Page 3
Maddy felt the van come to a halt. A million things had run through her mind as she was carted off to God knows where. She had tried to keep track of the time and the direction the van had traveled in, but it had proved to be impossible. As far as Maddy knew, they could be as far away as Georgia or Kentucky, or even Virginia. They might even still be in Tennessee. The real question was what these people were going to do to her. She waited for the next development, helpless and frightened.
When Herman and Louise were satisfied they hadn't been followed, Louise pulled the van into the barn. Herman jumped out and closed the barn door. As Louise went to open the trap door, Herman entered the van and opened the compartment where Maddy lay. Maddy had just a moment to stare up into the dim light of the van's interior when Herman slapped two patches over her eyes. They had adhesive on their backs and effectively blinded Maddy's sight. She gave a little cry and tried to buck herself free of her restraints. Herman availed himself of the simple expedient of holding her nose closed with his fingers. It took about ten seconds for Maddy to appreciate her vulnerability. She didn't want to lose consciousness again. She stopped struggling.
Herman untied the straps holding Maddy into the compartment then pulled her body out. She was wearing a pair of washed out dungarees and a simple white cotton short sleeved shirt. Her shoes were sneakers. Herman lifted Maddy's body by her belt and dragged her to the door of the van. He stood her up and, pressing his shoulder into her midsection, lifted her over his shoulder.
It was only about twenty feet between the van and the trapdoor to the 'hole'. Louise had opened it and was waiting expectantly at the bottom of the stairs. Herman carefully fed the girl's body down the ladder, headfirst. It was disconcerting for Maddy to be descending to an unknown place headfirst. It didn't bode well for a prospective escape or of the intent of this couple toward her.
Finally, Maddy's body rested on the floor of the dungeon. Herman joined Louise there. Sharon was long gone. It had been six weeks since Maddy had first been spotted by Herman, and Sharon and the girl from Jackson had been sold off three weeks ago. The Daleysville girl was lying in her cage, bound as Sharon had been, looking with fear and apprehension at the latest development in her nightmare.
The Daleysville girl, Peggy Ann, was a medium sized cheerleader type. She had a perky face, all smiles and delight. She was about five feet four inches tall and was small on top. Her breast size wasn't really a problem since there were ways to correct that. What was a problem is that when they had snatched Peggy Ann, her friend, Maureen had happened upon the scene. Maureen was a nice kid, friendly, fun to have around, but she was no beauty. She was flabby around the hips and had large, fatty thighs. Her breasts were large, mostly due to her over consumption of ice cream and potatoes. She had a stubby nose and two brown, slightly crossed eyes. She was definitely blind date material.
Since they already had Peggy Ann tied and trussed and were loading her into the van, Maureen had to go too. She gave a little cry as she perceived what was happening. Luckily, Herman had the stun gun with him and one shot put Maureen on the ground, squirming and moaning. It was a simple matter to poke the .45 in her face and secure her cooperation.
Maureen, not really fat, but chunky, sat in the cell next to her shapely and desirable friend Peggy Ann. They were both gagged. It was policy to gag when more than one female was imprisoned in the hole. No sense in letting them plot an escape, as unlikely as that was.
Both Maureen and Peggy Ann watched wide-eyed as Maddy was set down on the floor. They observed with great interest as Herman produced his long, thick Bowie knife and cut away Maddy's clothes. The knife sliced easily through the fabric. The shirt was off first, revealing a small lacy bra that pushed her soft orbs together and lifted them. That lasted another two seconds as Harman cut through the straps and pulled it from her. Maddy's breasts danced free. They were pale and firm, melon sized. The nipples were stiff with fear. Maddy struggled and whimpered in protest of the exposure of her treasures. She was responding purely on instinct, since it was clear even to her that she had no way to resist being stripped bare.
Herman sliced through the seam of the legs of Maddy's jeans and ripped the fabric up to her hip. Once the belt and zipper had been undone, it was a simple matter to slice through the crotch and pull the pants off. That left Maddy lying on the dungeon floor naked except for her tiny, blue thong panties. Her ankles were still tied together, but Herman was able to spread her knees apart and slice through the gussets. Maddy was now completely unclothed, bare, except for the tape across her mouth and the patches over her eyes.
