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Christmas With the Best Man

Page 4

by Ari Thatcher

  “I will not.”

  “Okay, on the count of three we show our answers. One, two…three.”

  Jasmine flipped her phone around and read the answer on his. Bass player. The same thing she’d typed. Her eyes widened. “No way!”

  “What did you think I’d choose?”

  She smirked. “You want a girlfriend who plays bass?”

  He thought for a moment, then tossed down his phone. “This is a dumb game.”

  “You made me play.” One thing still had her curiosity up. “What’s your answer for the move for work one?”

  “Like it matters? I move constantly for work. I’m home only a few months of the year. If we aren’t on the road, we’re recording. I wouldn’t ask you—any woman—to move in with me. I’m never there.” He was nearly shouting when he finished talking. He tossed the magazine aside and jumped up to pace.

  “Hey, it was a dumb game, remember?” That question had pushed his buttons. He must have had a relationship go bad over his career. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “What’s the point?” He raised a hand in the air, motioning randomly.

  “What else is there to do? Come on, sit down.” She patted the bed beside her.

  He sat, looking as stiff and uncomfortable as he could possibly be.

  “I had a boyfriend in high school,” she said softly, not waiting for him to explain himself. “We dated in our junior and senior years. I assumed we’d get married when we graduated. A week before our last day of school, he told me he’d enlisted.”

  “Lots of people get married in the military.”

  She shrugged. “It wasn’t something he wanted. Long distance marriages and such. He was done. We were done.”

  “That sucks. You’d think he’d have told you what he planned long before then.”

  “I guess we were in the ‘hang out after sex’ category. Everyone we knew was, too. I just never thought about it before.”

  “That must have hurt.”

  “Yeah, for a while. Then I got over him.” She watched his face to see if he was going to discuss what had upset him.

  He stroked the back of his hand down her sleeve. “I mean, I can see why he wanted sex with you, but you’ve got a great mind. He missed out on a lot not talking to you more.”

  “You’re not just trying to make me feel better?” Here she was, trying to do the same for him.

  “No. You, Kenzi, Bree, you’re all intelligent, beautiful women. The perfect mix.”

  She chuckled. “Now I know you’re lying.”

  “You can’t take a compliment, can you?”

  “I get compliments all the time. I have no trouble accepting them.”

  “But one from me…it makes you uncomfortable. Why?”

  “You’re Chaz’s best friend.”


  She shrugged. “You think I’m a pain in the ass.”

  “Not all the time. Right now, however…”

  “See? You never compliment me.”

  “I should. You deserve to hear nice things every day.”

  She turned her face away. “In that case I’m way behind schedule.”

  “I can’t believe that.”

  She didn’t speak. He was stabbing her in the heart, acting so nice, so sexy. His hand stroking her sleeve was putting her in a sensual haze. She’d better move. She’d better get up before she did something stupid.

  Joey turned her head to face him. He moved close…so close. She could feel his breath on her lips.

  Those lips. His tongue ran across them as she stared, and they remained parted.

  She couldn’t tear her eyes away. She needed to taste them, feel the soft hot skin against her lips.

  He made the move for her, his hand cupping the back of her neck, pulling her to him. Her heart fluttered, and heat burned low in her body.

  The touch of his lips on hers was just like she’d imagine. Gentle, slowly building in passion as if needing her permission to take it further. She grasped his shoulders, leaning into him. She found his tongue with hers.

  He groaned. His hand smoothed down her back, stroking, sliding lower to the hem of her sweater. Finding the skin above her jeans, he moved upward.

  Jasmine couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped her. Her skin burned beneath his hand. She wanted more…so much more.

  When he reached her bra strap, she arched, wishing he’d hurry. Praying he’d unhook her bra, take off her sweater. Touch her breasts.

  A sudden chill hit as Joey jumped up. He bent his head, his hand on his neck, and paced more wildly than he had just a minute ago.

