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PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

Page 4

by Kristal Baird

  He had to get out of there for a bit and lunch was just an excuse. It would have been easy enough to order in. But he found himself thinking about her more than was healthy. Cally Hammond was supposed to be a job but she was just so damn sexy and compliant, right from the get-go, she was doing things to him that oughtn’t to be done. Mind and body. And that wasn’t how it worked.

  Keep the woman off-balance. Guessing. Peaks and troughs. Pain and pleasure. That was how it worked. How you got them agreeing to anything you wanted. Submitting to your will. Or, rather, Joe Mathers’. Jake found his gut twisting uncomfortably at the thought of that bastard doing all the things to Cally he was going to be doing.

  He cussed inwardly. It was the name of the game. He did this work for other men and got paid very well to do it. It meant nothing to him personally. By the time he was finished with them, the women wanted what they got. Really wanted it. He had never yet taken it through to its logical conclusion with any woman who remained completely resistant to the idea. There were other people who did that, but not him.

  If by a critical point he hadn’t managed to train a woman to accept, he cut them loose, helped them get the hell away from the bastard who wanted them that way, and refunded the fee. He hadn’t had to do that too often. He was just too damned good at his job.

  But it was just a job.

  And Cally Hammond was just a job too. It was never meant to get personal. For him.

  Jake thought about her beautiful blue eyes, framed with thick, dark lashes, and the almost bright beam of intelligence that shone through them. In his mind, he ran over her lush curves and he felt his fingers itching to touch, to caress.

  He just knew Cally wasn’t one of those women he would have to cut loose. She had given him all the right signals. He’d figured the scenario. The one he had invented, unique to this occasion. Most women were quite resistant at first and he enjoyed the element of persuasion. But Cally was a different matter. This was the first time he’d had a woman to deal with who thought she was fooling him.

  Soof course she was going along with it. All too readily. Smart enough to think she was playing him. Jake’s lips twisted in delight at the levels of deception he controlled. How he loved to be in control. Especially of sexy women.

  He was enjoying Cally far too much. He never usually wanted to actually fuck many of them. That was just a necessary part of the job. And he definitely never wanted to fuck them at least until day two. Wanted to get to know the way they reacted a bit first. But Cally Hammond was different. If he didn’t know she was acting, he’d think she liked it this way. So he would have to watch himself as much as her. And talking of watching …

  Jake turned on his viewer as he strode up the mews. Yes, right on cue. Cally was searching his office. He grinned. He would have been disappointed if she wasn’t. What he did like was a challenge. Especially one as hot to handle as her.

  Cally went straight to Jake Stone’s desk, just as soon as she heard the door click behind him. The set of drawers on the right opened, but contained nothing more interesting than a whole lot of office gadgets. Pretty new-looking ones too. Nothing like the battered old stuff at City News. Should that interest her? The whole set-up looked rather new. Maybe the guy’s business was going up in the world or maybe he’d had to move premises, just to keep ahead of the law. Nothing to be seen that really excited her yet.

  The set of drawers on the left was locked. So that looked entirely more promising.

  Cally spent time searching for the keys – most people kept them within handy distance – but she supposed Jake Stone wasn’t most people. She had no luck finding any. Breaking into those drawers would have to wait. She couldn’t risk showing her hand too soon.

  The filing cabinet was her next target and locked, but with the little silver key sitting neatly in the lock at the top. Cally almost thought that was a pity, as she’d learnt it was easy and undetectable to lever open a locked filing cabinet. The City Newsjanitor had showed her how, when she lost her own set of keys, the first week of her internship. She was just about to start rifling through the files when the phone rang.

  Now what was she to do? Answer it? Stay silent? Jake hadn’t left her any specific instructions and what the hell, he’d never know. Whoever he did business with might reveal something of interest about him. She picked up the receiver. ‘Stone Enterprises. May I help you?’


  Blast. It was him. Should she speak? ‘Hello – er, Mr Stone.’ Feelings of guilt flooded through her. Just like she’d been caught in the act.

