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by Bladon, Deborah

  I can't. She gets to choose who she spends her time with. If that's Hale, so be it. I'm the one who has to learn to live with it.

  Fuck if I know how to do that.

  Chapter 5


  If I had known that our dinner destination was Nova, I might have declined. It's recognized for not only the food but the fact that it's the place to come in Manhattan if you're in search of a surprise celebrity sighting.

  That's the main reason there's a cluster of photographers across the street. They keep their cameras trained on the front of the restaurant and the endless line of chauffeured driven cars that drop off people who have made it their business to be famous.

  I suspect that's why Trey brought me here. He hesitated when we exited the car. His hand was on my hip, his brown eyes focused on my face and not the front of my light blue dress. He put on a good show for anyone who was watching. I didn't take part since I wasn't handed a script on how to play the pro baseball star's date.

  I'm winging it, including keeping my face covered by the large menu as Trey signs autographs and talks to his mostly female fans about the hamstring injury that has benched him for the past three weeks.

  "Are you having fun, Adley?"

  Thank God, he got my name right. When he called me earlier to ask me to dinner I thought I heard the distinctive sound of a 'sh' after the A. I'm used to it. My name is unusual enough to be confused with one that rolls off the tongue with familiarity.

  There are a lot more Ashleys living in this city than Adleys.

  I lower the menu enough to peek over it at him. "It's been a slice so far."

  He smiles wolfishly. It's the same smile that has landed him countless sponsorship deals. His face is everywhere right now. He's riding the high and I'm the one by his side, even if it's just for tonight.

  "I'll order us a bottle of wine."

  I rest the menu on the table. "Are you a regular here?"

  I'm genuinely interested. I did my research on him early this morning after I sent Ellie a text message to tell her that Trey asked for my number. She's picked up a fondness for baseball since she and Nolan have season tickets. It's not my scene although I have tagged along to a few games with her. Watching her cheering on the hometown team is the best part for me.

  I had no idea that typing Trey Hale's name in a search engine would result in more than ten million hits. I spent less than an hour reading about his rise to fame and looking at pictures of him with some of the most well-known female faces on the planet.

  He's not a stranger to Nova. This seems to be his go-to place when he wants the media to include him in the next news cycle.

  Since he's not making headlines on the field right now, he's working another angle and I happen to have landed in the middle of that.

  He runs a hand over his close-cropped brown hair. "Can I make a confession?"

  If it has anything to do with the way he keeps stealing glances at my breasts, it's hardly a confession. It's obvious that he likes big tits. In at least half of the images of him online, his eyes are honed in on the chest area of his dates.

  "Confess your sins. I won't tell." I smile at him.

  The hint of amusement in my voice relaxes him. I see it in his shoulders and the way his jaw stops ticking. "I don't know where else to go. Whenever I ask a woman out, she'll say she wants to go to Nova. I didn't ask you because, well, I thought you'd say the same thing."

  I take a sip of the water that the server brought us after we were seated. "Where else do you like to eat?"

  "Other than here, I only ever go to this pizza place in Times Square."

  I watch him as he watches the people around us. He's hesitant, ducking his face down when someone looks in our direction. Maybe I misread him. Maybe he's not the famewhore I thought he was.

  "If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?"

  Shit. I stepped right into that one.

  His tongue darts out to wet his lips. "If I said you that would be out of line, wouldn't it?"

  "I don't…not on the first date."

  "It's technically our second since I bought you a drink last night."

  "I get free drinks at Veil East so technically you didn't buy me a drink."

  He muddles that over with a glance around the room. "I got the feeling last night that you would have come home with me if I would have asked. I mean, before Benton showed up."

  Looking back on that now, I'm glad Crew came to talk to me when he did. I'd had one or two too many free drinks. I was enjoying the moment and Trey's attention. I probably would have gone home with him and left his place with a hangover and at least a year's worth of regret.

