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Cowboy Command

Page 19

by Olivia Jaymes

  She looked up at him, her expression sad. “If they don’t think I’m safe after I testify, they’re going to try and take me from you. Give me a new name and a new identity. I don’t want them to do that.”

  Seth nodded. They’d never said it out loud, but he was sure it was what Evan would do. If Presley were still in danger, Seth would want her to be safe, even if it was without him.

  “If they think it’s not safe, you need to go back into hiding. Promise me you will, honey.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to.”

  He pushed back an errant strand of hair. “Maybe I can come with you to the next place.”

  She looked hopeful for a second then back to sad. “You can’t give up your life in Harper. You have a family that loves you. Friends. A town that needs you. That’s why I wanted to leave. So you could go back home and be okay.”

  Deep in his gut, he knew she was right. He had a life in Harper and she had one in Tampa. The fact that she’d had to abandon it didn’t make it less important than his own. The depth of her sacrifice hit him broadside. She’d been willing to give up her own safety for his. He might expect love that deep from his parents, but he’d never expected it from a woman. He was humbled and thankful all at once, and his anger drained away. She’d tried to do something she thought was right, only for all the wrong reasons.

  He couldn’t say she hadn’t warned him about making bad decisions. She had and he’d said it would be okay. He leaned back so he could look into her eyes.

  “Don’t do that again, understand? If I lost you, if something happened to you, it would hurt me. I’m going to keep you safe. After you testify, if someone is still after you, you will go into hiding. As long as I know they can’t get to you, I’ll be okay.” She started to shake her head but he stopped her. “No, honey. I love you and you love me. You want me to be safe. Well, I want you to be safe even if I can’t be there with you, too. I’d rather have you alive and away from me, than dead with me.”

  Understanding crossed her features. “We have now.”

  He nodded. “Yes, we do. We have a few more days until the world gets crazy and we lose control of the situation. Let’s enjoy this time together.” Neither one of them finished his sentence.

  It might be the only time they had left together.

  After she testified, he might never see her again. He felt a sharp pain twist his heart. Being with Presley was the most exquisite pleasure-pain he’d ever known. He wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I can’t believe how warm it is here,” Seth said for the umpteenth time. He’d had to turn the air conditioner on in the RV and she’d been hearing about it since they hit the Florida state line.

  “It’s in the eighties which isn’t unusual. I’ve done Christmas shopping in shorts all my life. I’ve broken a sweat decorating the tree.”

  He shook his head. “That’s wrong about eight different ways.”

  Presley shrugged. “It’s better than freezing your butt off trying to do anything outside. We can barbecue year-round down here.”

  He laughed. “You can barbecue year-round in Montana. You’re just going to be cold doing it.”

  “You’d have to scrape the icicles off the steaks,” she giggled. She looked out the window at the road signs. Seth told her he thought it might be good to spend the time waiting for the day of her testimony close to Tampa, but not too damn close. Orlando fit the bill. Seth flicked on his turn signal at the upcoming rest stop and smoothly parked the motor home.

  He went back to the refrigerator and pulled out two sodas, handing one to her. “Time to call Evan,” he said.

  Her eyes widened. She’d thought he’d decided against it. “I’m surprised. I didn’t think you were going to do it.”

  “He’s probably worried. I didn’t want any Feds in our way getting here, but I’m okay calling him now. You need to testify in a couple of days and we need to let him know you’re going to be there.”

  Seth punched in the number and drummed his fingers as he waited for Evan to pick up, pressing the speakerphone button when he answered.


  “Evan? It’s Seth Reilly and Presley, I mean, Katie.”

  She heard a loud exhale of air. “Son of a fucking bitch, Seth. Where the fuck have you been? I’ve got fucking agents looking for you fucking everywhere. When I see you, I’m going to kick your fucking ass—”

  “I get the picture,” Seth interrupted. “Listen, Presley’s here so keep your language PG rated.”

  “Where the fu—I mean where in the hell are you?” Marshal Evan Davis sounded frustrated and pissed. She was glad they were only on the phone and not in person.

