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PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

Page 14

by Kristal Baird

  ‘It’s good,’ he mumbled. He talked with his mouth full. Primate was right.

  If he thought she was going to thank him for the compliment to her domestic skills and culinary prowess, he was mistaken. She threw down her fork and threw back the rest of her glass of wine. Jake looked up at her, for the first time.

  She reached for the bottle but he grabbed it first. She relinquished her hold reluctantly and was a little surprised to see him refill her glass before his own. The devil was rising in her again. That, and the desire for oblivion. She downed the second glass in one, also. It nearly choked her.

  He really watched her that time. ‘You sleep in my room tonight,’ he began and when her eyes flicked to his, he quickly continued, ‘I’ll take the other one.’

  Too many unfortunaterecent memories for him to share a bed with her, she supposed. She got up and grabbed the bottle. He let her. There was only another generous glassful left in it anyway. As she walked out of the kitchen, he called after her.

  ‘Get some sleep. I’ll be waking you early tomorrow. Business as usual.’

  Damn him. He just had to add that last bit, didn’t he? She refused to react.

  Standing under the hot shower, Cally couldn’t seem to get hot enough or clean enough to scrub away how much she hated him, wanted him, wanted to run away from this whole damn mess. And she hadn’t even spoken to him; so much for her plan to make Jake Stone spill the beans. Journalist of the year.

  Cally beat the pillow into a bloodless pulp, sank back and stared at the ceiling. Even the bed still smelled of him. Of them. Together. No wonder he gave it up, to her. Not so much chivalry as avoidance. Gorilla. Orang-utan. Chimpanzee.

  Cally woke when Jake threw something onto the bottom of the bed. It was morning and he was already dressed for the office in suit and tie. Business as usual, Cally remembered and almost groaned.

  ‘Get dressed. You’ve got 30 minutes. There’s juice in the kitchen. Have some before we leave.’ He punched out a series of orders.

  Callyalmost saluted him before he turned on his heel and left. She wasn’t ready to let go of her hurt or her anger yet. She was giving herself one more day to witness his practices, then she was writing that news report, regardless of the lack of evidence. It wouldn’t be hearsay. She was a first-hand witness and victim of this man. When she said it like that, she felt better. Mud sticks in newspaper journalism, and if she threw enough in his direction, Jake Stone and his rotten little Enterprises would go down the pan together.

  She threw back the bedcovers and swung her feet to the floor. Jake had left the long, silky wrap that she had ordered, as her choice of clothing, for her to get to the bathroom in. The clothes he meant her to wear must be in the other bedroom, like the day before.

  She drew the shirt she had slept in over her head, put on the wrap, and headed for the bathroom for a quick wake-up shower and make-up. If it took her longer than 30 minutes, so what? He could go on without her. The thought made her smile for the first time.

  She came out of the bathroom in the wrap again, looking for her day clothes.

  ‘We’re leaving,’ Jake announced. ‘Time’s up.’

  ‘I don’t know where you left the clothes you want me to wear.’

  ‘You’re wearing them.’

  Cally frowned. She looked down at the wrap she was wearing as if, somehow, it had miraculously transformed itself into a business suit. The light dawned. ‘You’re not seriously expecting me to wear a wrap to the office?’

  ‘Wrong answer.’ Jake grabbed hold of her wrist and dragged her back into the bedroom. He sat heavily on the corner of the double bed and pulled her across his knee.

  The robe was yanked up above her waist and her bare bottom was exposed to him.

  Right back to day one again, Cally thought, as he brought the first stroke of his hand down on her clean, warm flesh. It stung and she yelped.

  ‘If I say we’re leaving, your reply is “yes, sir”.’

  Cally knew the routine intimately. ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Repeat it,’ Jake ordered, landing another open-palmed slap.

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  His hand struck a third time, warming her buttocks to a glow. ‘And again.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  He rubbed his palm in a gentle caress over the firm, pink posterior. He pulled her wrap down again and hauled her to her knees before him. ‘I had hoped we did not have to go through all this again.’