  "I try not to focus on the past. We're here now."

  "So, this is our first date?" His eyes sparkle when he smiles. "We've established that you're not coming home with me tonight. I'm free tomorrow for our second date."

  "I'm busy unless you understand that I won't be sleeping with you until I'm ready."

  He laughs. His entire demeanor has changed since we arrived at Nova. He's more laid back now. "Understood. I like you, Adley."

  I like him too. He seems like a nice enough guy.

  "Let's get back to my original question." I fold my hands together on the table. "If you could eat anything…any type of food right now, what would it be?"

  He grins broadly at my subtle correction. Then he leans his forearms on the table, his voice lowering to a hushed whisper. "I'm supposed to steer clear of greasy shit, but I've been craving a juicy burger and fries. Do you know where we could get that?"

  "Do I ever," I say as I push back my chair. "Follow me, Trey. You're going to think you died and went to burger heaven."

  Chapter 6


  If you're worth a million bucks, there's no reason in hell why you shouldn't look like a million bucks. Take me for instance. I'm not dressed to the nines tonight. After I left Nolan and Ellie's apartment, I swung by my place and changed into a thin white sweater. I tugged that on, slipped on some black shoes and I look like a million and a quarter, even though I'm wearing jeans.

  Trey Hale, on the other hand, looks like three dollars. He's wearing the same sorry ass suit he was wearing last night, but tonight he's got a smile on his face that could light up the holiday tree in Rockefeller Center.

  If I didn't want to wring his neck, I might be inclined to send him to my tailor to get fitted for at least one custom suit. He needs it. He's the face of the most celebrated baseball team in the country and yet, he looks like he slept in the dumpster around the corner.

  His smile brightens when the familiar blonde next to him touches his knee.

  Adley is obviously interested in what's hidden inside his wrinkled pants. He's got his eyes pinned on her tits.

  Lucky me that I get to witness this.

  "Your bodyguard just walked in," Hale announces after he manages to unglue his eyes from the front of the tight blue dress she's wearing so he can glance in my direction.

  Adley cranes her neck to look at where I'm standing in the entrance of the burger restaurant she brought me to last night. Apparently, I'm not as special as I thought I was.

  "What are you doing here?" The corners of her mouth curve up in a smile as I approach. "Didn't you have dinner with Nolan and Bean?"

  "Bean?" Hale has the same reaction I did the first time I heard Ad say Ellie's nickname. "Who is that?"

  "Our friend," I say without hesitation. "We missed you tonight, Ad."

  Her gaze falls to the floor. "Trey invited me to dinner…dinner at Nova."

  "Yet, you're here." I survey the almost vacant restaurant. "Did Nova run short of food?"

  "Adley suggested this place instead." Trey reaches to grab her hand. "I'm glad she did. The burgers are the best I've ever had."

  Her face brightens with the compliment. He's either oblivious to what a real burger should taste like or he's under Adley's spell. I can't blame him. She's gorgeous tonight. Her hair is pinned up. She
's wearing a dress I've never seen her in before. She looks like ten million dollars.

  "I'm glad we agree on that." She drops Hale's hand and turns toward me in her chair, giving me my first full view of her.

  Jesus. I feel that familiar sizzle race down my spine. The desire for her is instant and intense.

  "Are you hungry?" she goes on, "I always knew you had a huge appetite, but I had no idea you could eat twice in one night."

  I could eat you twice in one night and the craving wouldn't be any less than it is right now.

  Hale smirks as if he knows exactly where my thoughts wandered off to. I'm not fucking surprised. He's thought about going down on her. I'd bet my last dollar that he's fantasized about everything he wants to do with her.

  "You picking up some take-out, Benton?" He trails his fingers along Adley's back.

  My skin crawls at the sight of his hand on her. I have to take a step back before I pull him from the chair and toss him out the door.

