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Republican Gomorrah

Page 40

by Max Blumenthal

  190 the anti-Americanism of Columbia’s latte liberals: Matt Sanchez, “Diversity Double Talk: Ivy’s ‘Inclusion’ Excludes Military,” New York Post, December 4, 2006,

  190 Sanchez presented with award: Max Blumenthal, CPAC PART DEUX: Conflicted Conservatives in Crisis, Conservative Political Action Conference, Washington, DC, YouTube, March 5, 2007,

  191 a light went on: Andy Towle, “Conservatives Laud Gay Porn Star Marine,” Towleroad, March 6, 2007,; and “Jeff Gannon Redux,” Joe.My.God, March 06, 2007,

  191 Finally Sanchez came out: Matt Sanchez, “Porn Free,” Salon, March 8, 2007,

  191 instantly exorcised his homosexual tendencies: Matt Sanchez, Jack E. Jett interview, “Strife of the Party,” Radar, March 30, 2007,

  192 challenged him to produce a marriage license: See “None of the claims has been backed up by marriage records or statements from wives, fiancees, or girlfriends.”

  192 “Gay men are like fundamentalist Muslims”: Matt Sanchez, Jack E. Jett interview.

  192 gay-bashers were delighted: Michelle Malkin, “A Message for and from Matt Sanchez,” Malkin’s blog, March 8, 2007,

  192 the honor of meeting Sanchez at CPAC: Max Blumenthal, “CPAC’s Gay Porn Star Honoree, Ann Coulter, and the Politics of Personal Crisis,” Huffington Post, March 7, 2007,

  192 “a very cunning strategy”: Matt Sanchez, “The Press’s War,” National Review, July 5, 2007, .

  192 Sanchez’s war cheerleading: Matt Sanchez, “Which to Trust: Media or Vets?” WorldNetDaily, August 20, 2008,

  192 an exhaustive four-part series: Jim Rutz, “Soy Is Making Kids ‘Gay,’” WorldNet Daily, December 12, 2006,

  193 likening them to pedophiles: Matt Sanchez, Randy Thomas interview, Thomas’s blog, April 9, 2007,

  193 “Gay Jihad”: Matt Sanchez blurb, Matt Sanchez, “Hypocrisy or Decency? The Left’s Dirty Little Secret,” Right Wing News, November 6, 2007,

  193 “the gay lifestyle”: Jeremy Duboff, “Open Letter to Matt Sanchez,” Jeremayakovka, March 20, 2007,

  193 Alberto Moravia’s novel: Alberto Moravia, The Conformist (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1951); Bernardo Bertolucci, director, The Conformist, 1970.

  193 “I intend to construct my normality”: Bertolucci, The Conformist.

  195 “Once maybe I touched him or so”: Joel Roberts, “Priest Admits Foley Relationship,” CBS/Associated Press, October 19, 2006,

  195 the Christian right’s mounting anti-gay crusade: Jean O’Leary and Bruce Voeller, “Anita Bryant’s Crusade,” New York Times, June 7, 1977.

  195 Green accused: Kathie Lee Gifford, I Can’t Believe I Said That!: An Autobiography (London: Pocket Books, 1992), cited by Gavin Elster at “They Always Come Back,”

  195 “people who sleep with St. Bernards”: David Jefferson, “How Getting Married Made Me an Activist,” Newsweek, November 15, 2008,

  195 Bryant summoned local right-wing forces: Morton Kondracke, “Anita Bryant Is Mad About Gays,” The New Republic, May 7, 1977.

  196 the Miami Archdiocese’s role: John Tanasychuk, “Exhibit Marks 30th Anniversary of How Anita Bryant Fought and Helped Gay Rights,” South Florida Sun-Sentinel, June 4, 2007.

  196 law against homosexuals adopting children in Florida: Angela Gilmore et al. vs. Charlie Crist, Robert Pappas and the Department of Children and Family Services, 99-10058-CV-JLK, Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, January 28, 2004,

  196 “Why Certain Sexual Deviations Are Punishable by Death”: Bob Moser, “Holy War,” Southern Poverty Law Center, Spring 2005,

  196 South Florida’s culture war was a microcosm: Tina Fetner, “Working Anita Bryant: The Impact of Christian Anti-Gay Activism on Lesbian and Gay Movement Claims,” Social Problems, 48, 3 (2001): 411-428,

  196 “It’s vile”: Bill Adair, “Congress Sees Through Party-Colored Glasses,” St. Petersburg Times, September 12, 1998,

  197 Foley’s lifelong passion: R. Jeffrey Smith, “Foley Built Career as Protector of Children,” Washington Post, October 1, 2006,

  197 fellow Republican lawmakers, who said nothing: Carl Hulse and Jeff Zeleny, “Review of Messages Sent by Congressman Begins,” New York Times, October 2, 2006,

  197 “watch out for Congressman Mark Foley”: Brian Ross, “Foley’s Behavior No Secret on Capitol Hill,” ABC News, October 1, 2006,

