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I Married a Sheik

Page 4

by Sharon De Vita

  "I saw your parents at Joe Colton's birthday party last night. It was good to see them again." The woman's brows drew into a frown. "You heard about the attempt on Joe's life?"

  Ali nodded. "Yes, I did. I spoke with my father late last night and he told me about it." The attempt on Joe Colton's life, in his own home, at his own birthday party was simply beyond comprehension.

  "I can't possibly imagine why anyone would want to hurt Joe Colton."

  "Neither can I," Ali concurred with a nod. "But I'm afraid there are some very sick, irrational people in this world." Ali shrugged. "I'm certain the police are doing everything they can to find the culprit."

  "Mmm…I hope so." The woman glanced around, then spotted Faith. One elegant brow lifted as she turned back to Ali with a mischievous smile. "Well, well, well, I'd say your parents' taste in women is finally improving."

  He laughed. "No, Maureen. You misunderstand." He glanced at Faith. Their eyes met, held, and Faith felt a sting of heat arc and sizzle between them. Stunned, she tried to shift her gaze, but found she couldn't. It was as if his magnetism had taken hold of her and refused to let go.

  There was warmth and humor in his eyes that softened his arrogant facade and almost took her breath away. He seemed much more human this way—and so much more dangerously attractive.

  "Maureen, this is Faith Martin, a computer consultant I've hired to handle this ridiculous problem we're having."

  Maureen looked at Faith again, then sighed. "Pity. She's lovely."

  "Yes, I agree." As Ali glanced at Faith again, their eyes met, clashed, clung, and she flushed, stunned by his comment and the look in his eyes.

  She was entirely certain no man had ever called her lovely before. Nor could she recall a man looking at her quite the way Ali had just looked at her. It made her skin flush, and her heart skip a beat.

  Still smiling he turned back to the older woman. "So tell me, to what do I owe the great pleasure of your company? It's been too long, you know. You promised to have dinner with me last month." Ali held her hand as she lowered herself into the club chair, setting her cane next to her. Ali sat on the ottoman in front of her, giving her his full attention.

  "I'm fine, Ali, truly." She sighed and adjusted herself more comfortably in the chair. "I know I promised to have dinner with you, but I don't like to leave Alfred alone in the evenings if I can help it." She smiled up at him. "You know how much he enjoys company." She reached out and took Ali's hand, holding it like a lifeline. "The staff told me you stopped to play bridge with him one afternoon last week."

  "And he beat me soundly." Ali's eyes twinkled. "But please do not let it get around that I was playing hooky." He leaned close and dropped his voice to a scandalous whisper. "I was supposed to be at an investors' meeting. If Kadid finds out I was playing hooky, heads will roll."

  "You devil." She laughed, giving his hand another affectionate squeeze.

  "So what brings you here?" There was concern on his face, in his eyes as he watched her. "You know all you have to do is call and I will come to you." She looked so troubled, he laid a hand to her cheek. "Maureen, tell me, what is it that is troubling you?"

  "You always could read me." Her smile was tremulous. "Ali, I've brought something for you to look at." With a frown, she dug an envelope out of her black leather handbag. "I received this notice from the rehabilitation center." Ali took the envelope, removed the contents, then began reading.

  "They're raising their rates again, I'm afraid." There was a small catch in her voice. "I thought I'd better bring it to you to look at." She watched him as he read. "I'm very concerned. You know, Alfred has been doing so much better there. It's the first place where he's actually shown some improvement." She bit her lower lip, a sheen of tears in her eyes. "I really don't want to have to move him, but I'm not certain I can afford to keep him there if they keep raising their rates. This is the second year in a row. I don't know how much longer—"

  "Maureen." After folding the letter back in the envelope, Ali took both of her hands in his, kissing the fingertips. "I have told you before, do not concern yourself with these financial problems. Your investments are all solid and secure, and growing day by day. You have entrusted me with these financial matters and I would never let you down. I take my responsibilities seriously."

