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Song of Discord

Page 10

by D. R. Rosier

  I also figured there was no point in holding back. Galen’s wards will have already picked up my activity, even below the ground, so why fight with swords and a gun at the cost of human lives? I appreciated Carol’s support and promise, but in truth it’d already been too late, the amount of magic it’d taken to hold that much water, and freeze it, would’ve alerted Galen a hundred times over.

  I knew I couldn’t save everyone, and needed to protect myself too, but I was already busted. After this, I’d lie low again, and hope all the people in the ancient jail kept their mouth shut. Maybe if they did Galen would believe I’d moved on again? But for the moment, I figured I had time to make a real difference.

  Still, it wouldn’t do to be seen in my human form, by the people in the fair. I stripped off the necklace, and my body suit. I ignored the men’s stares at my naked body as I handed them to Lisa, and then stepped away to transform. It’d been two weeks since I turned into a dragon out on the gulf. I’d grow again, if in a small amount. I was closer to the size of a twenty-foot bed truck, than a van, not including the neck, head, and tail. From what I understood, my growth would be very fast in the beginning, and slow down the closer I got to a hundred years old.

  I spread my wings and jumped into the air. For just a moment, I reveled in the feeling of freedom it engendered. I knew it was a false feeling, and just hoped that by the time word reached dragons of what was happening, or before Galen could travel here, we’d have the portal wrapped up.

  My eyes easily picked out the forms of the beetles below, and with the speed of thought I started to create spears of ice to impale their heads. It was almost too easy, my magic reacted perfectly to my thoughts, and they had no defense. They dropped quickly, especially with the help of Lisa, Cerise, the other shifter, and the two elves. It didn’t take long at all before the five of them stood before the gate, and easily put down the demons as they stepped out one at a time.

  I flew for a little while longer, and I searched for any demons that might have evaded us, but my siren power made it pretty clear there were no more discordant songs on our world. Almost regretfully, I dove to the ground, and shifted. Lisa handed me my stuff, and I put on the necklace, and pulled on my armored suit and weapons.

  I’d been careful when I created the gateway through the ice, and when I’d changed. No one had saw me, or recorded me, but I wasn’t sure if that really mattered.

  The mages were already chanting a spell to shut down the gateway, while the rest of us guarded it. It occurred to me I was screwed, even if they meant to keep my secret. Even if they left all the strange stuff out of the report, Galen would question them personally, the trail was too obvious. There’s no way they could get away with lying to a dragon. Still, I’d saved hundreds of humans by not holding back, thousands by transporting them all here, and I refused to regret it.

  I didn’t want to leave, the idea of starting a new life again in that moment disgusted me. We’d just gotten things going, and I’d just gotten a steady man in my life not two days ago. I didn’t want to disappear and leave Tony behind. But… facing a dragon was suicide, wasn’t it?

  Maybe, but maybe not.

  Shit, there was that arrogance again.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tony looked shell shocked.

  The cleanup had taken a while, and Cerise and Jeris had mostly avoided me. I wondered if they’d be back in the morning or not. Lisa, Tony, and I were in the conference room, and had just finished giving him the long version of our story.

  “You okay Tony?”

  Tony shrugged uncertainly.

  “Here I thought the idea would turn you on?”

  Tony raised an eyebrow, “Turn me on?”

  I nodded, “Not many men can say they had a hot dragon bitch worship their cock from her knees.”

  Tony snorted a surprised laugh, “Okay, I can see that. Why do you risk yourself?”

  I shrugged, “Why does anyone? I fight with my siren side, and I make a difference. For the most part I hide my dragon side, but being a dragon just means that risk is lesser, even if I have to hold back my magic all the time I can take a lot of physical punishment that would have killed me in the past. It’s what I do, finding out I’m a dragon doesn’t change that, or who I am. It also doesn’t make my life more valuable.”

  Lisa said, “Maybe, but I think it’s time to go.”

  I frowned, “Hubris.”

  Lisa asked, “Huh?”

