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Outcast (The Blue Dragon's Geas)

Page 18

by Matthynssens, Cheryl

  Dorien’s eyes followed Alador’s to the drawing up on the wall. He was silent as he considered his brother’s words. “No, no I would not." Dorien admitted softly. “I am sorry brother. This is one situation I cannot help you in." Dorien sighed deeply and fell silent.

  The silence in the room was heavy as both men considered the situation. “I know. I have been thinking for a couple hours, and there is no way out of it. He will tell, and I will be forced to leave. I cannot ask Mesiande to go with me, she would never be happy in a Lerdenian city, and she would be far less accepted as a full Daezun." Alador’s tone suggested he was coming to a bit of acceptance though the pain was laced through his words. Alador broke his gaze from the drawing up on the wall. “Dorien, I want you to take my house." He finally whispered.

  “I can’t do that Alador. That is yours." Dorien protested. “There may be some other way we are not thinking of, or Trelmar may decide to keep your secret for a price. It is far too soon to be giving away your things.”

  “Trelmar has too much to gain to keep his silence. If he doesn’t keep his silence, I won’t be allowed to live in it." Alador pointed out. “I know you almost had sufficient funds to build your own. I also know you have been staying to help Maman. I will leave the plan and plenty of slips. Just promise me one thing." Alador’s voice broke, and he sat and breathed deeply trying not to cry in front of his brother. Defeat was written across his body and face.

  “Anything little brother." Dorien murmured softly. Dorien’s tone had taken on a similar angst as he looked over at Alador with resignation and genuine distress.

  “I-I will leave half the slips. I know you are going to say it is… it is too much. But…I… please take care of Mesi." A sob caught in his throat, and he had to take a couple more breaths. “M-make sure she and...And her small ones always have what you know...they...they need." Alador couldn’t look at his brother any longer. “Promise me." Alador’s voice cracked with emotion, and the tears he was holding back burst forth with a ragged sob.

  “I swear it on my life." Dorien’s voice caught slightly as he choked on his own emotion.

  His brother’s promise was the last that he could handle. Alador nodded and buried his face in his arms against his legs. Hunched over, he let himself cry. At one point, he remembered his brother’s comforting hand on his shoulder. When his tears were finally exhausted, and his mind numb, he slowly lifted his head. He was alone now. His brother must have left him to cry it out. Miserable and out of energy for any additional thought, Alador dragged himself outside and up the stairs to bed.

  The next morning, Alador rose early and headed back to the river to think. He had been restless throughout the night despite his exhaustion. It was so early that the cool morning air created fog rising off the fields as if attempting to obscure the first rays of sunlight. The birds had just begun to sing as if the world was a bright and wonderful place. He picked up a rock and chucked at a tree sending the morning song birds squawking off into the distance. He laid his bow aside and plopped down upon the bank. In frustration, he began throwing rocks into the river. The world was not a bright and wonderful place. Everything was tumbling a part, and his father would expect him to test today or tomorrow. Then there was the fact that Trelmar was out there somewhere doing something with Alador’s secret.

  Tonight was the mating circle so many would be preparing the tents for the center. There was food being cooked in preparation that would hold and could be left out throughout the day. The building excitement would progress as the day went on. For as long as he could remember being a middlin, he had thought about going to the circle. Now he dreaded its coming. Between Trelmar, his father’s test, and Mesiande not even being ready for the circle, he didn’t want to go. Why did Trelmar not just get it done and end the waiting? That was the hardest part, the waiting. He knew all the possible outcomes but not knowing which one would take place was worse than the worst of the outcomes he had predicted.

  He laid back in the grass and watched the sun rise higher in the sky. He did not care about the wet dew that soaked his back. He had found comfort in water as of late. He liked the touch and feel of it. He had been to the water a lot since the beginning of summer. He let the sound of water soothe his anxiety and breathed deeply in the first warming rays of the sun. He felt like a lizard stretched out to add the warmth of the day after a cool night. Lost in the consoling murmur of the river, the gentle caress of the wind and the warmth of the sun, he fell back to sleep.

