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Page 6

by Marie Harte

  After the quickest orgasm known to woman, she realized he had, because it hadn’t been the toy bringing her pleasure, but memories of a certain blond someone.

  The next day, she left for work humming under her breath. Even Scott’s presence in the kitchen before she’d departed hadn’t affected her. As expected, he acted confused when she mentioned a silver foil box left on her doorstep. She didn’t push the issue but resolved to be vigilant.

  If her admirer stuck to his new pattern, she should expect a gift this Friday. She thought about mentioning it to Trevor, since he worked in a private investigations firm. But she didn’t want to drag him into any of her drama, not when he’d already had to deal with Ruth. That and she didn’t think her admirer would continue. Emma wasn’t the type of girl to get stalked. She didn’t have fame or money, and though considered “cute” by many, only Trevor had seemed to want her like crazy.

  “So you and this Trevor seem pretty cozy,” Scott said, leaning against the wall blocking her exit from the kitchen. He wore jeans and no shirt, and she supposed he thought he looked sexy striking a pose.

  She kept comparing the sight of him against the feel of Trevor. Scott came up short every time. “Scott, I want to know something.”


  “Why are you with my sister? You keep coming on to me, yet you’re dating Ruth. What do you see in her?”

  From behind him, she noted her sister yawning as she approached.

  “Ruth? She’s a great kid. Got a tight ass, a nice hot pussy to sink into, and she does whatever I want.” He grinned, looking uglier the more he spoke. “She’s needy though. Can’t satisfy me the way a real woman could.” He licked his lips. “Not like you.”

  Finally, Ruth could see what her boyfriend was really like.

  Emma waited for her sister to react, to take the bullying Neanderthal to task.

  “Oh my God. You bitch!” Ruth tried to push past Scott to Emma. “I knew you were after him.”

  “Wait. What?” Emma stared in shock as her younger sister tried to go through Scott, who held her back with a gleam of amusement.

  “You know how hot it gets me when you get angry, baby,” he murmured to a squirming Ruth.

  Emma couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Your boyfriend flat-out said he’s using you for sex and wants more than you can give him. And you’re blaming me?”

  Ruth started crying. “You always want what’s mine.”

  “Not this again.” Emma rubbed her eyes, suddenly tired of the whole mess. “You think I took Dad away from you, is that it? Grow the hell up, Ruth.” Angry and sick of playing nice, Emma let her sister have it. “Our father cheated on your mother. He gave my mom nothing while paying for your mansion and your riding lessons. You had big Christmases while we barely scraped by. But you know, I felt sorry for you since your mother is so cold and unfeeling. I even felt sorry for him being married to her.”

  Ruth shouted obscenities, but Emma talked over her. “For years I’ve tried to be understanding. Even gave you a place to stay and a job when things didn’t work out for you at home. But you know what? Enough. Get your stuff and get out. Now.”

  Scott watched them and laughed. “Come on, Ruthie. Girl on girl action. Go get her.” He let Ruth go, and Emma waited for a violent fight she’d most likely lose since Ruth had a good twenty pounds on her.

  Instead, her sister turned on Scott. “Fuck you. You want her? You can have her.” She stalked away from the kitchen and stomped up the stairs.

  “You too, Scott. Get out.” Emma had had it.

  “You think that’s it?” Scott moved closer and pinned Emma against the counter.

  Emma would have been more scared if Ruth hadn’t been upstairs, if she didn’t know Trevor would come to her rescue in a heartbeat if she asked. “Let me go.”

  Scott put a hand at her throat, the way Trevor had last night, and Emma wondered at the coincidence. Then he squeezed. The pressure hurt, and then Emma couldn’t breathe.

  He released her, and she coughed. “Yeah, bitch. It’s over when I say it’s over. Ruth is mine. And if I want you, I’ll have you.”

  “I’ll make sure to tell Trevor you said so,” Emma fired back.

  Scott looked unsure, then swore at her before leaving. “See you soon, Emmie.”

  She hated that nickname. She hated Scott. As much as she wanted to hate Ruth too, she couldn’t do it. The girl needed to grow up, but she had had such a poor example of what it meant to be family. Kick her butt out of the house? Sure. But reject her forever? No.