  "I was actually grabbing some food for Ad," I say it to her, ignoring the fact that his fingers are now circling a path over her exposed shoulder. "I thought she might not be feeling well after last night. I'm glad she recovered."

  "She feels great to me." He squeezes her arm and she flinches. "We're going to finish up here and then head out. It was good to see you."

  Fuck you too, Hale.

  Adley springs to her feet, leaving Hale's hand hanging in mid-air. "You were getting me food because you thought I was hungover?"

  "You told me once that the quickest way to cure it is to eat your favorite food," I say it, knowing that she'll remember when she first said those words to me. She was in my bed, fully clothed and on top of the blankets when I was nursing a hangover courtesy of New Year's Eve. She cooked for me. It tasted horrible but I didn't give a shit. I spent the day sleeping in my tuxedo shirt and pants because I was too sick to change. She was there for hours, by my side, making certain that I had everything I needed.

  "It's true." She nods to exaggerate the point. "I already ate, but I'm touched that you thought of me."

  I never stop.

  Coming here for take-out was part of my longshot plan to see her tonight. I sent her a text message when I was in Central Park with Nolan's family. By the time I'd made it back to my place over an hour later, there was still no response.

  I decided to make a house call with her favorite burger in hand even though I knew there was a good chance she was on a date. I didn't know that I'd run into her here with Hale drooling all over her.

  "I'm going to take off." I hold Adley's gaze. "It was good to see you."

  She leans back slightly and looks me over. "Are you all right? Is everything okay?"

  I catch both her hands in mine and bring them to my lips. "I was concerned when you didn't make it to dinner at Ellie's. I'm glad you're good, Ad."

  Her eyes lock on mine. "You're the best friend I've ever had."

  I kiss her knuckles once more before I drop her hands. "I'm always around if you need me."

  Her full lips part as if she's going to say something, but there's nothing.

  "Enjoy your night, Crew." Hale darts to his feet, his arm wrapping around her waist. "I know we will."

  She doesn't acknowledge him at all. Her gaze stays focused on my face. I turn and walk away, wishing like hell I was the one taking her home with me.

  Chapter 7


  "You're blowing up all over social media right now, Ad," Tilly whispers to me as she readies the paperwork for the slew of patients waiting to see Dr. Hunt and the veterinarian he brought on board two months ago, Dr. Carolyn Gallo. Business is brisk.

  I look at Tilly. I know exactly what she's talking about. Ellie sent me a one-line text message last night.

  You're officially a #halesbabe.

  Whenever a picture of Trey and a woman is posted online by either a Hale fan or the paparazzi, it's tagged with the hashtag halesbabe. Last night I joined that club when an image of Trey and I that was taken outside Nova was posted to an Instagram account. The picture went viral within hours.

  As of this morning, it's been shared more than ten thousand times and it has ten times as many likes.

  Those stats don't impress me. I don't want or need that kind of attention.

  "What's he like?" Tilly pretends to busy herself with the file in front of her. "Tell me everything."

  I hate talking about personal things at work. I take this job seriously. Dr. Hunt took a chance on me when he gave me this position after I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree and a love of animals. I've worked hard for him ever since.

  "We had a burger, talked about our careers, and then he took me home." I don't look at her. I have too much to do today to waste time going over my uneventful date.

  After Crew left the burger place, I told Trey that I needed to get home. He called for his chauffeured car and once we arrived at my apartment, I said goodnight without a kiss.

  "There has to be more to it than that, Adley." Tilly sighs and taps her toe on the tile floor. "You don't have dinner with the most famous pitcher in the league and go home after dinner."

  "You do if you're me."

  Her eyes dart to the waiting room. We're booked full for the entire day. Neither of us has time to stand around talking about Trey. "Give me one juicy detail and I swear I'll leave you alone."

  I pick up the file for Brazen, the small terrier, who is here for his yearly check-up. "Trey's left nipple is pierced."

  "What the hell?" She doesn't even try to keep that to an acceptable level. Every single person in the waiting room turns toward us.

