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Bound by Blood Box Set

Page 10

by Lane Hart

  “Kate, wait,” I gasped, as I reluctantly pulled her lips from my collarbone.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked nervously as her hands left my pants. I hated the fact that I’d made her go from vixen to timid in two seconds.

  Oh God, she was so beautiful. Her bright teal eyes were the most amazing color I’d ever seen, her hair was all wild from our tussle, and her cheeks were flushed pink.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” I said, panting like I’d just ran a marathon.

  “Yesterday you told me I’m a witch, so what are you going to tell me today?” she asked going back to a more playful mood.

  Then suddenly she frowned and looked away. “Um, there’s something I should probably tell you too.”

  “You first.” I was curious now, and a little worried. She tried to move off of my lap but I grabbed her waist, holding her where she was. I liked her sitting on my lap way too much to let her leave yet.

  “Stay,” I asked and she relaxed. I also liked being so close to her I could keep looking right into her incredible eyes.

  “So, out with it,” I told her with a smile. I wanted to put off my confession for as long as possible, but I would tell her before this went any further.

  “I don’t want you to think differently about me after I tell you.” Yeah, I knew how she felt.

  “Don’t worry about that, just tell me,” I encouraged her as I ran my hands up and down her back.

  “I’m a virgin,” she said with a wince and then covered her face.

  Wow! I hadn’t seen that one coming, I mean she’d said she hadn’t really dated much but she was still a virgin? I didn’t know how I felt about it either. It concerned me because it meant there would be a lot of pressure on me performance wise, but I was pretty sure I was up for the challenge. And it was also sexy as hell to know I’d be her first. In all my years of sleeping with women I wasn’t sure if I’d ever been with a virgin before. Being a vampire I would have damn well noticed.

  Then the question of “Why me?” crept into my head. I really didn’t deserve to be with this girl, much less take her innocence. What was wrong with me! She was so young and sweet and I was an old disgusting man taking advantage of her. No, not an old man, an old ass vampire with a shady past of slutty women and the occasional prostitute.

  Kate finally moved her hands from her face.

  “Please say something,” she said as she blushed bright red.

  “Um, how is that possible? You’re gorgeous, and you’ve got me so strung out that I can’t keep my hands off of you.”

  Kate laughed. “Thanks, I guess.” She shrugged. “My dad is really protective and he wouldn’t let me date. Three weeks ago when I came here for school was the first time in my life I’d ever had any freedom.”

  Jesus, so she was less experienced than I thought.

  “But you’ve obviously fooled around, before last night right?” I asked flabbergasted. She knew what she was doing so it couldn’t all be new to her, and damn we’d done almost everything.

  “Well, yeah,” she smiled and blushed. “Crazy as it may sound, church camp the last several years. This past summer I fooled around with a guy in his dorm room every night for two weeks, but we never really made it past um, second base.”

  “Just second base?” I asked in complete shock. At church camp. I was so going to hell.

  “Yeah, he actually said he didn’t want to go any further because he was “saving himself for marriage.”

  My mouth fell open then I laughed. “What a fucking idiot,” I said pulling her to me “But I’m really, really glad he was an idiot,” I told her as I kissed her. Then a thought hit me.

  “Um, Kate, you’d had orgasms before last night, right?”

  She shook her head. Well fuck me.


  “Nope. And they felt so damn good. That’s probably why I, um, was so loud,” she said looking embarrassed.

  “So I’m the only one who has ever touched you and licked you here?” I asked as I reached between her legs that were still spread across my lap and rubbed her through her panties.

  “Yes, oh!” she cried out.

  “Not even yourself?” I asked shocked.

  She shook her head and gasped again, closing her eyes when my fingers pressed into her. Kate’s hand reached down and grabbed mine, pushing it into her harder. Oh shit she felt good! Wait, wasn’t I going to tell her something. Oh yeah, that I was a vampire. But that could wait just a few more minutes.

  I leaned my head back against the couch so I could just watch her. Knowing that I was the only one who’d ever touched her and made her feel like this was so fucking awesome. Oh, and I had another body part that couldn’t wait to be the first of its kind inside of her. Damn, last night we’d almost gone all the way. Thank God we hadn’t. I’d be an asshole if I had taken this girl’s virginity in the back of my fucking car.

  I slid my hand down the front of her panties so I could get right to her without the thin layer of fabric and oh shit! I was going to come just watching and making her orgasm. Her full lips were parted and her eyes were closed as she gasped and moaned, raising and lowering herself against my fingers. Both of her hands were now grabbing onto mine, guiding me and pushing me in further. It didn’t take long for her to find her release, and she grabbed onto my shoulders for support as she rode it out. Watching her was almost as good as coming myself.

  Kate leaned her head against mine as she panted, kissing me after each breath.

  “I want you,” she breathed against my lips. “All of you.” She wasn’t the only one, and I was more than ready.

  “You know I want you too, so damn much,” I told her as I kissed her. “But Kate I need to tell you something before we go any further.”

  “Oh yeah, we were talking. What were we talking about?”

