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Rebel Roommate: A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 5

by Jeannine Colette

  All I do know is, one more challenge from Wes, and I’m bound to lose my shit on him. That would be a great way to introduce myself to the fraternity. I’d be known as the girl who went apeshit on a baseball player my first time here.

  “You most definitely need a drink,” Nicole says as I pump the keg with vigor.

  “Ha. Is it that obvious?”

  “Who pissed in your Cheerios?” she asks while she holds our cups up, so I can fill them.

  “Wes,” I state simply, and she grins.

  “More like he’s pissing as if marking his territory,” she says as I take the cup from her and down it.

  “What do you mean by that exactly?” I wipe my chin with the back of my hand.

  She sighs. “You two have more sexual tension than you can shake a cow at.”

  “That’s a weird saying.”

  “What I mean is, you bet me twenty bucks that your brother and Wes were gonna keep you in some sort of virgin kennel when, really, Chad couldn’t care less. No offense.”

  “None taken—I think.”

  She pulls me over to the sidewall in the kitchen and leans in, so I can really hear her. “Listen, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, but you have to promise not to tell Chad, just as I will swear not to tell him that you have a thing for Knight.”

  “Ew. I do not have a thing for Wes. I grew up with him. He’s practically a brother.” Even as I say it, I know it’s a lie, and by the way she’s looking at me, she knows I’m full of shit. “Of course, I find him attractive. I mean, I’m not blind.”

  She doesn’t seem convinced by my dismissive tone. “Well, believe me, he wants you. That’s why he treats you this way.”

  “Nuh-uh. No way.” I shake my head, trying not to think of the moments we’ve had recently—or in the past.

  She takes a breath in with a shit-eating grin on her face. “I’m telling you, that’s exactly what’s going on here. If you don’t believe it, prove me wrong. Test him.”

  “Don’t need to because that’s not what’s happening here.”

  “Okay, fine.” She folds her arms as she cocks a brow. “Then, explain to me why you care so much about what he thinks. What’s stopping you from taking any of these guys and hooking up in a corner?”

  “I don’t want any of these guys.”

  “Exactly,” she says like she just solved a mystery.

  I roll my eyes. “You’re opening up Pandora’s box here, Nicole. You do not want to see what’s inside.”

  “Fine, but do you want my advice or not on how to get Wes back for pulling the shit he’s done tonight?”

  I look at her like she’s insane. “Of course I do.”

  “If he won’t let you have a life of your own and you clearly don’t want to mess around with anyone else, then make his life a living hell. Use the sexual tension going on between the two of you to make him admit he sees you like a woman and not a little sister. Once you get him to acknowledge that, then you’ll have the upper hand.” Her voice gets loud but deep as she gets super close to my ear. “Give him what he wants but don’t let him have it at first.”

  My chin falls to my chest as I look up at her in confusion. “Pardon?”

  “The man’s a horse, and you need to dangle the carrot and then take it away. It’s a great way to punish a man or open his eyes. Either way, you’ll see I’m right,” she says the last part with a little shimmy.

  “And if you’re wrong?”

  “I’m not.” She points at me and then shrugs. “But if I am, then he’ll see you’re not backing down, and hopefully, he’ll just give up.”

  “Fine, I’ll do what you say, only to prove you wrong.” I pause, and it comes to me. “Hold on. Is that how you got Chad from friend-zoning you to dating?”

  She hushes me quickly. “If you tell him, I’ll die. It’s girl code.”

  A slow, wide smile graces my face. I’m going to get Wesley Knight back for years of torture. If he won’t let me date anyone, then it’s on. I need to show him I’m not the little girl he once knew in more ways than one.

  And it’s going to be so much fun.

  Chapter Four

  My first opportunity to put Nicole’s plan into action comes fairly quickly and with very little planning.

  Wes always comes back to the apartment after his morning classes on Thursdays because he has a gap before practice. I’m settled in at the kitchen table, studying and holding a banana when he walks through the door.

