The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 40

by Phillip Jones

“This isn’t good. So ... how did Brayson figure out it was me who killed him? Has he said anything to Athena or Mary about it?”

  “Brayson visited the Sprite Queen who has the ability to bend moments. He saw you kill Amar after the sprite took him to the past. I don’t think Brayson will say anything to Mary until he understands your reasoning. You need a plan.”

  “Ya think?” George snapped. “This is a nice pile of garesh you’ve gotten me into. Thanks a lot, Lasidious.”

  Brayson’s Floating Office

  Brayson watched through one of the windows as Sam made his way into Floren. The wizard had posted one of his students outside the invisible school of magic, and he was to greet the King of Brandor and show him the way inside.

  Like many others who had entered Brayson’s tower, Sam marveled at how the spiral staircase shot up into the distance for what seemed to be forever. The fairies moved between the walls of bookcases, and as always, they were rearranging the books and scrolls from one shelf to another in an organized fashion.

  Sam moved to stand beside the table where Kepler had injured his neck while fighting the silver sphere. The king moved his hands across the etched markings of magic, and it was not long before Sam found a symbol that he recognized. It was one of the symbols that had been etched into the ring that Brayson gave him after he arrived on Merchant Island. “Fire,” he whispered.

  The king strolled over to one of the bookcases and began to search for a reference in which to study more about the symbol’s origin. Though his knowledge of the elven language was minimal, it was not long before his genius mind was lost in thought.

  The Head Master appeared at Sam’s side. “It’s good to see you again, King of Brandor. I trust your queen will be returning to Grayham with you?”

  Sam’s mood went from one of extreme interest to one of enormous irritation as soon as he heard the reference to Shalee. “No. She will continue her journey to find the missing piece of the Crystal Moon.”

  “You don’t appear to be satisfied with your visit,” Brayson responded. “When I teleported you south of her position, you were anxious to catch up to her. The window showed she was with someone. Who was her companion, and did your journey with your tracker provide you with the moments you needed to think?”

  Sam found Brayson’s eyes. “The answers to your questions are not something I want to discuss. I’m ready to go home.”

  Brayson nodded. “Fair enough. I do hope your queen is right about the location of the crystal.” The Head Master redirected the conversation. “I have recently uncovered some grave news ... news that has left me with many questions. Do you have the moments to indulge an old man?”

  Sam grimaced. “Where should we talk? Perhaps you could make it someplace comfortable. I’m tired.”

  “Of course.” Brayson waved his hand. Before Sam knew it, they appeared inside his office. Brayson pulled back his new chair and motioned for Sam to sit. Once the king was comfortable, Brayson leaned against the edge of his desk and crossed his legs in front of him. “I’d like to know how you came to Grayham.”

  “Why do you ask?” Sam responded as he reached up to play with the gash on his lip.

  “My Mystic Learner is traveling to meet with the Source. I think you may know him.”

  Sam crossed his arms. “Let me guess. George is the one you’re talking about.”

  “He is. So ... you do know him.”

  “I know him alright. I’ll tell you anything you want to know. But first, what is the Source, and why would George meet with it?”

  Brayson explained the ancient dragon’s function and what would happen if George looked into the Eye of Magic and survived.

  Sam stood from the chair and strolled to the far side of the room. “This isn’t good. George is a manipulative bastard. He’s a liar and a thief. Before he left for Luvelles, he managed to start the largest war Southern Grayham has ever seen. Many men perished, and almost as many will spend the rest of their Peaks as sad reminders of the men they used to be.”

  Brayson had to find the courage to ask his next question. “Do you hail from the same world as George?”

  Sam’s brow furrowed. “How do you know of Earth? Who gave you this information?”

  “It doesn’t matter, Sam. I suppose whether you came from this Earth or not tells me nothing other than you are alien.”

  Sam chuckled. “I’ve never been called that before.”

  “I meant no offense. What else can you tell me about George?”

  Sam scowled. “Why are you asking me so many questions about him? What has he done now? Has he screwed you over, too?”

