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Polar Opposites

Page 15

by Ariana McGregor

  She continued to stare.

  “Don’t let people tell you how to feel about that,” he told her. “Own it. Be who you are and do it unapologetically. Being a hybrid isn’t your problem. No, the problem is that you let other people make you feel bad about it. Screw ‘em. You’re unique, you’re awesome. Try not to forget that.”

  “It’s not that easy,” Kara whispered.

  Felix shrugged. “No, but it’s a start. Plus, you have people around you who really do accept you as you are. Including a fabulous new brother.” He grinned at her.

  “You mean Alex?” she teased.

  “Bah. He’s okay, but you have Fabulous Felix as a brother now too. If someone gives you a hard time, I’ll eat them. Unless they look stringy, and then I’ll let Alex have them.”

  She snorted.

  “Don’t be embarrassed about who you are,” Felix said, keeping his tone serious. “There’s no reason.” He paused. “Not when you should be more concerned with your hair.” He shuddered.

  “Hey!” she exclaimed, her hand going up to touch her hair. It wasn’t awful, not really, but she was clearly using it to hide behind. It was long and around her face, and she’d clearly made no real attempt at styling it.

  “Quit hiding,” Felix said. “You’re pretty. Let people see that.”

  Kara looked at him and sighed. “I do need to make some changes. You’re right. I need to grow a spine and not let people bring me down. It’s just not that easy.”

  “Baby steps,” he told her. “Start with the hair. Lucky for you, your fabulous new brother just happens to be a fantastic hairdresser.”

  “I thought Alex was a cop,” she said, face straight.

  He scowled at her, making her laugh.

  “Okay, okay,” she said, holding up her hands. “I will let you cut my hair. The rest of it is going to take time.”

  He grinned at her. “Come to the salon tomorrow and I’ll work my magic.”


  Chapter 21

  Sara cast glances at Felix as he drove. She sucked at saying sorry, always had. Why was it so freaking hard? She knew she was in the wrong, and she wanted to fix it. Still, the words just wouldn’t come out. She sighed.

  She had heard the end of Felix’s conversation with her sister, amazed at how Kara responded to him. It shouldn’t have surprised her. Felix was so warm, so caring, and so accepting of the people around him. People instantly liked him, unable to resist his lazy charm. Still, she had never seen Kara even acknowledge her status as a hybrid. Even within the family, Kara refused to shift in front of them, refused to speak about it, or even utter the word ‘hybrid’. Unwilling to upset her, their family generally played along, allowing her to pretend that there was no problem, while looking out for her in public.

  Yet, in one short conversation, Felix had ignored all of that, directly referring to her being a hybrid, and encouraging her. He was perfect. She really needed to apologise. Somehow.

  Looking out the window, she noticed the streets they were driving through.

  “We’re going to Tara’s house?” she asked. Disappointment flooded her. He wasn’t taking her to his home. Had she damaged their relationship that badly? Panic clawed at her. She couldn’t lose him. Not after everything she’d been through. Not because she was too stubborn, too cowardly to just say the words. Felix pulled up outside the house and switched off the engine.

  “I’m sorry,” she blurted. Tears stung her eyes. “I know you’re capable of protecting yourself. And me. I’m sorry I doubted you. That I ran off without telling you what I was doing.”

  Felix frowned, and she started to sob uncontrollably. Had she actually lost him? Would he never forgive her?

  “Felix…” she started. She had no idea what to say next. No clue how to make this better. She’d beg if she had to, pride be damned. This was her mate and she wouldn’t let them be destroyed by something so stupid.

  “Hey,” he said, leaning over and wiping the tears from her cheeks. “What’s this?”

  “I screwed up,” she said, her voice getting high. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Why the hell would you lose me?” he asked. She stared at him. “Yeah, I was angry, but I’m not walking away from my true mate because she made a mistake.”

  “You’re not?” Hope began to uncurl within her. “I thought…” She glanced at Tara’s house.

  Felix snorted. “I brought you here to get some things. You don’t have any clothes at my house, remember? If you like, you can bring everything and move it into my place.”

  She took a deep breath and smiled at him. “I like. And I am sorry.”

  “Apology accepted,” he said. “Now how about we pack up your things?”

  She nodded. “It shouldn’t take long. I don’t have much.” She shrugged. “I didn’t think I’d be staying here, so I only have a few things I brought when I came to visit Tara.” At the time, she’d been running from Ryan and from herself. She’d simply wanted to spend a little time with her sister. There had been no plan to stay here permanently, so most of her things were still in Wolfton.

  “Cool. We can always go get the rest of your things later,” Felix said.

  They let themselves into Tara’s house, noting how quiet it was. Tara and Alex were at his house with Kara.

  Sara led him upstairs to her room and opened the wardrobe pulling out a large bag.

  “You’re kind of a neat freak, huh?” Felix said, looking around.

  “Yeah, and you’re kind of a slob,” she pointed out. He wasn’t too bad. His house was clean and most things were roughly where they should be. He just had a tendency to leave things lying around instead of tidying them away.

  “Does it bother you?” he asked.

  She looked at him. Shrugged. “No. I can live with it.”