  “I’ve been thinking. Hubris, was why I was born. My father believed the lesser races weren’t a threat, and he was proven wrong… by a siren. I could never face Galen as a dragon, he’s full grown and I’m still an adolescent, if not still a baby dragon, but I’m also a full-grown siren at the height of my power. Maybe I’m crazy, or guilty of hubris myself, but I don’t want to leave. I want to claim Corpus Christie as mine, and to tell all the other dragons to stay the fuck out.”

  Lisa frowned, “That’s crazy.”

  Tony said, “Lisa’s right. You should go.”

  I sighed.


  Lisa gave me a pleading look.

  I sighed, “Or at least, not yet. How about a compromise. When Galen gets here, I’m going to kill him, as publically as possible. Then I’m going to give an interview and give a speech. I’m even going to give a blood oath not to have children, and to tell other dragons I’m not worth the fight. If they still come for me, when I promise not to be a threat to anyone that steers clear of my city, and that I won’t have children, then we can go. You’re right, I can’t fight them all, they’d kill me. But… maybe I can make it so I’m not worth the trouble. Dad said the oath alone wouldn’t work, maybe the oath along with the threat of death will.”

  Lisa asked, “You think you can kill him?”

  I said, “I can’t be positive, but yes. My mother already proved it, they’re big, powerful, but still vulnerable to a siren’s song. Just like a mage, with one exception, and Galen isn’t a fire dragon. I’m surprised he’s not here already, maybe air dragons can’t gate or teleport.”

  Lisa shook her head, “Where did this come from?”

  I replied, “I love you. And I know life isn’t perfect and I should just suck it up. But we’ve talked about this before, how angry it makes me that I can’t fight back, or even just be left alone to be who I am. Maybe it’s pride? All I know is if I have to run, I want to kick the dragon race in the balls first, so to speak. At the very least, to show them they can’t act with impunity, coming for me will cost them. Then if they all come at me we’ll disappear. Next time they find us, I’ll do it again, kick them in the nuts, then run. I have to do… something. It sure as hell isn’t for the thrill of it, call it instincts.”

  Lisa frowned, “If you die, I’ll die seeking revenge.”

  Shit, that was fighting dirty.

  “I don’t have a death wish, and if my idea fails to work I’ll run with my tail between my legs.”

  Lisa said, “Assuming you can. Are you sure this isn’t the adrenaline rush talking? What if he can kill you as easily as you killed those demons today, from a distance where they couldn’t even retaliate.”

  I replied, “I don’t think its hubris from kicking ass today, this isn’t something new, or something that just occurred to me. I’ve been trying to strike a balance in my mind for months. Ever since my father told me about the threat I’ve struggled with it. It wasn’t until I came here and learned new things about myself that I even saw this possibility. I also don’t think he can take me from a range that I can’t reach. Maybe without my father’s necklace he could kill me with impunity from a great distance, but with it he’s going to have to lay eyes on me to get it done.”

  Tony said, “You’re crazy.”

  I nodded with a grin, “Probably. Want to join us for dinner, or run for the hills? We have no way of knowing when Galen will come back.”

  I felt a lump in my throat as I smiled at him and waited for the answer to that question. I liked Tony, a
lot, and although it was the smartest thing to do I really didn’t want him to run the other way. At the same time, I did, I didn’t want him in danger because of who I was.

  Tony shook his head, “Maybe I’m nuts too, but I have no intention of leaving. At least, not until you two go and shut down the company. You know, there’s a chance you can get away with what happened this afternoon, if none of those people talk.”

  I nodded, “I doubt it. Even if none of them leaks it to the news, or puts it in their police reports, Galen will be able to trace it back through the circumstances and know who to question. No one is going to lie to a dragon, no matter their previous intentions, and he’ll find out I’m hiding my magic. I’ll admit, it would be better if they didn’t, otherwise Galen will come straight here when he arrives, and I won’t be able to set up the trap I have in mind. Let’s go eat.”

  Lisa sighed, “You’re crazy, but I can see if I don’t let you do this you’ll really go crazy. Just… be careful, and you need to have a lot of different escapes planned. Also… air dragon. A siren isn’t shit without air in their lungs to sing, keep that in mind.”