  A puzzled look appeared on Brayson’s face. “‘Screwed over?’”

  “I meant, did he do anything to hurt you?”

  “No. George has done nothing to harm me, or anyone else I know since his arrival on Luvelles. My concern lies with the passing of my friend ... a person George ended on Grayham. This man was my old Mystic Learner, and it is the way George ended him that worries me.”

  Sam reclaimed Brayson’s chair. “You say that as if there is a way to end someone that wouldn’t cause you concern.”

  Brayson gave a shallow smile. “I see your point. I assure you, I’m not a fan of death. The way George ended this man requires answers. Only the most ancient elves know this secret, and it’s forbidden to speak of it.”

  “Forbidden? What secret? It isn’t forbidden for you and I to share information at all. My position as King of Southern Grayham allows us to speak freely. I studied your laws before I came, and I know this to be the case.”

  “You’re correct. But I still cannot share a secret of this magnitude. However, I can divulge this. The two kingdoms below are at odds with one another, yet this has nothing to do with George.”

  Sam moved to look out one of the office windows. “Your lands are beautiful. I wouldn’t be so sure that George isn’t involved. He’s a man who looks for every angle. I studied his tactics after he went missing on Grayham. After gathering the full story, I surmised that George used those around him to do his dirty work. He did it without lifting a finger. He managed to create a war that he never fought in.”

  Sam turned from the window. “Brayson, I assure you ... if George is on this world, he’s looking to gain as much power as he can. I would wager my crown on it that your kingdoms are at odds with one another because of something he has done.”

  Brayson took a seat in his chair. “If what you say is true, then I need to stop George before he speaks with the Source. Come with me.”

  Brayson reached for the king’s shoulder, but before they could teleport, Fisgig appeared. The phoenix’s voice was filled with urgency. “Master, your Mystic Learner gave me quite the shock. He has been visiting with the Source for a fair series of moments now. His power is stronger than the others. He’s even stronger than you were before you received your gift so many seasons ago.”

  Brayson lowered into his chair beneath the weight of the news. “Then we’re too late. Now it’s up to the Eye to determine whether George will receive its gift or not.”

  Sam looked past the phoenix’s presence. “What do you mean, it’s too late? Let’s barge in there and destroy him before he has the chance to finish his visit with this Eye. What is the Eye anyway?”

  Brayson leaned forward. “The Eye isn’t something you can barge in on. Once the Source has initiated his conversation with George, no one can enter the Ancient One’s cave until this blessed event has transpired. The dragon’s magic is too powerful. Even I cannot pass through it.”

  Sam slapped the side of the Head Master’s bookcase. “Damn it! We need to level the playing field.” He put his hand to his chin and then played with the scruff of 3 Peaks growth. “I think I know a way to do just that. Brayson, take me to the swamp of the beast you call Grogger. I’ll go in after the missing piece of the Crystal Moon while you take Shalee to meet with this Source. She’s powerful. She’ll be able to end George once she has looked into this Eye and rec
eives the same gift.”

  Brayson stood. “Your queen is not ready for a task of this magnitude.” The Head Master paused. “Unless she has also eaten the heart of another.”

  “What are you talking about?” Sam replied, stunned. “Why would Shalee eat someone’s heart? Her magic has grown at a remarkable rate, and she also carries the memories of Yaloom inside that irritating brain of hers.”

  Fisgig spoke. “Are you referring to the god Yaloom?”

  “Of course, I am. Who else would I be referring to? Have you ever heard anybody else go by that name?”

  The phoenix shook his head. “What do you mean she possesses Yaloom’s memories?”

  The King of Brandor took the moments to explain the details of Yaloom’s demise.

  Fisgig looked up at Brayson. “I cannot believe such a thing is possible.”

  Sam looked out the window and spoke before Brayson could. “When I was on Earth, if a bird began to talk, I would have said, I cannot believe such things are possible. But I’ve come to understand that it doesn’t matter how something is possible. It just is. So ... shall we go get my wife?”

