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Song of Discord

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by D. R. Rosier

  Song of Discord

  A Melody Smith Novel 04

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2019. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description

  Chapter One

  The flash of the explosion blinded me momentarily, and my ears rung as the car started to spin out of control. I let the back of the car swing out ninety degrees and then turned the wheel into it as I nailed the gas. There was a hard bump as the right tires jumped the curb, but we kept sliding long enough that it put the tires on the side street and then we shot forward.

  Our client, and an Interpol agent, Jack Landry, screamed in fear in the back, and I winced as his head hit the passenger side window from the impossibly sharp right turn assisted by an RPG.

  Cerise said, “Nice, but they’re still behind us.”

  I grunted, “Maybe, but at least they aren’t in front of us with RPGs too.”

  Cerise muttered, “We can hope.”

  I grinned and suppressed a laugh.

  It’d been two weeks since we earned our government contractor status. I mostly partnered with my business partner, lover, and the light of my life Lisa, AKA Hannah, but she’d taken a pass on guard duty today and was with Jeris setting up wards on a local business. Ever since Tony and Cerise had voluntarily accepted compulsion to try and get around the fact I was a siren, we’d decided the best way to keep a pulse on our business was to do at least one job a week with our employees. It would also let us work more effectively as a four-person team if it was ever called for. Regardless, guard duty was Lisa’s least favorite kind of assignment, so I was working with Cerise.

  She was petite for a bear shifter, at five foot six. She had red hair, brown eyes, and an athletic body with pleasant and generous curves. Despite the compulsion, she still kind of had a crush on me, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to the woman. Still, it was much less complicated with her than with Tony, I liked her, but I loved Lisa to death, and the attraction was easy to repress. Tony… he was a whole other story, because he had a dick, which was the one thing Lisa couldn’t give me.

  Tony, Lisa, and I were growing closer. We worked closely together with him managing our office, and he’d been a lot more talkative with the compulsion adjusting the siren effect on him. Still, our half-baked idea of seducing him hadn’t been put into play yet, we were taking it slowly. In order to be our friend with benefits, he’d need to really be our friend first, or things would go badly. It wasn’t an easy thing though, he made me hot often, and I knew that Lisa and I had a similar effect on him, which we all politely ignored. I was also pretty sure he was clueless about our intentions, or that we knew how he felt about us.

  Although the compulsion kind of channeled my siren nature into a healthier response from Tony and Cerise, so they wouldn’t become obsessed with me specifically, it still effected their libidos. That kind of meant Tony was still self-pleasuring after anytime we spent more than a few minutes together. It… still drove me crazy when I heard it in his song. I pushed that out of my head, it was hardly the time.

  Of course, I had to be very careful not to do anything dragonish when I teamed with Cerise or Jeris, but that wasn’t anything new. The air dragon, Galen, had stuck around town and searched for two days straight before he left, I needed to not use my water dragon magic at all while outside our wards. There was no way to tell if he still had some kind of detection ward out here, I couldn’t feel one, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t there.

  My father’s necklace had hidden me from his search, and he’d probably assumed I’d moved on, but if I kept setting off his wards every few days or even weeks, he’d figure out fast that I had help from a fire dragon or some other suppressive magics. Then… I wasn’t sure, but I doubted he’d leave quickly again. Which was a bit annoying, all I needed to do to escape is create an ice spike strip behind us.

  The car rumbled down the side street at very unsafe speeds, and I frowned as I glance at the rearview mirror.

  “Shit, hold on.”

  I turned left, as the staccato sound of automatic weapons fire reached my ears. Several bullets were deflected by the cars wards, as had the initial explosion been. I’d have to thank Tony later for his job on the wards. Another RPG was fired, but it slammed into a parked car as it missed us by inches because of the sharp turn. I nailed the gas again as the parked car exploded in our rearview mirror.

  Jack Landry was an Interpol agent working the sex trafficking case we’d been caught up in, from the overseas angle. The U.S. side of the case had petered out, but they were still busting people in Europe which was part of the trail to the Middle East. He was here to question the ones we had arrested, and to look over our files for more clues to their current methodology. Apparently, there were a lot of sex traffickers that wanted Jack dead, he’d been highly successful so far in pissing them off. We’d managed to keep him safe for a couple of days, and I wasn’t going to lose him now on the way to the damned airport.

  “You okay back there?”

  Jack grunted, “Fine, Aria,” as he put his seatbelt on and held his head. He wasn’t lying, he’d have a headache, but his song didn’t show signs of a concussion.

  “Don’t worry, you won’t miss your flight.”

  Cerise snorted, no doubt trying, and failing, to suppress a laugh.

  I turned left again, and then right, to put us back on the original road we’d been on. Hopefully far enough ahead that there weren’t any more enemies waiting in ambush.