  Alador awoke when the sun was much higher. Something had startled him awake, and he sat up and looked about. He could see nothing amiss, and as he glanced over at the village, no alarms were ringing nor could he see smoke or anything alarming through the trees. He rose to his feet and picked up his bow. He feathered an arrow against the string as he slowly looked about. Nothing seemed out of place, yet the feeling of something horribly wrong made his stomach heave.

  Seeing nothing to cause his alarm, he slowly relaxed and put the arrow away. He decided to make his way up to where he and Mesiande often sat and talked. There was a sense of warmth and safety there. He would not have duties till after the midday bell, so he had a bit more time based on the height of the sun. He scuffed his way up river, kicking rocks that laid in his way and feeling some sense of satisfaction when they would plunk against something hard.

  As Alador approached the small copse and rock they had claimed, he saw Mesiande sitting with her back to him. He was pleased to see her here. Maybe he could be the one to tell her first. Maybe she would beg to come with him, and he would not have to part with her. At least he would get one more time with her before his secret was out. He approached quietly, planning to surprise her, but noticed that she seemed to be crying. He stopped. Trelmar had beat him to it. He had told Mesiande. His heart sunk and for a selfish moment, he almost turned and fled. He found he could not. He could not leave her in such a state. “Mesi?" He called softly as he approached so as not to scare her. He moved to her side with concern and kneeled down. He reached out to push some hair from her face.

  “Don’t touch me." She hissed. She jerked away from him as if he repulsed her.

  For a long moment, he knelt there mouth agape. Finally, he sat down beside her. He had known she would take the news of his magic hard, but he never dreamed she would reject him. She had always seemed to be okay with the presence of his father. “Talk to me. What is amiss?" He looked over at her though her hair hid her face. A small part of him almost hoped she was upset he was going to the circle or that she had fought with her maman. Anything would be better than Trelmar having been the one to tell her.

  “N-nothing Alador, just...please go away." She sobbed out. Her arms were wrapped about her. Her legs were pulled up tight to her. She rocked slightly front to back.

  “Mesi, what did I do?" He asked, his eyes large with surprise and concern. He had never seen her so overwrought. His heart was breaking watching her rock back and forth. “I will fix it. Just...just tell me?" His voice held begging mixed with heartbreak. He looked about protectively but saw no one else watching them.

  “N-nothing. Just...just please go away." She began to sob harder. Her rocking increased with the pace of her sobbing.

  “Mesi...Mesi I can’t leave you like this. Please?" He reached out to pull her to him. This time, she let him pull her to him and buried her face into his chest. “Talk to me." He whispered in her ear. He smoothed her tangled hair as best he could. Her body was tense and trembling against him, and when he ran his hand down her back she seemed to freeze. He carefully put his hand back to smoothing her hair.

  “I...can’t." She sobbed. “I can’t tell you." She shook her head against his chest. He could feel her tears soaking through his shirt.

  He reached out to tip her head up to look at him. She tried to resist and pull away, but he captured her tightly to him and tipped her face up. He was surprised to see a bruise on her cheek.

  “Who touched you?" He demanded. His voice held immedi
ate rage. Her eye was already swelling, and the first signs of a black eye were forming.

  Mesiande clutched at his shirt with both her hands. “Please, you can’ can’t do anything Alador. Please." She begged. Her eyes searched his with fear and pain.

  Alador knew instantly by the look on her face. Trelmar had taken a path he had not considered. He had gone after Mesiande. “What did that piece of korpen dung do? Tell me!" He growled softly. His tone held no room for argument, and he still held her close to him although careful in case she had been hurt more than the bruise on her face.

  “He...he said he had seen you use magic. He said he was going to tell...unless I...unless I let him..." She began to sob once more and tried to pull away in shame. Her eyes closed, and she dropped her face so he would not look at her.

