his face as he looked at her.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I was just thinking how lucky I am.”

  “Mm hm. Sure.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Fine. I was just wondering what you have on under those innocent-looking baby elephant scrubs.”

  “Well, it’s going to be a while till you find out.” She looked at her phone, smiling. “Ethan and Josie are late.”

  “How about a hint?”

  “Hot pink lace. But not very much of it.”

  He groaned, letting his hand wander under the table and up her thigh. “If they’re not here in five minutes, I say we take our order to go.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  Just then, Molly appeared with two plates, setting them carefully on the table. “Josie and Ethan are stuck at the park—something went wonky on one of the rides. They said you should go ahead and eat without them.”

  “Thanks, Molly. It looks delicious, as always.” Delaney unwrapped her silverware. “Do you have time to sit and eat with us?”

  “Not tonight.” Delaney thought she saw her toss a wink Joshua’s way. “You’ll have to entertain each other, I guess.”

  Joshua squeezed Delaney’s knee. “We’ll do our best.”

  Half an hour later, Molly came back to clear their plates. “Dessert tonight? Mama made tiramisu.”

  Delaney groaned. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”

  “Tiramisu, Delaney.” Molly raised her eyebrows.

  “Okay.” She smiled. “But only because I don’t want to insult Mama B.”

  “Joshua?” Molly turned to him. “I’m assuming you want one, too?”

  “Absolutely. Gotta keep up with my girl.”


  “Yes.” He nodded, looking carefully at Delaney. “Three creamers, please.”

  “Excellent!” Molly grinned and headed back to the kitchen.

  Delaney watched her go, feeling her own eyebrows pull together. “Why is she so happy about creamer?”

  “I have absolutely no idea. Maybe she’s just glad to get this table freed up for people who tip better.”

  “Wait a minute.” Delaney’s memory pinged. Another dinner, another creamer order, but she couldn’t connect the dots.

  Before she
could figure it out, Molly was back at the table, two fresh tiramisu plates in hand. She set them down with uncharacteristic care, then paused before she did a little hop-turn and headed back to the kitchen.

  “What is up with her tonight?” Delaney picked up her fork. “She’s bouncier than normal, and that’s saying something.”

  “No idea. Maybe the Italian dating site finally worked out and she has a hot date later.” He pointed to her dessert. “Go ahead. Taste it.”

  Delaney looked down at her tiramisu, which was decorated tonight with fancy chocolate shavings and swirls. In the dim light, the dessert positively sparkled.


  The dessert was sparkling.

  She dropped her head to examine it, then felt her eyes go wide as she looked up at Joshua.

  “Oh, my God. Joshua, she brought me the wrong dessert! There is an engagement ring in here!” She looked around wildly, trying to locate a nervous wannabe groom anxiously watching his girlfriend eat her tiramisu. “Signal Molly!”

  Joshua didn’t move—just smiled and shook his head slowly.

  “Seriously, look!” She turned it around so he could see the ring, which—she had to admit—was dead gorgeous. If she was picking out a ring someday, this would totally be the kind she’d pick.

  He reached for the ring, and she slapped his hand lightly. “Don’t touch it! Look how carefully Mama B wound it into the chocolate swirls! We can’t ruin it.” She looked toward the bar, but Molly was nowhere in sight. “Oh, my God, Joshua. Some poor guy is sitting in this restaurant wondering where in the world his ring went. I have to bring this back to the kitchen.”

  “Delaney.” He put a hand on her arm to stop her.

  “What?” She looked at him, and suddenly, finally, the reality of the situation dawned on her.

  She looked down at the ring, looked back up at him, looked down at the ring.

  “No way.” She shook her head. “This is not for me.”

  “Well, that’s the part you get to decide. I think that’s how these things are supposed to work.”

  “Joshua?” Delaney felt tears prick at her eyes. Could he really, possibly be proposing? After only three months together?

  He took both of her hands, stroking his thumbs over her fingers as he looked into her eyes. “I know this is crazy. Totally nuts. Insane. In some ways, I feel like we barely know each other. In others, I feel like you’ve been part of me for my entire life. I know for absolutely certain that I am going to marry you someday, but I also know it might be a long time before you’re that certain. So I’m asking, and you can give me whatever answer you need to.”

  “Oh, my God,” Delaney whispered. His face was getting wavery as tears crowded into her eyes.

  “Delaney Blair, now that I know what it feels like to have you in my life, I never, ever want to know what it would feel like to not have you with me. I want to live on Sugar Maple Drive with you, in a big old house we can fill with whatever you like. I want to have Sunday brunch in bed, want to cancel plans with friends because we just want to stay in, want to build a new tree fort … someday. I want to grow old with you, rock on that big old porch and have coffee and donuts every morning.”

  He paused, and she blinked rapidly, trying to clear the tears from her eyes before they ran down her cheeks. She was too late.

  He ran his thumbs across her cheeks, catching the tears. “I want to marry you, Delaney. Someday, once you’re sure I’m worthy, will you maybe marry me?” He smiled, and her throat was suddenly squeezed too tightly to talk.

  He waited for a few seconds, then tipped his head. “An answer of some sort would be pretty great right now. Just saying. You’re kind of killing me here.”

  She took a shaky breath, pointing to the ring. “I really thought it was for someone else.”

  “I know.” He let go of her hands and pulled the ring free, holding it toward her. “It’s not. I picked it out myself, I promise.”

  She smiled. “I would love to marry you, Joshua. Tonight, if we could. But tomorrow’s fine, too.”

