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Forest of the Forbidden

Page 96

by W. J. May

  “What are you going to do?” Ruth asked. She placed a hand on his arm.

  “I'm going to distract Akeldama.”

  “I don't like the look in your eye. You can't give up, not yet.” Ruth leaned closer.

  “I'm not. But someone has to break her attention from controlling the demons.”

  “Meet you at the boat?” Ruth caressed his arm once and then dropped her hand.

  Demetri gave her a curt nod. He watched Allison and Casey use the cover fire to rush into the tree line. Akeldama was so fixated on Sophie that they were able to slip by unnoticed.

  Sophie, keep Akeldama as focused on you as you can. Demetri is going to distract Akeldama from controlling the demons. Once he has her attention, run to me. Tristan shifted back to human form and waited on the edge of the forest. Every instinct told him to rescue Sophie, but he knew that Demetri's plan could work.

  At Tristan's voice in her head, some of Sophie’s panic subsided. She bit back some of the fear quaking through her and walked straight up to Akeldama. The Demoness watched her steadily, the black a backdrop for her rage. She quivered with the need to unleash it.

  All Sophie had to do was use that rage. She could distract Akeldama by playing on it. She was safe from the Demoness for now. At the edge of her senses she felt Demetri getting into position and Tristan and the others waiting for her to join them.

  “Why are you so angry, Akeldama?” Sophie refused to flinch when the Demoness closed the few inches between them and bared her pointed teeth. “Is it because, after all this time, we're so close? And you can't touch us.”

  Akeldama's eyes narrowed.

  A small stab of triumph bloomed in Sophie's chest at the reaction. She remembered the feeling of stealing something from the demon. “I have something you want, is that it?” Taunting the Demoness was beginning to feel good, especially when it helped release some of the anger at losing Todd and Lilli. Knowing that she couldn't come to harm from Akeldama made it all the more sweet. “Something that you miss?”

  Thunder rumbled and it took Sophie a second to realize that it came from Akeldama. She must be hitting a nerve.

  The demons slipped in and out of solid form as they weaved through the trees and back out onto the road. Their desperation to reach the other Guardians burned in her chest but she stared at Akeldama.

  “The only thing I miss is hearing your brother scream as I broke his bones. The pathetic way he cried out. I think I finished him off too soon.”

  Grief twisted in her heart and Sophie gasped involuntarily.

  Akeldama smiled slyly. “Lilli is such a precious girl. Even with my demons raping her mind and soul, she hasn't lost faith in her friends. She still believes you will save her. You, who in the past couldn't save your civilization, and in this life couldn't save your brother.”

  “I will save her.” Sophie spoke through clenched teeth. Her concentration snapped and the three demons she'd been controlling wheeled into the woods as shadows.

  On the edge of the trees, Demetri slinked around to come up behind Akeldama.

  “So you say.” Akeldama sneered. In a breath she leaned even closer. When she blinked, the eyelashes tickled Sophie's cheek. “But here you are, running away. How are you saving her, exactly?”

  Somehow the conversation had gotten twisted around. Akeldama was winning this verbal battle and becoming bored with just talking. Sophie had to think of something to fight her with or Demetri would have no chance.

  Akeldama's face turned in Demetri's direction.

  Sophie wanted to scream. She had to think of something.

  The Light.

  The whisper drew her in again. It told her to taunt the Demoness with something she'd never had.

  “I do have something you want, don't I?” Sophie spit out. “The Light.”

  Akeldama's head stilled just before she would've seen Demetri. Her eyes cut back to Sophie, her rage boiling dangerously close to the surface.

  She wondered if Akeldama would risk severe physical pain to attack her now. Just forget about the oath she was bound to and end the war between them with a single, lethal blow.

  Sophie let the Light glow a little. The vortex of it tried to suck at her soul, to meld with her permanently.

  It caught Akeldama's attention and she bared her teeth and hissed.

  “Mine.” The Demoness licked her lips. “I want it.”

