The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 39

by Phillip Jones

  Marcus is watching Gregory. The moment is approaching to carry out another step of the plan that he created with George at the Head Master’s shrine.

  Lasidious and Celestria are inside their home beneath the Peaks of Angels. Lasidious plans to visit George during the mage’s next dream. George will need to work at a rapid pace to avoid the problems that may arise as a result of the Head Master’s journey to visit George’s when while traveling into the past with Mogg.

  Thank you for reading the Luvelles Gazette


  An Ancient Dragon

  The Mountains of Oraness

  Just Outside The Source’s Cave

  AFTER STEPPING ON THE TELEPORTATION PLATFORM inside the Source’s temple, George appeared in the same alcove that Brayson had visited with Mary. The mage was looking at the flames that burned above the pool and surrounded Fisgig’s perch.

  Holy crap, that’s hot, George thought as he put up his hand in front of his face. Damn, those cliffs are tall. What the...? You got to be freaking kidding me. Is that…? The damn water’s on fire. What the hell. It’s not even boiling? Something’s up with this joint. Where in the hell am I?

  Okay, Georgie boy, focus. Think, man, think. Pull your head out of your ass and let’s figure out what the dealio is. Looks like there’s no way around the fire, so now what?

  George could see the entrance to the Source’s cave on the far side of the pool. He closed his eyes and tried to teleport, but nothing happened. Okay, well that didn’t work. Brayson must have some wicked mojo cast on this place.

  Damn it, George, think. I can’t go back, but if I walk any further, the flames will burn me to a crisp. There’s got to be some way to get across.

  Hmmmm, what do I have in my bag of tricks? What kind of garesh will mess with fire?

  George lifted his hands. A blizzard erupted from his palms. The ice covered the entire surface of the pool, and for a brief moment, the flames subsided. While they were down, George saw some sort of bird sitting on a perch at the center of the pool.

  Now, we’re getting somewhere. Why is a damn bird sitting in the flames? Wait! Oh man, oh man, oh man! What if it’s...? No way! You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s Brayson’s goswig!

  Okay George, think. If that’s his phoenix, then why isn’t it attacking? I did just cover it with ice. Wonder why it’s not all pissed off. Shouldn’t the ice have pissed it off at least a little bit? Maybe the intensity of the magic wasn’t strong enough for it to give a garesh. Maybe it’s not supposed to attack. Maybe this is some sort of mental game for me to figure out. Perhaps I need to hit it with something a little stronger ... something a little more harmful to fire. What’s fire’s worst enemy? Water ... yeah, water ... but not just any water. Let’s show this little bastard a tidal wave. I bet that’ll rile his ass up.

  Wait, what if it doesn’t work? What if I only manage to piss it off and it decides to kill me and pecks my eyes out?

  George ... come on ... you’ve got to stop this. You’re standing here talking to yourself like an idiot. I bet the phoenix is sitting over there thinking he’s spotted his first moron. You can’t let this feather-head freak psych you out.

  Holy balls ... I am a moron. I’m sitting here talking with myself, about myself, about what a damn bird thinks about me. I’m insane.

  Damn it. Pull it together. If I don’t do something, I won’t get to the other side. And why does it have to be so damn hot around here anyway? Was a damn phoenix the only goswig he could’ve picked? Criminey! George wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and then fanned the front of his tunic.

  Okay ... sack up, Georgie boy. Grab ‘em like ya got a pair, and let’s put it all on the line. Let’s see what this little freak is made of. George lifted his hands. “Try this on for size, you little flamer!”

  Instead of ice, a mammoth wave of water erupted from his hands and rushed across the area. It extinguished the flames and plowed into Brayson’s goswig. The force of the wave left the phoenix with no choice but to use its talons to cling to its perch, and it took all of the goswig’s might, power and concentration to do so.

  George followed the wave with a quick bolt of lightning that hit the base of Fisgig’s perch. The shock traveled up the wet surface and surged through the bird’s crimson body. The phoenix fell to the ground and started convulsing.

