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The Anaerris Code: Part 1 The Gemma (A Gemma Sinclaris Series)

Page 9

by LK Kelley

  When those two fingers entered her body. Gem's last vestige of control was lost, and she cried out as she felt his fingers move in and out of her wet channel. OK. That was way to bookish. No. He moved in and out of her tight, wet walls, causing more and more fluid to rain down from inside of her womb.

  “Please!” Gem cried, not knowing what she really wanted, but knowing without a doubt that she did.

  She wanted him. Her channel was throbbing, almost convulsing, for his thick cock inside her. His fingers were moving fast and hard, until they came together at the height of orgasm! She wanted to feel his hot seed as it shot deep into her.

  Jaxx prepared himself, now that she was ready for him, and he rose to his knees between her legs, and wrapped his fingers around the waistband of her pants. Jaxx began to strip them off of her hips, while Gem raised her hips to let him uncover her to his gaze, when a sudden noise made it through their consciousness. They looked at each other, and froze.

  “Keep down,” he whispered as he slowly raised his head above the seat to see what they were hearing. A car approached, its lights shining into the cab. Luckily, it passed them by, and as the sound disappeared into the distance, Gem suddenly became aware of what she had been about to do. About what she was going to let him do. One glance at his face saw that his thoughts were with hers.

  “Damn!” he muttered under his breath as he zipped her pants. Then, he helped her to sit while slipping her t-shirt over her head, but forgetting her bra.

  Picking up his damaged shirt from the floor as well, he slipped it back on. Both faced forward without looking at each other.

  “I live in the Montgomery mansion.”

  Gem just nodded as she slipped under the steering wheel. She knew that she couldn’t answer him at all. Starting the truck, she shifted into gear, and drove on down the road even while she was shaking with unquenched desire. The Montgomery Mansion was the town’s strangest house anyone had ever seen. Gem had never been inside it, but those who had said that the design was unlike anything they had ever seen.

  Driving up to the gates, Jaxx gritted his teeth as he ground out, “Let me out here.”

  She nodded, and stopped. He stepped out of it. Without looking back, Gem turned the truck around to drive back to town leaving him to stare as the truck disappeared into the darkness. Jaxx opened the gates, and stepped onto his property. Never had he ever felt so frustrated as he did at this moment. His hands shoved into his pockets, and his dick still huge, he walked down the down the road to his house.

  ~ 5 ~

  “How is it Possible to have an Affair in her own Father’s Truck?” ~ Gem

  Gem felt tears running down her face. She couldn’t stop them! How had she let this get so out of hand? She had lost her mind – and her head! The two of them had totally forgotten where they were, and acted like horny teenagers! And, they would have had sex – inside her Father’s truck – on the side of the highway! The car that came by had stopped them, but that didn’t ease her frustration and sexual tension. She knew his wasn’t, either.

  Slamming her hands against the wheel, she cursed them for not having had better sense! Especially her! What the hell was wrong with them? Holy crap! How in the hell had all of that happened? Neither of them had ever had feelings for each other, so what had changed? The moment she asked the question, she knew the answer. The sight of him without the way he was normal dressed was her downfall. He had never been nice to her, nor had he shown her any kindness. Except? Her mind rewound as her memories unfolded. Until she saw him standing in the door holding Lola...until she saw him standing in the middle of her burned out house with caring eyes...and...until she saw him standing by her truck – her fully restored truck that he paid for, and delivered to her, personally. It wasn’t his clothing. This not-so-simple acts of kindness, and those gorgeous, brown eyes had done it! Then, the storm that seemed to chase them fueled their terror helped even more. Their need for each other had overwhelmed them.

  As she drove into the separate drive to her apartment, she slammed her hands against the wheel, a second time, before she emerged from the truck. Turning around to look at it's fully restored beauty, Gem had to wonder why he would have had her truck fixed for her? She didn’t understand, or if truth be known, she really didn’t want to understand. She’d been without love for years, and no guy ever seemed to want her. That’s why this was so damned hard for her to believe that someone who looked like Professor Hawkins, would care for her. It was quite clear that they both would no longer have control over their sexual desires whenever they were together! That was a bridge they had just crossed, and like all bridges...once you crossed it, you couldn't go back.