  “Tony, we’re under attack. I’m about to get on the interstate to head to CCIA. See if you can coordinate with the police on our route, and please ask them to cut off our pursuit if possible.”

  Damn, they really wanted him dead.

  Tony replied through the comms earring, “Will do, my wards holding up?”

  I smirked, “So far so good. I’ll try to avoid more explosions.”

  Cerise growled, and then took off her seatbelt and started to roll down the window. She pulled out a nine-millimeter, and then twisted in her seat and hung out the window a little. Technically, firing from a moving car wasn’t at all legal, but since our pursuers were about to start shooting at us again I wasn’t going to stop her.

  “Left turn in five.”

  She grunted in acknowledgement, but she took aim and squeezed off two silver rounds. She twisted and slid back into the seat right as I whipped the wheel. The tires screeched, found traction, and we shot forward.

  Cerise said, “I winged the passenger, he dropped his automatic.”

  I wasn’t going to complain, but there were at least three cars chasing us at that point, and they probably had a lot
more weapons.

  I nailed the breaks, and turned to the right onto the service road, and then hit the gas as we pulled onto Interstate 37, into bumper to bumper traffic. Damn. There were loud horns, and middle fingers, as I crossed the lanes aggressively, got onto the service lane, and nailed the gas.

  Lisa said over the earrings, “You okay? You can’t drive for shit.”

  I laughed, “Fine,” I said with attitude, and just left the second word, bitch, implied and unsaid.

  Then to Cerise, “I hope they’re out of rockets.”

  On the side streets they’d been dangerous enough, on the interstate choked with traffic a rocket propelled grenade would really ruin someone’s morning commute. I frowned in the rearview mirror, we were at least a mile ahead, but I saw the pursuing cars make it to the outside service lane and hit the gas.

  Cerise twisted, and leaned out the window again, but didn’t shoot. For now, they were too far back.

  Tony said, “A mile further, there are two cop cars. They’re going to spike strip the road and block the service lane with a cruiser as soon as you pass.”

  I smiled, finally something was going right. I hit the gas and sped up to ninety to try and maintain our lead. I really didn’t want to try and dodge another RPG. I was concerned about my client, but just as concerned about the morning commuters. So far, there’d been a lot of collateral destruction in this ambush attack, but no deaths.

  “Thanks Tony. I owe you one.”

  I suppressed the surge of desire I felt, now wasn’t the time for one of my fantasies about rewarding Tony for a job well done. It wasn’t even hard, my headspace was in bodyguard mode, but it was still a thing. It was a little disturbing to me actually, that I’d even had that thought at all. I was… changing still, with my dragon awake, and being fed from the nearby gulf water. The same gulf water increased my siren side’s power as well, the strength of the songs of life, nature, and humans were so much stronger here than back in Dallas. Between those two things, and being well fed, I was becoming the person I was intended to become. Half dragon, half siren.

  Sometimes that person scared me, I didn’t recognize myself. If anything, I’d become even more submissive when it came to the bedroom and bedroom games, and my sexual appetites were extremely insatiable. My fantasies these days seemed to lean toward submissive kinkiness, and giving. That was probably the biggest change in me. Maybe it wasn’t such a surprise, before Lisa my sex life had been pleasant but a chore to feed my siren side. Now it was something I looked forward to, and the energy I got from it was so strong that it was no longer a focus or worry. Instead, I could focus on pleasing my lover, which I apparently very much loved to do.

  Outside the bedroom I was still just as stubborn as ever, but not very bitchy at all except to people that deserved it. I also still loved the thrill of a good fight, and this car chase had me a little wet. Still, the whole thing had gotten a lot more dangerous as far as collateral damage potential, and I can’t deny I felt a surge of relief as we screamed past two patrol cars at a turn around.

  I looked in the rearview mirror, and watched an officer roll out a spike strip, as his partner pulled the vehicle onto the shoulder to block the way.

  I reported to Tony and Lisa, “We’re clear of pursuit.”

  My foot lifted off the gas after another mile or so, and I slowed to merge in with the slow-moving traffic. It looked like our client would make that flight after all.

  The excitement that morning wouldn’t help with the tension between humans and supernatural beings. Generally, humans tolerated us, and we were here to stay, but every once in a while, supernatural beings pushed things a little too hard. People would push back for better controls, and there were always those that just hated we even existed, and those same people would like to see a war between humanity and the supernatural races. A war would be bad news for both sides.

  Fortunately, those outliers didn’t get their way very often, but they did get traction in the news at times. Normally, a car chase would rate pretty low, but tensions in the city were already high because there was some kind of supernatural serial killer in the city that had made a splash in the news and brought out the haters. Several human bodies had been found torn apart in some kind of ritual over the last couple of weeks, and so far, the police didn’t have any solid leads on who was doing it. It wasn’t something we were looking into, we didn’t normally do investigations, not for the government anyway. I just knew the tolerance for supernatural antics like the car chase that morning would be unusually low just then with the normal human population. That the people chasing us had been humans wouldn’t matter, our client had been the target, and we were supernatural beings.

