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Awe-Struck, Book 2

Page 9

by Twyla Turner

  He helped her out of her seat and raised her arms out at her sides, and then spun her around to get the full effect, the dress flaring out as she turned.

  “‘We get to keep them’? It’s me who has to wear them.” Sunny laughed at him as he tried to get closer to her, giving no mind to the people in the room.

  “But it’s me that gets to enjoy them wrapped around my neck.” Gabe stage whispered in her ear, making the stylists giggle.

  “Gabriel Wolf! We are not alone! I can’t take you anywhere.” Sunny said shaking her head at his antics.

  Just then the frazzled producer burst into the dressing room. “Alright guys we’re going to have a quick powwow to go over today’s show. Follow me to the green room.” He hurried back out of the room, expecting to be followed.

  Gabe took Sunny’s hand and led her down the hallway. The stylist ran after them, giving Sunny a short black crocheted-back sweater shrug that covered her “Hello Bettys”. Then she ran off to the dressing room, while they continued to the green room.

  Sunny’s pulse pounded as they entered into the green room where the other ladies of The Chat were waiting. Sunny had watched the show throughout the years, and it was super exciting to finally meet the ladies.

  “Hi Sunny, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” Winnie walked over to shake her hand, and realizing that her right hand was still in a cast and switched to her left.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Winnie. I’ve been a fan for years!” Sunny smiled brightly.

  “Thank you.” Winnie replied.

  “So you’re the girl that finally snagged the tenacious Gabriel Wolf? Lucky bitch.” Hope said in her usual sarcastic bitchy New Yorker accent, coming up to shake Sunny’s good hand.

  Already knowing Hope’s comedic personality from watching the show Sunny didn’t take offense.

  “Yep. That’s me.” Sunny said, and then leaned in to loudly whisper. “And to tell you the truth, I still have no idea how I did it. Beats the hell outta me!”

  The ladies laughed, and Sunny relaxed a little.

  “Gurrrl, whatever you did, keep doing it, cause that boy is hooked! We’ve been watching the whole drama on you two play out for weeks. And we ain’t ever seen him act like that about a woman. This boy loves you so much; he’d eat your dirty drawers!” Kerry exclaimed in her ‘beauty salon’ type gossipy way.

  “Leave her alone, ladies.” Gabe said playfully, smiling with pride. “You’re like a pack of wild hyenas.” Gabe hugged a greeting to each of the women.

  Satisfied that the introductions were finished, the producer rushed over wrangling everyone in to discuss the show. He sped through everything so quickly that it made Sunny’s head spin and she still wasn’t sure what was going on. But whether she understood or not, it was time to go out to the studio audience.

  Her whole body started to tremor and her palms flooded with sweat. Gabe stopped to face her and took her face in his hands. “Sunny, calm down. Everything is going to be fine. I’ll be right there with you the whole time. You look beautiful and everyone is going to love you. Just take a deep breath.” Gabe looked at her, holding eye contact and breathed in slowly.

  Sunny followed his lead, and her nerves calmed down a bit. Then the high strung producer came up and started pushing them towards the entrance of the studio, fraying Sunny’s nerves once again. But it was too late to even contemplate her nerves, because they were walking out towards the big table placed directly in front of the studio audience, cameras and bright lights.

  She had Gabe’s hand in a death grip, so when all the ladies of the show and Gabe started waving at the audience as they walked to their chairs; Sunny raised her casted arm and awkwardly wiggled her fingers in an imitation of a wave. She plastered a huge smile on her face, clenching her chattering teeth together.

  After they took their seats, Sunny directly in the center with Gabe next to her, Winnie started the introduction.

  “Good morning, everyone and welcome to The Chat. Today on the show we have special guests and co-hosts the handsome and talented Gabriel Wolf and the beautiful leading lady in his life, Sunny Stone.” The studio audience started applauding enthusiastically. “She’s more than just your girlfriend, right Gabe? You guys have a little surprise for everyone don’t you?”

  Sunny smiled bashfully as she wondered how they already knew. Gabe took her left hand and raised it up for everyone to see.

