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Victory Lane (Shady Falls #1)

Page 24

by Shelly Davis

  Around the back of the house was a huge white tent with torches and lanterns lighting everything. Music and chatter drifted from within the tent. The back yard was so enormous the tent only took up a small portion of the space. There was a massive garage set off from the house, a barn, and what looked to be the start of a large garden just waiting for planting season. Cade ran ahead toward the tent as my father wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

  “Dad, what is this?”

  He smiled and pulled me to a stop just as we neared the tent. “Just so you know; I’m so proud of you. You’ve come further than most anyone will ever know.” His words of praise made me smile. Without another word, he led me into the tent where the music and chatter had ebbed.

  As soon as we entered a collective, “Surprise,” echoed all around. I looked around, astonished to see so many people standing around clapping. The sign above the main table in the room said ‘Congratulations Antonia’. There were balloons and other decorations all over the inside of the tent. I took in everyone standing nearby and saw a bunch of the guys from Fuller Enterprises, including Kyle, Margie, Kevin, and Axel. Roger and Uncle Bobby stood with Julius and several other people that I couldn’t identify because I was overwhelmed with tears.

  “What is this?” I whispered.

  “This, baby girl, is a graduation party. I know you don’t graduate until next week, but this is your only free weekend for a while. This is Julius’ mother’s house. He got all of this together.” He wrapped me in a bear hug as the cheers got louder and the DJ spoke.

  “Announcing our guest of honor, Antonia Grace Rizzo. Graduate of NASCAR Pit Crew Tech and newest crew member of the Fuller Enterprises Number Fifty-five Race Team. Congratulations, Antonia!” Celebration by Kool and the Gang came through the speakers as my friends and family surrounded me with words of praise and hugs. I had no idea how they were able to pull all of this off, but it was the best surprise of my life.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Seeing her with her friends and family gave me insight into her world. She loved her family and it was clear she was the center of her father’s universe. Here her normally fleeting smiles and giggles were constant. She was happier than I’d ever seen her, and she wasn’t afraid to let it show. She was always beautiful to me, but in this place with the people she loved, she shined brighter than the brightest sun. Now more than ever, I knew I had to make her mine.

  I made my way around the tent, talking to people and just taking it all in. I watched her with her family and friends, trying to learn as much about her as I possibly could. I could almost imagine her as a little girl. Hair pulled back, dirt head to toe, doing everything she could to learn as much as possible. I could see the teenage girl, working alongside her father and friends as their equal. I could also see the underlying trepidation in her every time someone approached her from behind unannounced. I wasn’t the only one who noticed because from time to time whoever was closest to her would place a hand on her shoulder and seemed to assure her that all was okay. I didn’t approach her. This night was about her spending time with her family and friends, new and old.

  “Hey,” a deep baritone voice bellowed throughout the tent. Her father’s voice echoed through the speakers as he stepped in front of the DJ, his stature demanded attention. Everyone silenced, waiting for the man to start talking. He looked around the room, and then focused his gaze on his daughter. He smiled warmly and continued. “Today is about congratulations for my sweet girl, Antonia Grace. My Teresa left us many, many years ago, but on days like today I know she’s lookin’ down on us. She would be so proud of our girl today. She always said Toni would do special things with her life.” He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “I couldn’t be more proud of my daughter. Succeeding and excelling at somethin’ she’s always loved. When she was twelve years old, we were sittin’ together and watchin’ a race on television. Every Sunday we watched races together, just the two of us. That day in particular, she looked up at me and declared that she would be on a pit crew someday. Her face was so serious and determined; I never doubted she could make it happen. When she came home and told me she not only got into NPCT, but she earned a full scholarship, I didn’t think I could be more proud. That was until she managed to not only graduate at the top of her class from school, but she earned her way on to a pit crew, and she was found by one of the most successful crews in NASCAR.” Raising his glass, he looked from Toni to me. “Congratulations Antonia and the number fifty-five race team.”