  “Close,” Seth replied. “Presley will be at the courthouse to testify on Monday. Don’t worry.”

  There was rustling in the background and she could hear a door being closed. “You need to bring her in. Now. You’re in big trouble, buddy.”

  Seth’s expression hardened. “No can do. You’ve got a leak in your organization. I won’t risk Presley’s life just to follow procedure.”

  Evan was quiet for a moment. “Never thought I’d hear that from you. Are you sure you’re Seth Reilly?”

  “Meet the new and improved Seth Reilly, courtesy of Presley Lawson. I won’t get her killed, Evan. I won’t let her out of my sight.”

  “Holy shit, are you two—? Never mind, I don’t want to know. I can protect her, Seth. You can stay with her.”

  Seth shook his head, even though Evan couldn’t see him. “Someone found her, Evan. Your organization didn’t keep the secret. You’ve got a leak, buddy. Have you found it yet?”

  Evan sighed. “No. Everyone appears to be clean.”

  “Then she stays with me. No one dies this time, Evan.”

  Presley didn’t know what that statement meant but Evan must have. “Can I talk to Presley?”

  “I’m here, Evan,” Presley replied.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt or anything?”

  “Other than being shot at on the streets of Harper, I’m fine. I can’t wait to testify so you can put Randall behind bars and I can breathe easy again.”

  “Do you want to stay with Seth?” The question sounded reluctant but she had to give Evan credit for even asking it.

  “I only feel safe with him. No one else. I’m sorry, Evan.” She smiled at Seth. “We’re a team, and we’re better together than apart.” Seth grinned.

  “Okay,” Evan conceded. “I can’t keep the agents off your back. You’re on your own there. I can keep this call to myself. No one will know you phoned in.”

  “Where are they looking for us?” Seth asked.

  “We have a set of agents in Tampa, another outside of Harper, and a third detail in Denver.”

  Presley frowned. “Denver? Why Denver?”

  Evan chuckled. “Well, I know you’re not in Denver. Seth has lots of friends in Denver from when he was on the force there. It seemed a logical assumption he might ask them for help.”

  “Let’s just say I’m not worried about your agents.” Seth smiled.

  “I guess, hypothetically speaking then, you’re not in any of those cities. If you were going to lay low until Monday, hypothetically of course, where might you do that?” Evan asked.

  Seth’s eyebrows went up. “Somewhere near Tampa but not too close. Hypothetically, of course.”

  “Hypothetically, the best place to blend in to the crowd would be where there’s a crowd, Seth. I don’t know any bigger crowd than at Disney. Take off the western wear, put on a couple of Mickey shirts and act like tourists.”

  “You’re kidding,” Presley groaned. Like many Florida residents, she held the tourist areas in disdain during the busy times of the year, and December was one of the busiest.

  “I’m not. No one will look for you there and better yet, no one will find you. It’s the last place anyone would look but the absolute best place to blend in and be hidden. Ride some rides, se
e some shows. Have a good time. Then get your ass here to the Federal Courthouse, Monday by eight in the morning. We need to talk about your testimony before you go in there.” Evan’s voice had gone from light-hearted to just plain hard.

  “Thank you, Evan. Will you get in trouble for this?” Presley hoped he wouldn’t. He was a nice man.

  “Probably. Seth’s in bigger trouble than I am. However, it will all be made better when you show up alive on Monday and testify. The brass will get the hell over it and be happy you’re there, okay? I need to go. Do you guys need anything?”

  “We’re good,” Seth answered. “See you Monday. Thanks, Evan.”

  Seth hung up the phone and gave her a lopsided smile. “Missy Rodell, you’ve had three days in an RV, traveling over three thousand miles. What are you going to do next?” Seth’s voice was booming like an announcer’s and she was glad the rest stop was deserted.

  She laughed at the irony of her situation. “I’m going to Disneyworld.”

