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Christmas In Virginia

Page 17

by Mlyn Hurn

  Laena blinked her eyes quickly to clear away the tears that had formed at Jack's impromptu actions. "Yeah, let's spoon." His warmth relaxed her completely, and she fell asleep minutes later.

  Chapter 17

  With less than two months to go, Laena and Ruth walked through the department store, browsing the baby section. Laena wore a lovely maternity dress, enjoying the day in town with Ruth. Lunch had been a raucous event with Jack at a small, quaint restaurant near the building where his law practice was located.

  Over lunch, the topic of nurseries and furniture had arisen. Jack had been quite supportive of the idea. When Laena accused him of just being glad of escaping a shopping trip, his guilty flush told the truth.

  Almost as soon as they entered the only large department store in town, Ruth had seen something of interest and darted off, leaving Laena alone in the aisle, looking at different kinds of layette styles. Hearing a noise, she looked up and gasped when she saw Arlene walking towards her. Laena noticed that Arlene didn't have her son with her. Forcing a smile to her tense lips, she reminded herself to be nice and greeted the other woman. "Hello, Arlene."

  Laena knew instantly by the look on the other woman's face that she was shocked, and not in a good way. Laena wondered if she knew about Jack, and her own pregnancy?

  "Laena, what a surprise!" Arlene spoke, her voice a little high-pitched.

  Laena nodded, feeling awkward and not knowing what to say. "I'm just looking for a few things for a nursery. I have to set it up pretty soon."

  Arlene's gaze fell to her stomach.

  Laena was intensely aware of her gaze. She stood awkwardly, wondering where the dickens Ruth had disappeared. In the back of her mind, she had known these kinds of meetings would be inevitable since they were staying here. The reality of living through one was something different. A little magic dust would come in handy right now she fantasized, recalling one of the children's books Jack had purchased. She'd begun reading them herself, to find her personal favorite.

  Arlene nodded, folding her arms. "It does seem to go so slow at first, and then its like 'whoosh' and there is no time left for getting ready. You had just better be ready. When are you due?"

  "According to Michael, he guesses around Christmas. He thinks I will probably deliver early."

  Arlene picked up something and turned it over in her hands. "Really? Why does he think that? Have you had problems?"

  Laena shook her head. "I'm having twins. So, he told me to be ready early." She stopped, seeing the startled jerk of the other woman's hand as she dropped the object. "You didn't even know I was pregnant, did you, Arlene?" Suddenly, perception flooded through her. Jeff, the idiot, had not bothered to tell his wife that his ex-wife was not only still in town and living with Ruth, but was pregnant.

  When the other woman shook her head, Laena couldn't help but feel sorry for her. No one really likes surprises except on their birthday. Laena touched Arlene's arm in sympathy. "I'm sorry. But really, not many people know. I haven't been in town at all, and no one outside the family knows."

  Arlene nodded tersely. "I'm sure Ruth told Frank, though, and I'm sure he told Jeff. I'm just surprised Jeff didn't tell me."

  Laena bit her tongue. She knew nothing good come from her telling the other woman that her husband had known for a while. Instead, she shrugged nonchalantly. "You know how men are. They never think to tell us about that kind of stuff, unless it affects them. And he probably didn't want to bring up my name to you, considering the divorce and all."

  Arlene started to say something, but stopped abruptly.

  Laena turned and saw Ruth coming down the aisle towards them. From the look on Ruth's face, she appeared like an avenging angel swooping down on a mission. Laena smiled at Ruth, hoping to head her off. "Look who I ran into Ruth! We've just been exchanging a few tidbits of gossip. Did you find what you were looking for?"

  Laena watched as Ruth paused, looking from Arlene's tense face to her smiling one. Ruth's surprise was obvious that it was Arlene who felt at a disadvantage, and not Laena.

  Ruth visibly relaxed and then she smiled at Arlene. "How nice to see you, dear! Frank has been showing me pictures of the baby. My goodness, he is growing like a weed, isn't he?"

  Arlene nodded.

