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Stealing Ryder (Sharing Harper, 2)

Page 19

by Murphy, V


  I loved her. Three little words would describe everything I felt for Harper Mae. If I could, I would give her the whole world. In fact, I might die tryin’ to give it to her if that’s what she wanted.

  “I love you so much, Ryder. Please don’t ever leave me again. I don’t want this fighting anymore. I want our happily ever after,” she begged.

  I couldn’t see her face because it was dark, but I knew she was sitting there smiling contently just by the way she was clinging’ onto me. I pulled her in tighter to make sure she understood that I wasn’t going anywhere. I was never going to let her go again.

  “I’ll never leave you ever, Harper. I need you to trust me. I need you to really trust me, okay?”

  “I promise. I’m done running, Ryder. Every time we run, we always seem to find a way back to each other,” she said in the pitch black.

  “I know, baby. I know.”

  It was silent for a second. I just couldn’t believe this is where we ended up. I was so fucking nervous comin’ over here. Skye had called me and came up with this complicated ass plan, but she was convinced it would help me get Harper back. I had my doubts man. I really fuckin’ had my doubts, but it all seemed to work out for the best.

  I thought for sure Harper was going to freak the fuck out and run away. I was expecting her to slap me a couple times, but none of that happened. She was thinking about me too on our break, and that’s what really got me pushin’ for her.

  When Skye left, I thought she was just going to keep interuptin’ my speech that I worked so hard to plan out, but she didn’t. She let me talk and listened. She gave a shit, and that’s all I wanted from her. I wanted her to listen and hear me out.

  Suddenly, I heard some rustling of the sheets and felt that she had moved her sweet little body so that she was facing me in the dark. With her tits pressed up against my chest, I couldn’t keep my dick from getting hard. The fuckin’ thing had its own brain. But then I heard a small little voice come out of her mouth and I knew immediately what she was goin’ to say, and it was going to be tough for her to get out. I took my fingers and trailed them through her hair, just tryin’ to remind her that I was here for her.

  “What baby?” I asked.

  “Can I tell you something?”

  “Anything,” I told her.

  “I will pick up the pieces of your past and steal your heart forever, Ryder.” She whispered delicately in my ear.

  This made my heart drop.

  I knew what I had to do.


  It was well past three o’clock in the morning, and I still hadn’t gotten a second of sleep. I was furiously researching on my phone while Harper lay knocked-the-fuck-out next to me. It was beautiful listening to her sleep and watching her chest rise and fall with every breath. I couldn’t wait to make her mine forever.

  I took my arm, put my chest to her back, and breathed her in. The sweet smell of flowers and woman wafted into my nose. There was no other way to describe the delicate smell that Harper seemed to always have. She was so fuckin’ perfect to me, even little things like down to the smell of her body.

  I closed my eyes for a little bit and waited until my alarm woke me up at seven in the mornin’. When it finally did, I was fuckin’ anxious and nervous as shit, but more excited. I knew what I had to do, and what I’d have to do to get it done. I also knew that Harper liked to sleep in on Saturdays, so the likelihood of her waking up before eleven was slim to none. I needed to get outta here before she did, otherwise it would’ve been 100 questions that I didn’t have answers to. I wrote her a note just in case she woke up, tellin’ her I went out to the ocean. I told her that when she woke up, she should go over to my place. This had to be done at my place, by the ocean.

  When I hopped in the truck, I went to the place I never thought I’d step in: the mall. Boy, was I on a mission too. I had to navigate this fuckin’ place first. It was packed already at this hour, which was ridiculous. I hated shoppin’. I’m glad Harper was all over that, because I wasn’t. I wanted nothing to do with it.

  I finally found the store I wanted and walked in. My hands were sweating like a damn idiot, but all I kept thinkin’ about was Harper in my head.

  My baby.

  My love.


  She owned every piece of me, and this was just a way of saying that she did. Nothin’ but a damn formality is all. I was so excited that we were finally doin’ this. It was time. Finally, it was time.

  Some bitch who had far too much pep in her step this morning came over and greeted me with an obnoxious ass smile on her face.

  “Can I help you, sir?” she asked.


  The question was could she really help me? Was I really ready to do this again? The first time I had done it was a fuckin’ shame. A damn mistake, really. That wasn’t love. It was not even close to what I felt for my baby. My girl.

  She was up there with Evelyn. No other woman in my life was at that level. No other would. She was my partner in crime, my cowgirl. She was the other piece to my heart. I would do everything to protect my girls. They were everything to me.

  Could this lady help me then? Hell yeah. I was so fuckin’ unprepared for this, but it was the best decision I had ever come up with.

  I knew the moment I saw Harper laying there in bed, curled up against me. The heat of her body kept mine warm, and her sexy legs wrapped in mine. It was at that moment that I knew everything I worked for in my life was for this. She was my number one supporter. She loved me as an ex-football playing surfer who worked at a damn coffee shop.

  I couldn’t describe how I felt for her. The fact these thoughts are even crossing my head feels so stupid as it is. I feel like a big-ass pansy doin’ this, but I wanted to process this again. This was going to be the beginning of the end.