  * * * * *

  Seth and Presley had some trouble finding an RV park near Disney that wasn’t completely full, but they finally found one about five miles from Disney. Seth had been shocked at the traffic on I-4 and International Drive and more than once he’d let a few curse words fly as tourists with their heads bent over maps turned in front of him or drifted into his lane.

  “I told you December is a busy time in Orlando,” Presley said. “Did you think I was kidding?”

  Seth swore as a car pulled out in front of him and he had to quickly hit the brakes. “Shit, when you said a lot of people, I couldn’t even picture this. There are more people here than in the entire state of Montana.”

  He was probably correct.

  At least they were now safely in the park, the RV hooked up. Presley breathed in deeply, the air warm and the sun high in the sky. It was a typical gorgeous Florida day - warm, with no humidity to speak of. This kind of weather was why people flocked to the state when the rest of the country turned cold and snowy.

  “Hey, honey,” Seth called. He was standing in the doorway of the RV looking completely out of place in his denim jeans, cowboy boots, and button-down shirt. Yes, he rocked those clothes, looking sexy and hot, but it wouldn’t do here in Florida. Her first task was to change his wardrobe. Evan had been specific. Look like tourists. Seth looked like a tourist all right. From Montana. He’d stick out like a sore thumb among sunburnt tourists in shorts and Mickey ears. “Are you hungry?”

  “I am.” Presley was happy to be back in Florida and warm. It felt damn good. The Feds looking for them were nowhere near them, and it didn’t appear that her killer knew where she was either.

  Seth tipped his head. “You’re very smiley. Is it because we’re going to the happiest place on earth?”

  She shook her head and spread her arms wide as if to encircle the sun. “I’m warm. Isn’t it wonderful?”

  Seth grinned. “That’s all it took? Some warmth? Come here. I can keep you warm.”

  “If I come over there we won’t eat dinner. We need to shop too. You can’t walk around looking like the Marlboro Man. We have to blend in.”

  “We can go to dinner and then shop. Grab your purse.”

  Presley followed Seth inside the RV. “Why do I need to grab my purse? Aren’t we going to dinner?”

  They were tired of cooking for themselves and in a city with this many people, no one was going to notice them. Evan knew what he was talking about.

  “We are.” A smile played around Seth’s lips.

  “But we’re all hooked in. How are we going to go to dinner?”

  “We’re not taking the RV.”

  Presley rolled her eyes, impatient with the game. “How, oh wise one, are we going to eat then?”

  Seth reached down into a cabinet she’d never opened and pulled out two helmets. “Apparently, Tanner’s parents used alternate transport when they parked somewhere for a while. Grab your purse.”

  This time she did and he led the way outside, locking the camper door behind them. He walked to the rear of the vehicle and began pulling a black tarp off something attached to the back. “Grab that end, honey.”

  She caught the fabric in her hands and helped him tug it, revealing a shiny motorcycle sitting on some sort of platform connected to the back of the RV. She put her hands on her hips as she surveyed his grin. “I never even noticed this.”

  “You’ve had quite a bit on your mind. Let me get this down and we’ll go eat.”

  It didn’t take him long to free it from its bindings and soon they were zipping along the streets and pulling up in front of one of Presley’s favorite steak houses.

  Seth looked around as they were seated and handed menus. “This has an Aussie theme? I’ve seen these in Billings, but never been to one.”

  “Yes,” she nodded. “You should try the onion appetizer. It’s really good. They have a great chocolate dessert too.” Seth loved dessert. They ordered and then sipped at their iced tea while his eyes scanned the room.

  “You never truly relax.” Presley nudged him with her foot under the table. They might only have a few days left together and she wanted to make the most of them. She wanted to have fun with Seth.

  “I’m trying.” Seth captured her hand with his. “I still can’t get over all these people in one place. The restaurant is packed and so were all of them up and down this road. There were people walking in crowds down the street and cars three lanes deep. That’s a lot of people.”

  “If we’d been here in October it would have been better. There’s less people that time of year.” She was getting a little tired of defending her home state. She hadn’t gone on and on about the cattle in Montana.