  She scooted forward. "Oh, Ali, I know, I wasn't questioning—"

  "Yes, I know, Maureen." Patting her hand, he smiled at her. "You have more than enough to worry about now, and as I've said in the past, there is more than enough money to take care of whatever needs you or Alfred have now or in the future."

  Some of the worry left her face. "And you're sure, Ali? I mean, I know how expensive all of Alfred's care is—"

  He touched her cheek again. "Please, Maureen. Trust me."

  "Oh Ali, you know I trust you. Truly. It's not that…" Her smile was still shaky. "I know I'm being silly but—"

  "You are never silly, Maureen. Tell me, what is it I can do to ease your mind?"

  "Just to be on the safe side, just so I'll feel better, could you just check my account? I know you've been having some problems with your computers, so if you could just check—"

  "But of course." Standing up, Ali glanced at Faith. "Is there a way you can get me into my computer so I can check a balance?"

  Faith was so stunned by the affection between Ali and this woman, it took a moment for her to realize he was speaking to her.


  "I'm sorry." She jumped to her feet. "Of course." She crossed the room to his desk and booted up his computer. "Ali, can you put your password in?"

  He came around the desk, stopping so close to her their bodies were touching. His masculine scent, his warmth seemed to radiate from him to her. Her pulse sped up and she felt a quick flash of heat, fire.

  Her throat went dry while her palms grew damp. Absently, she wiped them down her jeans and shifted her weight away from him, so that they were no longer touching. She couldn't seem to think when he was touching her.

  Quickly, with great concentration, Ali tapped in a few letters, then glanced at her, his eyes dark, intent, as if he too had felt the flash of heat between them.

  With nervous fingers, Faith plugged in the code that opened the correct accounting program, quickly bringing up the accounts. "I'm sorry, your last name is Jourdan?" She glanced at Maureen.


  Faith spelled it out to be certain she typed it in accurately. A screen popped up with Maureen and Alfred Jourdan's names at the top. Faith didn't want to look, or pry, but she would have had to have been blind not to see the amount of money in the account.

  She glanced up at Ali. His face was cool, calm, serene. She glanced back at the screen. Something didn't add up. Perhaps there was another account. She punched in another set of numbers, but no other files were found.

  Concerned because she'd been privy to their conversation, Faith looked curiously at Ali once again. He met her gaze levelly, as if willing her not to speak. It was not her place, or her business, so she said nothing, stepping back so he could view the computer screen.

  Ali retrieved a pair of reading glasses from his pocket and leaned down to examine the screen for a moment.

  "There now, see?" With a delighted smile, he straightened, then hit the button that would close it before anyone else could view the figures. "There is more than enough money to cover whatever expenses you and Alfred have. I'm sorry you haven't gotten a statement yet this month."

  "Posh, Ali, you know I can never read or understand those blasted things. That's why I tell you to keep them and do it for me."

  "Yes, I know, dear." He replaced his reading glasses in his pocket. "So now will you please stop worrying?" He chuckled. "Pretty soon you may have more money than me."

  The woman laughed in relief, putting a hand to her heart. "Thank you, Ali." She expelled a deep breath. "I knew I'd feel better if I stopped to see you." She smiled. "You do always calm me down."

  He went to her
, helped her to her feet, then handed her her cane. "Now, if I promise to come to dinner next week, do you promise to stop worrying?"

  She paused at the double door. "I promise." She leaned up and kissed his cheek again. "Thank you, Ali. I don't know what I would do without you."

  "Probably find another man to charm." He lifted her hand for a kiss. "And you are most welcome." He opened the double doors to walk her out. "Now, give my love to Alfred, tell him I'll stop by on Friday for another game, but this time I intend to win."

  "Don't count on it, Ali," she said with a laugh. "In some things he hasn't lost his touch." There was a sad wistfulness in her voice.

  Faith stood behind Ali's desk, confused, concerned, waiting for him to return.

  "You lied to her," she accused the moment he closed the doors behind him.