  She longed to ask what was wrong, but he had shut down. He’d drawn back into his shell, that casual Joey without a care in the world. Without a friend in the world.

  He kicked off his shoes and lay down on his blanket on the floor, rolling away from her.

  Jasmine quietly put their phones on the table, set the magazines by the foot of the bed and stretch out on the mattress. Turning out the light, she lay in darkness and the weight of unanswered questions.


  Joey lay awake most of the night, wishing he’d never come to Ireland. Chaz could have gotten one of the other guys to be his best man. It might not be the same, since the two of them had started the band and been best friends ever since. But Chaz would have gotten over it.

  How was Joey to know he’d end up liking Jasmine so much? That was dangerous. Nothing good could come from it. He needed to keep his distance to preserve any chance of a friendship between them.

  Chapter Five

  When Jasmine began to stir, she had the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. She blinked her eyes to clear them, suddenly wide awake. She clutched the blanket to her chest.

  Joey sat with the pillow propped behind his back, leaning against the wall.

  Yawning, Jasmine said, “Let me guess. You were the kid who was up before the rest of the family, wanting to see what Santa brought.”

  “Not really. I just couldn’t sleep.”

  “You didn’t by any chance heat some water on the hotplate so I can have some coffee? I’m guessing the businesses are all closed this morning.”

  “Did we buy instant coffee? We have some Cokes downstairs in the entry staying cool.” He rose. “Want one?”

  “I guess, thanks.”

  When he returned, he had some granola bars along with two cans of soda. Jasmine sat up and took the offered food.

  Joey sat on the bed, scooted back to lean against the wall and took a drink.

  Jasmine noticed he had a small bag in his hand, but didn’t question him. She preferred to wake slowly, which meant she had to rise an hour earlier than most people just to get to work on time. “So, what should we do today to pass the time until we go to Ned and Sue’s for dinner?”

  “I only have one request. No stupid romance quizzes.”

  She grinned. “That was your idea, if I recall.”

  “Yeah, a stupid idea.”

  Jasmine took another bite of her granola bar.

  Joey handed her the small bag, which she recognized came from the flower and gift shop they’d gone to yesterday.

  “What’s this?”

  “Why don’t you open it and see?”

  She set her Coke on the table and peered inside the bag. A shocking pink ball of wool sat at the bottom. She took it out. “Socks. And wow, that’s pink!”

  “I hope they’re not too bright. We can probably exchange them if they are.”

  She saw lines on his forehead. He was afraid she didn’t like his gift. He looked like a little boy in need of…something. “No, I love them.” Taking off the pair she had on, she put on the pink socks and wiggled her toes. The wool was so much softer than the store-bought socks she usually wore.

  “Okay, if you’re sure. But like I said—”

  “Joey, they’re perfect.” She leaned over and hugged him. She remained leaning against him, enjoying his warmth on her arm. “I didn’t get you anything
, though.”

  “That’s cool. I knew you missed your family, so I wanted to make you feel better.”

  “It worked.” She peered up at him. His face was so close. She wouldn’t kiss him, though. That started too much trouble last night and left her confused and alone on the bed.

  He didn’t share her qualms, apparently. He kissed her before she could pull away. Once their lips touched, nothing could tear her away.

  Joey kissed her like a man who’d gone without for way too long. His hunger, his desire answered hers. The taste of him, the lingering scent of soap mixed with something she couldn’t name—something exclusively Joey—it combined to drive her over the edge.

  Her entire body was in heightened awareness of everywhere they touched. Her breasts, crushed against his chest, swelled, ached for his touch.

  She pulled away and pulled her sweater over her head. “I need more…”

  He stood, tugging his t-shirt off by the back of the neck. She saw his abs first, all six revealed two at a time, her stomach tightening with each visible row. His pecs were just as hard as she’d noticed through the tank tops he wore so often. Just as defined as his shoulders and biceps.