  Without saying a word, Brayson stepped forward and waved his hand. The trio vanished.

  On the far side of the Head Master’s office, Hosseff removed his hood and appeared. The God of Death had been listening. As the light in the room penetrated the haze of his face, his appearance changed into his human form. He thought, Bassorine must have had a hand in the expedited growth of Shalee’s magical foundation. I must know more.

  The shade walked around Brayson’s desk and waved his hand across one of the windows. He watched as it zoomed in on Grogger’s Swamp. The image of Shalee came into focus. Fascinating. Yaloom’s memories are now yours to call upon. I wonder how long it will be before you’re capable of summoning the power to use the memories that will allow you to teleport to Ancients Sovereign. It was clever of Yaloom to make you his tool. I would have expected far less from him. Using your son’s death to find a way to live again was brilliant. He just may find his way back to godliness after all.

  Grogger’s Swamp

  Shalee entered the swamp the night before. She had to use her magic to adjust her clothes to keep the leeches away from her skin. As she waded through the marsh, many mutated creatures, some with teeth the size of her fingers, perished as a consequence for their attacks. On one occasion, a large, bird-like, catfish-spearfish looking whatever-in-the-heck it was, swooped out of the fog and tried to stab her with its point.

  Now, fellow soul ... you’ll have to bear with me on this one. This bird-like, catfish-spearfish thing was so messed up looking that Shalee was unable to describe it to me in great detail during my interview with her. Based on our conversation, no description of its grotesque nature could show the detail of its deformities. Anyway, the thing flew, it looked creepy, and it was dangerous. Enough babbling, back to the story.

  Shalee managed to avoid the bird-fish’s attack. She ducked as the creature flew past her position and stuck into another beast that had been stalking her from behind.

  Shalee was walking within a protective barrier of magic when Brayson appeared with Sam and Fisgig at his side. The trio stood within a protective barrier of their own, and had appeared close enough to give Sam the chance to speak with Shalee.

  “Sam! What are you doing here?” Shalee inquired while she studied the king’s companions.

  Sam’s response was direct. “You need to go with the Head Master. Your skills are needed elsewhere. I’ll go after the missing piece of the crystal.”


  “Just go with Brayson, and he’ll explain.”

  “Are you still angry with me?”

  “Look ... this isn’t the moment to play ‘Let’s Make Shalee Feel Better.’ You’re in trouble, and you know it. Just go, and save me the irritation. We’ll speak once I’ve had the chance to calm down.”

  Brayson spoke up. “Shalee, I am Head Master, Brayson. This is Fisgig. Come into my magic where I can keep you safe.”

  Shalee did as instructed.

  Sam turned to look at Brayson. “Is there anything I should know about Grogger?”

  Fisgig answered. “The creature will try to swallow you if he finds you. I’m not sure where the crystal could be, but if you were swallowed by the toad, the acid inside its stomach will digest you over 10 seasons. It’ll be torturous.”

  “That’s disgusting,” Shalee responded while staring at the phoenix. “So you can talk, too?”

  Sam was irritated by Shalee’s surprise that a bird could speak after all they had gone through since their arrival on Grayham. He ignored the queen and turned to Brayson. “Okay, okay. The acid is no problem.” He lifted his sword of the gods. “Right, Kael?”

  “This is correct,” the blade responded. Kael lifted from the king’s hand and floated over to Brayson. “Head Master ... I may be able to feel the crystal’s presence if you were to magnify Sam’s senses. I should be able to draw from this power and use it to rule out large areas of the swamp to narrow our search.”

  Brayson waved his hand over Sam’s head. “It’s done. Will there be anything else?”

  Sam thought a moment as Kael returned to his sheath. “Something more suitable to wear while trudging through the swamp would be nice. I don’t care for leeches.”

  Shalee snapped her fingers. “I got this one.” She moved to stand in front of her king. She leaned in and motioned for Sam to bend down. She whispered in his ear. “I’m sorry. I do love you.”

