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Playing For Keeps

Page 1

by Houston, Michelle

  Published by Phaze Books

  Also by Michelle Houston

  Kinky Girls Do

  "The Life Not Lived" from

  413 Remembrance Lane

  "Inferno" from

  Coming Together Under Fire

  Phaze in Verse

  Diggin' Up Bones

  Fated to Be

  Enslaving Heaven

  Parallel Attraction

  A Change of Pace

  This is an explicit and erotic novel

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.

  Playing for Keeps

  an erotic romance short by


  Playing For Keeps copyright 2008 by Michelle Houston

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  A Phaze Production

  Phaze Books

  6470A Glenway Avenue, #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

  Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.

  To order additional copies of this book, contact:

  Cover art © 2008, Debi Lewis

  Edited by Michelle Dowdey

  eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-023-2

  First Edition – October, 2008

  Printed in the United States of America

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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  Aphrodite looked up from her guest list as Athena walked into her room, her warrior-like movements at sharp contrast to her feminine looks. Although she loved her sister Goddess, the two often butted heads and found it best to avoid each other. For Athena to seek her out, Aphrodite knew whatever it was about must be of some importance.

  “Have you finished with your invitations yet?”

  Bemused, Aphrodite shook her head, sending her golden curls into a riot of movement. Athena had never before taken an interest in her yearly parties, often disparaging her attempts to help the other deities with their dating experiences. It used to be so much easier for them. Zeus was the best example, his conquests among mortal women still legendary, but many of the Gods and Goddesses had frequently moved among the mortals, sharing their lives and their beds.

  In the modern age, with mortals believing in them less and less, quite a few of the Olympians had withdrawn, ignoring the mortal realm completely. Some had found themselves fascinated with it, and chose to completely live among mortals—a few even finding love, which delighted Aphrodite to no end.

  Athena was among the third category, living among the mortals with her immortal lover, but returning frequently to Olympus.

  “May I ask why it matters? I believe you once called my parties a farce. You even went so far as to claim they only served the purpose of populating the world with demi-gods and goddesses, and providing some of the deities a buffet of willing flesh to chose from.”

  Athena glowered at her snotty tone. Her gray eyes narrowed, but Aphrodite couldn’t help it. She had been hurt by the Goddess’ condescending words, and wasn’t willing to let go, no matter how serious Athena must be to seek her out.

  “I know,” the other Goddess bit out from between clenched teeth, “but I find myself needing to add two mortals to your list of those invited.”

  Aphrodite arched a perfectly styled golden eyebrow and waited, a smirk curling her lips. She couldn’t help it; it was delicious to rub Athena’s words in her face.

  “One is a young woman who needs to be taught to trust herself, and her body’s desires, before she withers away.”

  “And the other?” Aphrodite asked, sensing Athena was saving the best for last.

  Her eyebrow arched higher as Athena appeared too grown uncomfortable. “Let’s just say the other is someone I wish Nike to meet.”

  Watching as a flush crept up Athena’s neck, Aphrodite decided to let the other Goddess of the hook—there were other ways to find out what was so interesting about the mortal. With a swish of her delicate hand, Aphrodite held out her almost finished list, and allowed Athena to add two names to it. As the other Goddess stormed out of the room, Aphrodite turned her attention to finding out more about the names Athena had added, particularly the young woman—Alicia. She already had a good idea of two possible Gods to coax into meeting the mortal, but had to decide who would be the best match.

  As for the young man, Chris, an inkling of Athena’s plans teased at the back of her thoughts, and Aphrodite smiled at the delicious images that sprang to her mind. Yes indeed, this year was going to be the best party yet. She had already planned everything down to the last detail, booking a private island and setting little touches of Olympus throughout, able to be activated by the whims of the other deities.


  Chapter One

  “New Hope Women’s Shelter. This is Athena.”

  Alicia blew out a sign of relief. “Athena! I’m glad I caught you before you headed home. I think I have a problem and I don’t know what to do.”

  She could hear Athena shift in her chair on the other end of the phone. “What’s wrong?”

  “I got this weird thing in the mail today and I think my ex is back to playing head games.”

  “What weird thing?”

  Alicia dug out the invitation, her hands shaking as she unfolded it. She wasn’t certain what was meant by Explore the limits of your imagination during an all-expenses-paid weekend to paradise. Have your wishes granted, your fantasies fulfilled, and return to reality feeling sated and relaxed as you never have before.

  Just reading the words silently turned her stomach to knots. She could hear the quaver in her voice as she recited the words to Athena.

  Athena’s sigh sounded loud in her ear. “That’s not your ex, sweetie. I sent that to you.”


  “I know the hostess and I asked her to invite you. Let’s face it, you need a fantasy weekend. Hell, you need a weekend of pampering and good food if nothing else. So I had it sent to you.”