  His heavy footsteps echo around the room, and he pauses when he sees me sitting here. “Oh. Hey,” he says, obviously not expecting me.

  “Hello.” I barely give him a glance as I keep my focus on my book.

  “What are you studying?”

  “Human Sex and Love. It’s a Sociology requirement.” I grin up at him. “Where are you coming from?”

  “Class. I have a break, so I wanted to come back and get some work done.” He drops his backpack on the floor and takes out his laptop. “Mind if I sit here too?”

  “Mi casa es su casa,” I say as I flip the page of my textbook.

  Wes gets his computer started and places a legal pad and a pen beside it. As he switches his hat backward, he zeroes in on the screen. If there’s one thing I remember from growing up with Wes, it’s that he’s crazy smart and he takes school very seriously.

  I lean back in my chair and curl a knee up to my chest, pulling my book closer to read. As I study, I bring the banana to my mouth and slowly circle the tip along my parted lips, as if I were lost in thought and so entranced by the words on the page, seemingly having no idea that I’m aimlessly gliding the banana just outside my open mouth.

  As I turn another page, I glance up and see Wes staring at me. I give a small smile and go back to my reading as I take a bite.

  There’s a bowl beside my textbook, filled with chocolate syrup. I dip my banana into the bowl and coat as much of it as I can, so when I lift it, chocolate starts to drip down the shaft of the fruit.

  “Dammit,” I say with a pout. “I hate when that happens.”

  I dart my tongue out to the base of the open peel and glide it up the side of the banana, all the way to the tip, licking up the chocolate. Smashing my lips together, I let out a small moan as I close my eyes and enjoy the yummy goodness.

  Wesley’s fingers stop tapping on the keyboard.

  I grin and lay my tongue back on the shaft, flattening it as I do the action again.

  He clears his throat, and his chair creaks as he adjusts in his seat before he goes back to typing. When I look up at him, I notice his tense expression. I give him a smile and take another bite of my banana.

  “Don’t you need some kind of food when you study?” I ask, and he just shrugs. “I need something sweet in my mouth when I study.”

  His chest puffs out with a deep inhale as he goes back to his studying.

  I can’t tell if my little performance is working. By the time I’m finished with eating my banana, I’ve read zero pages, and I’m ridiculously attuned to his body language.

  I take my finger and dip it in the sauce, licking the syrup from my flesh. This time, when he looks up, I hold his gaze.

  His chin lifts as I slip my finger out of my mouth.

  His chest rises when I get a smudge on my lip and have to lick it off.

  His thighs spread as I reach for more. I bite at the end of my thumb, where drops of chocolate fell.

  Without a word, he gets up from his chair, and in a calm voice, he states, “Dammit, I forgot I left my Psychology textbook at Matt’s. I’ll be back.”

  The front door opens and closes quickly, Wes having left without even closing his laptop or putting his stuff away. My plan didn’t even work. Instead, it made him think about Psychology. Obviously, he must think I’m a lunatic.

  Oh well, looks like I’m winning my bet with Nicole.

  While it’s all fun and games with Wesley, there is one downside. At the end, I’m just left with a sticky hand.

; Chapter Five

  “Don’t go rushing off yet. I have to give you your favorite part of the college experience. The term paper.”

  We all groan as the professor taps on his watch, letting us know there’s still a minute left of this lecture.

  “I want three thousand words on the pros and cons of technology on personal engagement, especially in the work environment.”

  I write down the information he puts up on the smart board even though I’ll be able to find it on the class website. As the professor dismisses us, I scribble down the last few notes from his presentation.

  “You know you can get that online.”

  I turn to see a girl with shoulder-length pink hair standing over me with her laptop bag slung around her body.

  “Yeah, I just find I absorb the information better if I write it down. The whole sensory approach to learning.” I close my book and place it in my tote bag.

  “That makes sense. I haven’t written anything down in years. I think I’d get a cramp if I picked up a pen.”

  I stand to face her more. “What about if you wanted to give your number to a guy?”

  “Punch it into his phone.” She shrugs.

  “Grocery list?”

  “Text myself.”