  Watching the pair of miscreants leave while knocking things over on their way out, she had her phone to her ear.

  “What? Yes, Trevor, I’m watching them. No, I don’t think calling the police is necessary,” she said in a raised voice. “Not yet, at least.”

  Ruth glared at her, but she seemed sad as much as she was angry. Scott flipped Emma off, cupped his crotch and humped at her—like an immature high schooler—and nudged Ruth out the door.

  The moment they left, Emma ended her fake call and phoned a locksmith. After having Eden and Cat cover for her at the bakery, she called her neighbor for extra protection. The Vu’s were a nice couple, and the husband worked security for a downtown bank. She explained the situation to them, and since they knew Ruth, they accepted Emma’s version as truth. Mrs. Vu offered to stay in the house with her German Shepherd until the locksmith arrived.

  “Thanks so much, Mrs. Vu.”

  “No problem, honey. I have two sisters, and the youngest is just like your Ruth.” Mrs. Vu shook her head. “What can you do with family?”

  “I know.” Emma had a headache in place of the joy she’d felt earlier. She left money with Mrs. Vu for the locksmith and headed to work.

  After explaining to Cat and Eden about firing Ruth, Emma got to work. She managed a hello to Shelby and Maggie later in the morning, but it wasn’t until two in the afternoon that she took her first break of the day.

  She sat in the front eating a slice of ham and spinach quiche, their lunch special of the day, and lamented the fact she was down an employee again. But anyone would be better than her sister. She wondered if she should call Mrs. Halston, Ruth’s mother, to fill her in about Ruth, then decided not to bother. The woman was even more unpleasant than her daughter.

  Feeling as if she’d failed Ruth, Emma pushed around her quiche.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Ruth looked up at a beautiful older woman wearing more bangles on her arms than anyone she’d ever seen.

  “Ah, no. I guess not.” Emma wasn’t in the mood for company, and more than a few tables sat unoccupied around the bakery. But the older woman clearly wanted a companion for lunch.

  “Perfect. Ron, over here.” She waved to a good looking man by the counter. Then she turned back to Emma. “I’m Mimi and that’s my partner Ron. Not life partner, mind you. Business partner and gay husband, I guess you could call him.” She tittered. Something about her seemed familiar.

  “Hi. I’m Emma.” Emma held out her hand.

  Instead of shaking it, Mimi took her palm and tilted it faceup, then traced the lines in it with a finger. “Oh dear. Shelby and Maggie were right. You do need us.”

  “Shelby? Maggie?”

  “I’m Mimi Vanzant, Shelby’s mother and Maggie’s godmother. Or fairy godmother, you could say.” Mimi winked. She had white hair threaded with hints of strawberry blond. Blue eyes gleamed with intelligence and mischief. For all that the woman had to be in her fifties or sixties, she had the trim build of someone who worked out, as well as something that could only be called presence.

  Ron had it too, she saw as he approached with a tray full of goodies. A man with Native American ancestry, dark hair and dark eyes, he wore the latest trends in fashion, looking like a model and wearing a grin that made him seem years younger than what had to be Mimi’s age.

  “Don’t scare her, Mimi. Hello, darling. I’m Ron Aandeg, Mimi’s better half.” He and Mimi laughed
. “We’re interior designers.”

  “Um, that’s great. But I don’t need a designer.”

  “No, but you do need help.” Ron shook his head. “We heard all about it from Maggie. Now do you want the scoop on Trevor or not?”

  “Real subtle, Ron.” Mimi snorted. “Honestly, it’s like I have to do all the work now that he’s in love. Found a man and he’s next to useless when it comes to readings.”

  “Please. You and Ian are shacking up. Do you see me making fun of you old farts?”

  Mimi cracked up. Ron laughed. Emma was confused, because some of those names sounded familiar.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Mimi answered, “It’s simple. I did a reading for Trevor months ago.”


  “She read his aura. I did the Tarot.” Ron shook his head and started in on the pastry he’d purchased. “And honey, you’re one half of The Lovers. I can feel it.”

