Lynsay Sands - [Argeneau Family 15]
Page 20
Nicole instinctively reached for her cheek, wincing when she touched the swelling there.
“Try to keep the bouncy bed to a bed,” Tomasso added with amusement.
“But at least avoid any water bouncy, whether it’s tub or shower. And definitely no outside bouncy this time of year,” Dante said grimly. “You’d freeze to death before you ever regained consciousness.”
“Definitely no outside bouncy,” Tomasso agreed.
Groaning, Nicole crossed her arms on the table and dropped her head to rest it on them, hiding her face, which she knew was now bright red. It didn’t stop her from hearing the men chuckle gently as they left the room.
At first, Jake thought it was night when he woke up, but then he noticed the sliver of light creeping around the edges of the blind and readjusted his thinking. By the looks of the light it was late afternoon on the day after his waking from being poisoned. He hoped. It was possible it was the day after that. It was hard to tell. He and Nicole had made love and passed out three times. It could be one day after telling her about immortals or two. All he knew for sure was that he was alone in the bed.
That realization immediately made worry rear inside him. He didn’t mind that Nicole had left him alone in the bed, so much. But he was worried about how she was taking what had happened between them. Had it anchored her as Dante and Tomasso had suggested? Or was she now freaking out and wishing she’d never set eyes on him?
Tossing the sheet aside, Jake got quickly out of bed and looked around for his jogging pants, only to recall that he’d shed them in the bathroom during the little episode outside the shower. As he’d kissed and sucked at her neck while caressing her, she’d moved so deliciously against him, he’d wanted to feel Nicole’s bare flesh against his erection and had quickly pushed the joggers off his hips. That was all he’d had to do. They’d fallen to the floor on their own from there … and then he’d woken up in bed without them.
That memory made him frown. Jake didn’t recall getting to bed after passing out in the bathroom. In fact, he was sure he hadn’t got there under his own steam. But Nicole couldn’t have carried him there. Which left Dante and Tomasso. They’d probably heard the shower running and when it continued for a protracted period, had no doubt come to investigate.
Surprisingly, the idea bothered him. Jake didn’t care that they’d seen him in that state, but he didn’t like the idea of them seeing Nicole like that. She’d been completely naked when he finished removing her bra. Naked, unconscious and under him. He didn’t like that they’d seen her like that at all.
Scowling now, he got up and walked into the bathroom, freezing and instinctively turning his head quickly away when he saw Nicole standing in front of the shower, drying herself off.
“Sorry,” he muttered, quickly pulling the door closed again. He then stood there uncertainly, unsure if he should feel stupid or not. After everything they’d done, seeing her naked shouldn’t be an issue, and it wasn’t for him. Jake had averted his eyes and closed the door for her sake. She might still be shy and want her privacy.
Well, if she thought he was being silly by offering her privacy to tend her personal hygiene, Jake was sure she’d let him know. In the meantime, he had some personal needs to tend to as well.
Jake slipped out of the master bedroom and headed along the dining-room table for the guest bath outside his own room, completely unself-conscious about his nakedness. There were only Dante and Tomasso there after all, or so he thought until Joey said, “Jesus, Jake. This isn’t a nudist colony. Get some clothes on.”
Jake’s head whipped around to see Nicole’s brother standing by the couch on the living room side of the loft, a pretty, petite redhead at his side. Joey was scowling at him, but the redhead was ogling him with a small smile. Jake was so surprised that he almost stopped, but the woman’s leer decided him and he continued on to his room instead of the bathroom. As much as he needed to relieve himself, grabbing some clothes first seemed like a good idea.
He wasn’t terribly surprised when moments after he closed it, someone knocked at his door. Nor was he surprised when after he called out, “Come in,” Joey stepped into the room.
“What the hell are you doing coming out of my sister’s bedroom bare-ass naked?” Joey demanded grimly.
“That’s really none of your business,” Jake said calmly, stepping into clean jogging pants and quickly tying the tie at the waist. “It’s between myself and your sister.”