  George watched as the tidal wave reached the far side of the clearing. The water rebounded off the cliff walls and then headed back in his direction.

  George’s eyes widened. Oh crap! I didn’t think of that. George had to throw up a wall of force to keep from being swept away. He chastised himself. Way to go, idiot. You could have killed yourself. I mean … where else would that much water go, dumbass? You’re standing in a toilet bowl made of rock. Use your head, George. Geesh!

  A long series of moments passed before the water finished funneling into the mouth of the Source’s cave. Heavy steam billowed out of the entrance and crept up the side of the cliffs.

  Again, George began to think. Looks like it’s going to be hot in there, too. I wonder what’s causing the water to turn to steam?

  George lowered his wall of force and then sloshed his way toward the entrance. As he did, he saw the phoenix lying next to the base of the cliff near the opening of the cave. The bird was not moving.

  George trudged through the pool and knelt next to the goswig. He plucked one of its feathers and then put it inside his tunic. Fisgig winced when the feather was pulled, but he remained unconscious. George did not wait to see if the bird would perish. Instead, he made his way into the mouth of the cave and disappeared into the darkness.

  It took a while, but eventually Fisgig managed to lift himself off the ground. He shook his head to collect his bearings and then whispered, “This Mystic Learner is far more advanced than any other before him. I must speak with Brayson.”

  The cave was dark for the most part, but still navigable with the naked eye. Rivers of lava surfaced and ran along the floor before disappearing into the mountain. The glow from the molten liquid created an eerie feeling, and the air was pungent. Steam billowed along the stalactites covering the ceiling, and the condensation was dripping off their ends. Each moment a droplet hit the lava that flowed along the floor, it created a puff of steam that lifted back toward the ceiling.

  Again, George’s thoughts ran wild. I would’ve been afraid of this not too long ago. But now ... something this creepy seems almost like a second home. Hell ... living on these worlds has really screwed with my head. Could I really be this brave ... or am I just a dumbass with no common sense? I can’t be insane. Insane people don’t know they’re insane ... do they?

  After working his way deep into the mountain, George came upon an area that opened into an enormous cavern. It almost felt as if the mountain had become hollow. The top of the cavern could not be seen. The walls to either side were hundreds of paces away, and they were visible only because of the glow from the lava that flowed down their surfaces and then across the floor like a river before it disappeared into the opposing walls.

  A booming voice filled the cavern. “I’ve been expecting you.”

  George lifted his hands and prepared to use his magic, but he was unable to see a target.

  Again, the booming voice spoke, but during this particular series of moments, the sound echoed off the walls.

  George had to cover his ears to stop the pain.

  “Do not be frightened, Mystic Learner. I am the one you seek.”

  George did not waste any of his moments. “Show yourself!” he commanded. “I want to see my first dragon!”

  The Ancient One laughed. The rumble of his chuckle forced George to cover his ears again.

  Once the laughter subsided, George spoke, “Do you always greet your visitors so rudely? That’s not the kind of manners I would’ve expected from an ancient dragon.”

  From within his veil of invisibility, the Source lowered his head to a position just above Ge
orge and snorted. The wind knocked George to the ground and covered his face with moisture. “You’re a confident one. I can see you’re not afraid. A good quality to have ... but also your weakness.”

  George finished wiping his face and then straightened his hair as he stood back up. “Confidence is only a weakness if it’s backed up by ignorance. I know your purpose and what you’re about. I also know you’re not here to harm me, and you’re not even the main reason why I’ve come. Show yourself so we can have a decent conversation.”

  Again, the Source chuckled, and again, the mage was forced to cover his ears. “Apparently, young Mystic Learner, you are under the same belief the others were who stood before me. You think the Eye of Magic is the only being responsible for swallowing souls. Perhaps I, too, have used my position to sample a few misguided morsels over the seasons.”