  Ruth went on quickly. "We're shopping for nursery furniture. We can use some of the old stuff from the attic, but we have to get new cribs for sure." She picked up a layette that was decorated with the movie mouse characters as babies. "This is sweet, isn't it?" she asked of the other two women. "This would work nicely for boys or girls. Or even a mixed pair!"

  Arlene looked from the print to Laena. "You don't know yet?"

  Laena shook her head. "Michael couldn't tell for sure on the ultrasound. He mentioned something about doing an amniocentesis, but wants to wait a bit longer. There is a specialist he'd want to do that procedure."

  Arlene turned back to the different layette designs. "I used the Noah's Ark pattern. My mother suggested it, saying it would work for either."

  Laena smiled. "You didn't know the sex either, before he was born then?"

  Arlene shook her head. "Jeff wanted to try the ultrasound again, but I told him no. I wanted to keep it a surprise, just like they used to do."

  Laena looked at the other woman for a long moment. Suddenly, for the first time, she saw her as a person, and not as the woman who had taken away her husband. She felt no resentment or rancor. In fact, she acknowledged that if Arlene had not come along, she would not have been living with Ruth and met Jack. She smiled after a moment. "That is how I feel. It's nice to have some mystery in these days when we know so much about everything."

  Arlene met Laena's gaze and nodded. "So long as everything is going well and the baby is healthy-"

  Ruth laughed, drawing the attention of the two younger women. "But you know how men are? They have to know everything there is to know. I caught Jack the other morning with a book on twin pregnancy. And I swear he flushed when he saw me standing there."

  Laena was surprised. She hadn't seen Jack reading any books. She assumed he knew it all, having been through it before. Just then, a sales clerk approached and asked if she could help them find anything. Ruth said yes, and a few moments later they parted company with Arlene and continued their shopping expedition.

  * * * * *

  Jack walked in the front door later that afternoon and almost stumbled over all of the sacks and boxes scattered around. He chuckled to himself, and wondered how much of a dent in his bank account his two ladies had managed to make. He called out, "Hey! Anybody come home with all these purchases?"

  Ruth came out of the kitchen. She was dressed to the nines in spite of the apron she wore. "Hush! I'm going out to dinner with Frank in a few minutes, but I've got dinner in the oven for you two for later. I sent Laena upstairs to nap for a bit. Why don't you go on up and I'll see you both later. I'll finish in the kitchen so I'll be ready for Frank."

  Jack watched his mother disappear back into the kitchen. He set down his briefcase and made his way up the stairs. He entered the bedroom and found Laena was sprawled across the top of the covers, wearing only the sexy maternity bra and panties that he had splurged on for her. He stripped off his own clothes, down to his shorts and lay down behind her on the bed. He wrapped his arm across her and settled his head on the pillow beside hers. Listening to her quiet breathing, and letting the warmth of her body seep into him, he soon fell asleep as well.

  Laena awoke slowly, feeling warm and cozy. A few moments passed before she realized that she wasn't alone in the bed. She glanced down and saw Jack's arm casually draped across her body, where her waist used to be. His hand lay flat over her rounded tummy. Without moving too much, she managed to undo the clasp at the front of her bra. Her heavy breasts quickly spread the cups and she took a deep breath.

  A scant second later, almost as she took a deep breath of relief, Jack's hand slid up and under the topmost cup. His hand easily molded and massaged her breast. He
slid closer.

  She could feel his hard arousal pressing against her rounded cheeks.

  Jack lightly kissed her shoulder. "How did the shopping go? I almost tripped over some of it when I got home."

  Laena couldn't resist wiggling her bottom against his manhood. Jack's groan told of the effectiveness of her simple action. She slid her hand over his. "We ran into Arlene."


  Laena felt the tension in Jack at her announcement. She rubbed his hand lightly. "It's all right. Nothing happened, and we actually chatted for a few minutes like real grownups."

  Jack chuckled at her attempt at humor. "Should I believe the meeting was that non-noxious? Nothing got broken, then?"

  Laena laughed in response. "No, but I should warn you that your mother decided we wouldn't be using any of the old furniture after all."