  “Yeah, I’d already considered that. That’s definitely one of the run with my tail between my legs scenarios. On the other hand, I can fill my lungs with water, and use it as a gateway to breath the air in Dallas, Venice, or anywhere else I can portal in the world.”

  Lisa snorted, “Let’s get you seasoned.”

  I smirked, she meant my blood of course, with food she cooks, and the three of us headed upstairs.

  Dinner smelled delicious, BBQ chicken, homemade macaroni and cheese, and coleslaw. It wasn’t fine cuisine, but sometimes the best food wasn’t. The three of us were around the table, I’d taken a quick shower and was in an opaque white silk robe, with a red silk lacy lingerie bra and panty set underneath. I felt sexy with it on, and I couldn’t wait for him to see it.

  Tony didn’t know that of course, it was a surprise for after dinner. Maybe my decision to fight Galen wasn’t based on today’s fight and events, but my ridiculously high libido was. As a siren it was always pretty high to begin with, after a good fight it was soaring. That wasn’t just me, I could tell Lisa was just as affected by the fight, only her worries for my decision to fight tempered that a little.

  I wondered if I was being selfish, and maybe I was. But… it was who I was. I didn’t have it in me to run like a coward, at least not without kicking them in the balls first if I could, and if not successful at that, at least giving them the middle finger. That would make it more of a retreat under fire, rather than slithering away on my belly in the shadows. It made a difference, I could live proudly with the former, the latter would eventually destroy me.

  Tony asked, “I don’t suppose you’d hire me at your new city, if you have to leave?”

  Oh. I felt flutters in my stomach. More from the tone of his voice, and the look in his eyes, than from the actual words. He cared about us both, and I wanted to keep him. I might have even loved him, if not been in love with him.

  Lisa said, “That would create a trail to our new identities.”

  Tony’s face fell.

  Lisa added, “If you wanted to be with us, you’d have to leave with us when we did, and get a new identity. So, if you decide you want to do that, be sure. I’m not opposed to the idea at all, and I know Aria would miss you.”

  Tony looked at me, and I nodded. I might have even been wearing a shy and pleased smile on my face.

  Lisa shrugged, “It’s asking a lot of you though.”

  It was asking a lot. He was our friend, perhaps even a beloved friend, but we were still holding him at arm’s length to a certain extent. We would never be equal lovers with him, but he knew that. Then again, I got the impression he wasn’t as valued by others he’d worked with for his abilities. It was no stranger an idea than a human that really liked his job, accepting relocation to a different city and office rather than finding a new job. Plus, sex benefits.

  Tony nodded, “I think I’d like to. This job and your friendship means a lot to me. Who knows, maybe Aria’s crazy plan will work, and we won’t have to move at all.”

  Lisa nodded, “Proving herself a threat, and the oath could work. Or… it could backfire, and actually get every dragon on her ass to remove the threat. They kill babies because they fear half-dragon kind, and the threat they’ll turn into when the reach adult age. Fear could go either way. The oath leaves them an out, but they might not take it.”

  I nodded, “Then I’ll know. And we’ll hide again. In truth, the second idea is probably how it’s going to go, but I have to try.”

  Even if it failed, kicking them in the nuts was a worthwhile cause. At least, for my state of mind.

  I added, “Either way, let me know when you decide. If we have to run it’s going to happen quick.”

  He nodded.

  We were silent for a while as we ate dinner. My middle warmed with what would come next, after dinner. My body tingled each time I met his dark brown eyes, and Lisa’s sweet doe eyes. I had a few things to do, preparations and experiments, but that could wait until Lisa and Tony were asleep. There’d be no kindle tonight.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It’d been worth the wait, as his burning eyes devoured my body clad in silken red with lustful appreciation.

  The robe slipped off my shoulders, chased by his fingertips which left a trail of tingling fire on my skin. It slid down my body, and then pooled around my feet as he leaned down to claim my lips. I moaned softly, at the soft brush of his warm lips, filled with barely restrained passion as he pulled me tightly against him and gripped my ass. His firm grip on my ass, and sinfully soft kiss was a duality of sensations that sent my mind spinning in a fog of need and lust as my body melted against his.

