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Holding Huck's Heart (Marco's MMA Boys #3)

Page 9

by S. M. Donaldson

  “You don’t trust anyone. You don’t really let anyone in.” Our eye contact still not broken.

  “I do trust some people, but it’s a small circle,” he says closer to my face.

  “Am I in that circle?” I ask, our lips almost touching.

  “No. But maybe soon,” he says just before closing the distance between our lips.

  Our kiss starts out slow and sensual. Not at all like the angry kiss in my dressing room.

  As his hands slide up my sides to my neck, cradling my face, the kiss becomes needy. Running my hands down his abs, I reach the top of his swim trunks. A little lower, I feel his erection pressing against it. I let out a moan against his mouth. He pulls away for a second. “Let’s, um, take this somewhere else.”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  Slipping back into my cover up and grabbing our belongings, we make a quick trip through the hotel and to his room.

  Once the door closes, he presses me up against it, lifting me so my legs instantly wrap around his waist. He tugs my cover up off. Spinning around, he tosses me on the bed and climbs over me. Snatching the ties of my swimsuit top, it comes flying off. He looks down at my breasts.

  “Whoa! That’s new,” he says, leaning down to take one of my nipples into his mouth. He gently tugs on the piercing.

  “Oh god!” I call out.

  He kisses down my stomach and then tugs down my bottoms and flings them somewhere. Running his lips down my thigh, he stops at my tattoo. “When?”

  “Just after I left. It was my first act of true rebellion,” I say breathlessly as he runs his tongue up my wet center. A small moan comes out.

  He inserts a finger while using his thumb to rub my clit. “Damn, baby, your girl is being greedy.”

  “Huck! I need you.” He stands, shoving his shorts down. I sit up to see his huge erection staring at me with a small glint of silver in it. “Hmm you got jewelry, too, I see.” Leaning forward, I lick the tip. I close my mouth around his thick cock and slide down it.

  “Oh no, you don’t. Lie back.” He pushes at my shoulders. He spreads my legs, tugging me to the edge of the bed, then thrusts inside of me.

  I feel that cute little jewel hit that sweet spot inside of me. “Oh god!” I belt out.

  “Damn, baby, this feels amazing.” He leans further over me. Lifting my legs over his shoulders, he pounds into me.

  It’s so real, so deep. “Ah, ah, ah Huck!” I scream out just before he tenses up. Making three more deep thrusts into me, I feel the hot liquid spill inside of me.

  He rolls over, pulling me on top of him, our slick bodies molding to each other. I smile while trying to get up. “Wait, where are you going?”

  I smile. “Well, I kinda need to clean up.” I motion to where we are still joined.

  A realization comes over his face, his entire body tenses. I quickly stand up, sensing something is wrong. “I can’t believe I fucking did this!”

  I make a quick trip to the bathroom and clean up. Once I walk back into the room, he’s pacing the floor and mumbling to his self.

  I’m standing here naked and vulnerable. Suddenly I really feel the need to get dressed and leave. I start searching the room for my cover up, my swim suit, really anything.

  “I can’t believe I fucked you without a condom,” he grinds out.

  Well, that was kinda blunt. I reach for a towel and wrap it around me. “It’s okay, Huck.”

  He spins around. “It is not fucking okay. I never fuck someone without a condom, hell, I normally use two. I can’t believe I was so fucking stupid.”

  I lightly touch his arm, feeling nervous. He just seems so damn angry with me right now. “Huck, I’m for real, it’s okay. We just got carried away. I’m clean and I’m on the shot.”

  I start to cower when he glares at me. “Don’t you dare try to pacify me, Chelsea.” He grabs a shirt off his suit case and thrusts it at me. “I don’t trust women, ever. They always come with a price. Just do me a favor and get the hell out.”

  I snatch the shirt on, managing to grab my cover up off the floor. Thank god my room key is still in it. I turn back to him. “Fuck you, Huck. I don’t want a goddamn thing from you. Ever.” I slam the door and run to my room. As soon as I’m in my room, I quickly shower and throw my clothes on. I don’t need his shit, Pavel gave me enough shit to last a lifetime. Hell, he’s still giving me shit. Men are overrated anyway. Maybe Liz has the right idea. Fuck it, I’m outta here. Tossing everything in my bags, I call the front desk and ask for them to get me a rental car brought to me. On my way down to the front desk, I run into Sloan.