  If he was surprised by her accusation, he didn't show it. "Yes, Faith, I did." His voice was so calm, so complacent.

  "But you said she was a dear friend."

  "That was not a lie, Faith." He went to the windows to draw the drapes against the heat of the late afternoon sun. "She is a very dear friend." He turned to her. "And a client."

  Faith cocked her head, anger simmering just below the surface. "Do you always lie to your clients?" The mere thought appalled her.

  His eyes darkened dangerously as he turned to her. "No," he said slowly, carefully. "Of course I do not."

  "Could have fooled me." Fists clenched at her side, Faith shook her head, trying to comprehend his actions. It seemed to confirm her worst suspicions of him, and for some reason left her surprisingly disappointed. "You told her she had more than enough money when she barely has ten thousand dollars in her account."

  "No Faith, that is not what I said to her. You were not listening carefully."

  "I was right here, I heard what you told her." Her voice edged upward in anger. "You said—"

  "I said that there was more than enough money to take care of any needs she or Alfred might have." His voice was deathly quiet, his eyes oddly intent on her, making her shiver.

  Fury nearly had her shaking. "But you know darn well that was a lie. She hardly has enough money to get through a few months." Faith couldn't prevent the outrage in her voice. She couldn't believe he could be so casually careless about something so important to someone he cared about.

  It wasn't just callous, it was cruel. And it infuriated her.

  Her fists clenched at her side as she took another step closer. "Obviously Maureen Jourdan is someone you care a great deal about, and she obviously cares for you. Why and how could you lie to her?" Her simmering temper erupted into a full boil. "What kind of a man are you?"

  Dark emotion swept over his face and he, too, stepped closer until they were nearly standing toe to toe.

  Inches taller, he seemed to be looming over her with his powerful, dark presence.

  Faith refused to back down, refused to take a step back, refused to allow him to get away with something so perfectly cruel, so inhumane, it brought tears to her eyes.

  Perhaps because it hit too close to home and to her ever-fragile heart.

  She knew from experience what it was like to have someone you loved, depended on, lie to you, tell you they would take care of you, tell you there was more than enough money for whatever your needs, and then find out that it was lies. All lies.

  Devastation was a word that could barely cover the desperation such lies created.

  Like her father, apparently Ali didn't consider the consequences of his behavior, or his lies on others.

  "Be careful, Faith," Ali warned in a voice that made her shiver. Instinctively, Faith ran her hands up and down her chilled arms.

  Tilting her chin to meet his gaze, her eyes blazed at him. "Why, because you don't like to hear the truth? Because someone knows exactly what you are?" It wasn't hard to recognize him; it was like looking at her father all over again.

  "Be careful, Faith," he warned again in a slow, low voice that almost made her take a protective step back. But Faith refused to back down, refused to cower. She'd been forced to do it once in her life; she'd not ever allow another man's lies to reduce her to that again.

  Ali took several slow, deep breaths in order to control the feelings swirling inside, ready to erupt. No one had ever dared speak to him in such a manner. Not ever. Nor had anyone ever accused him of such unspeakable behavior before, and he found that it caused a near volcanic eruption inside of him.

  His father, in his ultimate wisdom, had taught him at an early age to control his temper, which could be a vicious thing if unleashed.

  And right now the leash was straining.

  "Son, a man who cannot control his temper can never be in control of himself, can never truly be a man."

  He heard his father's words, but at the moment, they rang hollow and empty through his mind, his memory.

  Looking at Faith, he realized what she thought of him, what she'd accused him of, and it angered him as nothing had in a long while.

  He was a man who prided himself on his integrity and character. He had been taught that integrity, character and a man's name were the three most important assets a man could possess. Something no amount of money could buy, something to protect, treasure and value. He had worked hard his entire adult life to build and maintain all three.

  He could not remember the last time someone had questioned his integrity. Especially a woman. No one would dare. No one but Faith.

  It angered him, and yes, hurt just a bit because it mattered what she thought of him and he had no idea why.