  A collective shouting signaled everyone’s approval of Mike’s speech. I watched Toni through his entire speech; I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. A blush lit up her cheeks, flushing her face and making her skin glow in the firelight. She lowered her eyes and seemed to be embarrassed by the attention her father was drawing to her, but through that unsureness she was smiling a huge smile. She was proud of herself and her accomplishments, as well she should be.

  After Mike’s announcement, everyone moved around and said their congratulations to Toni. She smiled and talked to everyone, thanking them for coming. I saw every move she made throughout the night, it was impossible not to see her; she glowed. From the moment I walked into my garage back home and saw this gorgeous woman working on my car, she’s been on my mind. And every night since our kiss in Daytona, I dreamed of kissing her again. I knew I wanted her, but feared it was too soon for her or that she would reject me.

  It seemed like forever before she finally made her way around the tent and found herself standing in front of me. Most of the guys from Fuller Enterprises were there, along with her closest family and friends, and she made sure to talk to each one of them. When her sparkling golden eyes locked with mine, I was lost for a moment. Gratitude and some other emotion was written all over her face. She looked happier than I’d seen since the day she signed her contract with Fuller Enterprises. No woman I’ve ever met could match her beauty, even Anna. Over the past few weeks of working beside her and not being able to touch her again, it made me realize how badly I wanted her; I was lost in her smile and sweetness. I had to make her mine, but had to make sure I chose the right time or I could fuck up the entire thing.

  “Hey Jules. I don’t know how to thank you for all of this. It’s so thoughtful,” she smiled warmly. Her eyes reflected the huge smile that crossed her beautiful lips.

  “I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend some time with you, could I?” I asked honestly. There was no way I was passing up this opportunity. When Cade called me and asked if I could get some of the guys together for a party that her father wanted to have, I knew immediately I had to offer to do this. It was the perfect opportunity to spend some time with her while making sure she would have an entire weekend with her family and friends.

  “You didn’t have to do all of this just to spend some time with me. This is just so much, Julius. I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay you for everything you’ve done for me.”

  “I’m sure I could think of something,” I offered. She looked uneasy, as if she wasn’t sure what I was referring to. The thing is I would have taken just about anything from her. I touched her arm gently, “Don’t worry, angel. I don’t want you to repay me, just help me win this season and I’m a happy man.” I had to set her mind at ease. I couldn’t tell her all I desperately wanted was for her to be mine.

  We sat at one of the tables and talked. We didn’t talk about any of the heavy secrets which stretched between us. I know she’s dealt with far more than she’d admitted to and I hadn’t told her everything I could about Anna. Not that Anna’s betrayal haunted me as much as it once had. Regardless, I still found myself worrying about what this woman sitting in front of me could do to me if I let her in, but I also worried about what could happen if I didn’t let her in. I knew deep in my heart that no matter what, it would have to be all or nothing. If I wasn’t willing to give her everything, it wouldn’t be worth it. I just wasn’t sure if I was capable of giving h
er everything yet, but I felt like I was finally willing to try.

  We sat together for a long time; people came and went, joining into our conversation. Her family and mine, all together, talking, joking, and having fun. Then my mother approached. I knew she’d been hiding out in the house, making sure everything was perfect. She could never relax until everything was done. When she got near, I immediately stood and smiled broadly at the woman who didn’t even blink when I asked her about throwing this party for a woman she’d never met before. Toni’s eyes followed mine toward the beautiful older woman approaching. Standing, she excused herself but I took her hand in mine and pulled her next to me.

  “Antonia, I’d like you to meet my mother, Angie Fuller.”

  Toni looked from me to the woman who stood before us. I thanked the lord above every day that I looked more like her. I had her dark hair and deep brown eyes, unlike Margie who had ended up with our father’s blond hair.

  “Hi Antonia. It’s nice to finally meet the woman behind the myth,” my mother said, shaking Toni’s hand.