  “This friend of yours, is she like you? Or is she normal like me?”

  “Normal, sweetie? You’re hardly that. But to answer your question, yes, she belongs to the Olympian club, as you call it. So do many of the people who will be there. That’s how I knew it would be safe for you to just rest there. Aphrodite isn’t going to let anything happen, and I can guarantee she is going to make sure you feel safe and relaxed. She doesn’t like to admit it, but if she can’t meddle, she loves to mother people.”

  Alicia’s mind raced, trying for a polite way to let the Goddess know she wasn’t so sure if going for a fantasy weekend was something she could handle.

  “And before you say no, remember this: you’re not that scared, beaten down woman who walked through these doors over a year ago. You’ve taken charge of your life again, and you’re a stronger woman for it. I promise you, nothing will happen that you don’t want.”

sighed, knowing there was no arguing with her. Athena had what she believed to be her best interests at heart, and she wasn’t above browbeating her into going if she thought it best.

  “Ok, I’ll go. Besides, how bad could a luxury weekend be?” A thought struck her after she had agreed to go, and she knew it was too late. Athena wasn’t going to let her back out. “What a minute, did you say Aphrodite? As in the Goddess of love?”

  Chapter Two

  A week later she could have eaten her words. Check in time went smoothly, and she arrived at the island with a group of other guests, spanning a wide variety of cultural and economic backgrounds. She almost swallowed her tongue as a gorgeous blonde glided towards her and introduced herself as Aphrodite. The Goddess linked her arm through Alicia’s and guided her into the mansion and down the hall. The light scent of the Goddess’ perfume teased at her senses, curiously relaxing her as the Goddess smoothly moved her to where she wanted her.

  Athena’s words ran in her mind as she allowed herself to be led by the Goddess of love, and she listened to her instructions. I promise you, nothing will happen that you don’t want. It was becoming a mantra that she clung to as the opulence of the island overwhelmed her.

  Despite how well her husband had done, it was nothing compared to the sheer richness of the mansion she was standing in. Ivory columns shot up into the air, towering over everyone and everything. It resembled the computer images of what some of architecture of Greece would have looked like had it survived that was always shown in specials on TV.

  “This weekend is about letting yourself enjoy the moment. Life is too fleeting, and when it is drawing to an end, it’s too late to wish to have those moments back. So let this weekend happen as it will, and enjoy yourself. I promise you this, nothing bad will come of this weekend. Athena has made me promise such, and I am a Goddess of my word.”

  At her dramatic pronouncement, Aphrodite paused in front of a door and it swung open. They stepped through together, Alicia was still too shell-shocked to protest and the door swung shut behind them.

  “We have a normal protocol for all of our guests, starting the evening with a light meal. After that everyone is free to move about the island as they will, and with whomever they chose, provided both parties are in agreement. I know that you know about us, so you should be more open-minded to the wonders of the island than most, and I expect the next three days to be relaxing if nothing else. It takes a deity to activate many of the features of the island, like the ability to travel to exotic locals, but the island itself has plenty of spots to explore. Any questions?”

  Wide-eyed, all Alicia could manage was a shake of her head. It seemed to be enough for Aphrodite, though, judging by her smile. “Good, then we will see you downstairs for the meal. Feel free to choose whatever costume you like, since almost everyone you will be dining with will have availed themselves of such. Might I make a suggestion?”


  “Wear the teal silk toga.”

  Without explaining why that outfit, or waiting for her to comment, she turned and left, closing the door softly behind her.

  Almost numb, Alicia turned about, trying to take the room in. The last place she had seen that was anywhere near this opulent and grand was Athena’s house when she went over for a girls’ night in, and the Goddess’ whole house could have fit into the entry way of the mansion. Athena had invited Nike, Psyche, and Persephone, and they had all enjoyed getting sloppy drunk together, talking about who was banging whom in Olympus. It had been an eye-opening experience, to say the least. It was also gratifying that Athena thought enough of her to let her see what few mortals ever would.

  As her gaze fell on the closet doors, she couldn’t resist the urge to run to them and fling them open. The assortment and variety of costumes was stunning. In the finest of materials, each seemed almost perfectly made to fit her. Remembering Aphrodite’s suggestion, she dug in the closet until she found the toga—the light teal color a perfect match for her red hair and tanned skin.

  Turning towards the mirror on the inside of the door, she held it against her and was pleased to find it matched her eye color exactly. It seemed Aphrodite did know what she was talking about, not that the Goddess of beauty wouldn’t.

  A tentative knock against the door startled her, and she dropped the silk outfit. Bending down to pick it up, she called out for whomever it was to enter. A cloud of sparkling dust preceded the lithe figure who practically danced into the room.

