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Infestation (Book 2): Infestation Chicago (A Zombie Survival Series)

Page 9

by Nathan A. Smith

  David moved to the side and walked back down the stairs a few steps. He closed his eyes and with a final roar Gary plunged its body into the hole. The side of the stadium burst open spilling out waves of slow moving zombies into the streets. People screamed in terror and began to run away from the horde of zombies as they shambled toward the lights. The lights stood loosely between sandbags at their base. The zombies easily toppled them over.

  Gary leaped from the street landing on top of one of the lights, while a group of six zombies pushed themselves onto another. Armored men with automatic weapons began firing toward the zombies causing a few to fall dead. Gary pounced on top of the men with guns and ripped into their bodies with his claw like hands.

  David himself emerged from the stadium with the last group of zombies. In front of him were the thousands of zombies spreading through the city like a flood. Some of the zombies at the edge of the horde managed to grab a hold of some people and tear into them. They almost immediately became faster as they ingested the flesh of their victims.

  David walked with the zombies, willing them in the direction he wanted and trying to use his control to keep them from eating people. They headed deeper toward town; the only goal in David’s mind was making sure the Destiny was still alive.

  * * * * * * * *

  “We need to get your people to safety Father.” Destiny said walking toward the door while still laughing. “Fast.” She finished

  “Why?’ Martin asked, “What the hell is going on?”

  “If we are right,” Holiday said, taking a few steps without the help of anyone. “David is looking for us.” He smiled and limped nimbly outside holding his stomach .

  On the street, Sam, Destiny, Martin, and Holiday watched as thousands of zombies filled the pavement ahead of them.

  “We have to sound an evacuation!” Martin yelled as he began running away from the zombies with the people of Haven. Holiday stood there smiling as he breathed heavily.

  “Think they will attack us?’ Holiday asked Sam and Destiny. They both shrugged. Nobody was sure how exactly David’s power worked. He willed them to do things but was he able to see through them? The group had many questions.

  “We should get to the theater.” Sam said confidently. “If David is controlling these, we should be fine. And we have to let the General know Holiday is in charge now.” she said pretending to know what she was talking about.

  “Can David clean this up after?” Destiny asked. “I mean will people even be around after?”

  “Who knows? Maybe.” Holiday said, “Either way, we just go with it remember?” Holiday joked and to his delight Destiny chuckled.

  The three of them slowly walked toward the ever approaching horde of zombies. The zombies completely ignored the group, while people in armored suits shooting rifles and pistols were falling all around them.

  “Yup...makes sense.” Holiday said laughing. Ahead of them they saw the theater. Outside of it, Corporal Kelly and twenty armored men with guns were holding the zombies back. When someone had to reload he was replaced by another from inside the theater. Further down the road, David could be seen walking slowly through the zombies.

  “David!” Destiny yelled but was drowned out by the gunfire and zombie moans. David hadn’t heard her yell, but the Corporal did.

  Corporal Kelly scanned the throngs, looking for the person she was yelling to. He spotted David walking calmly through the zombies toward him. When David’s eyes made contact with the Corporal’s, the zombies all at once focused their attention toward him. The twenty armed men fell almost at once while the Corporal shrieked loudly and ran into the theater. David rushed after him releasing control of the zombie horde outside.

  Suddenly a single zombie lunged at Destiny. She was yanked to the side by Sam who instinctively yelled, “Run!” The three of them rushed through dozens of zombies as they were groped at and nearly bitten several times until they reached the theater.

  They rushed inside and slammed the door behind them. Several zombies pressed against the door.

  “Go,” Sam said, “Get David.” She pressed her body against the door motioning for the others to leave. Ahead of them, in the main lobby, David stood almost in a trance at a table filled with guns. Destiny rushed up to him and yelled his name.

  “David!” he whipped around surprised to hear her voice. His face turned into a massive smile from ear to ear and he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up and laughing slightly.

  “I never thought I would see you again.” David said softly.

  “I’m here,” Destiny responded closing her eyes and kissing his lips. “The people here aren’t all bad.” She continued as he stopped holding her up.

  “A lot of them are good people David.” Holiday said concerned. “Can you stop this?” He asked. David nodded his head. He was slightly confused why the others didn’t want this ‘Haven’ destroyed but he closed his eyes and reached out to the zombies. All the moaning from the zombies outside stopped abruptly.