  “Unless you let him touch you?" Alador hissed, his eyes were hard with anger. Trelmar had taken Mesiande. He had laid his hands upon her. He had used her for revenge against Alador. This all whirled in his head as he tried to remain calm for Mesiande.

  Mesiande nodded. “It hurt so badly. I did not think it would hurt. It...Everyone seems to enjoy it during the mating ritual." Her words tumbled out now that he knew a little.

  Alador pushed her away and jumped to his feet. His first thought was to rip his throat out. However, when he jumped up he realized by the look on Mesiande’s face and the begging posture she took at his feet that she thought he was angry at her.

  Mesiande clutched at his shirt hem. “Please Alador, I-I am sorry. I did not want you sent away. I didn’t know what to do. I...I, please...please do not hate me!" She begged looking up at him. “You can’t do anything, or he will tell that you are a mage." Her eyes spilled over in hysterical tears and she dropped to his feet sobbing on the ground.

  Rage shot through Alador has the enormity of what Trelmar had done flooded through him. He stood with clenched fists as she sobbed at his feet. Love won over his anger, and he knelt down “Shhhh it will be okay. Shhhh… I do not hate you." He tried to reassure her. “I still love you. I will always love you. I just know what I have to do now." He smoothed her hair as she lay crying. He scooped her up off the ground and headed for the village. Anger lending strength to his steps. His thoughts were a whirling mass of wanting to kill Trelmar and wanting to protect Mesiande.

  “Where are we going?" She lifted her head from his chest in a panic. “What are you going to do?" Her tear stained face was streaked with dirt, and her panic was clear in both her tone and gaze.

  “I am taking you to the healer’s hut outside the village. You will be safe there and...I trust her to see you mended and whole. He kissed her forehead after he answered. Fueled by anger and concern, he hardly noticed her weight and his strides were steady. She nestled against him at his kiss. “I love you Mesi. I love you so much. You should never have been hurt. I am sorry." He whispered.

  Her tears had given way to soft sobs and every few paces he would kiss her gently or adjust her carefully to keep her safe. She was the most precious thing in his life. How could he have not predicted that Trelmar would take his revenge out on Mesiande? He kissed her again as they approached the healer’s hut.

  He became concerned when he realized Mesiande wasn’t answering him anymore. He moved her slightly and realized she was no longer conscious. Terrified, he hurried his pace as best he could with the girl in his arms to the healer’s hut. He kicked the door frantically. “Let me in! You have to help me. Let me in!!" The healer opened the door inward without invitation he barged into her home. “You have to help her!" His voice broke with panic. He did not know what Trelmar could have done that would have made her unconscious. He knew she was upset, but something more must be wrong.

  The old woman took one look at the unconscious girl and the expression of the young man that held her and nodded. “Put her on the bed." She pointed over to a hanging blanket where Alador could just see the foot rail peeking from behind it. The healer went to pull her kettle from the fire as Alador moved towards the bed.

  He set Mesiande on the bed and she groaned out, her eyes fluttering open. When she realized he was letting go of her she grabbed his arm, and she wouldn’t let go of him. “ have to stay. You can’t do anything." She begged hysterically. “Please Alador. You can’t leave me!" Her pleas were heartbreaking, and he forced himself to sit down and hold her hand.

  “I am right here Mesiande. I am right here. Shhhh." He kissed the back of her hand tenderly and pushed hair from her face. Her frantic gaze reminded him of a terrified prang faun.

  She clung to him as if to let him go would be to never see him again. He watched her helplessly as she sobbed. His thumb wiping tears from her cheeks. “Shhhh Mesiande. You are safe, and I am right here.”

  The healer brought tea and pressed into his hand. “Get her to drink it all, it will calm her." The healer whispered this into his ear and nodded to Mesiande. The healer had not asked what had happened and seemed to know what must done. Alador met the healer’s knowing gaze for a long moment and then turned to Mesiande.

  “Drink this, Mesi." He moved to help her sit up. His tone was soft and gentle.

  “No, you are going to leave if I fall asleep." She accused and looked at him as if to say see when he could not help but wince. He had every intention of finding Trelmar but first he had to see Mesiande safe.