  Lisa, my loving insane vampire, put her lips on my back and pressed her body against my other side. She didn’t have a stitch of clothing on, and her tight supple and soft petite curves pressed into me. I felt her hands run up my side, and along the sides of my sensitive breasts, before she ran them up to my hair. When the kiss ended with Tony, she pulled my head around by my hair and went up on her toes to claim a hot kiss.

  I whimpered into her mouth, as Tony squeezed my ass tightly and ground his impressive cock against me.

  She sighed into my mouth, “Love slut.”

  I couldn’t argue, my body was in control of me in that moment, and they controlled my body. I was their slut in that moment, and I would have done anything they asked. My pussy was hot, wet, and throbbed beneath the lace. I was an empty vessel of feelings and pleasure, waiting for an order. The desire… the need to pleasure them both as they willed was overwhelming. It was beautiful, and freeing. I didn’t worry for my own pleasure, that would come, they would both see to it. Pleasing them was a pleasure all its own. I didn’t know what made me so submissive in the bedroom for those I cared for, or when it came to sex. Maybe it was because of the responsibilities and power I held outside of it, and it was a way to just let it all go for a while. The one place I didn’t need to be in control. It didn’t matter though, I was content to just give into it, analyzing the whys of it wasn’t a concern to me, it was simply who I was. I didn’t just accept it, I’d finally embraced it with my entire being.

  I licked and then nipped her bottom lip, only to be kissing Tony again a second later, his lips much firmer and deliciously demanding. I gasped, and he groaned as I explored his hard body with my fingertips. A moment later, he pulled the robes off his body, and his shorts were shed a moment after that. I didn’t resist, as they both led me toward the bed.

  Lisa and Tony exchanged a glance I didn’t even try to read, and I didn’t resist as I was pushed back onto the bed. My legs parted of their own accord, as I looked up at my lovers.

  Tony said, “You’re beautiful.”

  Lisa and Tony kissed, and I sighed as my body tingled, and euphoric need started to fill me. Lisa broke the kiss and crawled up onto the bed on her hands and knees. She
started to kiss my inner thighs as she raised her ass in the air and arched her back in invitation.

  I sighed breathily, and ran my hands through her hair, as Tony joined us on the bed.

  Lisa gasped, as he leaned down and put his tongue on her from behind. She pushed my panties covering my mound to the side, and dove in. Her tongue as always, was magical as she teased my folds, and the slight euphoria already zinging through my body started to build higher. She teased me slowly toward completion, and her breathy gasps of pleasure as Tony’s tongue did the same for her, drove me crazy.

  My eyes were locked on her doe eyes, as we both approached our heights. It wasn’t a surprise to me, she knew my body better than I did, and had guided my body’s state to match her own from Tony’s efforts.

  I cried out, “Lisa!” and my hands fisted in her hair as my back arched, and my liquid pleasure soaked her face as I ground up into it. At the same time, I heard her trembling gasps as our eyes locked and we shared the soaring pleasure of blissful ecstasy.

  She started to lick me again, and also slid two fingers between my soaked with liquid bliss silken folds.

  My eyes broke with hers as I looked up into Tony’s, he was fucking her hard from behind now, driving Lisa’s face hard into my sex with each stroke. Her hips were working him as well, thrusting back against him while her upper body stayed relatively still so she could continue to eat me.

  Her fingers were fucking my pussy, at the same speed of Tony’s thrusts, while she alternately used her soaked thumb, and her lips, on my clit. The new coil of pleasure building in my middle was much more intense and tighter, as it radiated euphoria through my body and mind.

  None of us lasted long at the fast and furious pace. I was the first to go, and I lost my mind and body to the sensations of rapturous bliss. I heard Tony’s loud grunt, and Lisa’s gasp into my sex as he started to pulse inside my loving vampire. She went over a second later, as if him filling her had been the trigger to ultimate pleasure.


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