  Standing back, Shalee lifted her hand and passed the top of Precious across Sam’s clothes. The cloth altered its appearance and sealed, protecting Sam’s skin. “The leeches won’t be able to get to you now. But, the water will seep in like a wet suit. It’ll keep you warm.”

  Sam wanted to say something kind, but his anger would not let him. Instead, he barked out an order, “You should get out of here! You need to get started on the trials!”

  The Kingdom of Ultor

  Deep Beneath the Surface of Crystal Lake

  The leader of the Ultorians was standing in front of a watery likeness of Gregory Id. The White Chancellor’s image had taken form at the base of the steps that ascended to Ultor’s throne. Except for the spot where Gregory’s image stood, the Ultorian King’s coral castle was clear of the element and remained dry inside. A barrier had been cast to keep the water out, but every so often, the barrier dropped and allowed the water in to refresh the skin of the castle’s inhabitants.

  The colors of Ultor’s flesh were marvelous to look upon as the White Chancellor used his personal mirror inside his tower-palace to look through the watery eyes of his likeness that he had summoned to stand before the Ultorian King.

  Farun Ultor bowed to show his respect for Gregory’s position as did the chancellor in front of his mirror. When Gregory bowed, so did his likeness.

  “For what purpose have you chosen to visit my reef, Chancellor?”

  “Thank you for speaking with me, Your Majesty, but I fear the reason for my appearance is far from pleasant. War is about to consume the lands above, and I have come to request your assistance to keep the Order from spreading darkness across the territories of Kerkinn. There’s no telling what my brother would do if he managed to seized control of Western Luvelles.”

  King Ultor drummed his fingers across the arms of his throne, and the sponge it was made of coddled his fingertips. “I understand your plight, Chancellor. You know that all Ultorians have sworn allegiance to the light arts. But our dedication to this magic never included a promise of bloodshed.”

  Farun stopped drumming his fingers and leaned forward. “I don’t mean to trivialize the urgency of your call, Lord Id, but you know I govern a peaceful race. Even if I wanted to order my legions into battle, my men could not rise up to fight a land based altercation that would most certainly last for many Peaks. Our skin would dry out, and we would perish from such a rash undertaking if we did not retreat to the confines of the lake
. For me to order my kind into the fray, you will need to lead the enemy to our shores.”

  Gregory thought a moment. “The battle will not reach this far north. Perhaps the goswigs would assist. Your Majesty, would you speak with them for me?”

  Farun Ultor nodded. “Speak your message that you wish me to deliver.”

  The chancellor took a moment to formulate his response. “Please ask the goswigs to support Lord Dowd’s call for war. Tell them that I said their magic would be a powerful force. They would be allowed to pass beyond the gates of Inspiration without fear of imprisonment for abandoning their masters. Further, they’ll be entertained and given gifts of coin to spend as they so choose until the moment arrives for them to march with the Paladins of Light to the Battlegrounds of Olis. Upon completion of the war ... should light prevail, of course ... I shall personally see to it that all wanted goswigs are no longer hunted. They will all receive pardons for their transgressions against their masters.”

  The pressure of Ultor’s hands displaced the color of his knees as the king stood from his throne. As soon as he removed his hands, the color quickly returned. “I shall speak with Strongbear. If he chooses war, the goswigs will join your ranks. But I will not force his claws into service.”

  “Understood,” Gregory responded. “Thank you. The goswigs could have no finer protector than you.”

  From inside his tower, the White Chancellor bowed again in front of his mirror, and his watery image inside Ultor’s throne room responded in kind. “I do hope the goswigs arrive ready for battle.”

  The king also bowed. “Let’s hope they trust in your promise.”

  Gregory watched as his mirror went dark. It was sitting at the center of his bedroom chamber not far from his bed as he lowered onto its end.

  The White Chancellor had no idea he was being stalked. From behind the mirror, a sinister smile crossed Marcus’ face as he peeked around it to glare at his younger brother. The Dark Chancellor was standing within another spell of invisibility, and he was about to end Gregory when Brayson suddenly appeared at the foot of the bed with Shalee and Fisgig at his side.


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