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Holding Huck's Heart (Marco's MMA Boys #3)

Page 3

by S. M. Donaldson

  I smile with tears. “Yes, Dad. I want to.” I glance at my watch. “Shit. I gotta get back, my lunch is almost over.” I reach over and touch his hand. “We’ll catch up some more soon. Don’t forget balloons. Pink from what I heard.”

  He nods and we both stand to go do the things we need to do.

  As I make my way back to my desk, I round a corner and run right into Huck’s chest.

  “Oh, um. S-sorry,” I stutter out.

  “No problem.”

  I just nod quickly and make my way down the corridor. I hear him behind me. “I knew he was your dad, you know.”

  I spin around. “Huh?”

  “I knew that Detective Harmon was your dad. I do remember him briefly even though we never formally met.”

  I nod. “Oh, um, yeah. I’m glad Kara and the baby are okay.”

  I turn and run the rest of the way to my desk.



  I cannot believe of all people, I run into her. I thought she moved away from here, but it’s obvious by the scrubs she’s wearing that she works here. Good news is I shouldn’t have to see her anymore. We don’t generally end up at the hospital so I won’t have to see her again.

  Walking into Kara’s hospital room, I grin. “You know, this giving birth thing will give you a few weeks off, but after that your ass is back in the gym training.”

  She laughs. “Hey, I held my own in that fight last night.”

  I lean over and kiss her forehead, hating that her face looks so broken yet again. “I know, champ. Now where is my brother and my niece?”

  “They had to run some tests on her.” Almost as if she sees my worry, she puts her hand on mine. “No big deal. All newborns have to go in for tests. They’ll be back soon.”

  “Where did all of the balloons come from?”

  She smiles slightly. “Detective Harmon. He stopped by to interview me, brought a little gift.”

  Jeez, can I not get away from this? “Well, that’s nice.”

  “Yeah, I thought so.”

  The door to her room opens and my brother walks in pushing the clear hospital bassinet. I walk straight over to it and pick up the little bundle. “Hey, little bit. You are in so much trouble. You gave us all a big scare last night. You can’t do that ever again, princess.” I kiss the baby’s head.

  “Do you think you might let Kara hold her for a second?” my brother scoffs.

  “She got to carry her around for months, uninterrupted. She needs to take turns now,” I snip back.

  He shakes his head. “Well, she has something that the princess needs, so unless you plan on lactating, you need to give my daughter to her mom.”

  My face turns up. “Ugh.” I hand her to Kara. “I’m gonna go now.”

  Kara laughs. “Huck, I’m just going to try it. They say I may not even be able to.”

  “Well, I still don’t want to be in here when you do. It’s just kinda gross, plus it’s your boobs. They’re only for my brother. It’s just weird. I’m heading to the gym,” I ramble.

  My brother and Kara laugh as I practically run out the door.


  Sitting across from Elizabeth at lunch, I take a bite of my sandwich. She clears her throat. “So I took your advice and found a new job.”

  I swallow. “You did? Where?”

  “Ace’s,” she says, looking down.

  I sigh and sit my sandwich down. “I thought you weren’t going to strip anymore. I thought I helped you change your mind.”

  She grins. “Since when did you start treating me like you’re my big brother?”

  “Since you quit acting like I’m the damn antichrist and finally became my friend. Now, I thought-.”

  She throws her hands up. “I’m not going to strip. I’m waitressing. It’s a high dollar club so even being a waitress is profitable. It’s a suit and tie kind of establishment.”

  I pick my sandwich back up. “Good. Still not great, but better.”

  She tosses a fry at my head. “You know, you’re a little secretive yourself lately. What’s up with you?” She motions between us. “Since we’re sharing and all now.”

  I sigh. I know she’s shared a lot with me, but can I trust her? “Look, I wanna share with you. I do. The only thing is right now I’m still sorting it out. Just give me some time.” I grab her hand. “I know you’ve really shared a lot with me, this is one of those things that I need to sort out before I go running my mouth. A lot of people could get hurt.”