  The pure yearning that washed over Sophie surprised her. It was devoid of hatred, of anger. It took her a second to understand that it was Akeldama's own longing for the Light, which she'd never known. She'd been born after the Fall.

  Akeldama reached out her hand, slowly, toward Sophie's face. There was no harm in her intent, Sophie could feel that, but she tensed and stood statue still.

  Her friends' emotions went crazy while they watched from their side of the woods. They didn't understand how Akeldama wasn't being struck down by crippling pain.

  Sophie was just as confused, but for different reasons. She hadn't been aware that the Demoness could have such soft emotions. That she could be so gentle.

  Demetri suddenly rose from behind Akeldama's shoulder. His arm lifted and his machete glinted in the moonlight.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Sophie stifled the urge to cry out a warning. The Demoness was gentle now but she had to remind herself of how much havoc and grief had been caused because of Akeldama.

  The blow came quick and smooth. Blood spurted from her leathery neck and sprayed across Sophie's face.

  Demetri's blade disappeared and Sophie felt Akeldama's rage rush back to the surface, slaughtering the yearning as it flowed like a tsunami.

  The wraith demons reacted to her mood and started to swarm from the trees to solidify.

  Sophie, now! Tristan yelled into her mind. It shattered her shock and pushed her into action. She started to run for the woods when Akeldama let out a shriek of fury that the wraith demons replicated. They dove toward Sophie and Demetri.

  Demetri shoved her toward the tree line. She tried not to stumble as her feet hit the grass that led to the trees.

  Demetri's team laid cover for them and the gunfire echoed.

  The wraith demons closed in on them. Their hunger enveloped her. She couldn't concentrate enough to control even one of them. Running was her only concern now. That and getting out with her friends, alive.

  That specific scenario seemed impossible with the wraith demons echoing Akeldama's rage and hunger. They extended their talons and bared fangs. Their wings folded back for the dive.

  “Run faster, Sophie!” Demetri growled in her ear. He shoved her again.

  She turned her head to look behind them. Her eyes widened.

  A wraith demon solidified so close to them that hot, fetid breath stirred the hair around her face. She could see every detail in the leathery scales of its body as its mouth opened in a lethal yawn and she saw into the black of its throat.

  Tristan's arms reached out and yanked her into the forest.

  The jaws snapped closed and it shifted to shadow.

  Sophie curled into Tristan. The shadow brushed them to move further into the forest. The touch of the demon's incorporeal essence slid over her like cold death.

  “Move!” Demetri burst through the trees behind them. Shadows weaved at his back, trying to find a place to solidify.

  Allison and Casey took point and started off into the woods. Morgan, Aidan, and Jackson went next, with Sophie and Tristan behind them. Ruth, Rory, and Demetri took the rear in case any demons had a chance to solidify and decided to attack.

  Sophie sensed it the instant the demons knew they headed toward water. The rage became all encompassing. “They know.” She gasped out. “They know we're heading toward the water!”

  The trees shook from Akeldama's fury. Emanated from the shadows. The very wind stilled in anticipation of the Demoness' anger. It wrapped around Sophie while they ran.

  “There's a cliff ahead!” Demetri yelled up to Allison and Ca
sey. “Head for it.”

  Sophie's heart sped up when she heard him. “A cliff?”

  “Just run!” Rory nudged her from behind. “It's our only chance.”

  The forest seemed never ending. Each heartbeat in her chest felt like hours while she slapped branches back from her face and leaped over logs and holes. She felt Akeldama's presence moving away from them. Sophie didn't know whether to feel triumph or fear as lightning flashed across the sky.

  The tree line stopped a few feet from the drop off.

  “Here we go!” Casey didn't break his stride. He took a running jump off the cliff.

  As they broke the tree line the demons immediately began to solidify.

  Allison went next, with Aidan, Morgan, and Jackson right behind.

  Sophie grabbed Tristan's hand and held on tight. Behind them she heard Demetri fire a few warning shots when the demons came too close.