  “Hi, I’m Nike. Athena asked me to make sure everything was going okay, and Aphrodite asked that I help you get dressed for the banquet.” If she giggled, Alicia was going to throttle her. No one should ever be that bubbly, especially not someone associated with Victory.

  “Um, thanks, Nike, but I think I can …”

  Typically of the Goddesses, she held up her hand and interrupted. “Okay, but have you ever in your life put on a toga? Cause let me tell you, girlfriend, they are a pain to wrap around you and get to stay up. So, still want me to go?”

  As she snapped her gum, waiting for an answer, Alicia was tempted to say yes, but the fact that she hadn’t worn a toga before and hadn’t a clue how to get the blasted thing to stay on settled it.

  The next few minutes were a study in patience for her as the Goddess worked, twirling the cloth around her and getting it so stay just so, while cracking her gum in her ear. She had a feeling it was similar to the plaid that Scotsmen used to wear, but without knowing how that worked, either, she wasn’t certain. Closing her, eyes, she just drifted, waiting for Nike to finish with her and leave.

  “Okay, all done. So whatcha think? I did good, huh?”

  As she opened her eyes, she turned toward the mirror and gasped. While she hadn’t been paying attention, Nike had managed to not only get her dressed, but also to twirl her hair into an elegant and intricate knot, with curled ringlets hanging to her shoulders. Looking closer, she saw that the Goddess had also touched up her makeup.

  ”How did you … I didn’t feel …”

  “Well duh! I’m a Goddess, silly. I know how to do the whole bibbidy bobbedy boo thing.” Alicia was ready to hug her when she spoiled it by giggling. “Although, Athena hates it when I call it that. She blames me because the Muses gave Disney the idea. As if! Like I can really control them. There’s like, nine of them. Hello! Well, anyways, I have to get going before she like sends out a search party. Ta ta, darling. Enjoy your evening.”

  As she flounced out of the room Nike actually wiggled her fingers at her. Snapping her mouth shut before she caught flies like a fish, Alicia decided it was time to head downstairs. Surely by now the other guests were beginning to assemble. And she wasn’t sure how much more weirdness she could take. Being around the immortals was beginning to give her headache. Normal sounded just fine right about then.

  Chapter Three

  If dinner got any more boring, she was going to scream. Most of the guests had already departed, and she was left with those that couldn’t decide just what fantasy they wanted to act out. Sheesh! They had a week or more to figure it out. Unlike her, they weren’t limited by fear of the unknown.

  Sighing softly so as not to offend the lady next to her, she nodded when it seemed prudent and tuned her out as she blathered on about how she wanted to be a harem slave to Zeus. Or maybe Poseidon, although she was certain with his hundreds of exploits that Zeus was the better lover.

  Scanning the room, Alicia wasn’t quite conscious of who she was looking for until her gaze fell on Aphrodite. Their hostess was definitely the Goddess of beauty. Even if mortals had no clue, they would have called her a Goddess among them.

  Her eyes twinkling, she motioned to someone Alicia couldn’t see. Moments later, a warm hand cupped her bare shoulder. Jerking in her seat, Alicia twisted to see who was touching her, as liquid fire spread throughout her body.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt you ladies, but Alicia, if I might have a moment of your time?”

  His hand shifted to he
r elbow as she stood, and the trail of fire moved with it. Shivering at the unfamiliar sensation, she shifted away as soon as she could.

  In the candlelit room, she couldn’t make out much about him, other than his height and golden looks. Following him out onto the balcony, she got a good look at him and quickly drew in a breath. He was magnificent.

  Greek God didn’t do him justice. There was no way if someone asked her to describe him that she could, beyond tall, blond-haired and glistening with male sexuality. The man oozed sensuality from every pore, and didn’t seem to even be aware of it. For the first time in a long while her body awakened, fluttering to life as she looked at him.

  “I’m Pothos, and Aphrodite asked me to show you around the island. She thought that you might be more interested in the view than in the more risqué accommodations.”

  Nodding dumbly, she allowed him to half guide, half coax her down the stairs, his hand pressed against the small of her back.

  “If we continue down this way, we’ll be at the beach, which is magnificent in the moonlight. Or, we could venture into the hedge maze. It’s normally fairly quiet this time of night, most of the guests having adjourned elsewhere.” His voice was like warm chocolate, the way it glided out of his mouth and over her. No man—no God—should have a voice like that. The havoc he could wreck on women if he chose was immeasurable.

  “The maze sounds nice,” she croaked, a blush flaming to life on her face.

  If anything, his chuckle was sexier than his voice, the way it seemed to reach out and wrap around her, cocooning her in its warmth. Frightened suddenly of her attraction and where it might lead, she almost pulled away, but the whisper of Athena’s voice echoed in her mind. I promise you, nothing will happen that you don’t want.


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