  ‘No, sir. I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t understand.’ Cally could feel her cheeks glow above, as well as below. She did not think anything could have been more humiliating than being spanked bare-arsed by a stranger, but she was wrong. It was a hundred times worse, being punished by the man who had made love to you the night before.

  Jake helped her to her feet. He looked strange. Not like the first time he had spanked her in his office. He didn’t look happy about this spanking, somehow. He had hardly struck her. Certainly not like the savage beating he’d given her backside when she’d hardly stepped in his office, the first time. Perhaps she didn’t excite him any more?

  Cally told herself she was being stupid. He hadn’t made love to her; he had taken her for his own sexual pleasure. And he was no more disquieted by this spanking than the first one he had given her. He did both because he wanted to. Because it gave him a sick, perverted thrill. The same thrill he must have got by letting her think she had dominated him last night. Otherwise, why do it at all? She pulled her arms out of his hands.

  ‘I detect a trace of dominance remaining in you, Cally. Make no mistake. You are here to do as you are told. It will be much less painful for you, if you do not fight this.’

  His cold words disturbed her. One more day, she reminded herself, and then she would be done. That thought disturbed her even more.

  ‘Now, I cannot let your little show of temper go unpunished.’ Jake took the silky belt that tied the robe together around her waist and pulled the knot undone as he talked. ‘I will arrange your robe, the way it is to be worn for the rest of the day, to remind you that you are fully exposed to my will. That nothing about you will be withheld from me.’ Now his sentiments sounded really sincere. It set her teeth on edge.

  He pulled the hemmed edges of the wrap apart until they draped the outside of her engorged breasts like a theatre curtain, revealing the spectacle between them. The garment hung straight down to the floor, allowing her stomach and thighs and clean little pussy fur to be on show as well. ‘Nothing is to be hidden from me. Or from my visitors.’

  ‘Visitors?’ The words escaped Cally’s lips before she could think of the consequences. His sudden look silenced her. Her heart pounded. She remembered the last experience of visitors to his office and his reaction to her afterwards. Then, they had only seen and enjoyed her breasts. And now he wanted her to be fully exposed to them. What was he intending?

  In spite of her nerves, Cally was already excited. Jake understood, so well, how to treat a submissive woman. And she could no longer deny it. She liked exploring the submissive side of her female sexuality.

  Jake had retied the sash tightly, to cross between her naked breasts, separating them and thrusting them upward and forward. Then he ran it behind to hold the garment like a bridal train running down her back to the floor. There was little of her body that could not be seen readily and none that could not be accessed with little effort at all, by him or any man he wished to have access to it.

  Her mouth was dry and her nipples peaked, signalling her strong arousal. An intimate arousal that would be teased and tuned for many hours to come, by him and other men. Oh God, she hoped she was ready for this. She knew she didn’t have much choice, as he wasn’t about to let her run.

  Jake rose and walked to the door. ‘Come.’ She followed him, dread and desire warring in her head.

  The cool air of the basement garage played wicked havoc with her skin, pushing her chilled exhilaration to a restless yearning to be used as a sexual plaything. Now she began to
realise why he drove his PAs from building to building without having to step outside. And why the windows of his car were darkly tinted. He had done this with other women before. Many times.

  Callythought of all the photographs of the naked, blindfolded women she had found in his apartment. She wondered when he would take her photograph. When he would add her image to his book of trophies. Presumably before he completely tired of her and moved on to the more exciting thrill of having a new woman to pleasure him. She did not want to look too closely at the feelings that thought engendered in her and what they suggested about him. About her.

  She shook her mind clear. She would just absorb every dreadfully thrilling moment of this last day so that when she went back to her normal life she could replay it in her mind whenever she needed. She could shut her eyes and imagine every boyfriend was as harsh and exciting and satisfyingly controlling to her dark nature as Jake Stone was right now.