  She and Tristan reached the edge of the cliff. He jumped, never letting go of her hand, so she couldn't stop and think about the long drop to the water. They went off the rocky edge and her heart froze. For a second it was like they were suspended in mid-air. She took a deep breath, her heart beating again. Air whistled past her ears as they plummeted toward the water, hand-in-hand.

  The air moved behind her. The demon reached its claws toward her and its anticipation deepened.

  She hit the water. The air burst from her lungs and needle pinpoints erupted over her skin. She sank down and the glacial water swallowed her.

  A moment of panic intruded in her mind. She watched the water close over her head. A picture of Todd being tortured entered her mind. This is what he must have felt, she thought, when Akeldama was torturing him. Blind panic and fear.

  Tristan tightened his grip and pulled her up. I've got you.

  Her head broke the surface and she gasped in oxygen. The air expanded her burning lungs.

  Three more splashes heralded the others landing in the water.

  Tristan tugged on her hand and coaxed her to shore.

  “Let's go!” Casey pulled both of them from the water. “We're close. The beach is just over those sand dunes.”

  Tristan didn't let go of her hand as they were pushed to keep moving. Morgan, Aidan, and Jackson already crested the dunes.

  Sophie’s wet clothes plastered to her chilled skin.

  Voices rose to them as they joined the others at the top of the dunes. Sophie gasped when she saw the reinforcements guarding the beach. At least fifty men and women faced them holding enough weapons to hold off the wraith demons.

  Behind the small army, floating on the water just past the shore, were rows of skiffs. Beyond those was the ship.

  “Oh my God.” Morgan whispered. “Are we getting on that?”

  The large ship had three masts that held sails that glowed in the flashes of lightning that streaked through the black clouds. Pictured on the enormous squares of white cloth were the same symbols that covered the door in the basement of the church. The entire thing looked big enough to hold thousands of people.

  “Go!” Allison hoisted her med pack onto her shoulder. “Whatever you do, don't stop. Run to the skiffs and they will take you to the ship. Once you're on the water, you're safe.”

  “What about you?” Sophie heard Demetri and his team start firing at the wraith demons swooping from the tree line.

  “We'll be fine.” Allison answered. “Our objective is to get you si—.” She shot a glance at Jackson. “You five to safety.”

  Jackson frowned. “We have to get Lilli back.”

  “We will. I promise. But to do that you have to get to that boat.”

  “Come on. If we stay here we'll die. We're no good to Lilli that way.” Morgan made Jackson look her in the eye. “We all want to save her.”

  Sophie bit her lip. Akeldama's presence lingered in the back of her mind. The Demoness was somewhere close but not in a hurry to catch them. Something had changed. “Akeldama is close but she's not rushing after us.”

  “It's like she knows something we don't.” Aidan warded off the cold by letting the fire glow underneath his skin.

  “Go!” Demetri shouted as hundreds of wraith demons formed.

  His voice kicked them into action.

  They scrambled down the sand dune.

  The army fired shots as the Guardians ran toward the water. Sophie heard the demons' wings flap in the air. Their hungry cries reverberated in her chest. She copied Tristan's movements while he weaved through the people. She watched the confident way he ran forward even as he checked to make sure she was still behind him.

  Sophie's internal radar pinged relentlessly as demons solidified all around the Guardians. The soldiers fired as soon as one would appear only to miss when the target shifted back to shadow. She heard the shrieking calls of the demons mixed with the shouts of the army and blasts of gunfire. Her heart thundered in her chest. Jackson reached the water.

  “Morgan!” Smoke billowed off of Aidan. He slid to a stop just at the water's edge.

  Demon scales became visible just above Morgan. The talons formed so close to her that her curls brushed the sharp points.

  Sophie knew Morgan wouldn't have enough time to disappear. The demon was too close. With that thought came another: Akeldama could still win. She could kidnap another girl and break the Guardian's will. Not to mention leave them with only four members, making it harder for them to beat her.

  The rest of the demon became visible. Black scales inked into existence. Its jaws opened and it reached out with its talons.

  Aidan jumped forward. Fire blazed up and down his arms.

  The desperation and anger on his face shocked Sophie.