  ‘Course, I was ready to answer her questions and ‘course, I knew what the answer was.

  “Yeah, you can. I’m looking for engagement rings.”

  Chapter 18


  I missed him in the morning. I was curling up in the sheets of my bed and he wasn’t there. I saw the note he left for me on the stand and knew he would be gone until early afternoon. Poor baby must have been nervous for the upcoming surf competition. It was his first big competition since he stopped playing football.

  It was nice, though. I basked in the silence and familiarity of his scent in bed. I sighed. I started to get up and hop in the shower before I headed over to his place. I wondered why he wanted me to meet him over there, but I’m sure he had something planned since it was our first day back together as a couple. Secretly, I was hoping for some extravagant dinner or something that we could share between the two of us, but I would be okay with just ordering Chinese and sitting and watching movies. Although I doubted there would be much movie watching going on.

  Man, was I a lucky girl? A stupid girl who thought she knew everything, but really knew nothing. A girl who thought that pushing people away would protect her. Really, it was all about finding the right person to share your heart with. That person was one-hundred percent Ryder. There was no doubt in my heart or mind.

  We had been through so many obstacles that were put up to tear us down, and nothing could keep us apart. We were bound for and to each other. When we were together we only existed. I was stupid, but I coughed it up to learning from mistakes. I wasn’t going to run anymore. It was my turn to settle down.

  At first, I didn’t think I believed that I could settle down. I didn’t think it was possible for someone with so much baggage to do that; but finally, with Ryder’s help, I was able to believe.

  I believed that I was a person who deserved to be loved, and love in return. I was a person who was allowed to open her heart up to love, and that someone could love me with all their heart right back. It scared me; there was no doubt about that. But, now I know it’s completely possible to be in love and to have someone love you.

; Once I got out of the shower, I put on a light sundress and grabbed my bag. I packed an overnight bag because I knew I was probably going to end up staying at Ryder’s for the night. Ah, it was so good to say that. I loved his house. It made me feel so comfortable and at home. The house itself was beautiful, but what really made it a home were the people inside of it.

  I couldn’t wait to see Evelyn. I hadn’t seen her in weeks and I missed her. Just like I loved Ryder, I loved little Evie. And what with Kylee being okay with our relationship, I felt a little more comfortable. I was hopeful that we all would be able to create some sort of stable family system for her. Sure, it wasn’t going to be your typical family, but we would love her just as much. Probably even more because there were more of us for her.

  Once I got in the car, I felt something shift in the air. The sun shone a little brighter, and the world felt a little easier to live in. I knew I had to call Skye, so I made a mental note to call her while I waited for Ryder at his house. I hummed a familiar tune and drove all the way to his house.

  This was going to be the first day of our life together. I can just picture it. It just made sense. There was no one else.

  I loved Ryder Andrew Kent with every bone in my body. Always and Forever.

  Chapter 19


  When I got back to the house, I saw her sitting there on the phone talkin’ to who I assumed was Skye by the way she was chatting.

  “No, I totally get it, babe. Yeah, I know you were just doing it all for me. Seriously, I still love you. Stop it; you’re being ridiculous. Of course you’re my best friend, and I would love to continue being your maid of honor.”

  When she saw me come in, a smile crossed her face. I was so fuckin’ nervous, and she hadn’t a clue why. That’s why it made it even more nerve-wracking. She had absolutely no idea what was about to happen in four short hours.

  I knew I wanted to wait until sunset. All that romantic bullshit, ya know?

  “Skye, I gotta go. Ryder just came in the door. Yeah, I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you,” she said, and hung up the phone.

  She got off the couch and ran to me, gripping me in a bear hug.

  “Hello, handsome,” she said, laying her plump lips on me.

  Was I a lucky guy, or what? I had the most amazing woman in the world, and she wanted to fuck me all the time. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life fuckin’ her senseless.

  “Want to go run some errands?” I said, tryin’ to get my fuckin’ mind off what I was going to do.

  “Sure!” she exclaimed.

  We spent the rest of the day picking up groceries and other things for the house. It was a few hours of just being with each other. Stupid little errands that would define our future together.

  When we got back, I realized it was 4:30pm. I wanted to take her outside to watch the sunset, so I grabbed a blanket, and hurried her outside.

  “Get a sweatshirt,” I demanded.

  She ran and got one of my sweaters from my room and put it on. She looked so adorable because the thing was way too big for her, but somehow she pulled it off. She could pull off wearing anything, but if it was mine, she looked incredibly sexy in it. I’d rather see her come down here naked, with her ass out. Oh man…

  Shake it off, bro, I tried to tell myself, and saw her bolting outta the back door. God. This woman here was goin’ to be mine for the rest of my life. This was goin’ to be my wife. The stepmother to my little girl, and the woman in my life. She was my forever. Always.

  We sat down in the middle of the beach, but no one was around us. I knew she got embarrassed with PDA so I tried to pick somewhere private.

  “What are we doing out here, baby?” she asked sweetly.

  “I just wanted to sit out here with you. It’s going to be fall soon, so we won’t be doin’ this much too often. Can’t a man want to spend time with his love?” I told her.