  It was a thing.

  Chapter Two

  It was later that evening. Jack had made his flight, we’d gotten paid for the job and gotten kudos from Agent Scott Javier, our government liaison. The car had made it through without a scratch, and Tony had already torn down the tattered wards on the car and redone them.

  As I’d feared, the news interviews made us out to be more infamous than famous. The same press that had been singing our praises two weeks ago for saving a lot of human women from becoming sex slaves overseas, were instead happily throwing us to the wolves as they interviewed the more radical humans when it came to supernatural beings.

  That too would pass, just as soon as that serial killer was caught, and things started to calm down.

  Lisa was snuggled into my side, and we were in bed together. After feeding me, and I’d fed her, we’d made love for hours. She seemed like two different people in the bedroom sometimes. Alone, she was usually sweet, if deliciously teasing at times, but when we added a man to our bed she could be… demanding and authoritative, which I found really hot.

  Lisa said, “I was worried today, I hate not being there when you’re in danger.”

  I smirked, and teased, “Yes, but I’ve never been shot when teamed up with Cerise.”

  Lisa pouted, and kissed me softly.

  I melted into her and enjoyed the languid soft kiss, I loved when my violent vampire was in a tender mood.

  She nuzzled my neck, and then nipped it.

  “I’ve been thinking, about the changes in you?”

  I tilted my head, and then looked into her doe eyes. I was very much used to her darker skin, and darker brown hair at that point. Our disguises felt almost natural now. I still missed my blue eyes, and my ash-blonde hair, but even my own golden blonde tresses, blue-green eyes, and fairer skin didn’t startle me anymore when I looked in the mirror. I was even somewhat used to being called Aria, or Ari, instead of Mel. Still, I loved to hear my real name from Lisa when we were in bed.

  “What about them?”

  Lisa asked, “How would you feel if Tony got a girlfriend? Before we got around to seducing him, or dismissing the idea, whatever we decide.”

  I frowned, I didn’t really like the idea, not at all.

  “Violent, and angry… which is weird, isn’t it?”

  Lisa smirked, “For a siren maybe.”

  That comment brought me up short, and my mind started to spin.

  “My inner dragon?”

  She nodded, “You loved me from the beginning, but you weren’t all that possessive, not as possessive as I was of you, until your dragon woke up. I think we’ve been so focused on managing your siren side, we’ve missed the obvious.”

  I tilted my head, “But I’m not dating Tony.”

  She shrugged, “He works for you, you like him, and you want to fuck him. He lives in the building with us. They don’t call it a dragon hoard because dragons like to share. I think you already see him as yours, at least in part.”

  I frowned, “I see that, sort of, but I never felt that way toward Harold, even after my water dragon woke up.”

  She replied, “Harold is different. We worked for him, we didn’t live in the same building, and he wasn’t subordinate to you. You never saw him as yours. I’ve never been owned by a drag
on before, it’s kind of hot.”

  I snickered, “That’s fine for us, since we’ll be together, but doesn’t that make seducing Tony even more complicated in the long run?”

  She ignored that and asked, “So, would you consider sleeping with Tony without me?”

  I took a moment to truly think about it. It appealed of course. Truthfully, in about half my fantasies about him taking me we were alone in them, but it would also feel wrong. Very wrong.

  I shook my head, “No. Doesn’t that argue against the me owning you idea? If I did, that would put you in the subordinate position.”

  Lisa shook her head, “I don’t think so. I think we kind of own each other. You see me as an equal, you wouldn’t cheat on me, but you’d also lose it if I did on you. Beyond that, we wouldn’t approve of sleeping with others separately either, so that it wouldn’t be cheating.”

  I frowned, “Okay, so where are you going with this?”

  She shrugged, “Just saying that you’re very complicated. It’s just something to keep in mind.”

  “But… if I see myself as owning him and you, why does being submissive and pleasing in bed sound so appealing to me.”

  She started laughing, and I narrowed my eyes.

  “That’s an easy one Mel, because you’re a shameless slut.”

  I giggled, “Bitch.”

  She winked, “That was almost too easy. Seriously? I don’t know, maybe because your part Siren too? That was my whole point, it’s complicated how your different sides interrelate. Just because you see us as part of your hoard, doesn’t mean you don’t want to make us happy.”

  “What about my question?”

  She shrugged, “I’m not worried about it. You might get angry if he gets a girlfriend and ended it with us, but you’d get over it.”

  I was glad she sounded so confident of that, because now that she had me thinking about it I wasn’t so sure. My life was too complicated, and what we would ask of Tony wasn’t fair. I just wished he could be happy with what we offered. For a time, he might be, but it wouldn’t last forever.


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