  She suddenly felt self-conscious about the comparison to her body. Like he’d said, she was soft. Not overweight, but not muscular. When he eased her back onto the mattress, she pulled him on top of her so he couldn’t see the pooch of her stomach.

  He kissed her again, his hunger no less desperate. Each swipe of his tongue against hers drove her mad. He kissed the corner of her mouth, then her cheek, tracing her jaw to nibble at her earlobe. She shivered when his breath hit her ear like a whisper.

  He lifted himself on one arm and slid her bra strap down her arm. He moved so slowly, she wanted to tell him to hurry up and take her bra off.

  Yet he teased her. With one fingertip, he pulled the cup down almost to the crest and kissed her breast. Using his tongue, he found her nipple.

  She gasped. If he kept up this slow exploration, she was going to come before he had his jeans off. Or hers.

  When he’d bared that breast, he moved to the other, not lingering. He rolled her in his arms and reached around to unhook her bra. He urged her to bring her leg across so she was sitting on him.

  She felt his gaze roaming over her as if his hands were touching her. Her skin grew hot, especially when he reached the button on her jeans. Still, she waited.

  His hands now touched everywhere he’d looked, the curve of her hips above the waist of her jeans, up over her ribs, and finally, her breasts. Her hips rocked, needing more pressure against her core, but she forced herself to trust Joey’s timing.

  And his timing was so good. So leisurely, as if he had no goal in mind.

  Her goal was pleading for release.

  Joey pulled her shoulders toward him, bringing her breasts within reach of his tongue. His lips engulfed the tips, his teeth rasping against her hardened nipple. All her focus was there, on his teeth, his lips, and tongue…her skin.

  Torture. Ecstasy.

  He reached between them to unbutton her jeans. She shifted to rise and take them off.

  “Slow down. Trust me. Let go of how you think it needs to happen.” His voice, so thick and gravelly, told her just how much he was enjoying this.

  Jasmine relaxed, at least, as much as she could with her entire body taut with need.

  She wanted to touch him. Wanted to place his hand beneath her legs where she craved his touch. She was wound more tightly than anyone had made her before.

  Finally, he rolled her onto her back, rose and took off his jeans. His arousal stretched his gray shorts. Before she could reach for him, he unfastened her pants. “Lift.”

  Her panties remained in place. Joey licked his lips as he reached for them. She lifted her hips again, but he just cupped his hand over her panties.

  The pressure of his fingers wasn’t enough. She needed him inside, yet he stroked the lace beneath his fingers. He toyed with the edges and she grew wetter.


  “Please what?”

  She met his gaze, those burning eyes… “I need you.”

  “Need me to what?”

  She pushed her hips against his palm. “Touch me.”

  One finger slid beneath the lace. “Like this?”

  Her gasp preceded an airy, “Yesss.”

  He probed her slick heat, teased the throbbing point of her need. Again, he worked slowly, so slowly she wanted to take his hand and force him to bring her to orgasm.

  Waiting was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  Then tension began to build in her core. A knot of pleasure threatening to burst. “Oh, Joey…”

  “Come for me. Let me watch.”

  She was so far gone, self-consciousness wasn’t even on the horizon. She rocked against his fingers, the butt of his palm, losing her grip on awareness of anything but the explosion rising to the top.

  And it crested. Her nerves shattered, waves of pleasure, of ecstasy, rolled her, sucked her under.

  She was floating, everything out of focus, until she heard his breath beside her.

  Joey had tugged off his shorts. His erection throbbed against her thigh. She grasped him, stroked the soft skin.

  He grunted. He spread her legs again and knelt between them. “I can’t wait. Slow ain’t gonna work.”

  She laughed deep in her chest. “You can say that after what you put me through?”

  “You seemed to enjoy it.”

  “Just a little.”

  He slowly slid inside her. “Never say little to a man who’s making love.”

  “I enjoyed it a lot. Ginormously. Immensely. Monumentally.”

  “Okay, that last one was a bit over the top.”