  I laughed. “You’d just told me you were a virgin and had never had an orgasm, before like five last night. Well, and just now.”

  “Oh yeah. So you don’t mind that I’ve never been with anyone before, and have no clue what I’m doing?” she asked between kisses.

  “Hell no, and you do know what you’re doing. But despite how much I want you, I’m probably going to feel a little guilty for being the one who takes your innocence.”


  “Because I like that you’re so pure and, well, honestly, I’m on the whole other side of the sexual spectrum.”

  “Oh,” was all she said as she frowned and stopped kissing me.

  “Kate, I’m not going to lie to you, I have slept with a lot of women.”

  “How many is a lot?” she asked hesitantly.

  I sighed. “I don’t even know how many but if I had to take a ballpark guess I’d say around five or six hundred. Could be more or less.”

  Kate’s mouth dropped open and stayed open. After what seemed like forever she finally spoke.

  “That’s a hell of a lot of women. What is that, like one a week for the last ten or twelve years or something?” she asked appalled as she did the math.

  I guess now it was my turn for show and tell.

  “Not exactly. That sort of brings me to what I need to tell you.”

  I reached up and pulled her face to mine for one last kiss, in case she kicked me out and I never got to do it again. It was so nice I almost lost my nerve.

  “Okay,” I said pulling away. “So, I hope that since you just found out that you’re a witch that you won’t be too quick to judge me or run yelling and screaming away.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “Being a witch didn’t change the type of person you are, you know?”

  “Yeah, of course not,” she said.

  “Well, see here’s the thing. I’m a supernatural too, but I’m not a warlock. I’m a vampire.”

  She leaned back and looked me over. “What? No way!”

  “It’s true. I have to drink blood to keep from aging and dying, but for the last eight years I mostly only get it from
the blood bank, not from biting anyone,” I told her so she wouldn’t think I would try to drain her or anything.

  “But you go out in the daylight, I’ve seen you eat food, and you’re not pale. You don’t have any pointed teeth either,” she said in disbelief.

  “That’s all just a bunch of B.S. legends,” I told her, surprised that she hadn’t thrown me out of her apartment yet. “Well, except for the fang part,” I had to add. “I mostly have control over them, but in certain situations they sort of come out on their own.” Sex and blood thirst being the two situations, but I wasn’t ready to scare her with that. There was no chance I would bite her so I thought it could wait.

  “That’s why you work at the blood bank?” she laughed when I nodded. “So, you just drink blood, that’s it?”

  “Yes. Well, vampires are a lot stronger than humans. Some can persuade people to do things, but I’ve always sucked at that. I’m hard to kill since my body heals so quickly. I can’t get any diseases and I don’t age.” I left out the nice little bonus that I was also capable of an almost endless amount of erections.

  “So you’re technically older than twenty-six even though you don’t look like it?” she asked.

  “Exactly. I’m eighty-four if you add up my human and vampire years. So, yeah, I’m old enough to be your grandfather, shit, possibly even your great-grandfather, and during all those years I’ve done a lot of things I’m ashamed of, including sleeping with nine or ten women a year, sometimes a lot more than that, but the last few years less than that. Really only three in the last year and you know about them. I don’t deserve to be here with someone like you, much less take your innocence.”

  “Oh,” was all she said for a few seconds. “Well, I guess that’s a little better than squeezing in five or six hundred in just twenty-six years.”

  She was more worried about my sexual history than the fact that I drink blood to stay alive.

  “You did hear the part about me being an old ass vampire, right?”

  Kate blinked at me. “Yes, but that is not nearly as shocking as you having sex with five or six hundred women.”


  “Oh yeah. That makes me feel, well if I thought last night was bad then now I feel,” she sighed and looked away like she wanted to move and put distance between us. “Extremely inexperienced and um, really self-conscious.”

  “No, Kate. You shouldn’t feel that way. I really like being with you, and I love that you are inexperienced. It means I get to do, or have already done, things with you that no one else has ever done.”

  “While six hundred or more women like that bitch last night have already done it with you.”

  “That was just a rough estimate, it may be closer to five, and seriously, I can count on one hand how many of them actually meant something to me and she sure as hell is not on that list.”

  Kate’s mouth fell open again.

  “Shit, that sounded bad.” I ran my hand through my hair. “What I mean is the majority of them were nothing but one-night stands that I never thought about again.” At that she actually scoffed.

  “Fuck, I’m only making this worse,” I said as I threw my head back on the couch and closed my eyes, trying to figure out how the hell I could explain this to her.

  I knew Kate was starting to pull away from me and it had nothing to do with the fact that I was a vampire. I’d never tried to explain my history to anyone before and now I knew why. And to someone as innocent as her, I could see how it would be pretty fucking appalling.

  I raised my head back up so I could try and clarify what I meant without sounding like such a fucking asshole.

  “Kate, last night with you was incredible, and I couldn’t wait to see you again today. You’re all I’ve thought about since I met you yesterday morning, and you would never be a one-night stand because I can’t stay away from you. You have no idea how fucking sexy you are, and you are without a doubt the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in all my eighty-four years. If I’d slept with a million women I know there wouldn’t be even one that could compare to you, so please don’t worry about a few hundred.”