  Toni looked shocked to see my mother standing before her. Her eyes skimmed from her face to mine and back again in an instant. “Hi, Mrs. Fuller. It’s great to meet you.” Then confusion crossed her face. “But why am I a myth?”

  I smiled at the question as my mother took Toni’s hand. “Please, call me Angie. And you, my dear, are a myth because I’ve heard so much about this marvelous mechanic that just happens to be a woman from my son and son-in-law, but I only got small glimpses of you on television and neither of them has bothered to bring you around to introduce us, so to me you were like Bigfoot.”

  She smiled warmly at my mother. “So I was like a mythological creature?” With that, Toni let out a giggle that warmed my heart. “Nope, I’m real. I don’t know if I’m as remarkable as they say. But thanks for making me giggle.” Some women would take offence to what my mother said, not Toni. As we stood talking, Axel, Roger, Kyle, Toni’s dad, and uncle joined us.

  “Dad, Uncle Bobby, this is Julius’ mom, Angie. This is my dad Mike, and my Uncle Bobby.”

  Shaking hands, my mother’s smile never left her face. “It is nice to meet both of you. I was just tellin’ Antonia that she’s been like a myth in my house for the past two months. Jules, Margie, and Ky have mentioned her so many times, talkin’ about this wonderful mechanic, but I’ve never gotten to see her until today.” She paused for a moment, “It surprises me that none of them bothered to mention how beautiful she is though.”

  I just shook my head at her. She’s always trying to be the matchmaker, especially where I come in. She never seemed to like Anna. She thought Anna was too worried about what other people thought and didn’t worry enough about what I needed or we needed as a couple. As far as my mother was concerned, Anna was selfish. She watched me spiral out of control and was terrified I’d end up getting myself killed because of what I was doing. She did everything she could to help me stop drinking and partying and to help me get sober and back into a car. She helped me get my life back on the track, where I belonged. I didn’t want to get her hopes up about being interested in someone for the first time in years. “Ma, ya know the beginnin’ of the season is always busy. Besides, if ya didn’t insist on livin’ four hours away, we’d see ya more.”

  “Honestly, it’s not their fault,” Toni says meekly, “I try to stay away from the media. I just don’t want the attention.”

  Stepping forward, Axel smiled at her shyness. He wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders and smiled at her. Although Axel was about her father’s age, he stood at the same height as Toni, “Now that you are graduating though, I’d like to be able to introduce you to the world. They have stayed away for a while now, but at some point we’re gonna have to give them something.”

  A kind of panic passed over her face. I knew she didn’t want the spotlight, but I’ve wondered what’s going on in her head that makes her so afraid to be seen. She has to know she would be seen as a huge news story, at least in the world of racing. Look at how the media reacted to the first female driver when she started a few years ago. Every qualifying, every race, every wreck she was involved in, everything she did was reported on. They questioned if wrecks where her fault, they made a big deal out of her driving and where she finished for every race. They didn’t hound her as bad as they used to, and we were all subjected to a certain amount of harassment, but the media and especially the paparazzi still were always around.

  Mike walked up to her and put his hands on her cheeks, he bent over so he looked directly into her eyes. He gave Axel a warm smile and nodded just a bit, “Its fine Toni. It’ll be just fine.”

  Axel agreed, “We won’t let you do it alone. We’re with you. You are part of our team, our family, whether you like it or not.”

  “Well, when you put it that way,” Toni deadpanned, “maybe I should runaway now.”

  Mike pulled her away from Axel and wrapped her in a hug. “That’s my girl.”