  Rubbing her head’s rapidly expanding headache, Gem stepped into her apartment, and headed directly for the bathroom. She really needed a bath. Besides, her panties were sticking to her. Ah, hell! That just brought back how horny she was for him all over again! She dropped her belongings on the sofa, then practically ran to the bathroom. She stared into the mirror. Her face was flushed, and her eyes still shimmered with deep desire! She felt moisture return as she slipped out of her clothing, again. Stepping into the shower, she sat down letting the water flow over her, while her eyes closed as she remembered each second of his touch, and the touch of his naked chest against hers. Her core throbbed as if he were still with her. She needed release!

  Reaching down, she touched her clit, and began to massage it gently, lightly. It didn’t take that long, before her excitement allowed fluid to rush down, and she placed three fingers within her channel. Pulling them in and out, she increased the tempo until she finally felt her orgasm hit. Her body throbbed over and over as it released some of the tension that it carried. Even though she would have rather had Jaxx inside of her, at least it provided a temporary relief. It wasn't what she wanted, but it would have to do. Drying herself, she walked back into the room to see Lola lounging on one of the sofas. She wrapped the towels around her, and sat down. Lola crawled onto her lap. Burying her head into Lola's fur, Gem began to cry.

  “Oh, Lola! What am I going to do?” she murmured.

  After a while, she forced herself to get up, and she slid into bed. That’s when she remembered the blue velvet box that she had put away for safe keeping. Quickly, she retrieved it, and sat looking at it, turning it every which way. She fingered it, feeling no catch, or opening. But, when she moved it, she heard something rattling around. Something was inside of it, but how to open it? Gem shut her eyes in frustration. When were things ever going to go her way? She thought of her Dad and her Mom, and a wave of love swept over her. They were gone, yet she still felt as if they were here! Suddenly, she felt a shift in the box, and her eyes flew open and her mouth dropped. A gentle glow came from the top as the box split open in two pieces, and a brilliant white light spread outward into the room, blinding her for a few moments. As the light dimmed, she saw something silvery that shown from within, and she spread the box open gently. She issued a gasp at what lay inside of it. Reaching inside, she scooped the item up, and let the amulet drop from the heavy chain that held it. It glowed with a gentle light, and its silvery look bathed her eyes in beauty. She knew that it belonged to her. She stared at it as she moved it around and around, then looked at it carefully. She felt imbued with some type of power that she could not explain. She slipped it over her head, and laid down. Sleep came quickly.

  Lola snuggled closely. Whatever had happened it wasn't good. So, Lola sniffed. Hmmm. Her pet smelled different. She smelled of…arousal. Yes. That was it. Sexual arousal! Lola looked up at Gem. Sex, yes, but she had not indulged in it! But, the other smell? This one was…Professor Hawkins! No! She couldn’t get involved with him! She had to speak to Taylor, now!

  She jumped up, and ran through her outside doggy door, and in seconds, Lola shimmered into nothing, and disappeared! She re-emerged inside Taylor’s kitchen as a shimmering young child. Taylor, startled, looked at her in surprise. Who was this?

  “W-what the f-! Wh
o are you?” Taylor demanded. “What are you?”

  “I’m Lola, Taylor,” Lola explained in a little tiny voice.

  “What?” Taylor all but sputtered. “B-but…?”

  “That is not important right now. Who I am, and what I am will come to light soon enough. But, because of what has happened, I chose to change into this form, so that I could speak with you. 'Houston...we have a problem'!” she quoted from one of her favorite movies, “Apollo 13”.

  “I don’t understand,” Taylor said. And, she really didn’t. It was one thing to know you were a supernatural being as it was, but to find out another existed of which she had no knowledge made her very upset!

  “I have been with Gem’s family for…well, I’m not sure how long I have been with them. We just don't see time in the my Realm. But, I have changed forms from generation to generation. I was assigned long ago for their protection. Or more accurately, for Gem's protection.”