  “Hey, girl, where are you going?” she asks, confused I’m sure by the bag on my shoulder.

  “Oh, um, I have a rental car coming. There is some stuff with my mom so I need to get back home. But thanks for inviting me this weekend. It’s kinda late so would you please let Liz know?” I tug at the strap on my shoulder bag. “I just need to be there with her when she goes to the doctor and all.”

  Sloan nods slowly. “Yeah, sure I will. Are you sure that’s all?”

  I nod, trying to fight back tears. “Yeah, just please let Liz know so she doesn’t worry.”

  She smiles and agrees, going back up to her room.

  Once I make it to the rental car, I fall apart. Is everyone convinced I want something from them?



  What in the ever loving fuck was I thinking last night? It wasn’t her fault I got so damn worked up I forgot to put a condom on. I damn sure treated her like it was though. I acted like she was some run of the mill girl with a hard-on for fighters. After she ran out, I tried calling her room but she didn’t answer. I paced the room and debated going to her room but if she won’t answer the phone, it’s not likely she’ll answer the door. I really want to say I’m sorry, but I’m fucking tied up all day today. Plus, she and the girls are gone to the spa. I’m definitely not telling the guys what happened. They’d be pissed. Hopefully she hasn’t told the girls. My ass was already in the hot seat for asking for that chick’s number last night, they’d fucking cut my balls off for this.

  I’ll see her tonight after the fight, I’ll fix it. Now I need to push her and the amazing sex we had last night to the back of my mind and prep for this fight.

  Before I can blink, the day flies by and it’s time for my match. Lox and Sly both did awesome tonight. Gibbs did pretty well, too, but his match was a little more like mine is going to be. Tough.

  I see Maksim waiting in the hallway. He grins. I step his direction. “What?”

  He shakes his head. “Oh I just wondered what my boss’s sloppy seconds are like. You’ll have to tell me soon, yeah? He says she’s a hellcat in the sack.”

  Marco grabs me by the shoulders. “Don’t,” is all he says. He knows I’m about to beat the hell out of this guy before our match even starts.

  I don’t get a chance to say anything before he starts his walkout. I look at Marco and point in the direction that Maksim just walked in. “I’m about to fuck up his universe.”

  Marco nods and slaps me on the back. “Go get him then.”

  As I walk out, I glance over to where our family is sitting. I don’t see her but maybe she’s gone to the bathroom. Once I’m in the cage, the official calls us to the middle. Staring at Maksim face to face always pisses me off. He has this smug look and I just wanna knock him the fuck out and I’m about to. We tap gloves and go to our corners. Marco pats me on the shoulder. “Let’s do this, use that anger and plow through his ass.” I nod as the bell dings.

  I come out of my corner like a man on a mission. We are going so hard landing kicks and punches on each other that we don’t even hear the first bell and the official has to separate us.

  In my corner, Marco sprays off my face with water. “You’re doing good, son. Keep it up.”

  I nod and the bell dings. Punch, kick, move. Then it happens, I land one solid punch in his face and he goes down. The official drops to the mat and c
ounts him out. I win by a knockout punch.

  The official grabs my arm and holds it in the air, declaring me as winner.

  As they are rushing me off to the locker room, I look over and still don’t see her. Fuck it, I’ll have to ask someone to send her back to me.

  Once I’m in the locker room, Marco comes in. “You did damn good, son! I’m proud of you.”

  Next, my brother and Lox come in pretty much saying the same things.

  I look to them. “Can one of you go bring Chelsea back here? I need to talk to her for a second.”

  Lox looks away and then back at me nervously. “She left last night. Sloan said something about her mom having to go to the doctor. She said she looked really upset but didn’t act like she wanted to talk.”

  “What?” I ask as Lox just nods.