  She nods. “I get it, I understand. I’m here if you need me.”

  I nod. “Thanks. So you know I’m going to come check out this club, right?”

  “You know you don’t have to. I’m a grown up.”

  Hmm. Now, I’m damn sure going by there. I’m going to surprise her though. “Okay. I’ll leave it alone. So are you still hooking up with Blondie McBigboobs from that shithole?”

  She laughs. “No. I told you that was just a hook up.” She looks off to the left. I know she’s hiding something.

  We joke and cut up for the rest of our lunch. I’m glad Elizabeth and I have buried the animosity between us. She’s a really good friend and after we hit up the bar the other night, a hell of a wing man.

  After going back to the gym and then home for the day, I realize my brother and his girl need some time alone with their baby. Perfect night to go check this Ace’s out. I’ve heard of it, just never thought I’d have the money or the need to go in there.

  I take one last look at myself in the mirror. The black dress pants and indigo blue dress shirt compliment the black vest and tie I’m wearing. I guess I look swanky enough to get into a place like this.

  After getting to the club, I ask the guy as I’m coming in, “Does Major’s Mistress perform here?”

  He grins. “Only one night a week. She’s on the floor the rest of the time. But you’re lucky, tonight is the night.”

  I exhale loudly. She fucking lied to me. Here I am trusting her and she lies right to my face. I make my way right up to the stage so she can see me when she comes out and know that she’s caught.

  I order a Johnny Walker neat and take my seat. This place is so nice it has a line up printed on each table. Up next is Grace and then Major’s Mistress.

  The lights go down and smoke fills the stage. The song “Earned It” starts low and I see a shadow of a girl walking out. The low beams come on and she’s in a grey suit jacket and tie. Her hair is twisted up in some sort of bun. I know that song is from that Grey movie. This girl moves so erotic and slow. She moves around the pole, seducing everyone in the audience. It’s truly a thing of sheer beauty. She slowly works the tie loose from her neck and slings it to the edge of the stage, turning her back to the crowd and slowly removing the coat and throwing it the same direction.

  She spins to the edge of the stage and takes her hair down. I break the glass in my hand as I sit there breathing heavy and hard. I’m angry, I’m pissed and about four hundred other emotions.

  As soon as she sees me, she gets very uncomfortable and stumbles a bit. She works the other side of the stage until the song is over. I make my way to the edge of the stage but before I make an ass out of myself, the lights go down again and techno style lights start going. The music starts and I can tell it’s the song “Closer” coming out of the speakers.

  I stand beside the stage and wait for it to be over. Once the song ends, I go around to the door to the back stage. A bouncer stops me. “Whoa there, buddy. No one is allowed back here. Only the dancers.”

  “I need to talk to my sister. She’s a dancer,” I say firmly.

  “Who is your sister?” he asks, not believing me.

  “Major’s Mistress, or Elizabeth as I like to call her.”

  He speaks into a head set. “She’s coming out.”

  A minute later, she busts through the side door. “I knew it was you. Why are you checking up on me?”

  “Well, number one, you lied. Why did you lie to me? But numbe
r two, I need to see one of the girls back there,” I say trying to look past her.

  She looks at me confused. “Look, I’m going to stop stripping, I just need to finish paying all of the debt off, all right? After that, I’ll be strictly waitressing. They know that.” She looks at me suspiciously. “Why do you need to see one of the dancers?”

  “I just do. Are you going to help me?” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

  She takes my hand. “Fine. Just behave yourself, I can’t lose this job.”

  We make our way down the hall and she asks me, “Who are you looking for?”

  “Grace,” I grind out.

  She nods and taps on a dressing room door. “Grace, can you open up?”

  As soon as she opens the door, I push my way in and shut the door behind me. She glares at me. “You can’t be in here.”

  “Oh yes the fuck I can. What in the hell are you doing, Chelsea?” I run my hands through my hair, pulling at it. “You don’t belong here!”