  “Me too.” Mimi nodded. “When Maggie asked me to read her brother, I had to. Trevor’s so sad, that wounded warrior missing his old love. But she was too much for him. He needs someone softer, someone less selfish.”

  Trevor’s last girlfriend had been selfish? She itched to know more but didn’t know if she could trust this pair. “So you’re Shelby’s mom.” Mimi nodded. Emma turned to Ron. “And you’re…”

  “Shelby’s father in all sense but the biological one. Mimi and I raised her, and we’ve spent years helping Maggie. You don’t think she snagged Mac all on her own, do you?” Ron asked.

  “Oh.” Emma sat straighter. “So you’re here to get me and Trevor together?” No way. “I don’t think I’m really his type. And I’m fine on my own. No offense, but I don’t believe in that reading stuff.”

  Mimi grinned. “That’s what they all say.”

  Chapter Six

  Trevor pulled up a new financial report showing that Tony Lancaster had buried several accounts under a false name. The trail had taken him some time, but Trevor had found it.

  “Interesting.” His boss, Evan Sawyer, frowned as he read the report. “I’ll have Josh take a deeper look.” Meaning Josh would go to said banks and ask around, nosing in person.

  “Outstanding.” Trevor stood and stretched.

  “So how are things?” Evan asked.

  “Fine.” Boring.

  “I have a better position available for a man of your talents. It seems a waste to hide you behind a computer.” Never let it be said Evan couldn’t read between the lines. “I know you can do a lot more than you’ve been doing.” Evan sighed. “Talk to me, Trevor. What’s going on?”

  Not one for sharing unless forced to, Trevor shrugged. “I don’t know what you mean. I do the job and do it well.”

  “So well Lancaster targeted you. How is it, do you think, that he tagged you first on Friday?”

  “First?” Trevor focused on his boss.

  “Josh, Matt and Ritter had some scuffles this weekend, but they were prepared because of what happened to you.”

  “Explain that to me.” He knew he sounded more demanding than he should, but Trevor needed to know.

  Evan raised a brow but answered. “Josh received a bomb threat at home. Matt and Ritter were out at a bar together when a couple of lowlifes tried to start a fight. The big guy with the scar you described was there too. And yeah, he’s the threat you warned us about. Nearly took Ritter down, and you know what a monster he is.”

  Ritter had been a mixed martial arts contender for years before looking into security work. The guy had fists of steel and a speed that belied his size. Problem was he was a marshmallow until riled. Not the best competitor in the ring, but a hell of a guy to have at your back.

  “So what? You think Lancaster is watching us somehow?”

  “Yes. I’m not sure how, since we do unscheduled sweeps often. I know your computer is clean.”

  “I check it regularly too.”

  “Figured. Control freak.” Evan grinned at Trevor’s frown. “So either Lorraine Lancaster is feeding her soon-to-be ex-husband information, which makes no sense since she wants out of that relationship, or we have a leak.” And since Evan and Lorraine had a history, Trevor figured Evan wouldn’t look too hard at the woman. Something he’d make sure to correct soon.

  “Well, I’m the new guy. I’m the one you should suspect.”

  “I know you didn’t do it. I already checked you out.”

  And that was why he worked for Evan. Attention to detail. “The other guys are all solid, right?”

  “Lancaster has a lot of money. That could be tempting to some. But no, I don’t think the others are dirty. Not on the Lancaster detail, at least. I’m discreetly,” he emphasized, “looking into the others, but I just can’t see it. There has to be another way he’s getting his information. Look, if we build this civil case against him, we both know it’ll turn criminal. Lorraine gets her divorce, her fifty percent of millions, and Lancaster ends up in jail.”

  “So we’re positive he has mob ties?”

  “Not mob, per se, but a criminal web? Yes. The bastard is running guns, but he’s so damn careful it’s amazing we got that much. Even more interesting, his clientele are a special select few.” Evan paused. “People your old friends would be very curious to know about.”

  “Hell. You want me to make a few calls?”