  I try to think of something you would need to write down. “A check?”

  “What are we, a hundred years old? Who writes checks anymore?” She giggles, and I find myself laughing as well.

  “Wow, I guess we don’t have a purpose for pen and paper anymore.” I take a step, and she joins me as we head toward the door. “Stacey Brightmore.”

  “Amanda Millionetti,” she says as we walk out of the lecture hall.

  “I like your hair.” I point to the pink strands as she runs a hand through it.

  “Thanks. It’s fried from constantly coloring it, but I love the style. Keeping up with my roots is a bitch though.”

  I touch my long, dark strands and shrug. “Much cooler than this. I’m pretty basic.”

  She taps her mouth with her pointer finger. “You’d look so cool with lavender streaks.”

  “You think?” I’m intrigued by this idea. I’ve had highlights, but I didn’t like them enough to justify the salon cost.

  “Totally. I’d be happy to do a test for you. We could do a few strands underneath, so if you hate it, it’s hidden. And I’ve mastered the art of bleach and dyeing, so it would be pro bono.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  We walk down the glass-enclosed hallway, and I notice Nicole coming out of another lecture hall a few doors down.

  “Nicole!” I shout at the same time Amanda does. “You know Nicole?” I ask as our mutual friend comes walking toward us.

  “Hey, girls! So cool to see you two together.” Her eyes dart from me to Amanda.

  We must have matching faces of confusion as to how we both know Nicole.

  Amanda turns to me. “Nicole here has been my roomie since freshman year. We have a place off-campus now, which is amazing.”

  I smile at the odds. “And Nicole is dating my brother, Chad.”

  Amanda’s mouth opens in surprise. “No shit. You’re the sister? That’s so crazy. Wait, that means you live with Wes Knight then?”

  I sigh and roll my eyes. “Please don’t tell me you’ve hooked up with him.”

  “He’s like a god around here. Not my type though. I like them funky. Give me a loner musician with crooked teeth, and I’m putty in his hands.”

  Nicole bursts out laughing. “Nothing this girl has said has ever been truer.” She turns to me with a twinkle in her eye. “So, Stacey, how is it going with the plan?” As she waggles her eyebrows, I widen my eyes to tell her to be quiet because her roommate is here. “Don’t mind Amanda. Who do you think gave me the idea to turn the tables on Chad?”

  Amanda puts her hands on her hips. “I should take it all back. Now, all I hear is the thump, thump of the bed against the wall. It was quieter when you were single.” She must notice the awkward face I’m making at the visual of Chad and Nicole making a bed thump. “Sorry, Stacey. I forgot he’s your brother. So, who is the guy you’re trying to get to notice you?”

  “No one,” I protest quickly. “I’m proving her wrong, is all.”

  Amanda tilts her head to Nicole. “Sounds like some drama.”

  “You have no idea.” I purse my lips, trying not to think about Wes.

  Amanda wraps her arm around mine. “This girl looks like she could use a girls’ night out.”

  “Ha. Is it that obvious?” I ask.

  Nicole agrees. “Have you done anything since you’ve been at Berkeley besides hang with the guys?” I shake my head, and she bounces on her toes. “Then, it’s perfect!”

  Amanda shimmies her shoulders. “Yes! It’s ladies’ night at Walker’s, so we’re going to hit it up. It’s the most fun club in the city. You’re twenty-one, right?”

  I nod as a grin spreads across my face. “A night on the town does sound fun. I’ve been nose deep in my books for weeks, and aside from that one frat party, I haven’t been out.”

  “That’s it! We’re going out!” While Nicole is making her declaration, Matt and Wes walk up to our small group.

  “Where are we going?” Wes asks.

  Nicole nudges me, and I nudge her back.

  “We’re going dancing. Ladies only,” Nicole tells him.

  “Like Chad’s gonna let you out of his sight.” Wes steps to take a spot next to me. “What up, Squid? Hey, Amanda. You making friends with the baby sis?”

  I give him a closed-mouth smile as Amanda explains, “Stacey is my new favorite person.”