  People milled around the tent for hours, but our little group stayed off to the side talking about the season, what was next for Fuller Enterprises and Turner Racing, and the number fifty-five car. It was the first time I ever got to listen to people that weren’t in my inner circle of mechanics and drivers. Mike, Jake, Cade, and Bobby were just as knowledgeable as most of the guys working in my garage and my pit. They all spoke their minds when it came to their opinions about the car and the team. It wasn’t hard to see how Toni became so good at being a mechanic. With these guys around, she would have to be on top of her game all of the time. Constantly being pushed and driven to be the best at what she was doing. It wasn’t so much that any of them expected her to be perfect, but they expected her to be the best she could be. It just so happened her best was superior to most others in the field.

  Slowly my mother, Toni’s father, uncle, Axel, and others began turning in for the night. I looked around the darkening tent, wishing the others would retire for the night as well. I wanted some alone time with Toni, but that didn’t seem to be in the cards tonight.

  “Well,” Toni said, yawning and stretching her arms over her head. “I think it’s time to turn in.” I didn’t speak as my eyes made a trail down her flawless body. The tight shirt she wore rode up and exposed her flat and perfect stomach. That small sliver of flesh showing sent shivers up my spine, setting off explosions of awareness through my body. Instantly I was aware of the shape of her figure, the outline of her breasts stretching and pushing through her tight shirt, the curve of her legs and hips prominently displayed in her tight pants. She was the epitome of perfection. She was soft and curvy but hard and strong all at the same time, and she was mine, she just didn’t know it yet.

  She bid everyone goodnight, but when it came my turn; I couldn’t just sit back and let her go. Standing in front of her, I smiled the warmest smile I could muster. I wanted to bring her into my arms. I wanted to drag her to my bedroom and do all of the things I’d been fantasying about for months now. But I didn’t do any of those things.

  “Good night, Julius. Thank you for … everything. This was an incredible day.”

  “It was my pleasure, Toni. Do me a favor; keep tomorrow night open. There’s somewhere I want to take you.”

  “What about my family?”

  “We’ll spend all day with them; I just want you tomorrow night. What do you think?”

  She paused and seemed to think about it for a few moments, but the smile which graced her face was enough to confirm she was going to say yes.

  “Will you tell me what we’re gonna do?”

  I gave her a secretive smile. I just hoped she would enjoy what I had planned. “Nope. Just wear jeans and something warm.”

  She looked at me skeptically for a few moments, but then smiled, “All right, but I must tell you that I don’t like surprises.”

  Smiling wider, I said, “I promise you’ll like this surprise.”

  Chapter Eighteen


sp; “Where’s your brother takin’ me?” I asked Margie for the tenth time as she and Mia helped me to get ready to go. It didn’t matter to either of them that he told me to dress casually but warm. They both insisted on making me up. I still got to wear my jeans, but they talked me into knee high boots with a heel and a tight red sweater. They helped, or rather forced their will, on my hair and makeup. I felt a bit overdone, especially if he was intending on taking me to a bar or somewhere casual to hang out.

  “I don’t know, he wouldn’t tell me either. I’m just goin’ on what you told me about dressin’ casual,” said Margie.

  “Don’t you think this is a bit much with the hair and the makeup and the boots?” I whined.

  “You look beautiful. You two have been playin’ this game of cat and mouse for too long. It’s time to step it up. You need to show him you’re interested,” Mia argued.

  “Yeah,” Margie interjected, “I’m sick of waitin’ around for the two of you to make up your minds about what’s goin’ on. So I’m helpin’.”

  “Me too,” Mia smiled. “Besides, what better way to show us you’re over what happened with that dickwad than to attach yourself to a hot as hell man?”

  “Speaking of men,” I said, changing the subject, “what the hell is goin’ on with you and Jake? You seemed pretty pissed at him yesterday and he seemed oblivious.”

  “Well, that right there is the damn problem. He’s so freakin’ frustratin’. I know I fucked up in high school, but it was high school. I know he likes me. I know he has feelings for me; he wouldn’t have been as pissed as he was if he didn’t feel somethin’. But he just won’t let it go. He seems to want me, but he also seems to want to do what he wants or he’s tryin’ to punish me. I don’t know,” she sighed.


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