  197 Alexander went to RNC chair Tom Reynolds: Carl Hulse and Raymond Hernandez, “G.O.P. Aides Knew in Late ‘05 of E-Mail,” New York Times, October 1, 2006,

  197 Foley donated $100,000: Jennifer Hoar, “Candidates Unload Money from Foley,” Associated Press, October 3, 2006,

  197 “What’s at stake here”: Bob Moser, “Holy War,” Southern Poverty Law Center, Spring 2005,

  197 “kill him and tell God he died”: “Swaggart Apologizes for Talk of Killing Gays,” Associated Press, September 23, 2004,

  197 avoided making any public statement: Adrian Brune, “Outed Hill Staffer Condemns Campaign,” Washington Blade, July 9, 2004, 200

  198 involving Kirk Fordham: Peter Wallsten and Noam N. Levey “Aide at Center of the Controversy,” Los Angeles Times, October 4, 2006,

  198 “but not in the press”: Alex Koppelman, “The Glass Closet,” Salon, October 20, 2006,

  198 Trandahl alerted Van Der Meid and Fordham: Jonathan Weisman, “Hastert Aides Interest Ethics Panel,” Washington Post, October 12, 2006,

  198 “these slaps on the wrist”: Chris Crain, “Trandahl Finally Speaks,” Citizen Crain, October 19, 2006,

  199 Foley fired off a breathless letter: Mark Foley, Florida Member of Congress, to Jeb Bush, Florida Governor, June 18, 2003, posted by, June 20, 2003,

  199 “Foley has a point”: John Cloud, “Nude Family Values,” Time, June 25, 2003,,9171,110
1030630-460225 ,00.html.

  199 Foley’s instant messaging with page: ABCNews, posted February 2, 2003,

  200 outing Foley as gay: Mark Meenan, “Is He Gay or Not? US Rep. Mark Foley Calls Press to Say He Won’t Talk About His Sexual Orientation,” Gay City News, May 30, 2003.

  200 suggestive e-mail entreaties: Hulse and Hernandez, “G.O.P. Aides Knew.”

  201 Ross refused the deal: John Nichols, “The House Republican Leadership Scandal,” The Nation, October 03, 2006,

  201 Hudson on Foley: Lev Grossman, “Lane Hudson,” Time, December 16, 2006,,9171,1570716,00.html.

  201 the story gathered momentum and exploded: David Folkenflik, “Foley Story Wasn’t Reported, Until It Was,” All Things Considered,, October 6, 2006,

  201 Drudge’s proposition: David Brock, Blinded by the Right, p. 283.

  201 “a piece of fiction”: Nolan Clay and Michael McNutt, “Istook Aide to Cooperate with Inquiry,” The Oklahoman, October 6, 2006,

  201 headed off Pelosi’s investigation: Charles Babington and Jonathan Weisman, “Rep. Foley Quits in Page Scandal,” Washington Post, September 30, 2006,

  202 Father Mercieca had molested him: Abby Goodnough, “Foley Was Sexually Abused as a Youth, His Lawyer Says,” New York Times, October 4, 2006,

  202 the vicious cycle often continues: Pamela Cooper White, “Soul Stealing: Power Relations in Pastoral Sexual Abuse,” Christian Century, February 21, 1991, pp. 196-199,

  202 “Punch Foley for Joe”: Brit Hume, “Negron’s New Campaign Slogan: Punch Foley for Joe,”, October 27, 2006,,2933,226007,00.html.

  202 elected Democrat Tim Mahoney: “Democrat Tim Mahoney Wins Race to Replace Mark Foley,” Associated Press, November 7, 2008,

  203 Hastert refused to resign: Mike Dorning and Rick Pearson, “Hastert Vows to Hold On,” Chicago Tribune, October 5. 2006,

  203 Tony Perkins vented the movement’s rage: Max Blumenthal, “The Coming Gay Republican Purge,” The Nation, October 12, 2006,

  203 the old reverend was furious: Ibid.

  204 On Washington Confidential: Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer, Washington Confidential (New York: Crown Publishers, 1951), p. 116. Also see David Johnston, The Lavender Scare: The Prosecution of Gays in the Federal Government (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004).

  204 the ruthless Roy Cohn: Tom Wolfe, “Dangerous Obsessions,” New York Times, April 3, 1998, .

  204 “defended fags”: “Right-wing Gay-baiting Queers,” Democratic Underground, October 2, 2006,

  204 “Roy [Cohn] was not gay”: Jeffrey Toobin, “The Dirty Trickster,” The New Yorker, June 2, 2008,

  204 “Hot, insatiable lady”: Ibid.

  205 Lee LaHaye outed: Michael Rogers, “They MUST be kidding at Concerned Women for America! Write or Call Lee LaHaye Today,” blogActive, Rogers referred to LaHaye as “openly gay.” LaHaye has never denied the designation.

  205 son of Tim LaHaye: Tim LaHaye, The Unhappy Gays (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House, 1978).