  He tried again to put it to her lips, but she tried to shove the mug aside. “Mesiande, Drink this!" He commanded firmly. Her eyes riveted to his in shock, but she listened to his more forceful tone.

  When he did not immediately leave after a few sips, her tears had settled, so he was able to coax the rest of the tea into her. Although her hands shook and he had to help her, she managed to drink it all. He eventually sat the cup aside and held her hand with one hand and pushed the hair out of her eyes with the other. She still had tears slowly slipping down her cheeks. “I will make sure you are always taken care of Mesi, I swear it." He laid down beside her and pulled her close to him. The healer was laying a few things out on a small table by the bed and did not scold him for his laying down with her. Mesiande seemed to settle with him holding her. The healer left them, and Mesiande slowly stopped crying and then fell asleep. He laid there for another ten minutes before slipping out of the bed to go find the healer.

  He realized as he approached her in the other room that he didn’t even know her name. She looked up at him with a grim nod. She was an elder based on the graying hair. Her dress was a simple work smock and showed no luxuries in embroidery. Although her home was small, he looked about and realized that she had most everything one could want. Even the bed had been nice like his mothers, and the kitchen had the latest in conventions including a hand pump at the sink.

  She indicated a cup of tea at the table and smiled when he looked at her worried. “Nothing in it lad but tea. I need to know what happened to your young woman.”

  Alador sat down and took a deep drink of the tea, finding it soothing. He carefully explained what little he knew. He actually did not know much. He knew Mesiande had said Trelmar had hurt her. He knew he had touched her before she had been to the elders for training. He knew he had found her crying and clearly in a state he had never seen.

  The healer’s frown of displeasure was clear, but she did not press him further. She looked at Alador for a long moment. “I will need to examine her. If you will be so kind as to wait outside.”

  “I promised her I would not leave." He shook his head. He looked back to where the bed lay behind the curtain. “She is scared and needs me." He pointed out.

  “If this lad has hurt Mesiande as you said, I will need to examine her completely, and in ways you should not be present for." The healer’s tone was gentle, and she placed a hand on his shoulder. “You need to wait outside." She commanded softly.

  A strange feeling of agreement flooded over him, and Alador slowly nodded. He stood up and slipped out of the small hut with the cup of tea in hand. He began to pace as he waited. H
e remembered the vision of the dragon who had fought to protect his mate. He remembered how allowing such a beast to live only allowed the beast to return in anger. He had let Trelmar live and just as the dragon had stated, he had struck back in the worst way possible. The more he thought, the angrier he got. He wanted to kill Trelmar. He wanted to make sure Trelmar never hurt anyone ever again. He wanted to tell the council what Trelmar had done. Trelmar was likely counting on the fact that his secret of being a mage was worse than what he had done to Mesiande. But Alador knew his father planned to test him before the council anyway. The council would, at the least, banish him. Trelmar, well Trelmar would be hung for what he had done. He was lost in his anger, blinded from sight and sound as he smashed the cup into a post, shattering the shards in all directions.

  When the healer came out, she had to call to him to get his attention. “Lad!" She hollered but wisely keeping a distance. Alador spun at the sound quickly. He searched the healer’s face with real concern and anxiety, his anger abating somewhat in the face of his fears for Mesiande.

  The healer put out her hands as if to show she was no threat. “She will be fine. Her fear is more from the emotions involved than the physical damage done. She has some cuts and bruises, nothing that should not heal. The physical damage appears to be minimal, but she will need to be watched for a time. She also has either hit her head or been hit. There is a growing knot on the back of her head. I think it is why she was not awake when you arrived here. In addition, given the violence of her assault, she may be distraught for a time." The healer tone was very matter of fact. “Her maman should be told. She will sleep from the tea for a time if you wish to go inform her family. It is wiser to have females about her for a time” Her look made firm the point that his worst fears had been realized. Trelmar had not just touched her, he had violated her.


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