  “Yes, last night this gorgeous amazing woman said yes to becoming my bride.” Gabe said his chest puffed out with pride.

  The audience oohed and aahed at the ring while the cameras zoomed in on it. And it sparkled prettily under the studio lights. Sunny decided to defend Gabe before anyone could say anything later in the tabloids, because she knew they would since it wasn’t the typical engagement ring most celebs get.

  “And for those wondering, Gabe isn’t cheap for not getting me some extravagant 20-carat diamond. He asked my mother for her advice on rings, and she told him that I didn’t want anything over two carats, which she was right. Though he did design it himself.” Sunny smiled up at him sweetly. And they gazed at each other for a moment.

  “Hey, you two…focus!” Hope shouted, snapping her fingers in front of their faces.

  “Sorry.” The both said in unison, giving sheepish looks.

  “Wow! You two are already saying the same things in unison and making the same facial expressions.” Winnie said in surprise and they both just chuckled.

  “So you guys have been no strangers to the media circus that is the paparazzi and tabloids. I mean, Sunny you’re still in a cast from that scary accident a month ago. How are you feeling?” Kerry said with concern, bringing the conversation back around to the ‘Trending Topics’ portion of the show.

  “Oh, I’m a lot better now. It was rough at first.” Sunny said reassuringly.

  “How extensive were your injuries?” Winnie asked.

  “A concussion and busted scalp, broken forearm and the worst was a ruptured stomach.” Sunny cringed as she listed off her injuries and Gabe gripped her hand tightly.

  “Honey, you should’ve kicked those jack-offs in the ‘happys’ and then went on your way.” Hope said indignantly, making the producer wince at her language as he stood off to the side.

  “I definitely have considered that. If I could do it all over again, there would be several sterile men walking around talking with high-pitched voices.” Sunny said meaning every word.

  “Good for you honey.” Hope responded back, high-fiving Sunny.

  “Gabe, looking at the pictures and videos of that day, you looked pretty torn up about it. What was that day like for you?” Winnie asked as the screen behind them showed pictures and video of the accident, which Sunny refused to look at.

  “It was the worst day of my life. I was on the other side of the street and I wasn’t able to get to her in time, so watching it unravel in front of my eyes and feeling helpless killed me.” A pained expression crossed Gabe’s face.

  “What other ways has the media effected your life, Sunny? We already know you’re used to it Gabe.” Hope asked Sunny seriously and playfully taunted Gabe.

  “I had no idea what celebrities really go through, and now that I know, it isn’t pretty or fun. Aside from the obvious,” Sunny held up her cast. “I can’t go anywhere without being harassed and hounded. And I didn’t realize how much I loved sweatpants, bad hair days, and the occasional butt scratch,” Sunny dead-panned.

  The audience busted out in laughter and Gabe and the ladies of The Chat guffawed, trying to keep it together. Winnie had just taken a sip of coffee and started choking at Sunny’s comment. Kerry patted her back, trying to help.

  “Alright, you have to explain that one.” Kerry asked once the audience’s laughter had calmed as well as Winnie’s coughs.

  “Well there was a time; on my days off work I’d go to the grocery store in just sweats and a t-shirt, or if I had a bad hair day I’d just throw on a hat and go on my merry way and if I h
ad an itch or a wedgie the only people that would see it might be some random passerby. But now if I have a fat day and want to wear sweats, that hateful day is documented for the world to see. If a hair is out of place, I’m ridiculed. And if I just so happen to have a boob, pit or butt itch I better think twice about scratching it, because next thing you know it’s photographed and uploaded onto the internet for all of eternity. Basically in the nutshell, you have to be on your best behavior and look pretty at all times, and that’s not reality. And it sucks like a mother.” Gabe leaned over and kissed Sunny’s temple after her tirade.

  “I think there should be some new laws passed in the States that keep the paparazzi at a distance from celebrities, because it really has gotten out of hand. Just like they did in England after Princess Diana was killed.” Winnie agreed.

