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The Anaerris Code: Part 1 The Gemma (A Gemma Sinclaris Series)

Page 12

by LK Kelley

  “Shhhh,” he cautioned her.

  “No!” She kept her voice down, but she would not let him get away with it! “I am staying here, sir, and there’s not a thing you can say about it! No one tells me what to do – even you!”

  Jaxx said nothing, but just stared into the red eyes of his mate, and shook his head.

  While Jaxx was trying to keep Gem quiet, Taylor rushed to her purse to drag a pocket mirror from her tote. Rushing back, she held it out to Gem. Looking back and forth from Taylor to Jaxx, she hesitated taking the mirror for only a moment. She opened it slowly, almost afraid of what she might see. Why she should be afraid, she didn’t know.

  “You’ve never been a coward, Gem. Don’t start now,” Taylor said softly to her best friend.

  Taylor was right. She had never been a coward. Afraid, hell yes, but no coward! Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, then opened them. She froze. Nope. She was wrong! She had just turned into a coward as she fixed them on the mirror. Her fingers wrapped around the mirror, and her knuckles showed white as she gripped it tightly not taking her eyes from it.

  “No!” she whispered. Her eyes were red, but this time, they were worse than ever! They were truly blood red... like... like...well...almost like a...vampire? This just couldn’t be right! “Oh, shit!”

  Settling into an almost catatonic state, Gem dropped the mirror. She had kept everyone from knowning about her eyes for years, and now? Of course they made an appearance in public! Only Taylor’s swift movements rescued it, before it hit the floor and broke.

  Both Jaxx and Taylor waited while Gem came to grips with what they knew was a life-altering event just as they tried to cope with it.

  Finally, Gem spoke in a whisper.

  “I-I don’t understand?” she demanded quietly. Almost to herself, she added, “W-why a-are m-my eyes so much more red than in the last five years?”

  In seconds, her eyes changed back to green when tears began to fall. Jaxx almost cried himself looking at Gem. Well, he would if he could.

  “I have no idea, my love,” he told her. Suddenly, what she had said came barreling toward him. “What did you say? What do you mean, five years ago?” he demanded.

  “Yeah!” Gem retorted. She stared up at him, her tears drying for the moment. “Why?

  “You said they were worse than the last five years? Are you telling me that your eyes have been manifesting red for all that time? When? I mean...what was happening when they turned?”

  “Well, duh!” she sneered. For some reason, she was very reluctant to admit to him or Taylor that they turned red every time she was aroused, especially during her recurring dream. So, she just gave him a “it’s none of your business” look.

  Surprise gripped Jaxx, and he sat back in stunned realization of why her eyes would begin turning. He calculated that they had begun changing at about the age of sixteen. That was the age of an Onaerris when their eyes turned! But, that couldn’t be possible!

  Gem was very upset, and even the wind beginning to howl wasn’t enough to distract her. The wind was followed by thunder and lightning, and heavy rain began to fall. The next lightning struck very close to the building. Everyone had left the building for which the three of them were happy.


  “You have to get her out of here,” Taylor interrupted Jaxx.


  “Gem, do you think you can go with Jaxx?” Taylor asked her.

  Gem nodded slightly. As long as he was with her, she knew she would be calmer. That just set off another round of tears. Neither Jaxx nor Taylor noticed that the harder Gem cried, the louder and stronger the storm roared outside.

  “Can you stand?” Jaxx asked her, watching her nod slightly, helping her to stand. “Will you be OK a moment?”

  Gem barely nodded her head once, and he followed Taylor to the desk. The two spoke quickly.

  Slowly and careful not to move her head too much, Gem got to her feet…the book calling to her, again. She walked toward it as if drawn, until she placed her hands on the cover. A quiet came over her, and with it, the thunder, lightning, wind, and rain ceased. Gem knew that the book was hers, and only she could control, or touch it. She still didn’t know why, just that she could. The rest she knew would fall into place eventually. But, she also knew she had to protect it no matter what. Quickly, she decided that the best place was in its hidey-hole in the CCR. No one but her would know where it was. Glancing quickly at Jaxx and Taylor who were still talking quietly, Gem made her way back to the CCR. After shutting the door behind her, then bending down, she began to whisper to it.