  Jack sighed deeply. "I'm not surprised. She has always been a big spender when it came to grandchildren. Did you decide which room you want to use?"

  Laena's hand stopped rubbing Jack's. "I would like to use the small one here, if you don't mind."

  "Hmm, since we sleep in here most nights, I'd considered making that an office. But if you want it for the nursery, we can do that. Maybe plan on moving the bedroom to my old room in a year or so?"

  "Of course, we'd have to get started on it pretty quickly. So, we could move all of your things in here."

  There was a pause, and then Jack replied. "Yes, that way we will both be here if they should decide to cry at the same time."

  "Will we draw straws each time or take turns?"

  Jack scooted closer, nuzzling her neck. He slid his hand down over her tummy and between her thighs. He groaned as the wetness between her soft lips coated his hand. He quickly pulled her panties down and off.

  Laena rolled onto her back and looked up at Jack. He looked so handsome with a lock of hair falling down across his forehead. Reaching up, she gently pushed the errant lock back with her fingers. She smiled when she met his gaze.

  Jack stopped. "Marry me, Laena."

  Laena gasped in surprise. She had not expected a proposal of marriage. "Is this just for the good of the babies? You want to make everything legitimate, or whatever to satisfy gossip mongers?"

  Jack shrugged. "I guess I'm an old-fashioned man after all. If it were just you and I then I would do whatever you wanted. It wouldn't matter to me. But we live in a society that still does care. This isn't the example I want to set for my sons, even at their age. And as far as Mother is concerned, I doubt she would ever say anything, one way or another."


  Jack smiled. He slid his hand to cup and began caressing the side of her face. "So, I want to stake a claim on you and the babies. I want it all legal and binding."

  "I've got one failed marriage behind me already, Jack." Laena felt bound to point that fact out once more. She had assumed she would never marry again, yet hearing him ask her so casually to marry him, there had to be catch. Nothing in life was ever this easy or straightforward, that's what she'd thought. Nothing had gone quite the way she had anticipated, especially since she'd met Jack. "There would be even more hurt-" her voice cracked from trying to hold back her tears, which struggled between joyful and fearful.

  "That one doesn't count, honey. There is only you and I, and the future from now on. If you would prefer moving to another house or even another town so you won't have to run into Jeff or Arlene ever again, we can do that. Just tell me what you want, and I'll do my damnedest to make it happen." Jack lightly caressed her lower lip with his thumb.

  Sniffling loudly, she shook her head. "No more running away for me. I won't let Jeff chase me off." She paused, knowing she needed to tell Jack something else she'd learned today. "Arlene found me alone again one more time before we left the store."

  Jack stiffened. "What did she say?"

  "I found out that Jeff is even more of a schmuck than I thought. Arlene told me she was so surprised to see I was pregnant because Jeff had told her I couldn't give him a child. He deliberately told her I was infertile." She stopped, still feeling herself reeling under the weight of his deception.

  "What the he-" Jack cut off his expletive. He took a deep breath before he asked her, "Was that all she said?"

  "Ruth was coming back and she was on major defensive mode." Laena smiled, remembering how protective the older woman had been.

  "Yeah. She can be pretty fierce when somebody attacks her baby chick."

  "Well, I'm not really her baby chick," Laena felt like she had to point it out.

  "She already loves you like you are one of her daughters. I could tell she felt like that long before anyone knew you were pregnant. I admit that I couldn't see it at first until an old friend of mine pointed out the obvious." Jack shrugged. "He pointed out that you being here, available to live in the house, allowed my mother something more important than her well-meaning children. With you, Laena, Mother had her independence and the peace and comfort of remaining in the home she'd had for almost fifty years."

  "Ruth gave me something as well, Jack." She paused as he grinned. Reaching out she touched the tip of his nose with her finger. "Besides you, I mean. She gave the sanctuary I needed to heal and recover. We traded."

  "I need to say one thing and then we'll drop the subject, unless you bring it up." Jack reached out and ran his hand up and down her arm. "Any idea why Jeff would say that?"