  “But isn’t that kind of the deal when you get in the business? Shouldn’t you expect to have your life to be on display? Some celebrities even like it, because it keeps them in the spotlight and relevant.” Kerry argued.

  “It’s one thing to get your picture taken when you’re out on the red carpet or at an event. But it’s a whole other thing when they dog your every step and put your life in danger. The media has become so overly intrusive that I’m ready to call it quits if they don’t back off.” The audience gasped in shock, but Gabe persisted. “I can’t continue to watch as they repeatedly hurt the one person that means the world to me. And that goes for the bloggers, tweeters and overall haters online.” He looked directly into the camera as he rallied. “You’ve got something to say, say it to my face. I’m so sick and tired of people thinking that they can hide behind a computer and say whatever the hell they want and think that their words don’t affect anyone. Who are you to say who I can and can’t love? What do you look like? What flaws do you have, and would you enjoy them being ripped apart online for the world to read. Enjoy basking in your self-righteousness and just remember karma is a bitch. Now tweet about that, jackasses.”

  The audience went nuts with applause, getting up to give Gabe a standing ovation. Sunny rubbed his back, knowing he was pissed and worked up.

  “Wow Gabe, tell us how you really feel.” Hope nudged him with her shoulder.

  “He can be a little protective of me. And all we’re trying to do is have a normal relationship like everyone else has and deserves. But instead it’s being picked apart.” Sunny defended.

  “Yeah, well that brings us to our next topic…cyber-bullying. But before we get into it, we have a quick commercial break to get through. We’ll be right back.” Winnie said.

  They all bantered back and forth during the break, and Sunny relaxed a little more. She tried to think of it as sitting around gossiping with her friends, trying her best to ignore the cameras.

  “We’re back and currently discussing the growing problem of cyber-bullying that’s spreading across the world. Gabe, before the break you got pretty worked up about the mean things that people have been saying about Sunny. Sunny, how did you feel when you saw some of the comments?” Kerry asked.

  “It was horrible and hurt like hell. And it’s not just me. There are so many kids and teens being bullied at school and now they have to deal with it when they get home, if they go online. That’s such a tender age. No wonder some are committing suicide over it. It used to be that people kept their mean thoughts to themselves or in their circle of friends. But with the anonymity of being behind a computer screen, everyone now seems to think that they can share their views no matter how hurtful.” Sunny said passionately.

  “But isn’t that just freedom of speech? It’s everyone’s right to voice their opinion.” Hope threw back.

  “But shouldn’t people consider speaking online the same way they would if that person they’re discussing was right in front of them. If you can’t say it to the person’s face, then it stands to reason that you shouldn’t say it online.” Sunny pushed right back, and the audience applauded their approval.

  “Well a lot of people have voiced their opinion about that sex-tape that was leaked to the media, so what is the real story behind the tape? Everyone has made their own judgments on it, but what’s the truth? Kerry asked them.

  Sunny just blushed profusely and ducked her head.

  “That was us on the tape. We got a little carried away in my trailer one day on the set of the movie I’m currently filming. Someone had to have been standing right outside of the trailer and recorded it, and thought that it would be entertaining to edit out me saying Sunny’s name and spread rumors that it was someone else. You can ask anyone on the set that day, and they’ll tell you that it was Sunny.” Gabe smirked at Kerry.

  “Well I think the whole world listened to that audio, and let me just say…” Hope fanned herself with the papers that were in front of her. “You two have a very healthy sex life. Woo!”

  “I can’t even imagine, but I try. You are one blessed girl, Sunny.” Kerry teased.

  Sunny laid her head down on the table. Her face and neck had turned a very bright shade of red, even through her brown skin.

  “And on that note, we’ll be right back after the break.” Winnie said as segue to the commercial break.

  Sunny sat up and looked at Gabe with an ‘oh my God’ face. He clasped her face between his large hands and kissed her gently on the lips, both not realizing that the camera picked up the last few seconds before the commercials started.

  “You’re doing a phenomenal job, Sweet Girl. You’re showing the country what I see every day; someone funny, bright and adorable. I’m so proud of you.” Gabe kissed her nose and the audience sighed collectively.