  ‘Cally, I forgot to tell you. If the phone goes you may answer it and take a message.’

  She already had. Was he trying to unnerve her? The tension was palpable. ‘Yes … Sir. Is there anything else?’ How come he could make her feel so guilty?

  ‘No, that’s it. Just go back to whatever you were doing. I’ll be out of your way for about another half an hour.’

  Cally’s face burned. It sounded almost like he knew she was searching the premises but was giving her permission to continue. She told herself not to be so silly. He could have absolutely no idea that she had just been going through his office, looking for dirt on him. ‘Yes, sir.’

  She hung up. Thirty minutes to read those files.

  It only took half that time to realise they were a bunch of boring old technical documents and general office detritus. Nothing of any real interest. Nothing that really told her much about what this guy did at all. The closest she could get was shipping. There seemed to be stuff from all around the world. She would have to watch where he put his keys, the next time he went into his desk. She’d put money on whatever was in those locked drawers being the mother-lode.

  Just time to phone her flatmate to give her an update, before he got back. Cally remembered he’d taken her mobile and went to use the desk phone. When she picked it up, it seemed to go through to some operator – the woman on the other end answered with the words “Stone Enterprises” – unlike when she’d ordered the clothes and dialled straight through. Cally hung up. No way did she want Jake discovering she had tried to call out. She had to make certain she did not blow her cover until she got everything she wanted.

  When she heard the exterior door open a moment later, Cally fled to her desk and waited.

  Jake breezed in carrying a bag. ‘I got you a salad platter and spring water. I’m not allowing you to eat meat this week.’

  The guy never failed to surprise her. Especially when he unwrapped a huge chunk of French bread with thick slices of crumbed ham falling out of the sides and commenced chowing down. He was even going to dictate what she could eat.

  The funny thing wasit didn’t make her angry. On the contrary she felt turned on again. The thought of being controlled so rigidly by a really fit, masculine guy had her practically ready to roll over and open her legs once more. And beg for it if she had to.

  Jake placed the salad box on his desk. ‘Come over here and eat it. I would like to watch you eat.’

  She walked across slowly and Jake patted the desk top, right in front of his chair, suggesting she should sit on top, between his open legs. She did. Her heart began to beat deeply and an answering pulse between her thighs signalled her steady arousal. It was just beneath the surface all the time. God, she’d never been so horny.

  ‘Use your fingers, then you can lick them clean afterwards,’ he ordered, as coolly as if he was asking her to pass him a napkin.

  They ate in silence. She watched his strong jaw movements as he chewed and the rise and fall of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed. He watched her mouth intently and she decided to play him at his own game by teasing him, letting her tongue slide across her lips, even while knowing she was grabbing a rampant bull by the nose-ring.

  Each slice of cucumber she held between her fingers had an oily dressing dripping viscously off it. Cally held it above her open lips, letting her tongue dart out and alternately flicker and lathe the wet, shiny surface. She could see tha
t, much as Jake Stone pretended to be unimpressed by her theatrics, he couldn’t hide the widening of his black pupils as he became increasingly aroused. Those dark eyes, fixed on her, alternately thrilled and scared her. Especially as he didn’t move a muscle. God, the control that guy exerted. Where he could. She’d seen his thick cock twitch in his trousers. It was searching her out like a heat-seeking missile. Cally nearly threw her head back and laughed.

  She ran her tongue slowly over her oiled-up lips, never taking her eyes from his as she did so. She wondered who would break the gaze first. It had become like a battle of wills.

  Without breaking his stare, Jake spoke. ‘You’re finished.’

  Cally looked down at the remaining contents of the transparent box. ‘I’m not.’

  His voice became harsh. ‘I say you are.’

  Cally closed the box. She licked her fingers slowly and thoroughly, one by one, until she saw a diamond-hard shine appear in his eyes and his mouth fix in a grim slash.

  She stilled, knowing by her gut instinct and his body language that she had taken it too far. Wondered what he would do next. The lengthy silence that ensued was slowly killing her.