  George gasped as the dragon’s form appeared and filled the cavern. The Source rose to stretch. His tail and neck elongated, and the muscles in his legs tightened as he balanced his weight to extend his wings. Each tip touched the walls on either side of the cavern with an overall span of more than 530 paces. As the Ancient One folded his wings to his sides, a powerful wind filled the cavern.

  Again, George was blown to the ground. The mage tumbled head over heels and stopped at the edge of a river of lava. He quickly scooted back from the heat, but now he remained seated.

  The Source spoke as he lowered his head close to George. “You know of me, George. I only jest about eating those who seek the ultimate power of the Eye.”

  George looked up and wiped the sweat off his brow with the sleeve of his tunic and shouted, “That’s a relief! You almost knocked me into the lava! You could’ve killed me!”

  “You fret over naught. If your life would’ve been extinguished, I would’ve rekindled it.”

  George’s eyes squinted. “You can give life?”

  The Source chuckled and grinned as George covered his ears. “Of course, I can.”

  The glow of the lava reflected off the dragon’s massive, green eye and was temporarily lost as the Source blinked. George realized the entirety of his body could fit in the beast’s eye as the Source continued to speak. “You don’t realize it, but you looked upon me during much of your wretched life on Earth.”

  George struggled to collect his thoughts. “How could I not remember looking at you, and how did you know I was from Earth?”

  “I was in plain sight. I am older than your Earth. I am more than 29,000,000 years old.”

  “Did you just say years?” George questioned. “I haven’t heard anyone say that word since my arrival on Grayham.”

  “As I have said, I know your Earth, and I watched as your planet was destroyed. There wasn’t much left after the humans on your world unleashed their weapons of mass destruction. It was sad to see such advanced races annihilate themselves. Knowledge can be deadly. But I suppose the struggle on Earth wasn’t much different than the way the beings who live on these worlds fight for dominance. It’s as if the Collective doesn’t care.”

  The Source sighed and another burst of wind filled the cavern. “Perhaps the Collective desires war. I simply fail to comprehend their logic.”

  George crossed his arms and set them on top of his knees. “So are you a god?”

  “What I am matters not.”

  “What do you mean?”

  The dragon cleared his throat. George had to grab his ears as the sound echoed off the walls of the cavern yet again. “I had taken my place amongst the stars with my ancestors. The light you came to know as the North Star was how you once knew me. I was beautiful, and my glory captured the attention of your galaxy. I was forced to venture to these worlds when the end of your Earth was nigh. This mere vessel that you see before you is all that is left of my being until I can reclaim all that I once was on this plane of existence.”

  George was blown away. “Well, from where I’m sitting, what you call a ‘mere vessel’ is what I call balls out, wicked bad ass.”

  The Source grinned. “Your flattery is received with open wings.”

  George stared for a moment before he finally keyed-in on a specific part of the Source’s previous statement. “What do you mean by reclaim all that you once were on this plane of existence?”

  The ancient dragon’s eyes narrowed. “You have an inquisitive mind, but that is not a question I shall answer.”

  George pondered the Source’s response. “Then asking why won’t get me anywhere either, will it?”

  “No, my mortal friend, it won’t.”

  The mage grinned. “Well then ... the idea that you were a star is pretty damn cool. I can’t imagine how you must feel. I mean, holy garesh, you were not just any star ... you were the star that everyone on Earth knew about. I’m sure you realize the role you played in navigation. I’ve got to tell you that I did a report for Science class about you when I was a kid.”

  The dragon chuckled, and again, George had to cover his ears. Once the noise subsided, the Source changed the subject. “I know of your daughter. I also know that you desire to see her again. I can hear your thoughts, George. I know you’ll do whatever it takes to retrieve her soul from the Book’s pages.”

  The mage nodded. “You can count on that.”

  “I believe you’re strong, but you’re not without weaknesses. Do you not fear your weaknesses?”