  As if he could read her mind, he relaxed and smiled. “I guess it’s just that time of year.” The waitress plopped down the onion appetizer between them and Presley’s stomach growled at the delicious aroma.

  They demolished the appetizer, two steaks, and dessert. Presley groaned and patted her stomach. “That was so good. But now I need you to take me someplace. I saw it on our way here.”

  Seth’s brows drew together. “Where are we going?”

  She tugged at his hand as he threw some money down on the check. “Let’s go.”

  Within ten minutes, Presley was sitting in the chair of a hair salon with a plastic cape wrapped around her. Seth was scowling but she knew what needed to be done. The killers knew her as a blonde and as a brunette. They had yet to see red. She gave the smiling stylist her request and the woman beamed as she clipped and fussed at her hair.

  Presley knew what cutting and coloring her hair was going to do, but Seth was clearly shocked. Her hair was now bouncing in auburn curls and waves just above her shoulder. The stylist whipped off the cape with a flourish. It had taken over an hour and a half but the results were well worth it.

  “Ta da! You look great. The long hair was lovely but this really looks good on you,” the stylist enthused.

  Seth reached out and pulled at a curl, watching it spring back. “Your hair’s curly. Really curly. I had no idea.”

  The woman laughed. “The longer the hair, the more it pulls at the curl. If she went shorter, the curls would be even tighter.”

  Seth stared at Presley in the mirror. “You look so different.”

  Presley smiled and paid the woman. “That was the point, wasn’t it?”

  “I guess it was.”

  They walked outside, the sun starting to sink in the sky. They needed to get a move on if they were going to pick up some new clothes. “Are you okay? Do you hate it? Is that it?”

  “No,” Seth denied. “It’s just you don’t look like you. I can’t imagine you blonde either, if that helps.”

  She entwined her fingers in his, leading him down the sidewalk to a large tourist trap shop. “I’m still the same person. Look at it this way.” She waggled her eyebrows. “You can pretend you’re with another woman tonight and you won’t even get in trouble for cheating.”

“I like the woman I’m with just fine. I don’t need anyone else.”

  Presley felt a warmth in her heart and another place further south. “You are so getting lucky tonight.”

  Seth pointed to a liquor store on the corner. “I’m not that easy. I need to be romanced first.”

  “Come on.” Presley giggled. “Let’s get you some clothes and then a bottle of wine. I think I know how to romance my man.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Presley certainly knew how to get Seth’s motor running. They managed to compress an hour of clothes shopping into forty-five minutes of giggling as they modeled hideous T-shirts, bright shorts, and various cheap flip-flops. After grabbing a decent bottle of Chardonnay, they’d headed back to the RV with much more on their mind than having a drink and discussing religion and politics.

  Seth was in the mood to seduce his woman and she seemed to be of the same mind. He dug into a drawer for a corkscrew while she closed the blinds. The neighbors weren’t going to get a show tonight, although they might hear her when she screamed his name during her orgasm. Scratch that. Orgasms, plural. His beautiful Presley was going to come more than once.

  He poured the wine and handed her a glass. She twirled the liquid, her eyes already warm with emotion and passion, then lifted her glass in a toast. “To now.”

  His heart lurched in his chest. He wouldn’t think about what would happen after Monday. “To now.” They clinked glasses and sipped at the fruity elixir. He was more of a beer kind of guy but he liked a good glass of wine every now and then. It seemed to fit their mood tonight for some reason. Seth switched on some music and one of the languorous melodies from Presley’s iPod filled the air. He re-filled their wine glasses before taking a seat on the couch.

  Presley was still standing, swaying to the music, her eyes closed, the wine glass dangling from her fingers. Her body moved sensuously, the burnished curls dancing around her head. He couldn’t take his eyes away from her mouthwatering curves. Everything about her was beautiful, sexy. Her jeans hugged the curve of her ass and the shirt pulled tight over her round breasts. He knew what she looked like without her clothes. He shouldn’t be this hot and hard from a tiny woman dancing fully-clothed in the living room, but he was.


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