  Jake directed her up the stairs before him. She carried herself like a queen. A queen who was to be sacrificed on the altar of men’s lust. He felt that lust, pounding through his tight muscles as he followed her.

  He looked at the graceful curve of her hips, the beautiful swell of her buttocks. Buttocks he had already spanked so thrillingly this morning. It gave him an erection the size of the Eiffel Tower. How he loved to feel her draped helplessly across his thighs, taking every punishment he meted out with his hand as it heated her golden flesh.

  He couldn’t help his physical reaction to her, but his heart hadn’t truly been in it. He’d wanted to caress her curves, as much as he’d wanted the thrill of giving her erotic pain. He’d never felt like this before when he trained a woman and he didn’t like it. He didn’t know how to handle it.

  He had no idea how he was going to get through this day. He knew what was waiting for both of them but he was scared his feelings would make him truly savage, even as he watched Cally obey his commands. Jake just knew he had to face it and deal with it. Deal with her, the way he was being paid to.

  ‘Go into my office, Cally, and kneel down in the centre of the room. Wait there.’

  Cally did as he asked. She could feel her pulse pounding in her head, the warm blood rushing through her veins. She felt agitated and keyed up and had to fight a billion years of evolution that pushed her to take flight in order to obediently kneel, silent and alone, waiting for her fate.

  She was embarrassed to realise how quickly her pussy had started to throb and swell in preparation for sexual pleasure. But she was here to please him, not herself. The words just kept beating through her mind, like a mantra.

  She heard voices. Oh God, oh God, this was it. There were other men. The same men from yesterday? The ones who had licked her nipples and teased her breasts? Her nipples twinged and hardened at the memory. They had seen her naked breasts already. Already taken pleasure from them. She told herself not to panic.

  Yet today,she had nothing hidden from their sight. When they entered the room they would be able to see all of her on show. Her stomach, her buttocks, her hot pussy. She squeezed her thighs together as if that might disguise how swollen and moist and ready to be fucked it was.

  The door opened behind her and the silence was unbearable. She knew they were staring at her waiting naked, on her knees, like a horny little sex slave readied to pleasure her master and his friends.

  Would Jake really get a hard-on watching her service his friends? Was that what he liked? To humiliate her sexually in front of others? She already had her answer. She was the one kneeling naked before them. She could feel their eyes drilling into every inch of her exposed flesh.

  ‘Come in.’ Jake addressed the men simply. His voice amidst the silence broke the tension created by their hot, laboured breathing. It made her jump minutely. ‘Come in and walk around her. Take a good look at the woman I have brought along to please you.’ Jake then addressed Cally. ‘Lower your eyes to the ground, so they may appraise you.’

  Cally did it instantly. She was not to be allowed to challenge the men who were to use her body with as much as a stare. She could feel herself tremble as three pairs of shoes moved around her slowly. There was hardly an inch of her body they could not see. She pressed her thighs even more tightly together to keep her last remaining secrets guarded. Her hands were clasped before her, covering what she could of her pubic mound.

  She could almost see herself as they did. They saw her body just as she felt it. The belt crossed between her breasts, forcing them tightly up and apart, seemed tighter and her breasts more jutting, as her mind observed her own nakedness the way their eyes would be doing.

  Jake’s next command was not unexpected, but it made her heart thump in her chest nonetheless. ‘Lift your arms and clasp them behind your head, Cally. You will have no secrets from us. Nothing of yourself will remain unshared. It is my will.’

  She knew he was warning her those men would be allowed to touch her. Intimately. To fuck her. And all because Jake desired it. Whether she would have it, or no. The thought of the ordeal to come both frightened and thrilled her. It was a lash of pure imaginary torment to rival any whip.

  Oh God, she wondered, would they be allowed to whip her, to spank her too? If Jake wished it, came the only inner reply. Cally could feel her trembling increase. Her pussy was creaming and twitching already. How long would she have to remain here, on the floor?

  Jake ignored her silent plea and conversed with his two friends. ‘Tell me what you think, Luke, of my latest acquisition?