  205 Phyllis Schlafly’s gay son: Yvonne Abraham, “At 80, Schlafly Is Still a Conservative Force,” Boston Globe, September 2, 2004,

  205 Robert Traynham: Sean Loughlin, “Two Republicans Criticize Santorum for Remarks About Gays,”, April 24, 2003,; and “Spokesman for Antigay Senator Says He’s Gay,” The Advocate, July 16, 2005,

  205 Wildmon interrupted me mid-sentence, and backpedaled: Blumenthal, “The Coming Gay Republican Purge.”

  205 nothing but “siege and suspicion”: Mark Leibovich, “Foley Case Upsets Balance of Gay Republicans,” New York Times, October 8, 2006,


  207 allegations about his homosexual tendencies: Dan Popkey, “Men’s Room Arrest Reopens Questions About Sen. Larry Craig,” Idaho Statesman, August 28, 2007,

  207 honorably discharged in 1972 after six months: Ibid.

  207 Craig felt compelled to deny his involvement: ABC News, July 2, 1982, posted on YouTube October 17, 2006,

  207 Craig married Suzanne Scott: Dan Popkey, “Men’s Room Arrest.”

  208 “Just ask my wife”: Dan Popkey, “More Gay Men Describe Sexual Encounters with U.S. Sen. Craig,” Idaho Statesman, December 3, 2007,

  208 “a nasty, bad, naughty boy”: Larry Craig, Matt Lauer interview, Today, NBC, October 16, 2007,

  208 “stand up now and protect traditional marriage”: “Senator Pleaded Guilty, Reportedly After Bathroom Stall Incident,”, August 27, 2007,

  208 “a lifestyle I don’t agree with”: Larry Craig, Matt Lauer interview, p. 6.

  208 Statesman investigation: Dan Popkey, “More Gay Men.”

  209 “the best place for anonymous action”: Andy Birkey, “Minneapolis Airport Restroom Sting Nabs Idaho Senator,” Minnesota Monitor, August 27, 2007,

  209 Karsnia’s bathroom sting report: David Karsnia, “Lewd Conduct,” June 11, 2007, posted to Smoking Gun June 12, 2007,

  209 “wide stance”: Dan Popkey, “Idaho Senator Larry Craig Arrested in Airport Men’s Room,” Idaho Statesman, August 28, 2007,

  209 Craig appeared before a mob of reporters: Boise, Idaho, August 28, 2007, The Situation Room, CNN, posted to YouTube August 28, 2007,

  210 the wrath of his peers: William Yardley, “Craig Defends Decision to Stay in Senate and Attacks Romney,” New York Times, October 16, 2007,

  210 Perkins condemned Craig: Tony Perkins, Chris Matthews Hardball interview transcript,, August 28, 2000,

  211 compare gays to alcoholics and kleptomaniacs: Lott to Williams, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, July 22, 1998,

  211 “we don’t know the whole story”: Armstrong Williams, “Sex, Lies, and Videotapes,” Townhall, September 3, 2007,,_lies,_and_videotapes.

  211 accepting a $240,000 bribe: Greg Toppo, “Education Dept. Paid Commentator to Promote Law,” USA Today, January 7, 2005,

  211 accused of sexual harassment: John Cloud, “He Said/He Said,” Washington City Paper, 17, 24 (June 13, 1997),

sp; 211 “false, baseless, and completely without merit”: Deborah Mitchell and Beth Landman, “A Lott of Irony for Trent Interviewer,” New York Magazine, July 6, 1998,

  211 “wholly unrelated” to his official duties: “Sen. Larry Craig Vows to Stay in Office,” CBS/AP, September 5, 2007,

  212 the Idaho Hall of Fame: “Craig to Be Inducted into Idaho Hall of Fame,” Associated Press, October 7, 2007,

  212 nabbed outside a men’s bathroom: CNN, July 11, 2007, posted on YouTube, August 8, 2007,

  212 arrested for performing oral sex: Larry Thomas, “Murphy Resigns Political Posts; Cooperating with Police in Apparent Criminal Investigation,” Jeffersonville News and Tribune, August 8, 2007,

  212 arrested after calling the police: Joe Peterson, Spokane Police Department Additional Report, October 27, 2007, posted by Dan Savage, The Stranger, October 30, 2007,

  213 Curtis resigned: “Rep. Richard Curtis Resigns over Gay Sex Scandal,” Associated Press,, October 31, 2007,

  213 Spokesman-Review exposé: Bill Morlin, “Mayor West Offered Perks, Internship to Expert Posing as 18-Year-Old During Web Chats,” Spokesman-Review, May 5, 2005,

  213 West accused of molestation: David Postman, “Even the Mayor Wonders: Who Is the Real Jim West?” Seattle Times, December 2, 2005,

  213 Despite his privately acknowledged bisexuality: Jim West, Matt Lauer interview, “Jim West on ‘The Today Show,’” The Today Show, NBC, May 31, 2005,


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