  Before the demon could snatch Morgan up it cried out in pain. An arrow sliced through the tough skin of its neck, narrowly missing Morgan's temple. Hot blood peppered her face.

  The demon fell to the sand and Aidan darted to Morgan. After a quick check to make sure she was okay, he scorched the demon. The black scales turned to ash and mixed in with the sand.

  Morgan breathed heavily and turned to Aidan. She opened her mouth to thank him but he cut her off.

  “Stay close to me and we'll get out of this.” He held out his hand.

  Morgan placed her hand in his. Sophie felt their essences begin to combine together.

  Aidan's fingers jerked from Morgan's and the essences ripped apart.

  Morgan screamed in frustration. Another demon lifted Aidan away from her.

  Sophie started forward. Her limbs felt like jelly but she moved anyway. Tristan kept up with her and they rushed to where Morgan stood.

  Aidan struggled in the demon's grasp. The leathery wings lifted them higher.

  Burn him, Aidan Jackson jumped from the skiff back to the beach. I'll make sure you don't hit the ground.

  Morgan's face paled as Aidan rose higher. She kept her gaze pinned on him.

  Heat emanated from Aidan. His hands turned bright red and flames spread down his arms.

  The demon shrieked and slung Aidan back and forth rapidly. The fire on his arms died as his body shook.

  Do it, Aidan. Morgan took a few steps forward. Do it or I'll make you wish that demon kills you.

  Sophie heard enough venom in that one sentence to scare a rattlesnake.

  You got it, Princess.

  Sophie thought she saw Aidan wink down at Morgan but she couldn't be sure. She tried to ignore the battle going on around her. The soldiers were doing a good job of keeping the other wraith demons away from them. It gave them time to concentrate on this one. Aidan had to free himself.

  Morgan's body tensed when flames climbed Aidan's arms again. You have to do better than that.

  The demon growled at Aidan. It turned in the direction of the woods.

  Jackson! Don't let it escape! Sophie cried into his mind.

  He stood taller than the soldiers and with the backdrop of the rumbling clouds and seething ocean he looked more like the archangel Michael than ever before. His outstr
etched arms reached toward the demons. His eyes locked on the demon and he set his jaw.

  The demon shrieked when it struck the invisible barrier Jackson had placed.

  Now, Aidan. Morgan moved her feet restlessly.

  Aidan shut his eyes.

  Sophie felt his emotions calm. His aura flared glaringly bright a second before his body erupted into flames. The demon shrieked again. Its talons released the ball of fire.

  Morgan gasped as the fire plummeted toward them.

  The fire evaporated, leaving Aidan behind, and Jackson slowed his descent to let him land gently in the sand.

  Aidan knelt, shivering, and flinched when Morgan touched him.

  She frowned. “Don't back away from me.”

  “I thought I was going to burn you.” His head lifted and met Morgan's glare. “I didn't want to hurt you.”

  “It's coming back!” Tristan’s eyes shone yellow.

  I've got this. Jackson amplified his power. Sand swarmed around him.

  This time Sophie couldn't block the heartbreak steaming off of Jackson. It was what fed his power. It grew and grew until Jackson was surrounded by a tornado of sand. It swirled around him faster and faster.

  The demon folded its wings back.

  Jackson opened his mouth. The agony of loosing Lilli poured out.

  Sophie closed her eyes and tried to block out his emotions but it was no use. It hit her like a tidal wave as Jackson finally let himself feel Lilli's loss.

  The sand flew at the demon and intercepted its dive. The sand cut into its body.

  They watched it roll through the air and crash into the ocean. A flash of light flared when scales reached blessed saltwater.

  “Go.” One of the soldiers told them. “Reach the water.”

  Aidan and Morgan reached the skiffs first. Water splashed around their ankles as the waiting army members hauled them in. Jackson ignored the hand outstretched to him and vaulted in over the left side.

  “Run, Sophie!” Morgan screamed out. Her eyes widened with panic.

  It was then that Sophie felt the hunger closing in on her. She made an attempt to join her mind with the demon's but was too tired to control the creature.


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