  “I understand, now, that you and I are one in some way. I may not know why, but I know that will come when it is time.”

  She felt a gentle vibration under her hands as if the book was happy. Strange, but she still thought it was all weird. Kneeling, she began to put it into its little cubby hole.

  “Now, you stay right where you were. There has to be a reason why you were there in the first place, right?”

  Suddenly, the book obeyed her, and jumped from her hands, implanting itself right back into its little hole like magic. Gem frowned and shrugged, but replaced some books in front of it, so that it would not be noticed. Then, she sighed with relief, and walked out of the CCR. Gem was so focusted that didn’t even notice that the door closed behind her without being touched.

  Gem slowly walked toward the desk where Jaxx and Taylor were, and they turned.

  “Where’s the book?” Taylor asked her, a look of fear in her eyes.

  Gem frowned. What the fuck was wrong with these two? Gem decided that neither Taylor nor Jaxx should know. The book needed protection, even if she didn’t understand what was happening.

  “I put it back in the CCR, Taylor.”


  “Ummmm, well, you see…,” Gem began.

  “Never mind. We don’t need to know,” Taylor said. “In fact, don't ever tell us! In the meantime, Jaxx is going to take you somewhere safe, Gem.”

  “Safe? But, why?” Gem asked.

  “Because you have to be protected,” Jaxx said to her. Gem still hadn’t noticed that Taylor was calling him Jaxx.

  “I…don’t…know, Taylor,” she hesitated. “Is that really necessary? What about Lola?”

  “Lola will be just fine with us. Stay with Jaxx, and we'll bring her to you, OK?” Taylor told her. Knowing who Lola was, there was no way that Lola would be apart from her charge.


  “Gem,” began. “You must be protected. You are in grave danger from the council, and if you are left alone, they will kill you.”

  Gem’s eyes grew wide with shock.

  “You said what? Council? What Council? Why would anyone be after me? I haven’t done anything!” she cried.

  “No, honey, you haven’t. But, Gem…well, we have to talk,” Jaxx said to her while Taylor nodded in agreement.

  “He’s right, Gem. Look. All you have to do is go with Jaxx, OK? He’ll explain, but we must get you the hell out of here! And, you can’t come back to the house. It’s far too dangerous.”

  Gem crinkled up her eyes in puzzlement, feeling Jaxx’s hand close around her arm.

  “You know something, don’t you? About me? Both of you?” she accused them as she stared at them.

  “We can’t talk here, Gem. They might be able to hear!” Taylor told her.

  “They? They, who?”

  “Oh, hell, Gem!” Jaxx was exasperated with her. “Come the hell on, will you! I told you! We have to talk, and my home will keep you safe.”

  “You warded it well?” Taylor asked.

  “Naturally. Your house?”

  “Only as well as I could, but not enough for Gem. I don’t have that kind of power, and you should know that,” she answered.

  Taylor darted anxious eyes around to see if anyone had come into the library. They were very lucky the Council hadn’t discovered her, yet. Obviously years had gone by without a problem
, but Gem’s life had, now, been changed irrevocably. She was awakened, and even though she didn’t know it, she was the Anaerris Jewel. Her protection was absolutely their first priority. She’d have to tell Lola, and let her decide what she needed to do. However, there was no doubt at all that she would insist on being returned to Gem.

  “Right. Taylor, your family will also have to come to my house, then. We cannot afford to have them find you as well. I shudder to think what they might do if they find you,” Jaxx told her even as she shook her head. “Taylor. Think about the kids! They will not stop until they find out what they want to know. I should know. I was one of the ones who used those same tactics to get information out of others. And, they will use your children if necessary!”

  Taylor's head jerked in shock. She had heard of the tortures that the Council of Ages ordered, but it never occurred to her that Jaxx was one of those who did it! For a single instant, she thought of dragging Gem away from him, but realized that if she was his mate, he would do everything he could to protect her against them, as well as her friends. And, her childrens' lives were at stake. Meeting his eyes, she nodded.

  “OK. I'll get the kids and Rick ready, and we'll get to you tomorrow morning. How much time do you think we have?”

  Gem looked from one to the other.