  He was discussing her like she was a mare he had bought at auction. And admitting she was not the first. Nor the last. That wounded her stupid pride, more than anything else.

  Cally presumed it was Luke who replied. His voice was thick with desire. ‘That is one horny piece of prime flesh you have displayed there for us, Jake.’

  Jake endeavoured to bring the third man into the conversation. ‘I would welcome your opinion, Thomas.’

  ‘I think you have found something very special and pleasing to the eye.’

  Thomas sounded ready to jump on her. For a moment she was frightened. Three men and her. What would they do to her? What wouldn’t they do? She calmed herself with the knowledge that Jake was one of them. He wouldn’t let them hurt her. Would he? Cally felt certain of nothing right now. If she had known exactly what was in store, would she have agreed? Did she agree even now? She wondered for a moment what they would do if she got up and ran for the door. She thought she knew the answer to that already and didn’t want to examine it any further. These men, all three, were already past the point they would let their sexual pleasures elude them. She could practically hear their cocks swelling, growing more turgidly erect by the minute. Ready to seek out their fun, on her, inside her body.

  Cally forced herself to focus on her own reaction. She was more sexually electrified than she had ever been in her life. The thought of three potent males, using her body for sex, teasing her tits, fingering her clit and fucking her cunt, made her want to come already. Her growing excitement was a strong contender to crush her fear of the unknown.

  ‘But looks are only one element of a sex slave’s usefulness.’ Jake cranked the lustful energy flowing through the room higher with his provocative words.

  Cally knew where this was leading. He was going to invite them to touch her, to feel her, to sample the delights she could provide for them.

  Luke spoke first. ‘Of course I would need to feel the quality of the merchandise, were I to consider purchasing such an exclusive specimen.’

  The words almost made Cally’s heart stop. Was Jake planning to sell her on? Had this game become truly deadly?

  ‘Indeed you would, and I would be happy for you to do so,’ Jake replied. ‘Cally, you will stand and allow the gentlemen to satisfy themselves as to the softness of your skin.’

  Jake helped her to her feet. If he hadn’t already been able to see her trembling, he would have been able to feel it beneath his hands. Cally was grateful for his
assistance. She didn’t think her legs would have worked by themselves. She wanted to throw herself into his arms, feel them surround her and protect her from the male interest that was focused intently upon her.

  Despite how much she wanted that, she couldn’t bear the humiliation she was sure would follow. Jake pushing her away, at best. At worst, subjecting her to a spanking in front of these strangers. She didn’t think she could stand that, above everything.

  Even so, Cally could not deny the excitement that coursed through her body. The understanding that she wanted to admit her true nature as a sexual human being, with all its hidden complexities. She wanted these men to dominate her.

  Jake pulled her arms to her sides. He would not allow her to cover herself up before them any longer. ‘Please, gentlemen, be my guest. Touch the goods, as gently or as firmly as you like. It is my pleasure to allow it. Isn’t that right, Cally?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ Goods?

  Luke and Thomas stepped to either side. Suddenly large, rough hands were upon her body. Fingers stroked along her collarbone, smoothed a path down her arms to her wrists, which were raised to a pair of lips. Quickly the focus of their touch descended to more intimate parts. Her breasts were fondled and weighed, resting on a bouncing palm.

  ‘These are good and heavy but firm. Just perfect.’ Thomas related his enjoyment back to Jake, who stood back to allow them space.

  He was the only one not getting actively involved. Did he no longer wish to touch her? No longer care if others did? Cally could not see him as he was slightly behind her, off to her left, but she was fully conscious of his presence in the room, watching their every move.

  Thomas, who clearly enjoyed a woman’s breasts above all things, began to run his fingers over her nipples. ‘They are very hard, Cally,’ he whispered.

  ‘Answer your masters, Cally,’ Jake ordered.

  Masters? When did they become this? ‘Yes, sir, thank you, sir.’ Cally’s voice betrayed her growing excitement at the stimulation of her sensitised nipples. She could not fight her natural responses.


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