  “Not from this angle.” She grabbed his hips, her fingers digging into the firm muscles of his butt, and pulled him deeper, harder.

  Joey’s eyes closed, and she saw the muscles in his shoulders tense each time he thrust. She felt the hardness of his arousal. Heard his breath speed up.

  She rocked her hips to let him in still deeper, until they were one insatiable being. He bent his arms and breathed in her ear, his chest hair bringing her breasts to a peak.

  Then her own need built again, tensed, ached, brought her higher than anyone before him had. She hoped he never stopped thrusting, yet she’d shatter if he didn’t.

  He took her higher, made her breathless, until she cried out his name and he collapsed on her.

  The weight of him on her was perfect. Skin to sweaty skin, their panting breaths mixing in the cool air. Joey was limp, and she was mush. She could stay that way forever.

  Eventually, he rolled off her, wrapping his arm around her and curling her into him. Jasmine sighed, every inch of her body sated.

  As she lay in Joey’s arms, she felt his retreat into himself as clearly as if he’d gotten up and walked away. She traced a finger through the rough hairs on his arm. Hairy men weren’t her thing, but he had just enough chest hair to make it clear he was a man, which was perfect.

  And the way he made her feel when they’d made love…like a beautiful goddess he worshiped. No man had managed to pull that off before.

  The silence grew uncomfortable. Get dressed, make an excuse and go home, uncomfortable. That was one reason she preferred to have sex at a guy’s house. She hated having to boot someone out the door when they were done.

  Neither she nor Joey could leave. She was on the outside of the narrow bed, so getting up was up to her. Without a word, she grabbed her clothes and ran into the bathroom.

  When she came out, he was dressed already and standing by the window.

  Lord, what do you say to a guy who gives you the best sex of your life, then closes a door to any insights to what he’s thinking? “Want another Coke?” She bit her cheek. That was a definite cop-out.

  Without waiting for an answer, she trotted downstairs and grabbed two cokes, the remainder of the brown bread and cheese.

�Thanks,” Joey said, taking his drink.

  “No problem.” Unless she sat in the bathroom all afternoon, there was no escape from the tension in the room. The elephant in the corner. She and Joey had to continue to share this room until the weather finally cleared. They needed to at least acknowledge the elephant.

  Jasmine tapped her fingernail against the can, trying to decide how to broach the subject.

  “Don’t do that, please.”

  Wow, he spoke. That was a start. “Okay. It’s a nervous habit when I need to say something I don’t want to.”

  “Hey, you can’t tell me you didn’t like it. I was there, I heard you come. Several times.”

  Really? If he was this big an ass after sex with other women, it’s no wonder he was single. “That wasn’t what I had in mind, but good to know you enjoyed it so much. And I know you did, too, so don’t argue that point.”

  Setting his Coke on the windowsill, he shoved his fists into his pockets and slumped his shoulders. “Yeah, I enjoyed it. If I had my way, we’d be going for round two. Or is it three or four?” He didn’t laugh, showing no sign of humor.

  She let the matter drop. People said women were moody, but women had nothing on this guy.

  Her warm and cozy comfort had been drenched with a bucket of ice water.

  Chapter Six

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  He had no self-control around Jasmine. She wiped out any strength he had, making him a babbling bowl of jelly. They were on a dangerous, dead-end road. Chaz would hate him. Kenzi would despise him. But he couldn’t take back the last few hours.

  This whole thing made no sense. No one could go a year knowing someone without noticing some chemistry. Good chemistry. Fucking hot, explosive, shattering chemistry. The energy he felt after making love with her would amp up his concert performance a million times.

  He smiled at that thought. If they made love like that before every concert, he’d be dead in a year.

  His smile faded. They’d never last a year. She would grow tired of him not being there for her birthday, or for spending Valentine’s Day in a face-to-face phone call.

  Nothing he’d done in the past made him want to undo an act as much as these last few days. He was a grown up. He was capable of keeping his fly zipped no matter how attractive a woman might be.


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