  “Time? What does that mean? Time for what? Why?” she asked, but they completely ignored her as they continued to speak.

  “They will have felt the awakening of the book. We might have, oh...” he glanced at his watch while ignoring Gem's question, “maybe if we're lucky, forty-eight to seventy-two hours – maybe even less. Oh...and you might go ahead, and get Stan and Stacey as well. They'll be in danger, too.”

  “Will do. I'll bring them, and the children tomorrow morning.”

  “What are you going to do?” he asked her.

  “Diversion. You have to set up a diversion to protect Gem and my children. Rick and I have that expertise.”

  “Now, wait a second, Taylor! I'm not a babysitting service!”

  “Doesn't matter,” she said, turning to Gem and putting her arm around her. “She is the one who must live. Without Gem, everything we have fought for...everything we have died for...everything we have waited for will be lost, and you know it! We don't have time to argue this! Rick knows the risks as do I. We will only just need our children safe, and we can do our job! Gem's safety depends on us!”

  “But...” Gem started. She was terrified hearing all this stuff, and not having a clue what the hell was going on right here in front of her. Me? What the hell were they talking about? Keeping me safe? From what? What did they know that she did not know?

  Jaxx turned to Gem, and held out his hand. She looked at it as if it were a snake that would bite her! He wiggled his hand at her.

  “Come on, Gem!”

  Gem glanced at Taylor who nodded vigorously, so Gem put her right hand into Jaxx’s left, then looked back at Taylor. She was completely confused, and totally puzzled by everything. What was going on?

  “Wait! Before you leave, I need ask you one more thing,” Taylor told Jaxx. “Gem, you don’t mind, do you?”

  “Sure! I mean, after all, it doesn't concern me at all, so where's the danger, right?” she said sarcastically, plopping into a chair.

  Now, there was the question of the century! He proceeded to follow Taylor. Gem felt a “pull” from the direction of the CCR. She wanted…how she wanted to run back to feel the book in her hands! But, she bit her lip trying to ignore the pull. It could truly be a big mistake, and there was no doubt that Taylor wanted the book to stay right where she put it! Looking at the two of them with their heads almost pressed together, she watched them whispering, but about what? Narrowing her eyes, she huffed, when she finally saw him walking back to her. She leaned back in the chair, folded her arms across her chest, and pouted.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Well, I don't know, since I don't know what the hell is going on!” she told Jaxx who practically yanked her out of the chair, and led her out the back door. Just before he opened the door, she stopped and gripped his arm stopping him from turning the knob. “But, you will tell me what's going on, right?”

  Jaxx just looked at her without answering.

  “Let’s take your truck. You drive! By the way, it’s faster than it looks.” For a moment, he was quiet. “We have to talk, Gem. And, yes. Not just about last night, but what is happening. The only way you can be safe is for you to know it all – even though we just discovered a few minutes ago who you are. And, before you ask,” he continued seeing her mouth open to ask another question. “Taylor, Rick, Stan, and his mate know everything.”

  Mate? Did he just say that Stan's wife, Stacey, was his mate?

  “Mate? You mean wife, right?” she asked.

  Barring the fact that Jaxx didn't answer her, again, he said nothing, but quickly ushered her out of the building. When they reached the truck, Jaxx insisted that she drive once more. Sighing, she knew she had lost the argument, and climbed into the driver's seat with Jaxx following into the passenger side. Last night seemed years ago, and she knew she must look like a total freak with her eyes washing away her mascara letting black streaks flow down her cheeks. She brushed her hands across her cheeks starting underneath her eyes. Yeah. Like that was going to help. But, at least driving was something to do while she pondered everything she didn't know! And, also, what she did. Her eyes, for one, turning red. It would seem they turned that way during extreme emotions. Wait! Did that mean her eyes were red last night? Now? How could he have seen them? There was little light that night, and the two of them were in the throes of sexual desire. Would they have noticed if she did or did not have red eyes as involved as they were?

  Suddenly, a huge burst of lightning almost blinded them, which caused Gem to swerve. That was followed by a boom of thunder that sounded like an explosion. That's when they realized that the storm had intensified, again. Gem’s eyes dried instantly. She was getting damn tired of these storms!

  “Faster! It’s catching up to us!” Jaxx yelled.