  She stands up, holding her robe closed. “My life is none of your fucking business!”

  I step toward her, causing her to step back into the wall. Fuck, she’s sexy as hell, always has been. “You have no business in a place like this. What does your dad think?”

  She shoves me backward. “He thinks I’m a waitress, he and my mom. I’m doing this to help with her medical bills, so take your judgmental ass and get the hell out of here!”

  I see the edge of her breast as her chest heaves up and down. I storm back toward her, grabbing both sides of her face and kissing her hard. She shoves me backward and slaps me. “Get out! Now!”

  I hear a tap at the door. “Huck, come on, you’re going to get me fired.”

  I snatch the door open and glare at Elizabeth and then back to Chelsea. “You’ve both lost your fucking minds,” I say before storming out of the club.


  It’s been almost two fucking weeks since the night at Ace’s and along with the bullshit there, I have other shit going on. I’m trying to get to the bottom of something that could change a lot of things for Sly and me.

  There is a tap on my bedroom door and Kara walks in. She crawls on the bed with me. “So are you gonna tell me what’s wrong? You’ve been walking around this house like someone kicked you in the balls.”

  I shake my head. “Just an argument with Elizabeth.” I can’t tell her what all is going through my head.

  “I know about that. She told me. Elizabeth is pretty much an open book to Sloan and me so I know the things you know. She has her reasons for what she’s doing. I know you don’t like her doing it and Marco would have a heart attack, but it’s just something she needs to do. We’ve all offered to help but it’s something she needs to do on her own. It’s very important to her.” She rolls on her side.

  I look over at her. “You doing okay? Recovery going all right?”

  She nods. “Yeah, just sore. It’s a little tough getting around. I go back to work next week and I’m ready. I’m going to miss Krista, but I’m ready to leave the house.”

  I laugh. “I’m afraid my brother is going to turn my niece into a gym rat.”

  She laughs. “Yes. That thought crossed my mind, too. I’m hoping that she doesn’t cause problems at the gym.” She shakes her head. “Sly has already bought her personalized clothes for the gym.”

  We both laugh and she gets up. “Okay, well I just wanted to check on you. Liz will quit soon, okay?” She stops at the door, looking back. “Even though I’m pretty sure that you’re hiding something else that’s bothering you.”

  Just then Krista lets out a cry. She goes to take care of her.

  Another week has gone by and I’ve thrown myself into figuring out what I can about Chelsea, along with another personal issue I’m trying to sort out.

  Sly sticks his head in my door. “Hey, man, can you help me get Princess to the car?”

  I nod and follow him. Once we’re in her room, he realizes he has to change her. Man, little kids could shit up the world it seems like.

  “Princess, how can something this nasty come out of your little body?” My brother makes faces at her. “Are you ready to go show everyone your workout clothes? Let’s go get our buff on.” I laugh at the little jumper thing my brother had made with our logo on the front and Princess on the back.

  “You know, by the time she starts talking, she’s going to be sick of hearing your voice. You talk all the damn time,” I say as I throw the diaper bag on the shoulder opposite my gym bag.

  “She loves her daddy’s voice. Shut up, Uncle Ugly.”

  I look over at Sly once we’re in the truck. “Have you talked to Elizabeth in the past few days?”

  “No, she’s been busy with her job, I guess. She said she got a few more days a week. I told her Marco would hire her to work at the gym but she refuses. She says she isn’t taking a hand out from him.” He shrugs.

  She added more days? What the fuck? I exhale loudly, “I fucking told her if she doesn’t talk to Marco soon, I am.”

  We have a short conversation the rest of the way to the gym and inside. I want to tell him everything I know, but it’s her story to tell. Plus, if I’m going to tell anyone, it’ll be Marco.

  Out of nowhere Lox is running in the room and turning on the TV. “Sloan just called me to turn on the news. Kara is really upset.”

  “What?” Sly grabs his phone.