  They all got up as the crew removed the table and chairs that made up the ‘Trending Topics’ set and brought in the giant couch they’d sit on for the interview. Gabe stood behind Sunny and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close into his back.

  “You two are disgusting.” Hope laughed.

  “That’s your pet name for her? Sweet Girl?” Kerry asked.

  “Yeah, he’s called me that from the very first night we met.” Sunny smiled radiantly.

  “That is so cute!” Kerry said in admiration.

  “Yeah, I kinda melt every time he says it.” Sunny grinned goofily.

  They all quickly sat down on the couch before the cameras started rolling again.

  “Welcome back everyone. If you’re just joining us, we have with us today the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ and his newly affianced lady, Sunny Stone.” Winnie introduced.

  “I’m sure a lot of hearts have broken today at the news of Gabe’s recent engagement. But I think the video we’ve got for you will make it all better and warm those broken hearts.” Kerry said.

  On the screen behind them a video of last night started to play. Sunny could tell that it was a professional recording and not some bystander recording from a cellphone. She looked at Gabe and he just winked at her. This was all planned too! And once again Sunny flushed but this time it was with tears at watching one of the best moments of her life. This time she was ecstatic over the fact that it was filmed, so that she could go back years from now and watch it, to show her children in the future.

  “So what’s the story behind the Patrick Swayze themed flashmob?” Winnie asked after the clip was finished playing.

  “Sunny has a huge thing for Patrick Swayze since Dirty Dancing and just earlier in the week I bought her Ghost since she couldn’t find it to add to her extensive movie collection. And it’s our little inside joke that she loves Swayze more than me. So I thought using the songs from his movies would be perfect.” Gabe smiled down at her adoringly.

  “And I didn’t even realize until my name was on the screen that the whole thing was for me. I just thought it was a happy coincidence.” Sunny smiled back. “I still can’t believe it all. This kind of thing just doesn’t happen to me.”

  “So how did it all start? Where did you meet?” Hope asked.

  “Ha, at a bar! The one place they say you’ll never find someone
to be in a serious relationship with.” Sunny said incredulous.

  “I was there winding down from a long day of shooting the movie I’ve been working on. Sunny showed up a while later. And the moment she walked in, I was a goner.” Gabe grinned.

  “Yeah, no one knew he was even there since he was hiding in a corner. But then he decided to ambush me outside of the women’s restroom.” Sunny nudged Gabe playfully with her shoulder.

  “And I’m sure a lot of people think that Sunny’s only with me because of who I am and is using me, but I had to work to even get her to spend time with me. She kept trying to dodge me and finding reasons to cancel our first date.” Gabe scowled at her.

  “Girl, are you crazy?! If someone as fine as Gabriel Wolf hits on you and asks you out, you accept!” Kerry exclaimed.

  “I know, I know. I just thought that it was a joke or that I was getting Punk’d. I hadn’t been on a date in four years. The guys in California had no interest in me whatsoever. So you couldn’t expect me to believe that the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ would be attracted to me. I’m that girl that if someone is setting me up on a blind date they say, ‘she has a really great personality’. Or I love when people say, ‘you have such a pretty face’, which translates into ‘the rest of you isn’t so great’ or ‘if only she’d lose a few pounds’. That was my life, so Gabe is a dream to me.” Sunny said, still in awe over the change her life had taken.

  “Gabe you keep shaking your head, what are you thinking?” Winnie asked?

  “It just doesn’t make sense to me. She’s gorgeous. And I love every inch of her.” Gabe said without shame.

  “Apparently…we heard the sex tape.” Hope joked, making everyone in the studio laugh and Sunny blush profusely.

  “I’m never going to live this down. And it’s totally his fault too!” Sunny laughingly exclaimed, pointing to Gabe with her thumb.

  “Hey, what did I do?!” Gabe raised both hands in the air in surrender.

  “You completely distract and discombobulate me.” Sunny grinned up at him.

  “So loud sex in public isn’t normally your speed, Sunny?” Kerry asked.


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