  He wiped his hands on a napkin, then leant toward her and reached for the buttons on her blouse, flipping them open one by one, from bottom to top. Cally swallowed hard as he yanked it over her shoulders, leaving the sleeves halfway down, trapping her arms by her sides. Her breath caught as he slid his fingers inside the cups of her bra and lifted the soft globes of white flesh free of their gentle cradles, one at a time. The fastened bra now sat beneath her breasts, supporting them, pushed up and out toward him, fully and firmly.

  Jake sat back in his chair and feasted his eyes on her naked body. ‘Don’t move an inch,’ he muttered. He observed her for a long time, saying nothing. He didn’t need to touch her to make her nipples peak hard. They were both aware of it.

  He slid to the edge of his seat and palmed both breasts, crushing the soft flesh firmly between his fingers. A low, soft moan escaped her lips.

  In answer, he took her pink, erect nipples and rolled them briskly between his thumb and fingers. Her moans increased audibly. Cally could feel the swelling of her pussy, engorging with moisture, as the exquisite charge his dexterous fingers wrought shot through her nipples straight to her cunt. It awaited the attentions of the engorged cock she knew stood in response before her.

  ‘Please,’ she begged in a throaty whisper, forgetting everything she’d ever learnt about silence. Her knees parted as much as they could in her restrictive skirt.

  Jake grasped her hard nipples firmly and pulled them strongly toward him before releasing abruptly. He delivered the punishing motion repeatedly. As soon as Cally’s hands shot between her legs, he stopped.

  As he yanked the bra back over her sensitised breasts and pulled the edges of her blouse together, he reminded her of something. ‘You are here for my amusement, not your own.’ His voice was thick with desire. ‘Don’t you dare try to pleasure yourself, unless I demand it, for my enjoyment. Now go and make me coffee.’

  His firm demand had her nearly coming right there in front of him. God, why did she so get off on dominant men?

  Jake pulled her from his desk and turned her toward the kitchen. His voice sounded hard-edged and rough. He was suffering too.

  As the water boiled, Jake watched her on his monitor as she disobeyed him. He decided to take advantage of the fact rather than punish her directly. Too much spanking at one time desensitised a woman to the delicate nature of its torture. It should be administered intermittently in order to exact the maximum effect. And he wasn’t done with Cally in that department yet.

  As he observed, she slipped her hands inside her bra and ran her fingers back over her breasts, focusing on re-stimulating their turgid tips. As she did so, he freed his needy cock from its confines and with a firm grip he ran his closed fist over the painfully swollen shaft. He hissed a sharp intake of breath over his teeth as his thumb slid the droplets of precome over the slickly sensitive end. His own strong grip began the movement down its rigid length to the root in torturous slowness, then returned its journey, up, up, pulling the pleasure along every nerve-filled inch, over the tingling ridge to the darkened tip, where his fingers lingered and toyed.

  He enjoyed watching her lean back against the counter, believing herself to be alone, as he worked more frantically on his own desperate member. It heightened his thrill immensely to see her work her magic on her own body. Needs that he had induced in her, with his firm control. His breathing was laboured now, his need for release hitched and tightening, like his balls, which throbbed in response to the feel of his hands, rubbing over his hot flesh.

  Jake speeded up his hand’s pace as it covered the distance from hard root to hot tip. He jerked and yanked as he watched her. He delighted in the uninhibited play of sheer erotic pleasure running across her features, thinking herself unobserved, as she slid her skirt up over her firm, naked thighs and let those fingers slip beneath the crotch of her white panties, her legs parting in desperate invitation.

  Her hooded eyelids, panting breaths, and stifled moans of pleasure helped him to imagine it was Cally’s cool, licked fingers playing with his hot, rigid pole. He would punish the cock-teasing little bitch, fucking with his mind as she played with her food. The way he wanted her to play with his own hot meat. It brought him to a swift, explosive climax and he had to suppress a howl as he came, hard. He used a tissue to clean himself up and fixed his trousers.