“Well, where the hell is she?” he demanded at once. “That Dante character who let me in said she was in the shower and should be right out.”
“She is out of the shower. I’m sure she’ll be out shortly.”
“Well, what the hell’s been going on?” Joey barked. “I’ve been calling for three days trying to talk to Nicole, and one or the other of those behemoths downstairs kept telling me that she was sick and that’s why she didn’t meet me for lunch and couldn’t talk to me on the phone.”
Jake stilled, briefly concerned that Nicole had been sick while he was down from the poisoning, but then he realized that Dante and Tomasso had simply used that with Joey as an excuse to keep Nicole and her brother apart while he was recovering. No doubt they’d wiped her memory of the appointed lunch with her brother too. Seeing him might have led to memories cropping up, and if that had happened without at least one of the twins there to prevent it, all the blocking they’d done would have fallen like a string of dominoes. Nicole would have recalled everything before they were ready for her to recall it.
“And then,” Joey continued furiously, “I come out to see what the hell is happening and it turns out those guys are your cousins? You’ve moved your family in while Nicole was too sick to protest?”
“Of course not,” Jake said calmly, tugging his T-shirt on next and heading for the door. “They are visiting briefly and helping me.”
“Helping you with what?” Joey demanded, following him out of the room.
“I’ll explain in a minute. But right now I really need to use the facilities,” Jake said politely. He slipped into the bathroom and closed the door. He then locked it as well, just in case the irate man decided to follow. Jake understood Joey’s upset. He’d have been upset in his place as well, but he really needed to relieve himself, so explanations would just have to wait a few minutes.
“Joey?” Nicole said uncertainly as she spotted the man fuming outside of the guest bathroom. After Jake’s brief interruption, she’d dressed quickly, put her hair up in a ponytail and rushed out to find him, only to find her brother instead. “What are you doing here?”
Joey jerked around to peer at her. “There you are!”
Her eyebrows rose at his tone, and the way he rushed to her side. Grabbing her arm, he started to pull her across the room toward the stairs.
“Come on. I’m getting you out of this madhouse,” he said determinedly.
“What?” she asked on a startled laugh. “What are you talking about? What madhouse?”
“Nicole.” Joey paused and turned to face her with exasperation. “You missed our lunch without warning or even a courtesy call, which is completely unlike you. And then when I repeatedly call to speak to you, I get some woman and then these strange men answering and telling me you’re ill and couldn’t make it and don’t want to see me. Finally, I’ve had enough and come out here to check on you and you have two mob goons downstairs and your supposed cook/housekeeper is coming out of your bedroom as naked as the day he was born. Something weird is going on here. You need looking after and I’m taking you to our hotel until I sort it all out.”
Nicole stared at her brother weakly as his words poured over her. In all the excitement the last few days, she’d quite forgotten about her lunch with Joey. In fact, she’d forgotten all about him, and his being in town, and … well, just everything.
Or someone had helped her forget, she thought suddenly, but let that go. If Dante and Tomasso had blocked her brother from her
memory, she knew exactly why they’d done it … and she understood. But she couldn’t explain it to Joey. He was a bit of a blabbermouth. Nicole didn’t think there was a secret the man had ever actually kept.
She also couldn’t explain Jake’s coming out of her bedroom buck naked. Or she didn’t want to, so Nicole settled on the one thing she could say in response to his long diatribe and assured him, “Dante and Tomasso are not mob goons.”
Apparently, it was the wrong approach to take. Joey’s mouth dropped open, snapped closed, and then he reached for his phone. “I’m calling Mom.”
“Joey,” she said on a sigh. “There’s no need for that. Look, just come have a cup of coffee and—” Nicole paused abruptly and peered around her brother toward Jake when the bathroom door opened and he came out. He wore baggy gray jogging pants and a T-shirt that was pretty tight. He also had bed-head and a day’s worth of growth on his face … and damn, but didn’t he look fine, Nicole thought, her knees going weak and mouth actually salivating as Jake met her glance.
