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Claimed by Pleasure: King of Spades (Wonderland Book 2)

Page 19

by Jaymie Holland

  Another orgasm built inside Alexi, and this time her cry was loud and strong when she came. Darronn continued to take her, not letting up until she came two more times. He roared when he came and she felt the powerful throb of him inside her, felt the warmth of his semen filling her.

  Darronn lowered her legs and released his hold on her thighs, then pressed close without putting all his weight on Alexi. Her core still contracted around his cock in small bursts, and she wondered if she’d ever stop coming.

  “I love you, firecat,” he murmured as he brushed his lips over hers. “Forever.”


  The following day’s journey across the Singing Plains lasted forever as far as Alexi was concerned. Tok and the other jul didn’t seem to mind the pace she kept, and Darronn had expressed his amusement at her single-mindedness. She’d even managed to ignore his sensual teasing when he’d ridden behind her on Tok’s back.

  Before the trip started that morning, Alexi had also come to an understanding with both Karn and Ty—they didn’t try to boss her around, and she didn’t kick them in the nuts.

  Her future husband alternated between riding behind her on jul-back, and loping alongside as a tiger. He was beautiful no matter what form he took, and her heart and soul filled with a sense of sheer happiness that she’d never experienced before.

  Of course the elation she felt at the thought of seeing her sister again made her want to jump off the horse-beast and sprint ahead.

  Damn it. I’d probably get there faster if I did run, she grumbled in her thoughts.

  After following the Tarok River for miles and miles across the grassy plains, they reached a jungle. And after hours of traveling through palm trees and vines, they finally reached the Kingdom of Hearts.

  Alexi was so excited, she was sure she would bounce right off Tok. “Do you think she knows we’re coming?” she asked Darronn, who was again riding behind her on the jul.

  “We did not send a messenger,” Darronn said as they emerged from out of the dim jungle into a sunlit clearing. “Unless one of Jarronn’s sorcerers foretold our arrival, it is likely they are not expecting us.”

  He kissed the bruised skin at the back of her neck as they stopped at a waterfall and a set of tiered pools several yards from the turreted castle. In an easy movement he dismounted and helped Alexi down. Her legs felt bowlegged after all the riding, her butt was sore, her neck ached, and her knuckles were swollen.

  She didn’t care about any of that. Right now she couldn’t be happier. She was going to see Alice. And she was in love with Darronn.

  Kalina and Kira were still dismounting when Alexi started to head toward the castle. She knew it was the back entrance, but it was magnificent, the white walls rising up into the sky and sparkling in the late afternoon sunshine.

  “Wait, Alexi.” Darronn caught up to her and grasped her arm, bringing her to a halt.

  “I can’t.” Alexi was so anxious and jittery to see her sister she felt wired, like she’d had a whole pot of Starbucks French Roast. “Hurry.”

  “Your sister has changed,” he said as she met his serious eyes. “Know that she is happy.”

  Alexi frowned. “What—” But she stopped as she heard the sound of a woman’s laughter and the giggles of small children.

  Her gaze cut toward the castle and her jaw dropped at the sight of a beautiful naked woman with long white-blond hair. A collar of diamonds with hearts made of rubies circled her neck and a ruby and diamond chain swung from one nipple to the other.

  The woman wore nothing but a radiant smile as she trailed behind a pair of toddlers. Her blue-green eyes sparkled as she said, “Lance and Lexi, go say hello to your uncles.”

  The toddlers suddenly morphed into tiger cubs, causing Alexi to widen her eyes in surprise. The cubs bounded across the grass toward the men in Alexi’s group. Karn and Ty both grinned as they each gathered a cub into his arms.

  “Oh. My. God,” Alexi whispered as everything registered in her mind.

  Alice. The naked woman was her sister.

  “It’s great to see you all,” Alice said as her gaze, quickly traveled the group. “We didn’t expect—” Her gaze rested on Alexi and her eyes widened. “Alexi?” she whispered.