  “Yes. But only to get information, maybe plant a few hints. We’re running with this case, and our main effort is to protect Lorraine. I don’t want her in the middle of a takedown. Your friends can have Lancaster after we free Lorraine. Matt and Ritter are on guard detail. Josh is running down leads, and you’re responsible for feeding him info. I need you focused and safe. So no more dark alleys and shitty bars, Doran.”

  With four people on the Lancaster job, that left the remaining eight employees to work the rest of Sawyer Security’s cases. Perhaps it was time for Trevor to get back in the saddle again and roll up his sleeves. Use a gun for more than decoration on his mantle…or in his case, sadly, in his closet.

  “Oh, and Trevor?”


  “Be very careful of the people you’re in contact with. It’s not a bad idea to let your sister in on what’s going on, if only to keep an eye out for strangers.”

  Trevor started. “You really think Lancaster will go that far?”

  “No, but it pays to be careful. The sooner we nail him, the sooner we can be done with this shit.” Evan left the office, and Trevor called Mac, not Maggie.

  Mac answered on the first ring. “What’s up, G-man?”

  “Problems.” Trevor filled Mac in on the possible danger facing him. “So watch out for Maggie. Shane and Shelby too, I guess. Anyone connected with me.”

  “It’s a serious threat then?” Mac growled.

  Trevor relaxed, knowing Mac would gut anyone who even thought about screwing with Maggie. “I don’t know, but we’re taking precautions. Lancaster is a special case because the wife is friends with Evan. Normally we don’t mess with this scale of criminal activity. Divorce cases, security, sure. But not gun-runners.”

  “Gotcha. Keep us informed. I’m calling Shane.” Another Marine. Good.

  They disconnected, and Trevor’s thoughts went to Emma. They were supposed to go on a date tonight, but after his talk with Evan, he had to rethink it. Putting her in danger went against everything Trevor believed in. Especially after losing Dana, knowing that she’d deliberately ignored his concerns and entered a dangerous situation she shouldn’t have. She’d died needlessly trying to make a point.

  Trevor didn’t need that again. No women dying on his watch. Not Lorraine, not Maggie, and certainly not Emma.

  He dialed her cell phone, and a strange woman answered with an accented, “Hello?”

  “Hello? I’m looking for Emma.”

  “She left her phone behind this morning, but you can reach her at the bakery.”

  Trevor frowned. “Is everything all right?”

  “Who is t

  “I’m Trevor Doran. Emma and I are friends and I’m worried about her.” Not the smartest thing to say when trying to keep a distance, but he needed information—now.

  “Then you should know her troublemaking sister and that boyfriend made problems. The poor girl.” The woman, Mrs. Vu, filled him in on the situation.

  After hanging up with her, Trevor grabbed his jacket and left a note for Evan. Gone for the day. Reach me by cell. Time to see what had really happened with Emma.

  He arrived to find her looking tired and worn. He stepped up to the counter and slapped down a bill. “Two cookies, and I’ll be eating them here.”

  She perked up when she saw him. “Hi, Trevor. Nice to see you.” Her warm smile made him feel good.

  “Working the counter, huh?”

  She sighed. “Eden had to go, and Cat’s nearly done as well. I think I’ll close early today since we’re almost out of everything anyway.” She grabbed him two cookies and tried to push his money back at him, but he forced her to take it.

  “How are you going to stay in business if you keep giving away the merchandise?” He tugged her with him to sit, and since they were the only ones in the shop, she joined him. Before she could object, he left her at the table and turned the sign on the front door to closed, then locked up and returned to her.

  “Trevor.” She frowned.

  Even tired she looked so damn pretty. He tucked her hair behind her ears and kissed her, the way he’d wanted to since he’d left her last night.

  She melted into him, and he had to pull back so he wouldn’t take her on the table.


  He grinned. “Yeah, wow.” Then he sat back and watched her. “Fill me in on Ruth and Scott. All of it.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I called to talk to you and spoke with Mrs. Vu, who’s very concerned about you, by the way.”

  She groaned. “Mrs. Vu’s chatty.”


  “Oh hell. I finally had it out with Ruth and Scott.” She filled him in on the conversation. “Ruth has some serious issues if she’s blaming me when she clearly heard Scott making a pass. I mean, come on.”


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