  "What kind of man do you think I am?" He parroted her question back to her, his voice filled with the emotion he was struggling to contain.

  Faith merely blinked at him, trying not to respond to his closeness, his temper, his presence. In spite of her anger at him, he was a powerful man, and that blatant power radiated from him like sun off a sidewalk.

  If she was a woman who could be intimidated, she'd be quaking in her shoes right now. A host of conflicting feelings battered her, but anger and disappointment ruled.

  Ali nodded. "I see." He held up his hand as she opened her mouth to speak. "I believe your eyes tell me all I need to know." He hesitated, letting his gaze travel over her face, seeing the sadness, the tears in her eyes.

  Though her words had been sharp, her face was pained. Something inside of him reacted instinctively.

  She was angry, but she was also hurt. At the moment, she did not look strong and capable, but fragile and more than a little vulnerable. It tugged at something deep inside, making him want to comfort her, to ease whatever ache had put that pain in her eyes.

  What had caused such despair in her, he wondered idly.

  "I am sorry, Faith, that your opinion of me is so low." His words softened and his gaze stayed on hers. "It is most regrettable." He took a slow, deep breath. "But since you obviously have such a low opinion of me, perhaps you would prefer that I hire someone else to complete this job?"

  Panic clutched her heart, sweeping away other emotions. She was counting on the funds this job would bring in, and cursed her tongue.

  Mentally, she gave herself a shake. What Ali did and said to his friends and clients was none of her concern. If he wanted to lie until his nose grew so big he had to back into a room, that was his business. Not hers.

  She was supposed to remain detached from him, and her own emotions.

  But from the moment she'd laid eyes on him she knew he'd had an uncommon effect on her both physically and emotionally.

  Who he was, what he represented to her had caused her to react emotionally in a way that was so unlike her.

  The impact he had on her, the reaction he caused, the feelings and emotions he aroused on a totally different plane—on a man-to-woman level—terrified her in a way nothing had in a long, long time.

  Perhaps that was why she had such a difficult time remaining detached.

  She knew these things, and had hoped that she could simply ignore them and
go about her business without letting them interfere.

  She'd been wrong.

  She'd promised herself she'd stay uninvolved and unemotional. She'd just broken her own rules, and now it might cost her this job.

  "Are you firing me?" she asked carefully, cursing the small catch in her voice.

  Consciously, she forced herself to take a deep breath and to relax, uncurling her fists. She was suddenly so tense, the muscles in her neck were cramped.

  "I am not." His gaze never left hers. She could not read the emotion that darkened his eyes. "I am merely asking if perhaps you would prefer not to work for me because I am obviously so…repugnant to you."

  Guilt washed over her like a steady rain, and Faith immediately felt contrite. "I'm sorry." With a weary sigh, she pushed a few strands of hair off her cheek, struggling for control. "I don't find you repugnant, Ali." Her voice was soft and she realized she spoke the truth. "And I apologize if I gave you that impression. It's really none of my concern how you run your business."


  "It's just…" She paused, at a loss to explain her feelings.

  "Sometimes, Faith," he said softly, unable to resist stroking a finger down her cheek, brushing aside a wayward strand of hair, "a lie is not necessarily a bad thing."

  The impact of his words, words she'd heard so many times as a child had her insides trembling.

  So he admitted he didn't think lying to someone he cared about was a bad thing. His words merely confirmed her worst fears about him.

  Raw disappointment etched a place in her heart, right alongside the one her father had carved so many years ago.

  It was none of her business, she reminded herself firmly. It was no concern of hers what he did or who he hurt or who he lied to. She needed this job, and she had no desire to anger him further.

  "Well, if there's nothing else, I'd better get back to work." She wanted to get away from him, to forget the scene she just witnessed. To put him and his damning words and deeds out of her mind.

  Realizing that he could say nothing further on the subject, Ali nodded in agreement. "Thank you for bringing me up to date. I will have Kadid make certain you have everything you need in order to get started first thing in the morning."


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