  Naked or not, Alexi was so happy to see her sister that she launched herself at Alice, wrapped her arms around her, and squeezed her tight. “We thought you were dead. Well, I didn’t but everyone else did, and I never stopped looking for you.” Alexi’s words came out in a rush, her tears flowing, as she held her sister tight. “A couple of days ago I found out you were here and I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t believe it.”

  Alice was sobbing, too. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  For a long time they held each other tight. Alexi didn’t want to let Alice go, afraid it would all be a dream and her sister would disappear again.

  When they finally pulled away, Alexi saw that her companions had slipped away with the tiger cubs, apparently giving the sisters time to themselves.

  Alexi shook her head. “You look so different. You’ve always been beautiful, but now, you’re absolutely gorgeous.”

  Instead of denying it as she always had when complimented in the past, Alice simply smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  “And you’re naked.”

  “Like you haven’t seen me naked before.” Alice gave her a mischievous grin. “As kids when we were growing up, in the locker room, when we went skinny-dipping— lots of times.”

  Alexi rolled her eyes. “Oh, like this isn’t totally different.”

  Her twin grinned, but then her gaze rested on Alexi’s throat. Alice’s expression turned horrified.

  She reached up with her fingers and lightly touched the bruised area. “What happened? Who did this? I’ll have them executed or something.”

  Alexi almost laughed as she imagined the Queen of Hearts crying out “Off with her head!” However, the look on her sister’s face kept her sober. Although if Alice offered her some strawberry tarts, Alexi knew she’d giggle for sure.

  “I’m all right. Really.” Alexi shrugged, not wanting to make this moment serious. “Yesterday Darronn saved my life from Mikaela.”

  Alice dropped her hand and straightened. Her eyes flashed an incredible fury that Alexi had never witnessed in her sister before. “Ooooh, that bitch. It was bad enough she went after me, but you? I’ll kill her.”

  “Not likely,” a deep masculine voice said from behind them. “I would never let Mikaela near you.”

  “Yes, Milord,” Alice murmured, her expression changing to one of pleasure as she lowered her eyes.

  Alexi’s gaze cut to the gorgeous man with brilliant green eyes, hair black as nightfall, and a light beard. A heart tattoo crossed his biceps and she recognized him at once from the portrait. This was Darronn’s brother, Jarronn, the King of Hearts and High King of Tarok.

  He studied her as though expecting her to lower her eyes like Alice had. Instead Alexi tilted her head back and glared at him. “What have you done to my sister? How dare you treat her as though she’s subservient to you?”

  “May I speak, Milord?” Alice asked before Jarronn could respond.

  “Of course, love,” he murmured as he put his fingers under Alice’s chin and raised it so that their eyes met. He brushed his lips across hers and she smiled, a sort of melty, totally-in-love smile.

  Alexi gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at her sides. She couldn’t believe that Alice allowed him to treat her this way.

  But Alice’s smile was luminous as she turned to Alexi. “I love everything about my life here, Lex. I like being dominated by Jarronn. I wouldn’t put up with it from anyone else. But with him, it turns me on and it feels right.”

  “Did he drug you or use that tigri stuff on you to make you feel this way?” Alexi asked, ready to deck Jarronn. “I don’t care if he’s considered a god here, he’ll regret it if he did.”

  “It’s probably a good thing you don’t have your can of Ma
ce.” Alice laughed and darted a sensual look at Jarronn. “Although I’ve seen you smash a few nuts on occasion.”

  “So I have heard,” Jarronn said, the corner of his mouth quirking. “Darronn and Ty gave me fair warning to guard my balls before I joined the pair of you.”

  Alice burst out laughing as she looked at Alexi and said, “You didn’t!” She clapped her hand over her mouth as if trying to hold back more laughter.

  Alexi nodded and cast Jarronn a look meant to let him know how serious she was when she told him, “And if I find out this guy has done anything to you that you didn’t want, then he certainly won’t be having any more kids.”

  Jarronn winced and Alice snickered behind her hand. The king gave her a commanding yet sensual and utterly adoring look as he murmured, “Is punishment in order, wench?”

  Alice bit her lower lip and her nipples grew so hard that Alexi swore she saw the diamond and ruby chain levitate between them. “If it pleases you, Milord.”