  “Guys!” Sam yelled from the door. “They are leaving?” She said curiously, opening the door she was pressing against. Outside thousands of zombies walked slowly back toward the stadium. Sam went into the street to get a better view. David was putting them all back into the Stadium. Gary stood beside the hole in its wall.

  “He will keep them in there.” David said walking up to her. “They should all continue on their own inside it.” He placed his hand on her shoulder. “Want to help with the Corporal?” he asked.

  “No,” she said quickly, “I have to find father Martin and tell him the good news. Just make sure Kelly doesn’t leave here alive.” She said with disgust in her voice before rushing toward the house they were in earlier. David nodded understandingly and walked back inside. He walked up to the table he was at earlier and was once again in a sort of trance.

  “What is it?” Destiny asked walking up to him again and looking at the table he was at.

  “Perfection,” David replied staring at his own pistol that Holiday had given him in Iowa City. It had been cleaned and fully loaded with six .44 caliber specially made bullets. “Almost poetic isn’t it?” David continued while picking it up.

  A loud smash came from upstairs drawing his attention to the door at its base. David, Destiny, and Holiday all walked up the stairs quickly. At the top they saw Corporal Kelly sitting on the floor in front of the T.V. monitor, his reclining chair was tipped over on the ground. On the screen, was General Adams with the same facial expression as before.

  “I don’t understand.” David said softly.

  “I do,” Holiday said walking up to the Corporal in front of the T.V. “Ma’am.” Holiday said removing his sheriff hat and placing it on his chest. “I must inform you that Haven is now under my charge.” He spoke confidently and with respect. The General’s eyes squinted slightly as Corporal Kelly sobbed quietly. “A civilian? In charge?” She said sharply.

  “No Ma’am!” Holiday said loudly. “I was the sheriff in a small city just outside of Iowa when this all started. The citizens here have requested I take over for Private Kelly here.” He said pointing to the bulky muscular private hunched over in a ball on the floor.

  Suddenly Kelly lunged up and plunged a knife toward Holiday. Holiday grabbed him and attempted to hold the knife away but after a few seconds it was clear that Kelly was stronger. A single gunshot rang through the small room. Holiday was stunned as he watched Kelly’s head concave. As he flew toward the T.V. monitor, Holiday looked up at David who stood there holding his massive pistol. He had shot Private Kelly.

  Kelly landed into the T.V. with a loud fizzle; the picture cut out.

  “Are you still there?” The general’s voice asked over the speaker.

  “Yes ma’am.” Holiday said quickly, “can you still hear us?”

  “Yes, sheriff.” The general replied. “We will allow you to be in charge for now and see how things go.” The General continued. “Adams out-”

  “Wait ma�
��am!” Holiday yelled attempting to stop her from disconnecting.

  “What is it sheriff?” Adams said after pausing for a moment,

  “My good friend David here is immune to the virus, as well as my other friend Sam.” Holiday paused afterward to give the general time to respond. She did not.

  “They are heading to New York to help with a cure; I understand that is where you are?” He asked. Again he waited for an answer and just as it seemed he would never get one the General responded.

  “Interesting,” she sounded as cold as before. Her voice carried very little change regardless of what she was saying, “We will be expecting them.” she continued.

  “Any chance of some transport?” David asked quickly.

  “I am afraid,” the general continued, “we are spread so thin following ‘other’ leads that you must make your way here yourselves.” A long pause followed her words. “If you two are immune as the good sheriff suggests then you should have no problem reaching us. Adam’s out” A loud click came over the speaker as everyone smiled.

  Chapter 12 – Is it Goodbye

  Outside the theater a few blocks away, at the docks, a decision had to be made. All of the boats were completely destroyed. Most were sunk; others were burned out long ago.

  “Now what?” David asked them as the sun began to rise.

  “We can take a vehicle.” Sam said pointing toward a motorcycle lying on its side on the ground.

  “Only fits two.” David said shrugging and raising his arms, “Maybe if we found-” He was cut off by Destiny.

  “I am staying.” she said quickly.

  “What?” David looked at Destiny confused.

  “I can’t keep going David.” she said shaking her head. “It’s too much.” she continued.

  “What do you mean?” He asked.