  Gem nodded, and floored the truck. Gem caught her breath as she was suddenly pushed back into her seat at the sudden acceleration!

  Jaxx pulled out a box, as Gem turned the truck onto his drive.

  “Open the gates!” she yelled.

  Jaxx pushed a remote that he always had with him, and used it to open the large iron gates that prevented entry into Jaxx’s Mansion. They weren’t going to make it, and he knew it. She almost made it through the gates, when a bolt of lightning struck the back of the truck with such force, it tilted forward. Suddenly, it was rolling over and over back to front, turning sideways, and continuing onward until it came to a rest on its top. Naturally, the truck was far older, and had no seat belts, so Gem flew out the door into the air. A huge wind suddenly appeared, blowing her away from the truck, and upward as if it had a mind of its own.

  Gem felt her entire body being torn in different directions. She knew, without a doubt, that she was dead. In a split second, her life passed before her eyes. When it got to the book, she felt something strange inside of her. Now, even though the wind whipped her from side to side, she was at peace. And, she remained in that peaceful state even while the wind threw her into a tree, impaling her through her chest on a tree limb.

  Jaxx rubbed his head. “Damn!” he muttered.

  He looked around. He was still inside the truck. Bringing his hands down, he saw that they were sticky with blood, even though his wound had already healed. He breathed deeply even though it was not necessary. He shook his head of the cobwebs that had imbedded themselves into his brain, then looked at the driver’s side. He sprang up, and hit his head on the roof of the truck as he scrambled out of it.

  “Fuck!” he yelled, as he felt a knot form on his head. Even though he knew that it would disappear in a few minutes, it still didn't minimize the pan of it.

  Desperation was on his face as he looked around for Gem. Wh
ere was she? He couldn’t find her!

  “Gem!” he yelled. Nothing. No answer. His eyes easily saw into the night’s darkness without a moon to help. He scooted around in the area, until he finally propped himself up against his massive oak that was beside the drive. Suddenly, he felt something wet dripping onto his shoulder. He brushed his hand against it, not paying attention to it. He rubbed his face, feeling sticky wetness. He sniffed. Rain didn’t smell like iron! Jaxx’s stomach did a flip as he saw what was on his hands. Blood! He closed his eyes, afraid of what he would see above him. Gathering his strength, he stood away from the tree, and looked up into the tree. His eyes widened as he realized what was above him.

  “Oh, my CREATOR! Gem! NOOOOO!!!!!” he screamed.

  In seconds, he sprang to the branch just below the one that impaled his mate.

  “Gem!” he cried, tears sliding down his cheeks. He had never cried in his entire life, but he did, now. After careful deliberation, he realized there was no way he could remove her from the branch without doing a lot more damage to her body.

  In tears, and knowing there was not other way, Jaxx slowly slid his mate off of the branch until she was finally free of it. Of course, she wasn’t breathing. She was dead. Tears in his eyes, he held her as he leaped from the tree, then slowly carried her up the drive, cradling her lifeless body gently in his arms. Opening the front door, heedless of the blood flowing onto the stone floor, he carried her into the library, where he laid her down on the long red velvet sofa. He stared down at her for a very long time, before he took the throw from the back of the sofa, and covered her with it. But, he left her face uncovered. He needed to look at her. A tear slipped form his eye, and ran down his cheek.

  None of these storms were normal. Jaxx knew the penchant of the Council to punish others in an attempt to draw out those they felt had overstepped the restricted bounds that they placed on their kind, but he refused to believe that Kulana and Faerron had anything to do with this! It just wasn’t their style! Kulana was the head of the Council of Ages, having been voted into the position by both the remaining few survivors from Anaerris and Onaerris. That was just about seven thousand years prior. Then, Faerron and she had become mates five hundred years afterward, and he, too, was voted into office. But, Eloran? That was an entirely different story. He’d coveted being the leader of the council almost from the first day it was created. Kulana had been voted into the position by only two votes, but still, it defeated Eloran. He’d never forgotten it, and he certainly never had forgiven it either! His mate, Delinear, was just as evil as Eloran, and it didn’t help matters that she was an Anaerris! Worse? Almost half the council members were followers of Eloran.


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