  Jake allowed her busy little hands to delve and dive in the hot, wet delights of her aching pussy for a few moments longer until he observed her hips starting to thrust and writhe in pleasure. He carefully observed her countenance turn from soft and indulgent to tightly seeking, at which point he walked to his office door and shouted at her to come back to the office, immediately.

  Jake couldn’t help his lips curving into a wry smile as he saw her jump and start at his sharp tone, on his monitor. She hurriedly righted her clothes and he knew he left her on that frantic edge, where she would soon jump in any direction he asked. Poor little darling. Mathers’ little sex slave.

  The tight muscle twitched in Jake’s jaw again.

  He would have to find another outlet for all his pent-up energy. For now.

  Chapter Three

  CALLY FELT EMBARRASSED. She knew Jake Stone could have no idea what she had been doing in the kitchen, but she couldn’t help feeling her flushed face was signalling her embarrassment like a waving flag.

  ‘You didn’t have to rush,’ he commented, casually.

  He could obviously see how pink her cheeks were and that her breathing rate was raised and thought it was because she had been hurrying. Thankfully. She would have been mortified if he’d had any inkling that he had caught her trying a bit of self-help, in his kitchen. And she’d got so damned close. She discreetly checked her clothes were in order as she waited for his instructions.

  ‘There’s a large paper shredder in the basement. I want you to take the contents of the filing cabinet and shred everything.’

  Cally’s eyes widened in amazement. She hesitated and it didn’t go unnoticed.

  Jake reacted. ‘Do you have a problem dealing with useless information?’

  ‘No, sir.’ She started toward the cabinet. She wasn’t ready for another humiliating spanking. She might just come all over his lap and even if she wanted the satisfaction, she wasn’t about to give him any.

  ‘All that paperwork is nothing to do with my business. It was left by the previous owners. Just a lot of rubbish.’

  And she’d wasted time searching through it. That would explain the key left in the lock. Jake Stone didn’t strike her as the kind of man who was careless about important information.

  ‘I want you to take it one sheet at a time.’

  What the hell? One sheet at a time, down to the basement to shred? There were hundreds of them. ‘Yes, sir.’ Cally’s reply came out on a sigh. If they had been wor
th looking at, she would have jumped at the opportunity to scrutinise each and every page. But she already knew they revealed nothing. And Jake Stone had just confirmed that fact. Perhaps the basement would be more fruitful, but she doubted it. He didn’t trust her yet so she had to be careful.

  ‘That way you can get a very good look at the papers. Read each one, just in case I’ve overlooked anything of importance.’

  Cally could swear she heard a tone of amusement in his voice, but she must be imagining it in her fraught, frustrated state. He couldn’t possibly know she already had.

  The work took hours. By the time she had finished, she was sweaty and exhausted and her legs were screaming in agony in those high heels. There was no lift, just two flights of stairs. Down and up and down and up. She had tried, a couple of times, to sneak a few sheets at a time, to speed up the process, but despite his casual neglect, he must have been watching her like a hawk.

  ‘I think you’ve accidently picked up two there, Cally. Put them back. Do it just the way I said it. One sheet at a time. I wouldn’t want you to miss anything important.’

  This was definitely going in her report. What a power trip. It was like some stupid army punishment. And that got her thinking. He’d better not ask her to clean the bathroom with a toothbrush or she was out of here. Job or no stinking newspaper job.

  When she was done, she came and stood back in front of his desk. He eventually acknowledged her. ‘Oh, is that you finished already, Cally?’

  What a joker.‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Well, it’s been a long first day. I expect you’re dying to go home.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ She was beginning to feel like a parrot. And she wasn’t sure she was dying to go to his home, but it might be her best chance yet of getting something really juicy on Jake Stone. Something really revealing.

  He looked at her hard. ‘You did well for your first day, Cally.’

  She could almost believe he meant it. Although she couldn’t see how ordering some clothes and shredding some useless papers was anything to crow about. That only meant he was happy she was so compliant.


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