In the next moment, he had crossed the room toward her like a moth to flame, and—completely ignoring, or oblivious to Joey’s presence—slid his arms around her and drew her against his chest as he laid one hell of a hot, wet kiss on her lips. Nicole was on the verge of wrapping her legs around the man and climbing him like a telephone pole when he broke the kiss and eased back to peer down at her.
It was only then that Nicole became aware of her brother’s protesting squawks.
“What the hell? Stop that! Get your hands off my sister! Nicole! Get away from him! I’m dialing Mom now!”
Nicole grimaced apologetically at Jake, then swiveled her head to peer at her brother. “I’m fine, Joey. There’s no need to call Mom.”
Joey glared at her, phone at the ready and breathing heavily. He then stepped closer and hissed by her ear, “We need to talk. Something isn’t right here. I want you to come with Melly and me. You can stay at our hotel with us until we get this straightened out.”
“Melly?” Nicole asked, glancing around. “Is she here?”
Even as she asked the question, Nicole spotted the beautiful redhead standing by the couch. It wasn’t hard to believe she was a model, Melly was gorgeous; large exotic eyes, a straight nose, full, pouty lips, flowing red hair and stick thin. The woman looked like she was born to walk the runways of Europe and grace magazine covers.
Nicole was suddenly very aware that she was dressed like a bum, completely makeup free, and that her hair was a damp mess stuffed into a ponytail. Damn, she thought, life could be so unfair at times. Pushing that thought away, she produced a perfectly sincere smile and crossed the room to greet the woman her brother loved.
“Hello, Melly. It’s so nice to meet you,” she said, taking the woman’s cold hand in her own and shaking it warmly.
“It’s Melanie,” the woman said, with a cool smile as she retrieved her hand. “Only Joey calls me Melly.”
“Oh.” Nicole smiled uncertainly, glanced toward the men and then turned to head for the kitchen. “I’ll put coffee on.”
“I don’t drink coffee,” Melly announced. “It ages you prematurely.”
“Well then I’ll put water on for tea,” Nicole said, moving a little more quickly.
“Tea is as bad as coffee,” Melly announced as if she should know that and added, “Just hot water with lemon for me.”
“Right,” Nicole said through her teeth as she escaped into the kitchen.
She only realized that Jake had followed her when he said, “I’ll make the coffee and put the kettle on. You go visit with your brother and Melly.”
Nicole grimaced. “I’ll just get out some of that cake I saw in the refrigerator earlier.”
“Cake?” Jake asked with surprise.
“Mmm-hmm. I think Marguerite bought it while she was here.” Grinning, she added, “She has a sweet tooth.”
“What kind of cake is it?” Jake asked with interest, moving over to peer into the fridge over her shoulder. “And why the hell didn’t I see it when I was making our snack?”
“It’s double chocolate,” Nicole answered, pulling out a large carton of orange juice, another of milk, and a couple of creamers to reveal the covered cake at the back of the refrigerator. “Because I hid it so the boys wouldn’t gobble it down. They have a tendency to inhale everything.”
“Yeah, they do. They were always like that,” Jake commented, stepping back to get out of the way as she pulled the cake out and turned to set it on the counter.
Nicole started to take the lid off, and then paused and frowned. “I suppose if she won’t drink coffee, Melly probably doesn’t eat sweets either.”
“Yeah, she does,” Jake assured her absently, his attention on the cake. “She plans to puke it back up afterward.”
“What?” Nicole turned to him with surprise.
“I read her mind,” he explained, glancing to her and then smiled crookedly and added, “She doesn’t know you’re serving chocolate cake, of course. But when you said you were putting on coffee, she hoped you would serve a sweet too. She’s starved, wants to gorge on two or three pieces, and then slip away to the bathroom and purge it to avoid the calories.”
“Geez,” Nicole muttered, peering at the cake. It seemed a terrible waste to feed it to Melly just to have her puke it up afterward. “Maybe I won’t put it out.”
“Good. Save it for later. We can watch a movie and eat cake,” Jake said with a grin.