  “That’s nice. Though, if you’re going to be friends and do study sessions, you should know that this girl loves bananas,” he says with a smirk, and I have to let out a cough.

  I didn’t even think he’d noticed I was eating one with the way he left so abruptly last night.

  He pats me on the back like I’m a child as I cool down from my coughing fit. “Actually, I was just in class, and all I could think about was banana splits. Wonder why that is.”

  Okay, now, if I thought he hadn’t noticed what I was doing, I was sorely mistaken. “That’s quite a phallic fantasy you’re having there. Is it banana desire or banana envy?”

  “Oh snap!” Matt says as Amanda gives me a high five.

  Wes keeps his cocky attitude in check. “Gotta love a woman who has jokes.”

  My spine tingles with his comment. There’s something about his tone that affects me.

  “We’re taking her out for a much-needed night on the town. Shame on you and Chad for keeping this girl locked up. One crappy frat party is not the Berkeley experience,” Amanda says.

  He laughs. “And getting felt up by strange dudes on a dance floor is?”

  “You should know. You’re the biggest man-whore on campus,” she says with a sly grin.

  He holds up his hands. “I’m offended by that term. You make it sound like I’d hook up with any girl. I have standards.”

  “Yeah. He’ll do anything that can hold a conversation,” Matt chimes in, which makes the girls laugh. Wes and I don’t find it funny. “So, Stacey, if you want to dance, I’d be happy to take you out.”

  “With your two left feet? The poor girl wants a man who can move,” Wes says. His tone is light, but the look he’s giving Matt says something else.

  Matt backs up a step. “Oh. I forgot. The little sister’s off-limits. Good luck, girl. This guy has the campus on lockdown from going anywhere near you.”

  Wes raises his brows and clenches his jaw toward Matt. Nicole is looking at me with her own sly-eyed expression.

  “Yep, typical Aquarius,” Amanda says to Wes. “Quieting up when he’s mad and not taking the social cues that what he’s doing to Stacey isn’t okay.”

  I shrug all of it off. “It’s cool. I already told Wes, if I can’t date anyone, then he can’t either.”

  “Yeah, nice try. This guy can’t keep it in
his pants longer than a week.” Matt’s comment makes the conversation a little awkward, and if I’m not mistaken, Wes looks more upset by the comment than mad.

  Nicole quickly tries to shake the tension. “So, I’ll pick you up?”

  I look at Wes, knowing if I dare to get dressed at my apartment, he’ll have a thousand things to say about my outfit. It’s fine if I’m trying to get under his skin, but I don’t want him deterring me from going out to have fun.

  “Actually, can I get ready at your place? I heard you two have an awesome apartment, and I’d love to see where Chad spends all of his time. I could come early, and we can get ready together.”

  “Love that idea!” Amanda says. “I’ll do your hair beforehand!”

  We exchange numbers, and I get their address—via text message, of course. Then, we part ways. As I head to my next class, I chance a glance at Wes, who’s still talking to Matt in the hallway. While Matt rambles on in the distance, Wes’s eyes stay on me as I disappear out the glass doors.

  After my morning class, I came back to the apartment to get some studying done and do my daily yoga. Chad has class all day, so I know he won’t be back until tonight, but Wes always comes home for a quick lunch before his next class.

  I wish I could read him properly. I could have sworn he didn’t even notice the banana thing, but then he made a comment. Is he as into me as Nicole says, or is he just aloof? There are times when I think Wes is looking at me in a way a man who desires a woman would, but then he flips the switch, and he’s back to being this weird dude who drives me loco.

  Distracted, I get ready for yoga and forget to put a bra on. I walk back to my dresser and open my top drawer, lifting a sports bra, but something stops me.

  I’ve seen the way he gazes at my legs, and he most definitely checked out my breasts the other night when I was dressed for the frat party.

  Screw it.

  If sucking on a fruit doesn’t rile him up, then he certainly won’t notice me with headlights on.

  Then again … this could be the act that proves Nicole right or wrong.


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