  Once Lox has the TV on, we see the local news has sirens and cops all over the place.

  Breaking news. There was a shooting on Universe Boulevard two hours ago. Three armed assailants who were holding up the First Bank of Florida opened fire on officers responding to the bank’s alarm system. The suspects were killed in the process, along with two members of the Sheriff’s Department. Officer Thomas McKay and Detective Leroy Harmon.

  Chelsea! I’ve done enough snooping to know she’s at the hospital right now. Oh God, I have to get to her.

  I run over to Lox, “Give me your keys.”

  “What for?” Lox says with a sour look.

  “Because we drove the baby mobile today and I need to go check on someone. Now!” I snap.

  Lox shrugs. “Fine. Take them. Where are you going?”

  “Somewhere,” I say, running out of the room.

  I don’t really remember the drive to the hospital. Once I find a parking spot, there are cop cars everywhere. I run in the doors and to the desk. Charity, a lady I’ve met several times, sees me. “Hey, where’s Elaine?”

  She smiles. “Um hang on, let me see if I can find her. It’s been a little crazy.”

  A minute later Elaine comes bustling out. “What’s wrong, sweetie?”

  “Where’s Chelsea Harmon?” I blurt out.

  She puts her hand to her mouth. “Oh sweetie, one of the deputies took her and her mom home.”

  “Do they still live over on Magnolia Trail?” I ask hurriedly.

  She sighs hesitantly. “Let me look.” She pulls something up on the computer and gives me a brief nod. She grabs my arm. “Huck, baby, what’s going on? I’ve never seen you like this.”

  “She’s a friend,” I say, darting back out of the hospital.

  Driving fast down the streets to a familiar place takes me back a little. It was so much different back then though.

  I pull up as close as I can but the street, front yard and driveway are already flooded with vehicles. I make my way in the front door. As soon as I walk in I see her sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I walk over to her and pick her up in my arms to a standing position.

  She tries to shove me away but I keep her close. I drag her up the stairs to her old room. I shouldn’t even know where it is, but that’s our secret. Shutting the door behind us, I kiss her forehead.

  “Chelsea, baby. I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?” I say into her hair.

  She shakes her head. “No. The guys from the department and their wives are taking care of so much.” She pulls away and sits down on her bed. �
��It’s like a dream. They came rushing into the ER. I saw all the cops and I kept looking for him. When the lieutenant saw me, the look on his face told me so much. He walked over to me. He still had blood on his uniform. He grabbed me in a huge hug and told me.” She lets out a sob. “I fell apart right there.”

  I sit beside her and pull her to my chest. “Did they give you something for your nerves?” I’m pretty sure they did because she looks a little loopy.

  She nods. “Yes. Dr. Reynolds gave me something before I left the hospital.” Then she looks up as if she realizes it’s me for the first time. “Why are you here?”

  I lie her back on the bed and stroke her hair. “Because I’m your friend.”




  Tonight is my first night back at the club. Six weeks… It’s been six weeks since my dad was killed by some low life bank robber. A punk whose parents probably never beat his ass. A little shit who was already on probation and had been in and out of jail for years. An asshole who took the man from me I was finally getting to know. The last couple of months before he died, we grew so much closer. We were on our way to making the relationship I’d always hoped for. We’d talked and apologized about so many things. Now, it’s all gone and I feel empty.

  I thought I might just be able to stick to the hospital. I mean, Dad’s life insurance covered a lot. It paid for Dad’s funeral and burial, and Mom paid off her house and the cars. She also paid off her medical bills, but then we were hit with the realization again that cancer sucks and the bills don’t stop. Insurance companies are a rip off, the drugs the patient needs are incredibly expensive. My mom will get my dad’s pension from the department, but that will only cover her everyday expenses. Her sister is coming to stay with us while she goes through this round of treatments so I won’t have the expense of hiring someone to be with her. Because in order to cover her copays, I’m right back here at the club and at the hospital during the day.


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