  George jumped to his feet. “It’s hard to fear something that I can’t pinpoint. I appreciate your concern, but all I care about is getting my daughter back. You’re right. I’ll do whatever it takes. I’m sure you would do the same for a child of your own, or dragon cub, or whatever you call it.”

  The dragon snorted. The force blew George back down. “You presume much, human. I am so much more than dragon. I would find it far easier to release my offspring’s soul than you would. One tooth piercing the Book’s binding would do the trick.” The dragon winked his massive left eye.

  George wiped the moisture off his face. “Ha! Humor. I wouldn’t have expected that to come out of a dragon’s mouth.”

  The Source pulled his head back. “You must be careful, George. Don’t allow the hate in your heart to cloud your judgment. The iniquity running through your veins could be your undoing. You’re stronger than the others who have come before you, but strength is nothing without character. If you allow anger to control your mind, you will be lost.

  “There is much in your past that still runs through the depths of your mind. I can feel the torment that these moments have caused your spirit. I understand why you resent those who hurt you. You have allowed the abuse of your father to turn you into a killer. One man’s sins are not another man’s excuse to break the Commandments.”

  George shook his head. “Commandments? You sound like you’re talking about the Bible. I don’t understand.”

  The Ancient One sighed. “I suppose you wouldn’t. I would ask you to re-evaluate what’s important. I have spoken with your daughter’s soul. She doesn’t want her father to kill in her name.”

  Silence filled the cavern as George processed. “Is Abbie okay? Does she see good visions like Lasidious promised?”

  The dragon nodded. “She does.”

  “That’s a relief.” George lowered to the flat of his back and then put his hands behind his head. “I hope you don’t mind, but it’s easier to look up and talk to you this way.”

  Again, the dragon nodded. “Understood.”

  “Anyway, it kind of freaks me out that you’ve spoken with my Abbie’s soul. Can you release her as well?”

  “I can do as I wish.”

  “Will you return her to me?”

  The Ancient One shook his head. “I will not reward the sins of a father.” The dragon pulled back his head. “Alas, our conversation must come to an end. The moment approaches for you to look into the Eye.”

  Frustrated, George sat up. “How do you suggest I retrieve Abbie’s soul without killing the folks who stand in my way? If you won’t give her bac
k to me, then I have no other options.”

  The Source’s large figure began to dissolve. “Only you can decide how to handle your issues of morality. There is good in you, George. You will struggle to find your way, but your well has the potential to overflow with righteousness. Embrace it.”

  “Righteousness?” George retorted. “That sounds a bit heavy for a guy like me.”

  The dragon smirked. “You have much to strive for. I do hope the Eye finds you worthy of its gift. Perhaps you should get some sleep before you enter the Eye’s chamber. You’ll want to have your wits about you.”

  The last bit of the dragon’s form vanished. “Remember, George, if you allow your past to victimize your future, happiness will forever elude you. You must forgive to become the man I know you can be. You must find the desire to be better than you are.”

  George called out, “Wait! Don’t go! Who am I supposed to forgive?”

  After a long, agonizing silence, George sighed, “Figures!” He moved past the ancient dragon’s lair and eventually came to a heavy, metal door that sat at the end of a long corridor. This must be the place, he thought. I’ll sleep here and then go inside. He lowered to the ground and put his hands behind his head.

  Once the mage was asleep, Lasidious made his presence known inside his dream. “George ... we need to talk.”

  “Holy garesh, man! Where have you been? I have a million questions.”

  “I’m sure you do, George. But I have a few things that I need to tell you first. You’re going to have to react quickly.”

  “Nothing new with that concept. What’s up?”

  “Brayson knows you killed Amar.”

  “What? How in the hell did he find out?”

  “Celestria was spying on Brayson. Your mother-in-law told him. Apparently, Mary spoke with Morre before you left Lethwitch. She knew of Amar’s passing, and when Brayson mentioned that Amar had recently visited his office, Mary told him that his friend was deceased.”


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