  “The zombies won’t touch you. You need Sam; her immunity is different than yours. They might need her as much as they need you. You don’t need me.” She said shaking her head.

  “Yes I do.” David said looking into Destiny’s eyes as they filled up with tears.

  “Take her, reach New York, and end this nightmare.” Destiny said as David held her hands with his and nodded in understanding. He leaned toward her and kissed her gently on the lips. “I will be here when everything is over.” she said slightly sobbing.

  “I will be back for you.” he said affectionately. He knew why she was staying. Sam had the immunity and although zombies don’t ignore her it was easier for David to protect one person then two. “I swear I will.”

  “I know,” Destiny said attempting to hold back her tears. “I am holding you to that K?” She continued and wrapped her arms around him.

  2 Hours Later

  “Take this,” Father Martin spoke as he walked up to the group. He handed David a large radio as he let go of Destiny. “It will help us keep in touch until you reach the bunker in New York.”

  “Thank you father.” David said gratefully. “You going to be O.K. here sheriff?” David asked turning to Holiday.

  “I think so,” Holiday replied looking around at all the people walking the streets. “We have a good thing here; we are going to make it even better.”

  “Gary will help you keep this place safe,” David said pointing to Gary standing behind Holiday. Holiday looked over his shoulder at the giant red beast and leaned toward David.

  “He won’t hit me if I talk too loud right?” He asked.

  “No sheriff.” David laughed, “He knows everyone here is its friends unless you say otherwise, and the zombies will stay out of town with him here.” Holiday nodded hesitantly and hugged David.

  “I am going to miss you boy.” Holiday said while holding David for a moment.

  “Gonna miss you too old man.” David said sighing loudly as they separated. “Thanks for the bike lessons. I hope I can manage it ok.” He turned toward Sam who was standing beside the motorcycle with a gas can strapped to her back. Fuel was scarce and they needed to take whatever they could find with them. The motorcycle was an old 1985 Harley Davidson low-rider. Sam hopped on the back seat staring at David.

  “Should be an easy trip?’ David asked Sam. She smiled and nodded her head.

  “You ready?” she asked him.

  “I guess so.” David responded. He wasn’t happy leaving Destiny behind but he knew it had to be done. He quickly got on the seat in front of Sam. David reluctantly waved at Holiday and Destiny who had tears in her eyes as they accelerated and began the journey to New York.

  * * * * * * *

  Four hours later at a secret government bunker underneath New York City the General stood with her arms crossed and tapped her shoulder repeatedly. In front of her was a large screen the size of a small vehicle. On it was a man wearing a suit looking at her sternly.

  “I understand Mr. President.” The general said before the screen clicked off. General Adams walked slowly across the room with all the computers and stood at a desk. She tapped the young man who was typing away at the keyboard on his shoulder.

  “Yes sir! I mean ma’am?” the young man said standing up from his computer. The general placed her hand on his shoulder and guided him back into his seat.

  “Orders from the President,” She said as her voice for the first time ever, shook. “Initiate failsafe responses.” She continued. The young man looked up at her puzzled.

  “For which city ma’am? I thought contact with Las Vegas was re-established.” He asked curiously.

  “No, that would be mere rumor.” The General responded. “We have lost Vegas along with three other cities, and the President believes we will not be able to regain control of them.” She crossed her arms and tapped her fingers on her sleeve.

  “So which city are we initiating the failsafe for?” He asked waiting for an answer.

  “Deploy nukes to Las Vegas …” The general said pausing so he could type in the cities name, “Los Angeles … Seattle …” Again she waited for him to put in the names of the cities. “… Chicago.” She said slightly choking on the name of the last city.

  “Done ma’am,” the young man said, “Total destruction of indicated areas will occur in less than five minutes.” The general nodded her head and walked away.

  Table of Contents





  Chapter 1 – Meanwhile in Chicago

  Chapter 2 – 1000 Miles

  Chapter 3 – Flashback

  Chapter 4 – Highway Robbery

  Chapter 5 – Separated

  Chapter 6 – Good Boy

  Chapter 7 – Street War

  Chapter 8 – In the Army Now

  Chapter 9 – Silent Night

  Chapter 10 – The Chicago Way

  Chapter 11 – Stadium Showdown

  Chapter 12 – Is it Goodbye




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