Nicole smiled faintly, but then her expression turned serious and she said, “Please don’t read Joey and Melly while they’re here, Jake. It’s kind of rude.”
His grin died slowly and he nodded. “You’re right. I hated it when my mother and the others read me. I shouldn’t do it. I’ll try not to.”
“Thank you,” she murmured, reaching out to place a hand on his chest to balance herself as she leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. At least, she meant to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head at the last moment so that her lips landed on his.
“Is that chocolate cake?” Joey said behind them just as their lips brushed across each other’s.
It was probably a good thing, Nicole admitted as she turned to smile and nod at her brother. The way Jake affected her, she very well might have tried to climb him right here in the kitchen.
“Good,” Joey said grimly. “Chocolate is Melly’s favorite.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” Nicole murmured with a sigh. It looked like she was serving it after all. Forcing a smile, she suggested, “Go sit down and relax, Joey. We’ll be out in just a minute with coffee and cake … and water and lemon,” she added quickly when he frowned. Truly, it had just slipped her mind.
“You’re right. We shouldn’t leave Melly alone. It’s rude,” Joey said with forced cheer. “Besides, you should get to know her. She’s going to be your sister-in-law someday.”
“Oh—” Nicole glanced to Jake.
“Jake will bring out the coffee and cake when it’s ready,” Joey added grimly and then arched an eyebrow and added, “That’s what he’s here for, isn’t it?”
Annoyance slid through Nicole at the comment. Jake was more than just a cook/housekeeper to her now, but she wasn’t sure just what that more included yet. However, Dante and Tomasso’s talk had convinced her to give this … whatever this was, a chance.
“Then he can come back in the kitchen and cook or clean or whatever while we visit,” Joey added firmly and Nicole felt herself stiffen.
“Actually, then he can visit with us so that you can get to know him,” she said sharply, and then mimicked him, adding, “You never know, he might be your brother-in-law some day.”
The minute the words were out of her mouth, Nicole wanted to pull them back in. Jake had stiffened behind her, and Joey looked horrified, but no more than herself. She’d said them out of anger … but they were too much. She’d agreed to give Jake a chance, not accept him as a life mate. She wasn’t ready for—
“Go visit with you
r brother,” Jake said quietly, his hand landing on her shoulder and squeezing gently before he urged her forward. “I’ll bring everything out when it’s ready.”
When Nicole glanced over her shoulder to him uncertainly, he smiled reassuringly and nodded her on. Letting her breath out on a sigh, Nicole followed when her brother turned sharply and strode out of the kitchen.
Melly was lounging on the couch, and lounging was the only description; she looked like she was posing for an ad for some exotic tropical resort. Nicole smiled at the girl, but before she could say anything, Joey caught her arm and pulled her close.
“What’s going on, Nicole?” he asked in a low, worried voice. “When I arrived just a couple days ago, Jake had just started on as your cook/housekeeper and you hardly knew him. Now he might be my new brother-in-law? What’s going on? Has he drugged you? Hypnotized you? Are they holding you hostage and forcing you to say this stuff?”
Nicole sighed and shook her head. “I didn’t mean that, Joey. I was just annoyed that you were treating him so badly.”
“He was naked and coming out of your room,” he pointed out grimly. “You aren’t the type to sleep with someone you barely know. And they haven’t been letting me speak to you. Something isn’t right here, and I’m worried. Please tell me what’s going on. I’m your big brother. I want to help you.”
Nicole relaxed and gave him a hug. “And I appreciate that. Thank you.” Pulling back she added, “But really, everything’s fine.” When he didn’t look convinced, she added, “There are some weird things going on, and Jake, Dante and Tomasso are trying to help me.”
“And Jake’s coming out of your room naked?” he asked.
Nicole opened her mouth, closed it, and then shook her head, aware that she was blushing. She also couldn’t help noticing that he hadn’t asked what weird things were going on … which she found a bit weird.
“You are sleeping with him,” Jake accused with amazement.