  “Good,” he said, grinning at her. He waved his hand at her. “Get packing.”

  “In a hurry?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “We still have make-up sex to get to. So pack faster.”

  Smiling at him, she tossed the bag on the floor, its few contents spilling out.

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “That’s not packing faster.”

  “No,” she agreed. “Forget the packing. Sex first, packing later.”

  He prowled toward her. “I like the new plan.”

  She slowly pulled her t-shirt over her head, scenting Felix’s arousal as his eyes fixated on her breasts. By the time she’d removed her bra, Felix was there, his hands cupping her breasts, thumbs lightly stroking her nipples.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded.

  Felix obliged, taking her mouth and making her arch into him. A little groan escaped her as she ran her hands over his arms before reaching down to the hem of his shirt. She tugged at it, and they broke apart for a moment to allow her to pull the shirt off. Her hands settled on warm, hard muscles, making her shiver with excitement. She couldn’t stop herself from running her hands over all that skin. Hers. It was all hers. Felix was hers.

  “Yes, yours,” he murmured. She blushed as she realised she must have spoken aloud. Reaching up, she kissed him again, her fingers sliding down to undo his jeans and slipping inside.

  “Mmph,” Felix groaned into her mouth as she cupped him. He felt hard in her hands. Strong and capable. Just like the man himself. He removed her hand, his own going to her jeans and undoing them, letting them fall at her feet.

  He picked her up, simply lifting her out of her jeans and tossing her onto the bed. She laughed breathlessly as she bounced, watching as he took off his own jeans and boxers. Her eyes went straight to his cock, and she licked her lips.

  “Killing me here,” Felix groaned. “No time for that now.” He gripped the sides of her underwear and pulled, baring her to him.

  She watched as he crouched on the floor between her spread legs. Little butterfly kisses to her inner thighs had her sighing with pleasure. A small nip had her gasping and sp
reading her legs wider. Now he was nuzzling at her mound, inhaling her scent and rubbing his face against her. She couldn’t stop a little shudder at the sensations, noting how Felix immediately looked up at her, checking that she was okay. She was more than okay.

  Apparently satisfied, Felix bent his head and licked gently at her, the wet warmth both shocking and comforting. It felt so good as he lapped at her, she slid one hand down to grasp at his hair, holding him to her. In response, he increased the pressure making her wriggle a little with anticipation. He growled at her movement, sending a vibration shooting through her, driving her ever higher.

  “Felix,” she panted. The pressure kept building, coiling tighter and tighter, but still he didn’t relent. She was going to die. The pleasure was going to kill her and she really didn’t care. She just needed it to continue, to never end. Yet she also needed the release that seemed just out of reach.

  “Please,” she begged. “I need… I need…”

  Finally, Felix took pity on her, increasing the pressure further. One finger plunged into her, bending and rubbing at exactly the right spot. At the same time, he sucked her clit firmly, shattering her and sending her flying through the stars. She wailed as she came, unable to do anything but ride the wave of bliss.

  “In me. Now.” She panted as she pulled him up her body.


  “Now, dammit,” she insisted, arching her body and rubbing herself against him.

  With a groan, Felix slid inside her, stretching her and filling her.

  “Ungh,” she said, head falling back and eyes closing. Was there anything more perfect, more beautiful, than this connection with her mate? There couldn’t be. This was everything. This was Felix. Wrapped around her. Inside her. On top of her.

  On top.

  She froze for a moment, waiting for the panic to set in.

  “Sara,” Felix said gently. He held himself still, not moving at all. “Open your eyes and look at me. Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes and saw his face above hers. His expression so full of concern, full of love. This was Felix. Her mate.

  “Look at me and know who is loving you,” he told her. “Stay here with me. In this moment. Just you and me, loving each other.”

  She gazed up at him, taking in the face that she’d grown to love, the man who was so careful, so protective of her. Taking a deep breath, then another, she forced herself to relax, realising she’d tensed up so much that she’d dug her nails into his skin. This was Felix. Her mate. The one person in the entire world she could trust to never hurt her.

  “That’s it,” he said, his voice washing over her. “It’s just me. We good?”

  She nodded at him, smiling. It really was okay. No doubt there would be other freak outs in the future, it wasn’t something she could just get over and forget about. There would be other triggers, other flashbacks, but she would deal with them. They would deal with them.

  He began to move slowly within her, keeping it light and easy, holding himself up on his arms, never breaking eye contact.

  “Eyes on me,” he told her. “Look at me and know who you’re with.”

  “I know,” she said, smiling. “I’m with my mate.”

  “Damn right.”

  He lowered his head, capturing her lips, and she sighed, arching up to meet him thrust for thrust. The pace picked up a little, making her moan into his mouth. He pulled back a little, and she opened her eyes again, needing to see his face. The pace was still too slow, still not enough. She needed more, she needed everything.

  “More,” she panted. “Felix.”

  She deliberately tightened her inner muscles around him and he swore, pounding into her harder and harder. He grabbed one of her legs, pushing it wider and higher, opening her more to him as he ground into her. His balls smacked off her ass, the sounds of their bodies coming together exciting her further. Her hands slid down his sides and cupped his ass, pulling him into her, taking what she needed from him.