  The king reached up and tweaked one of Alice’s nipples. “That it will.”

  Amazed that her sister obviously got off on all this, Alexi shook her head. “It’s a damn good thing Alice is happy,” Alexi muttered. “A damn good thing.”


  A TAROK WEEK AFTER THEIR ARRIVAL IN HEARTS, Darronn and Alexi returned to Spades to be joined as king and queen. Not only did Karn, Ty, Kira, and Kalina accompany them back, but so did Alice, Jarronn, the twin cubs, along with a small army of warriors who escorted them.

  As Alexi prepared for the joining ceremony, she couldn’t get over the fact that Lexi and Lance were as young as they were. They seemed so much older. In Earth time, the children would probably not even be walking yet. Being werecubs, though, they were growing so much faster than if they were fully human.

  Home. Alexi ran a brush through her auburn hair as her thoughts turned toward the Kingdom of Spades and her husband-to-be. It really does feel like home here in Spades. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to the lack of “modern conveniences,” but the magic people had here made up for most of what Alexi would miss.

  By her own request, she was alone in the king and queen’s chambers preparing for the ceremony. She’d promised Alice and Kalina that she would call for them soon, but she needed a few moments to herself.

  I can’t believe I’m getting married.

  Alexi certainly was having a hard time getting used to the idea that one day she would become part of the weretiger family. Every time they made love and Darronn released his tigri pheromones, she came closer and closer to becoming a weretigress. The thought more than excited her. How cool it would be to shapeshift like Darronn, and to live for centuries.

  After setting the gold-handled brush on the dressing table, Alexi moved before the full-length mirror and studied her reflection. Thoughts of the wedding—bonding—whirled in her mind. She’d never truly believed she would get married. Never thought she would ever meet a man like Darronn. Yet she had.

  And he’s all mine.

  Yeah, she’d have to agree that she was getting everything wonderful in spades.

  Smiling at her image, Alexi let her gaze travel over the beautiful outfit Darronn had specially made for her to wear for their joining day. With a few modifications, he’d had the seamstress pattern it after the clothing she had worn when he brought her through the looking glass. She brought her fingers to the sparkly gold midriff top and lightly touched the fringe made of black diamonds and gold beads. The fringe was absolutely stunning and probably worth more than all her assets combined back in San Francisco.

  At the thought of her home, she couldn’t help but wish Annie and Awai could be here for her joining day. She shook her head at her reflection as she remembered what she had said to Annie in the bar, “It’s nice to have someone looking after me for a change.” It certainly did feel good having Darronn to watch over her.

  Alexi turned slightly so that she could see her image from the side. Instead of cap sleeves, the top had billowy sleeves that were slit along each side, revealing her slender arms. The front of the blouse just covered her breasts and was fastened beneath them with a spade made from a black diamond. Her flat belly was exposed and her gold tiger charm glittered at her navel. The miniskirt was made of the same fabric as the top, and barely covered her ass and her mound. She didn’t have any underwear on, since no one in this world seemed to even know what bras and panties were. Jeez, if she dared to bend over, anyone looking would get one hell of a view.

  Not that half the village hadn’t witnessed her Lady Godiva ride the day she arrived in Spades.

  She had to grin at the memory of how Darronn’s attempt at “training” her had backfired on him.

  The bruise around her neck had faded quickly, thanks to one of the healers in Hearts, and her voice was no longer hoarse from being almost strangled to death. The healers had also treated the claw marks on Darronn’s face, but scars now crossed his stubbled cheek.

  Apparently they could do nothing for the scars because the wound had been so deep, but Alexi thought they only made him even more dangerously handsome.

  Alexi’s gaze moved from her throat, down her image’s length, then rested on her high heels. Somehow the magicians here had taken her lipstick-red stilettos and made them into the same beautiful gold as her blouse and skirt and then had put black diamond spades at the fastening. After that first time together with Darronn, her thigh-high nylons had been put away until now. He loved the way the line ran up the back of her leg, and she couldn’t wait for him to see the accessory she’d added to her wedding wardrobe.