  She was at least looking at me again but I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. It didn’t look like it was good by the way her eyes slightly narrowed.

  “Is that what you told them all before you slept with them too?”

  Wow. It felt like she’d punched me in my stomach. I was shocked by the venom in her words and couldn’t believe how much they hurt me, but I deserved it.

  I hung my head and covered my face from all the shame and regret I felt at that moment. “No. I’ve never said that to anyone but you.”

  My chest hurt because I didn’t think Kate would ever trust me after I’d actually tried to be honest with her, and it was the worst fucking feeling in the world.

  “This may sound arrogant, and you probably won’t believe me, but as you saw in those text messages last night, I didn’t have to tell lies or use pickup lines to get women to sleep with me. Most approached me and all they wanted was a quick meaningless fuck. Other than a few, I didn’t make them any promises of seeing them again, and I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t honestly mean it. Although, you should probably also know that before I went to work at the blood bank I would pay drunk or high prostitutes so I could drink from them, and the sex with them was just an added bonus that I never turned down.” I waited for her next blow and my heart was racing at the thought that she was on the verge of kicking me out and never wanting to see me again.

  “I hate my disgusting past and I’d change it if I could, but I can’t. I understand if you don’t want to be with me. Like I said, I don’t deserve to be with someone as pure and innocent as you are. But as terrible as my past may sound, there is no way for you to actually understand what it’s like to be alone for the better part of eighty-four years. That’s more than four of your lifetimes, and believe me, it is a really long fucking time.”

  I watched Kate as she thought it over and even seemed to soften before she finally responded.

  “I know what it’s like to be lonely for almost nineteen years, and I couldn’t imagine having sixty-six more years of it,” I closed my eyes and exhaled as I felt her lips back on mine even if it was only for an instant before she pulled away.

  “But haven’t you had some girlfriends during all those years?”

  “I’ve tried to have real relationships with three different women, none lasting more than a couple of weeks. I didn’t feel right being with someone I cared about and not telling them the truth about me. So you know what happened every fucking time after I told them I was a vampire? All three times I had to get their memories of me wiped so they wouldn’t report me to the D.R.A. Pathetic huh? Maybe I should have just told them how many women I’d slept with and saved myself the trouble of having to out myself.” I had to take a deep breath after my long winded confession.

  “So that bitch last night didn’t know?” she asked.

  “Hell no! I don’t trust just anyone with that information. Seriously, I’ve only told three women out of five hundred or so. And you.”

  “How long has your family been gone?” she asked out of the blue.

  “Almost sixty years. They all died before I was even turned.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kate said as she rubbed down the stubble of my five o’clock shadow. “I shouldn’t be upset or distrust you just because I’m insecure. I know you wouldn’t have been that honest about your past if you were just trying to sleep with me. And I shouldn’t have been so shocked. You are ridiculously hot, I mean, the first day I met you I took off my panties and I’m a virgin. So it makes sense that every other woman would do the same thing around you.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as her words eased some of my anxiety. “That is not what happens at all, but I’m really glad I had that effect on you. But are you sure you’re okay with this? I don’t want you to sleep with me unless you are, because more than anything I don’t want you to regre
t it.”

  “It was just unexpected, but you’re right, I can’t even imagine what your life has been like over all those years, having to keep what you are a secret from everyone you meet, and without your family.”

  “You have no idea how good it felt to go out with you last night or even to just sit down and have dinner with you. I haven’t done those simple thing with anyone in probably nine or ten years. Sex is nothing compared to that. I know you just met me, but I wouldn’t lie to you, and I’m not trying to rush you into anything. Especially now that I know you’re a virgin. Shit, would you have told me before we’d slept together last night? Because we were real damn close Kate.”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t really want to bring it up,” she said with a shrug like it was no big deal.

  “Kate, this is important. You’re only going to have one first time, and it may not mean much to you now but it might later on.”

  “What was your first time like?” she asked and I laughed.

  “You really want to know?”


  “Okay. Well, I was fifteen, so that was like 1944.”

  “During World War II?” she asked, making me feel ancient.

  “Yes. The first twenty or so years of my life were depressing as shit. Anyway, during the summers I’d deliver produce we’d grown to neighbors or whatever. You could drive when you were fourteen back then. So one of our neighbors had a daughter, Marie. She was seventeen and we didn’t really date, we just fooled around outside where no one could see us whenever I came by her house. Well, one day she was home by herself and she asked me if I wanted to go to her room with her. I had no clue what I was doing, but I wasn’t about to turn her down. I knew she wasn’t a virgin but I didn’t tell her that I was. I’d never even seen a naked woman before that day. So I climbed up on her, and then about three thrusts later I pulled out and came on her stomach.”

  I covered my face and shook my head at the memory. “I was so damn embarrassed, but she didn’t say anything except that it would last longer next time. The fact that she said there would be a next time was a shock, but yeah, that went on for a few months whenever we could be together, and eventually I got better at it.”


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