  He laughed, that deep, rumbling, gorgeous laugh she loved, and he slid out from the table, pulling her into a huge bear hug, then sliding the ring onto her finger.

  “Did she say yes?” Molly appeared in Delaney’s peripheral vision as she wiped her eyes. “My God, you two were killing me back there!”

  Delaney held out the ring, but Molly waved her off, pulling her into a huge hug. “I’ve seen it. Who do you think helped him pick it out?” Then she turned toward the kitchen. “Josie! Ethan! She said yes!”

  All of a sudden, the entire restaurant erupted in cheers, and as she looked around, Delaney realized she recognized almost everyone there. Josie came running from the kitchen, throwing her arms around both Delaney and Joshua when she got to their table, and Ethan was only a step behind. He shook Joshua’s hand, thumping him on the back.

  He turned to Delaney, pulling her into a warm hug. “Welcome to the family, Delaney.”

  He turned back to Joshua, and all around her, Delaney felt a swell of happiness and love as what felt like the entire restaurant got up from their seats and came to congratulate them.

  A few short months ago, she’d still felt like a stranger in this close-knit town. And now?

  Now … she had a family.

  * * *

  An hour later, with one—and only one—glass of Papi’s Poison on board, Delaney leaned back against Joshua as he put his arms around her and hugged her close.

  “Are you happy?” he whispered in her ear.

  She turned to him, taking his face in her hands. “I’ve never been happier.”

  “Did you really mean it when you said you’d marry me tomorrow?”

  “I did.”

  “Because I know people.” He winked. “It could be arranged.”

  She laughed. “My mother would have a fit. And she would assume I’m pregnant.”

  “Well”—he ran his fingers enticingly down her arms—“someday, I hope you will be.”

  “Me, too.”

  “But if you could just wait till I learn to actually use a hammer, that would be great. That tree fort is not safe for children, and we’d need rocking horses and swing sets and a new tire swing—”

  Delaney put her finger over his lips to shush him. “It’ll happen when it’s supposed to, whether we’re ready or not.”

  “Kind of like us?”

  “Exactly like us, which—actually—should probably scare you.” She slid her hands up to link them behind his neck, then kissed him softly. “But don’t worry. I do know how to use a hammer.”


  “Whose idea was it to have a Valentine’s Day wedding, anyway?” Delaney paced from window to window, watching the snow pile up on Sugar Maple Drive.

  Megan smiled. “Yours.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Then whose idea was it to schedule a blizzard?”

  “That one I can’t attribute. Sorry.” Megan pointed to Delaney’s gown, hanging on the back of the bedroom door. “Are you ready to put on your dress?”

  Delaney felt tears threaten as the snowflakes thickened. “No one’s going to be able to come.”

  “Delaney, this is Vermont. Everybody who can possibly get here will do so.”

  “The roads aren’t even plowed. They can’t keep up. We’re supposed to get thirty inches!”

  Megan nodded calmly. “Which is a lot of snow. I’ll give you that.”

  Delaney took a deep breath, then hugged Megan tightly. “I’m glad you stayed overnight, at least. I can’t imagine having my wedding without you here.”

  “I would have skied here if that’s what it took.” Megan smiled. “And Ethan and Josie are downstairs with Joshua. It’ll just be a small, intimate wedding—perfect for the two of you.”

  A timid knock came from the hallway door, and Megan crossed the room to open it. Outside stood Delaney’s mother, dressed in a pastel mother-of-the-bride dress that w
ould have passed all social inspections, had any guests been able to actually make it to the wedding.

  “You made it!” Delaney felt her eyes go wide as she motioned her into the room. “How?”

  “Ethan and Josie came to get us, actually.” Mom stood timidly, just inside the doorway, and Delaney braced herself as she saw tears crowd into her eyes. Oh, here it came. Another crying jag, another milestone Parker would never have.

  Mom took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders and fighting back the tears. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”

  Delaney froze at her use of the endearment. She looked sidelong at Megan, who shrugged carefully.

  “Thank you.”

  “I—um—brought you a little something.” Mom reached into her purse with shaky fingers, coming out with a tiny jewelry box. She took three tentative steps toward Delaney, holding it out to her.

  “Mom?” Delaney’s eyes widened. She’d seen this box before—had even had her hand soundly slapped one time when she’d dared open it after Parker died.

  “It’s your grandmother’s ring.”

  “I know,” she whispered as she opened the box. Nestled in the satin was a white-gold ring set with sapphires and diamonds. “But it was always supposed to go to Parker—for his bride someday.”

  “Well”—Mom took another deep breath and let it out slowly—“that’s not going to happen. We think you should have it, Delaney. Your grandmother would be so proud of the woman you’ve become. She’d want you to have it.”

  “But, Dad?” It was his mother’s ring, after all.

  “Your father wanted to give it to you last night at the rehearsal dinner, but he was too afraid he’d blubber like a baby.”

  Delaney let out a surprised laugh at her words, then sobered as she looked at the ring. “You’re sure?”

  “We’re sure.” Mom took the ring out of the box and slid it onto Delaney’s right hand. She held it up to the window light and smiled—a real smile, a genuine smile … the kind of smile Delaney hadn’t seen on her face in forever.

  “Now.” She put down her pastel purse. “Have you got the whole something-borrowed, something-blue thing covered?”

  Delaney nodded, her own tears threatening this time. She took Mom’s hand and led her to the table under the window, where Megan had placed their bouquets. Beneath the spray of white roses and holly on the bridal bouquet, Delaney had wrapped the stems in a length of fabric she’d stolen long ago from a drawer in Parker’s room.


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