  "Jeff wanted to have an affair with Arlene, and she was holding out because he was married. This way he proved he was a victim... deprived of fatherhood? It's strange, Jack, but even as she started telling me, I had no doubt it was the truth."

  "All right, we can check both of them off the list as reasons not to marry." Jack made an imaginary check mark in the air. "Do you want a different house to live in? I know the town isn't big, but would you prefer living in town?"

  Laena chuckled. "Hmm, maybe I should be writing this down so I can remind you of all these offers in a year or two."

  Jack shook his head. "You don't have to write it down, honey. I'll never forget it. So, are you willing to give me a chance?"

  Laena nodded, the tears catching in her throat. The dam broke on her feelings. She couldn't keep them inside another second. Even if he didn't echo them back, his actions told her that he cared. She knew she was standing at the precipice and it was time to take the leap of faith... a risk. "I love you, Jack." Her voice cracked and she sniffled quickly before she went on. "I swore I wouldn't fall in love again, but somehow you got into my heart."

  "I love you, too, Laena. Our start may have been out of the ordinary, but from now on, nothing matters but you, our family and me. Marry me?"

  She started to say "yes" but stopped as she remembered something. "What about David and Daniel? They may like me as the woman who lived with their grandmother, but as a stepmother, it is quite possible they will protest, and say 'no way!'"

  "You are off base, sweetheart. Both boys have gone out of their way, although I'm sure they discussed it beforehand, to come into the office and tell me how happy they are about you and me, and the babies. They are very excited to be older siblings." Jack paused for a moment. "I was very proud of each one, at how composed they were. David seems to have matured since he began working part-time on the farm and still takes a few classes here and there towards his degree."

  Laena knew she was being silly, but she felt the need to know, for sure. "Do you ever wonder how things might have been, Jack, if only Celia had not died?"

  Jack shook his head. "I might have, in the early years, but I'm not a man to worry over the past, or things that can never be. Since I've met you, Laena, you are the only woman I think about. Celia was my past, and I loved her then. You are my future, and I love you now. I want to be with you and our babies, and the boys. I know I'm older than you, and I know there is a chance I won't be here to see the twins graduate from college."

  Laena couldn't stop the gasp or the tears that welled up in her eyes. "No! You are in
excellent shape."

  "Hush, my love. I'm only saying what could be, and that I will have preparations made so that if something should happen, you and the babies will be protected and taken care of."

  "Thank you, Jack, but all I want is you."

  "I know, darling, and after this is said, we won't dwell on it. We will live our lives one day, and one moment, at a time, so we can savor each and every minute we have. We're going to have a beautiful life together." He lightly rubbed his thumb over one cheek, brushing off the tear there. "Marry me?"

  "Yes, Jack, I'll marry you. I'm not perfect but I'll do my best. I'm not that much of a cook."

  "Mother enjoys cooking, and I like to do it as well. When Mom can't any longer, I'll hire a housekeeper. I want you to keep up with your pottery," Jack added.

  "I think you are the too-perfect one. I love you, Jack."

  "Just keep thinking those thoughts, honey! I'll remind you of it on our fifth wedding anniversary!"

  She lifted her face to meet Jack's gentle kiss, which was the first of countless thousands to come in the years ahead. After a moment, she pulled back. "Why our fifth anniversary?"

  "I can just imagine how chaotic our lives will be with two kindergarteners!"

  "What is this? Despair from the man who managed the White House for eight years?"

  Jack growled as he covered her mouth for his kiss. "Let me show you some of my hands-on management techniques."

  Laena discovered just how thorough and detailed Jack could be.

  Chapter 18

  Jack sipped his beer slowly, not wanting to have too much on this Christmas Eve. A quick glance at the clock over the bar told him they had at least another hour before being allowed back in the house.

  Two hours earlier, he'd been happily preparing for the onslaught of family for a tree-trimming party. To his and Laena's surprise, his brothers and brothers-in-law arrived and practically kidnapped him and brought him here, to the small local bar near the edge of town.


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