  Sly tugs on my arm. “Go get a shower, man. We have to go to that after party. You can call her later.”

  I nod but deep down in my stomach, I know that she left because of me. I’m such a fucking idiot.


  An hour later, I’m at a party where women are throwing themselves at me and I couldn’t care less. I can’t get her out of my mind. I find myself wondering. What would she be wearing tonight? Would she go back to my room with me again? I think about her perky breasts with those damn piercings.

  I feel a firm hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see the asshole himself. “You fought very well tonight, Mr. Webb. I understand I’m to thank for that somewhat.”

  “Excuse me, asshole?”

  “My boy, Maksim, told me he gave you a hard time about Chelsea before you came out. You approached him like a tiger after someone who has touched its cub.” He smiles with an evil grin.

  “Fuck you, man. Oh, by the way, where is your wife?” I say with a cockiness.

  “My wife is none of your concern.”

  “Yeah, well Chelsea is none of yours anymore. Get that through your head.”

  He glares at me. “Oh she is. I’ve made her. She would have nothing if it weren’t for me. I gave her money, clothes, jewelry, a car, a home. And what can you give her? An STD?”

  I land a punch to his nose before he can say anything else. “You gave her nothing!” I yell.

  He charges at me and I shove him to the ground, landing punch after punch until I’m being pulled away.

  He spits on the floor. “I get what I want, Webb, and I will have her again.”

  I try to pull away from my brother and Lox. “You come near her again and I’ll make you wish you were dead.”

  Lox and Sly pull me away. Sly pats my back. “Come on, man. Let’s go get this blood cleaned off of you.”

  Marco comes running up. “Do you three jackasses think we can come here one year and not turn the damn after party into the fucking main event?”

  Sly laughs. “Marco, man, I’ve never gotten into a brawl here.”

  “Oh, so I didn’t have to pull you away from Mr. Football last year, too? Horse shit. I also had to go get your ass out of jail. Now, go get yourselves cleaned up and behave like damn professionals,” Marco barks at us. He walks off ranting and raving about damn fighters and women.

  Lox shoves me into the bathroom. “All right, man. What in the hell is going on?”

  Sly grabs a towel for my hand. “Yeah, and what does it have to do with Chelsea?”

  “That’s her story to tell, man. I need to go though. I can’t be in the room with that guy, I’ll kill him,” I grind out as Lox wipes over my hand. By now the girls have crowded into the bathroom.

  Lox nods. “Yeah, go to the room, have a drink and go your ass to bed.”

  Liz catches my arm on the way out. “Wish her a happy birthday. Maybe that’ll break the ice.”

  In the elevator on the way up to my room, I replay last night in my head. The way she felt, the way she tasted. All of it, even the part where I became an idiot.

  Maybe if I text her, she’ll answer me.

  ME: Happy Birthday!

  CHELSEA: Thanks.

  That’s it. Just one word. Man, I fucked up big time.

  ME: You left before I could apologize last night.


  Man, she’s making this tough.

  ME: And I’m really sorry for how I reacted.


  This should get her talking.

  ME: I should probably also let you know that I beat Pavel’s ass at the after party.

  My phone starts ringing. Her name appears on the screen.


  “What in the hell do you mean you beat his ass?” she says kind of angry sounding, but also a little drunk.

  “He approached me and thought he could run his damn mouth about you and so I politely placed my fist in it. Several times. Until the guys pulled me away. I’m pretty sure I broke his nose. Are you drunk?”

  She sighs. “I’ve had a shitty few days so yes, I’m drunk. Why did you do that?”

  “Because no one is going to insult you or insinuate the things about you that he did in my presence.”

  She gives a snarky laugh. “Except you, right?”

  “Chelsea, I’m really sorry. I just freaked out a little. I got so wrapped up in the moment with you. That’s never happened to me before,” I say regrettably.

  “Yeah, well it’s going to take me some time to get over all of this. So just-,” she says softly.

  “I get it. I wish you were here so I could see you. Happy birthday. I’ll let you get some sleep now.”

  “Thanks. Goodnight, Huck,” she says with a sadness in her voice.