  Taylor stared at the vision before her. She was tiny. About 4’ high. Her long pale, blonde hair reached almost to the floor, along with the robe that she wore, and even her skin was white with tiny facets of glitter. She was very beautiful. No wonder Lola appeared enchanting more than other pugs. But, the most startling of all were her brilliant silver eyes that seem to glitter with stars. Suddenly, Taylor knew.

  “You are Fae!” Taylor began, only to have Lola wave her into silence.

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Doesn't matter. It is my job to make sure that Gem finds her destiny when it is time. I must ask you about Professor Jaxxon Hawkins. What do you know of him?”

  Well, what was Taylor going to tell her about him? Apparently, Lola didn’t seem at all concerned about Gem, but seemed to have some problem with Jaxx. Well, that wasn’t new. Who didn’t have a problem with him, given his propensity to get into trouble with the powers that be?

  “Jaxx is a Professor at the local college, and…”

  “No. I don’t want his profession, and you know it!”

  “Man! Always heard Fae were damned rude,” Taylor thought to herself.

  “I want to know who, and what, he is. Tonight, I smelled him all over Gem, Taylor.”

  Taylor jerked in shock.


  Lola nodded.

  “Yes. There is no doubt the two of them were together. The smell was unmistakable.”

  “You mean…sex?” Taylor squeaked.

  “Yes, and no. It was apparent that they were together, but it did not end in sex. Yet.”

  Taylor slumped against the wall. Why would Jaxx seduce Gem? That made no sense at all. Well…not unless…unless…unless...oh, shit! It couldn’t be! But, what other explanation was available?

  “Shit!” Taylor said aloud.

  “I see. So, there is a problem,” Lola stated quietly.

  A problem? Yeah! There sure was! But, it depended upon what Lola might see as a problem.

  “Depends. If what I suspect is true, Lola, then there is, and is not, a problem.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked, obviously irritated by Taylor's cryptic answer.

  “Simply that if, as I believe, Jaxx has found his mate, then he will go to the ends of the Earth to protect her – and even beyond if necessary.”

  “His mate?” Lola’s eyebrows rose. That sure wasn’t what she was expecting to hear!

  “Yes. Our kind is emotionless, Lola. That is until we meet our mates. When this happens, our submerged emotions shoot to the front of our very being, and from that time forward, we appear no different than humans, except that we are not human. Rick is my mate, and human. Once the Blood Chain has been achieved, then we become one, and he lives as long as I. Our children will grow until they reach maturity, and then, will live as immortals as well.”

  “Ah. I see. You believe that Gem is Jaxx’s mate, then?”

  Taylor thought back on what had happened recently. Surprised at herself for just realizing it, she did believe it.

  “Yes! I do! Absolutely!” she answered. “I have no doubt whatsoever, Lola.”

  Lola nodded. “Then, that is good. There is no problem as I feared.”

  She turned to leave.

  “Uh, Lola?”

  “Yes?” Lola looked back at her as she began to shimmer.

  “Protect Gem. Something is very wrong around here. Those storms just cannot be a coincidence!”

  Lola nodded her head, and again, became a pug. Taylor let her out so she could pretend to return to Gem. As she turned, Rick came into the room.

  “I overheard you, love. I have observed Jaxx over the last couple of days. His agitation only makes me sure of it. I agree with you. Gem is his mate.”

  “Yes, but Rick?”

  “My love?”

  “Jaxx is not like the rest of us. I didn’t tell Lola everything. I just couldn't! The ramifications could be disastrous!”

  “But, he is one of you, right?” Rick asked puzzled.

  “No, he’s not one of us, Rick. He is not Anaerris. However, he is a creature who is older than any of us. Even we do not know his age. And, he is one of the ancient ones who were doomed by the fates to go through their lives without a mate.”

  Rick’s left eyebrow rose.

  “Not one of you? Does that mean he is – one of those who lusts after blood? Why would he be the mate of a human?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, he is. If the fates have assigned him a mate, I don’t know why.”

  “And, it worries you?”