  At a change in angle, she moaned and tightened her grip on his ass, her nails pricking the skin.

  With a growl, Felix powered into her, sweat dripping from his skin, his hand leaving her leg to find her clit. He stroked it once, twice, three times, the pressure gentle but firm.

  “Felix!” she wailed. She couldn’t take much more, the pressure reaching boiling point, she needed to come so badly.

  “Come for me,” Felix demanded, stroking her clit one last time, and then he suddenly pinched it as he gave one more thrust deep inside her.

  She saw stars as she flew apart for him, her body shuddering and completely out of her control. She was only distantly aware of Felix finding his own climax, pulsing within her. The sheer bliss was everything, her universe perfect in that one moment.

  Gradually she came back down to earth, shaking slightly in Felix’s arms. At some point, he’d moved them onto their sides, his arms wrapped protectively around her. She hadn’t even noticed. His hands stroked her hair and down her back, soothing her as her heartbeat slowly returned to normal.

  “Wow.” That was the only thing that her brain managed to process.

  Felix snorted. “Yeah.”

  “You have no idea how much I love you,” she said quietly.

  His hands squeezed a little. “It’s probably somewhere in the region of how much I love you.”

  “We’re going to be okay, aren’t we?” Sara asked. Right here, right now, she could believe in a happily ever after.

  “Nah, we’re going to be fabulous.”

  She shifted a little to look at him and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. His hair was a little messy, but it just added to his charm. Besides, she was the one person in the world he allowed to mess with his hair, making her feel even more special.

  “Yeah,” she agreed. “We’re going to be fabulous.”

  Chapter 22

  He had one last chance.

  Ryan scowled. The police were looking for him and he’d heard them mention the Shifter Agency. There was only so long he’d be able to evade them. He couldn’t give up his plans, that wasn’t an option, but he’d have to revise them. There wouldn’t be a handful of cubs for him. He’d never manage to stay off the radar for that long, especially not if he remained around Sara. He wouldn’t be raising his own cubs either.

  His fists clenched at his sides as he fought the urge to hit out and destroy things around him. There was no time for that now. He had to be quiet and wait for the right moment.

  All he needed was to get his hands on Sara long enough to get her with cub. Thanks to one of his shadier contacts, he had his hands on shifter-designed fertility drugs. Made specially for helping shifters to conceive, it trumped any human birth control. It hadn’t been cheap, but it would be worth it to ensure his family line continued. Once injected, Sara’s chances of conceiving would be much greater if he took her within a few hours. He’d take her several times just to be sure.

  He skulked in the shadows as the irritating lion opened up his salon, ushering Sara and that damned hybrid inside. They hadn’t been apart lately, but they’d lower their guard eventually. Nobody could keep up that level of vigilance for long without making a mistake. He just had to watch and be patient, and he’d get his chance.

  He didn’t have to wait long.

  After about ten minutes, Sara came back outside and made her way along the street. This time she was alone.

  Finally. It was show time.

  Chapter 23

  Felix stepped back to admire his handiwork. Kara gaped as she looked in the mirror. Her blonde hair was still long, but now it flowed away from her face, cascading in curls down her back.

  “Felix, that’s…” She stopped, clearly at a loss for words.

  “Yeah, it’s fabulous, isn’t it?” He grinned at her. “Told you it would be.”

  She smiled back at him. “It really is.”

  Standing, she wrapped her arms around him, giving hi
m a spontaneous hug. From what Sara had told him, Felix knew this was unusual, and he treasured the gift, hugging her back.

  She pulled back to look in the mirror again before casting her eyes around the salon.

  “Where’s Sara?” she asked. “She needs to see this.”

  Felix looked around, unease spreading through him. “I thought she’d be back by now.” He frowned. She’d only been going a few shops along the street to get them coffee. First thing in the morning, the street was busy. Sara should have been safe. As much as Felix wanted her shackled to his side to protect her, he knew he couldn’t do that. The coffee shop was on the same street, only a few shops down from the salon. It hadn’t seemed like such a risk.

  He exchanged a glance with Kara.

  “Let’s go find her,” he suggested.

  They left the salon and walked along the street to the coffee shop. The barista shook her head, informing him she hadn’t seen Sara.

  Walking back to the salon, they passed a side-street when he caught a whiff of polar bear. Two polar bears. One of them male.

  “Felix.” Kara’s face was pale, obviously having also caught the scent.

  He swore as he pulled out his phone to call Alex, informing him of the situation. Ending the call, he looked down at Kara.

  “I don’t know where to look,” he said helplessly. “I don’t know where he’d take her.”

  Kara chewed her lip. “The place you found me,” she suggested. “I think he planned to use the house. He was very clear about not wanting to defile it by keeping me in there. That’s why he used the treehouse. He thought having me in the house would be unlucky in some way and his cub wouldn’t be perfect.” She winced a little as she said it, and Felix pulled her in for a hug.

  “Of course his cub wouldn’t be perfect,” he pointed out. “Its father would be a psychopath.”

  She smiled sadly at him. “It’s okay. I’ve heard similar things from people all my life.”


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