  It’s been one week since Jacksonville. Pavel has called me and harassed me every fucking day. I get flowers sent to work, the texts, and the phone calls, are more than I want or care to deal with. He sent me pictures of his face. I must say Huck does excellent work. I had to laugh a little when I saw that. I’ve asked him to leave me alone to no avail.

  I finally went yesterday and had my number changed. The worst part is I think he has someone watching me. I told Liz about it, she said Huck had been watching me leave at night, but she’d asked him to stop and he did reluctantly. I kind of wish he hadn’t now.

  Walking through the door of this gym is taking all the guts I can come up with, but I need to be able to defend myself. I know a little from what my dad taught me years ago, but it would be no match for someone with any skill.

  Inside the gym, I see Sly sparring with Eli, showing him some stuff. I wave as I make my way through the area, running right into Huck.

  “Chelsea, hey.” He swallows hard, showing his adam’s apple. The very one I licked and sucked and kissed. UHHHHH. I need to stop, I’m getting worked up here.

  “Hey, Huck. Um, I was just swinging by to see if those lessons were still on the table?” I say nervously.

  He gives me a tight nod. “Of course. You ready now?”

  “Yeah. Do you have time?” I say nervously.

  The uncomfortable tension between us is almost unbearable.

  He caresses my upper arm. “Sure. Come on, let’s go in here.” I follow him into a room. “This is where we teach the classes.”

  “It’s nice. It seems like you guys are doing really great here,” I say, looking around the room to avoid his stare.

  “Thanks. We’re doing very well. The contracts with Bellator have helped a lot,” he says, trying to sound upbeat.

  I have to find a way to make this better. “Listen, Huck. The other night, we got carried away and our emotions got the better of us.” He stops me.

  “I was wrong for treating you like, like the other women I’ve been with. I know you wouldn’t do something like that. I was a jackass for saying anything like that to you,” he says, looking at the floor.

  I listen and nod. “Well, you were being a jackass, but you’re right, I would never do anything to hurt you or trap you. I want someone who wants to be with me for me. Not because I had to trick or trap them
into being there. I’m sorry I left without a word. My emotions are just all over the place these last few months and I can’t seem to control them sometimes.”

  “Let’s just start over as friends and see what happens.” He pulls my chin up to look at him. “Okay?”

  I nod. “Yeah, okay. Oh and nice job on Pavel’s face, by the way.”

  He gives me a deep chuckle. “Thanks.”

  He starts our lesson and the closer I am to him, the more I can smell him. The more I can feel him. The throbbing between my thighs is killing me.

  He just sniffed my hair. He’s feeling this, too. I hear him grumble, “Fuck.”

  “What is it?” I ask with him still behind me.

  “These gym shorts are doing nothing to hide the damn hard on I’m sporting right now,” he grumbles in my ear.

  My breath hitches and he spins me around. He glances down at my sports bra. “Fuck, those nipple rings are killing me.” He backs me against the wall, claiming my mouth.

  Once we pull apart, he grabs my hand. “Where are we going?”

  “To take care of something,” he groans.

  He opens a door and we are in a small conference room. He slams and locks the door behind us. “I thought we were going to take it slow?” I say as he pulls me back against his mouth.

  “You always said I had shit for patience.” He lays me back on the table.

  “Huck.” He starts tugging my sports bra off. “Condom?”

  He lets out a growl. “Damn it.” He slams a fist into the table. He glances back down at my now naked breasts. “You’re on the shot, right?”

  “Yes, and I had a physical when I went to work for the hospital,” I say hurriedly. I need this aching to go away.

  I can see he’s having a battle with himself. “Huck, we don’t have to-.”

  He cuts me off. “Fuck it.” Pushing me back on the table, he grabs my yoga pants, tugging them down and getting them hung on my sneakers. I kick the damn shoes off and reach for his shorts, shoving them down.

  He runs his fingers through my wet center. “Oh, you’re already so wet.”

  All I can do is nod. “Please, Huck.”

  He slides inside me and stills for a moment. “Ah damn, Chels, you feel so good. Being inside you with nothing between us is...God.”


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