  All the gold she wore went well with her auburn hair, which flowed long and loose about her shoulders, and the gold bracelets encircling each wrist sparkled. Alexi smiled. Maybe afterward Darronn would fasten her wrists together and then tie her up.

  The week that Alexi spent with her sister in Hearts had sped by so quickly that she felt as if she’d just arrived. She loved her niece and nephew, and when she was around them she often felt something stir inside her, as though she might enjoy having children of her own, too.

  Damn biological clock, anyway.

  At first it had been hard getting used to her sister being submissive around Jarronn. After a while, Alexi had realized that Alice and Jarronn’s relationship was truly on equal footing and that both enjoyed their roles. Alice held power over his pleasure and making him happy, which perhaps made her in some ways more powerful than her husband.

  What pleased Alexi most was that her twin finally was completely comfortable in her own skin. Thanks to Jarronn, Alice now loved herself for who she was.

  Alexi smiled. It was wonderful to see her sister so happy.

  The one thing Alexi hadn’t been thrilled about was when she had learned about the mind-bond thing where all four brothers had taken Alice at once. Knowing that Darronn had participated bothered Alexi at first. But once she understood the reason behind it, and that the mind-bond had saved Alice’s life, Alexi was able to let it go. It was a one-time deal, and it had happened before she met Darronn, so she could live with that.

  Alexi heard a light knock on the door, and her heart began to pound. It was time.

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder and smiled.

  Bring it on.

  With a large gathering of villagers, weretigers, and weretigresses, Darronn paced the meadow where he had first captured his future queen. If Alexi’s carriage did not arrive soon, he would surely wear a trench through the grass.

  Much effort and planning had gone into the day. Darronn had scouts mounted far and wide to detect Mikaela and her bakirs should they attempt to invade his realm. His and Jarronn’s legions of warriors were ever at the ready.

  A crisp spring morning breeze invigorated him while thoughts of his woman caused his cock to stir beneath his leather breeches. Smells of sun-warmed grass mingled with the perfume of starflowers and pine. Laughter and conversation filled the air along with feelings of promise, of renewal, and h

  Although Alexi had once said she never intended to have children, Darronn wanted children of his own with his bride. However, he would not force her. He would be happy to have her as his queen forevermore.

  His gaze rested on the beautiful Queen of Hearts, who appeared quite anxious without her cubs at her side. She had been reluctant to leave them with the nanny and far from sight, but Jarronn had reminded her that a binding ceremony was no place for children, and Alice had agreed.

  The binding ceremony. In keeping with his promise to remain truthful, Darronn had explained the traditional ceremony to Alexi even though he had known she would not approve. She had reacted as he thought she would, her eyes blazing fury and threatening to unman him if he dared such a thing. He had quickly reassured her that he had no desire to share his future queen in any way, including baring her flesh or taking her before a crowd.

  Today he would break with tradition, and damn the consequences.

  The clatter of hooves and carriage met Darronn’s sensitive hearing, and he cut his gaze in the direction of the noise. For an eternity he waited before the gilded carriage came into view, drawn by three golden jul steeds. Voices lowered until a hush covered the land, broken only by the sound of the approaching carriage bearing his mate within. Finally it came to an abrupt stop behind the seated crowd.

  Darronn’s heart nearly thumped through his chest while he waited. Ty approached the carriage and opened the door, and Darronn almost smiled at the thought of his brother taking care to guard his balls as he assisted the future Queen of Spades.

  When the door opened and Alexi emerged from the carriage, the crowd gasped in unison and Darronn’s heart ceased to beat. She was more breathtaking than ever. Ty helped her step from the carriage then escorted her to the black velvet carpeting that stretched from the coach to Darronn’s feet. Ty bowed and moved away.

  Black diamonds glittered and flashed as Alexi walked toward Darronn. Her smile was radiant and confident, her chin held high. Her nipples were taut and peaked under the thin gold material, and in the sunshine he swore he saw them through the fabric—waiting for his touch, for his mouth. The lower portion of her clothing barely covered her mound, and dear skies above, she was wearing the black stockings that nearly drove him mad with desire when he first saw her.


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