  “Indeed it does, my love. Indeed it does!” Taylor answered.

  “Or, perhaps…?” Rick was pensive, as he rubbed his scruffy, barely-there beard with his thumb and forefinger.


  “Perhaps the Fates have decided to change the rules, because the status quo has changed?”

  “Huh? What status quo?” Taylor’s eyes shot up to his in surprise.

  “ is quite possible that whatever they had decided for him prior to meeting Gem has changed in some way. Do not the Fates change outcomes?”

  “No. They do not change things. Fate cannot be changed.” Taylor said so puzzled, her brows were drawn into a frown.

  “So, if they cannot change things, that means someone else has. And, that means that whoever did change things has caused the fates to provide her with a mate of bloodlust.”

  Taylor’s eyes lowered, as she stared into oblivion. Was that possible? Has someone else interfered with fate, and the Fates had to change as well? Her eyes slowly drifted to Rick’s as understanding dawned.

  “If you're right, then who the hell could have the kind of power to change Jaxx and Gem’s fate. Something isn't right here, Rick.”

  Rick planted a quick kiss onto her lips, then picked her up to carry her to their bed.

  “I love you, Taylor. If we are right, then things should get very interesting very soon!”

  “I love you, too, Rick,” she said softly throwing her arms around his neck, and pulling him in for a kiss. “But, Creator help us!”

  “Exactly, my love,” Rick said as the dawning of lust began to show in her eyes.

  Gem woke refreshed, and filled with energy. She scrambled out of bed, grabbing a Little Debbie snack cake, and shoved it in her mouth. Running to the bathroom, she stepped into the shower, washed her hair, then towel dried it. She grabbed the blow dryer, then stopped as the amulet around her neck glowed. It hadn't been a dream! She had thought it had, but obviously it wasn't. She would love to stay and see if she could figure it out, but she had to go. She slipped it over her head, then gently placed it back into the blue velvet box, which sealed immediately as if it had never opened! She petted the velvet box.

  “You’re little mystery will just have to wit for me to solve,” she cooed to it. Still puzzled, she replaced it into the drawer, then resumed dressing. Petting Lola, after she had shot into the room, delaying Gem long enough to feed her. Gem jumped into the mustang, making it to the library in record time.

  The CCR always managed to exc
ite Gem, and she was always eager to explore it as she pulled on her white, cotton gloves, and grabbed her library sanctioned mini-iPad, before climbing one of the ladders. She had pushed what had happened the night before to the back of her mind, because if she didn’t, she believed that she would seek him out to finish what they had started! And, she just couldn’t risk it. She knew he would probably show up at the library today, but she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. It was a good thing that she had not had a class today! She needed to be out of his proximity soon. Today, though, she was bound and determined to finish all the cataloging of books this afternoon!

  Gem was still excited when she reached the top shelf. Using her hands, she glided the ladder to the shelf that was just to the right of the door. The room had low light, but she used her tiny flashlight to see the names of the books on the dark shelves. When they had received the library, there was a stipulation that the CCR was to be thoroughly cataloged, and was contingent upon the donation of the books. The top shelf, and those below it, were labeled A-B. Next to that group, the books were labeled B, followed by the next section labeled A-D. It was pretty simple, and each book had both a virtual, and physical, card assigned.

  This was her last shelf, and she quivered in excitement at the accomplishment that she had finally almost completed. Finishing the first section, she proceeded to the B section. In C section, she saw an interesting book she wanted to check out later called “Corisone Di Alva”. She thumbed through it, and registered disappointment.

  “Hmmm. Sounds like an autobiography of someone. Nope. Written in Italian, of course. Can’t read it,” she muttered putting it back, and grabbing another. She filed a mental note to begin studying the language. With her almost photographic memory, it shouldn't take long to learn Italian so she could read it.

  Gem proceeded with each book, cataloging with her iPad, until she reached the bottom shelf. She noticed one book sticking out further than the rest. Then, another, and still, another. There were eight in all, and the group was protruding slightly outward further than the rest. Setting her iPad down, she reached for one of the books.


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