  I was fucking sweating from my palms. I didn’t want to touch her because the minute she felt the sweat, she would know something was up. I had the ring tucked away in the inside pocket of the jacket I was wearing. I tried to position her around my lap so there was no way she felt it. I just hoped she didn’t try to undress me ‘cause there was no way I could resist her, but I didn’t want to ruin the plan.

  There ain’t much of a plan though. I just figured I’d know when the time was right. It was right before it got dark outside, and I’d just ask her. Nothing really special about it. Simple and sweet. Just like my baby.

  “Well, that is awfully romantic of you, Ryder,” she half-joked.

  “I am a sap. Don’t tell the boys.” I laughed.

  “It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it?” She was staring straight into the ocean. Her back was pressed against my right side and I propped myself up on my elbows. I would be her pillow any day of the week willingly.

  “Yeah. It’s beautiful in fall,” I said honestly.

  “I miss the changing seasons sometimes though. In Chicago, it would be almost snowing right now. Well, maybe not snowing, but it would be way too cold to be doing this,” she said.

  She spoke beautifully. I could hear her talk all day long. God, I was just so fuckin’ sappy right now. I don’t know what got into me. Snap out of it, dude. Get your fuckin’ balls back, bro.

  It was the nerves. Fuckin’ nervous. I had to get this shit over with. There was no more postponing it. I needed to just ask her. I looked at the sunset, and it was perfect. They called it ‘the golden hour’ out here by the surfers. Perfect time to finish your last wave before heading home.

  “Babe, can you turn around and look at me?” I asked her.

  She positioned herself up and around so she was sitting cross-legged, but looking right at me. The golden sun was shining behind her hair and she looked like a goddess. Her brown hair was shimmering in the light, and her eyes were perfect. Those big brown eyes. The eyes I’d stare into until I was old and grey.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  I started fumbling. I should have planned this shit out better. I had no idea what to do, or where to go from here. All I could do was speak from the bottom of my heart. That’s all I had for Harper, my heart.

  “You know I love you more than anything, right?” I told her.

  “You are starting to sound like Skye right now,” she half-joked.

  “I feel like I have answered this a hundred times in the last couple days, but yes, I do. I know, and I love you too, Ryder,” she continued.

  “Harper, I’m bein’ all serious right now, so will you just listen to me?” I was aggravated with her. I was trying to say something, and she was totally crampin’ my style.

  “I’m serious!” she barked. “Go on; I’m listening.”

  “Harper, you know I love you more than anything. I love you more than all the stars in the sky. I love you more than all the clouds on a cloudy day, and the wind in the rain. I love you more each day. I want you to grow with me. I want you to be with me for the rest of my life.”

  I was fuckin’ shakin’. My hands had no clue what the fuck they were doin’. It was like they were just chillin’ there. I placed ‘em on my knees and sat cross-legged facin’ Harper, but it felt and looked uncomfortable as shit.

  “I love you too, Ryder. Seriously. I love you more than anything. I would give you the world. I promise, I am done running. I trust you. You know how hard it is for me to trust someone, and I trust you. You own every piece of me as well. I do everything with you in mind. I would never do anything to hurt you…ever.”

  She was perfect. Just perfect.

  I grabbed into my pocket and stood up. I looked at her, and watched the shock on her face as she noticed I had a little black box sitting in my hand.

  “Will you please stand up?” I asked her.

  If I couldn’t plan the whole what-I-was-going-to-say thing, then the least I could do was plan this. I wanted to make sure this part was perfect.

  “I will love you more than the waves in the ocean
. I promise you this. Always and forever, Harper Mae. I will love you forever and ever.”

  This was the truth. We were forever. No matter what. It would always be us.

  Chapter 20


  And then he got down on one knee.


  The End



  She was sitting there. I saw her in the magazine.



  My Harper. Sitting in a fucking magazine cover with some pussy-ass bitch. He looked like a fucking douchebag. Who the fuck stops playing football, then surfs. But at least now I know where she ran off to.

  She will be mine again.

  I can’t believe she ran off without me. She is a useless little piece of shit. That bitch thinks she can run away without me, and get me in trouble? Hell no.

  I grabbed my computer and found the first plane ticket to San Diego. I grabbed one of the credit cards I stole from the rager the other day. I hoped it would go through before the owner cancelled the card. I needed to get to San Diego to her before she could run away again.

  She had to be punished for her crime. She had to be mine again. Did Harper really think she could run away from me? I only had trouble trying to find where she was. She was never really gone. I thought about her all the time.

  She was always on my mind, and she needed to know that. I needed to show her that this…man she was with, was no man at all. He would never take care of her like I did. He was a piece of shit. He was useless. I would be the only one she ever needed.

  I found the cheapest ticket and booked it for a month from now. I had to prepare. I needed to get some stuff so that she would come back home to me. She needed to come back home to me. She was MINE.

  I threw the computer against the wall, getting irritated reading the article. I should never have been on that stupid sports website. I knew I shouldn’t have, but I am so glad I found the article. I am so glad I found my baby.


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