  "Shh," I hush her. "You're going to get us both fired."

  "You saw his nipple piercing?"

  I shake my head as I tuck a requisition into the file of a labradoodle set to walk through the door any second with its owner. "I met him at Veil East on Saturday night. He told me about it when we were dancing."

  "That's hot."

  "What's hot?" Dr. Hunt's unmistakable deep voice startles us both as he exits his office next to the reception desk.

  I turn when Tilly answers him. "Beacon's temperature, Dr. The cat in exam room two is burning up. I'm ready if you are."

  Skepticism knits his brow. "I'm ready, Matilda. Follow me."

  She does, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and her brows wiggling. Dr. Hunt is a handsome man. He knows it. Every person in the waiting room does too which is why all heads turn as he walks past with Tilly hot on his heel.


  "It's been days since you two had dinner. Are you going to see him again this week?" Ellie chews on the end of a carrot. "If you are, I think you should wear that strapless red dress you wore to my birthday party. It shows off all your assets."

  "Like my ass?" I squirm on the chair I'm sitting on next to her dining table. I came here to decompress after three very long days of work. I've stayed late each night since my date with Trey. Two of my co-workers are out sick so that means extra overtime for everyone who hasn't caught the flu bug yet.

  "That and other things." She circles her hand in front of her chest.

  "My breasts aren't that big." I look down at the front of my scrubs. It's my go-to outfit for work since Dr. Hunt requires that every one of his employees wears the personalized blue scrubs he supplies. They have our names stamped above a small pocket on the left chest area. On the right side is the name of the clinic, Premier Pet Care. "I'm a C-Cup."

  "I'm going to be a C-cup in a few months." She juts out her chest. "My boobs have already gotten bigger. Nolan is a fan."

  "Don't tell me about what Nolan digs behind closed doors, Bean." I place my index finger over my lips to shush her.

  "Fine." She huffs as she takes another small bite of her snack. "Let's talk about when you're going to see Trey again."

  If he had his way it would be tonight. He sent me a dozen roses at work today. By the time I had a break and was able to text him to thank him, the flowers weren
't my secret anymore. Tilly posted a picture of them with the halesbabe hashtag. She tagged me in it, so now my name is out there as the woman Trey is currently seeing.

  "I don't know," I confess on a sigh. I'm in no hurry to go out with him again. That's why I told him I was busy tonight. My plans consist of this visit with Ellie before I head home to take a nice long bath. If I were into him, I would have taken him up on his offer straightaway.

  "Why the hesitation to see him again?" Ellie puts the rest of the carrot on a napkin. "He's good-looking, successful, and he sent you flowers."

  "How do you know that?"

  She picks her phone up from the table and opens Instagram. The picture Tilly took of the roses pops into view. "That right there is the sign of a guy who is eager."

  Eager to fuck. The feeling is not mutual.

  "I haven't even kissed him yet, Bean."

  "You can correct that by asking him out for dinner."

  "I accept." Crew steps into view around the corner from the hallway. "Where are you taking me?"

  "Where is my husband?" Ellie pushes herself to her feet. "I told him to pick up some groceries on his way home. Did he?"

  "He got everything on that long ass list you texted him." Crew wraps his arm around Ellie's shoulder. "Your pregnancy cravings are disgusting, by the way. Keep in mind, that I don't say that lightly. My sister ate olives with peaches before she popped her kid out."

  "That sounds delicious." Ellie licks her bottom lip. "We have olives. I need some peaches."

  "You need to go find your husband." Crew jerks a thumb toward the kitchen. "He's half-way through a package of coconut cookies. Unless you stop him at the pass, you're not getting any of those tonight."

  Ellie takes off at a quick walk.

  "Did you come here straight from work?" Crew settles into the chair Ellie was just in. "Or are you trying to drive the male population of Manhattan crazy with that outfit."


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