"She's a keeper all right," Louise said as she took in the thick, but graceful form of the young girl, a Diana type. Herman was staring at her too. He yearned to put his stiff dick between those creamy thighs, feel the girl's heels digging into his back. He loved long legs. Why the hell he had ever married Louise was beyond recollection.
"Come on," Herman replied. "Let's get her into a cage. Help me stand her up."
Louise and Herman both grabbed one of Maddy's confined arms and lifted her from the floor. Maddy had heard something about a cage and her knees started to tremble. She sagged as the two captors held her in their arms. The tape was suddenly ripped from her mouth, burning her lips. Maddy took a deep breath through her mouth. She was about to begin to plead and beg for freedom when she felt a thick leather object prod at her lips. Foolishly, she opened her mouth to protest and the object was jammed inside. It was a long, thick leather plug that reached almost to the back of her mouth. She tried to expel it as she felt its straps tied off behind her head.
The hands were next. Herman took his knife and placed it directly over Maddy's windpipe. She felt its sharp edge and knew she was being remonstrated to keep still and cooperate. Louise unfastened the hands and applied thick leather bracelets to her wrists. Maddy felt something circle her neck and heard a 'click' as a collar was locked in place. Louise affixed a chain to one bracelet and, running it through the hook in the collar, locked it to the leather bracelet.
Herman stroked his rough hands along the girl's sides, caressing her flanks. Her skin was smooth and warm. The girl shuddered at his touch. He lifted her elbows away from her body so he could get a better look at the delicate orbs that hung there. If Louise were not there, he would have affixed his lips to one of them. He did lay his hand under one and lift it, feeling its weight, squeezing it softly to assess its firmness. Herman was pleased by both exercises.
"Come on," Louise complained. "Let's get her caged. I'm hungry."
Herman lamented his partner's presence. "Okay, okay," he answered sullenly. "Open up one of them."
Louise unlocked the cage next to Maureen. Maureen shied back as the woman stepped near her. Louise chuckled. "Don't worry, cunt, this time we're not here for you."
With the cage door open, Herman forced Maddy to her knees, unfastened the ankle restraints and pulled her along by her hair. When she was opposite the cage door, he ripped the patches off her eyes. Maddy was startled at his actions and it took a moment for eyes to become accustomed to the light. When she had, she saw the yawning cage before her. She had heard the couple speaking, but hardly believed what she was hearing. Now the reality was directly in front of her. She was going to be placed in a cage. She looked quickly to her right and saw other women similarly confined. It was like some gothic horror story. She couldn't believe it. Caged women? What for?
Maddy didn't have long to contemplate that question as she felt heavy hands pushing her toward the cage door. Bound and gagged as she was, outnumbered by her two strong and determined captors, Maddy had little spirit for resistance. Choking back a sob, she crawled forward on her knees and entered her tiny prison. The door slammed shut behind her and was locked.
* * *
Madeline watched the man and woman who had kidnapped her wordlessly ascend the ladder and close the trap door above. The room was filled with a deadly silence. Tears started to flow from the young g
irl's eyes as she realized the seriousness of her predicament. She should be home by now, washing her hair, getting ready for bed. She could have crawled up with her cat and had a cup of tea. She would have eaten a small snack before bed, some celery with peanut butter. But what was going to happen to her now? Who were these cruel people? Would she be held for ransom, or was some other cruel purpose in mind?
The two other prisoners watched Madeline cry and empathized with her misery. They had been there a week. As of yet their questions had remained largely unanswered. One thing they knew that Madeline didn't was their captors' predilection for forced sex. Maureen didn't seem suitable for sexual slavery, except for the crudest sort. She wouldn't fetch much of a price anyway. So Herman had decided she would become a permanent resident of the dungeon. One or two more snatches and he would have all the money he would ever need anyway. Maureen could join Louise in her hole when he closed shop.
Maureen had suffered the gross indignities of being raped nightly. Herman had brought down a little stool to bend her over so he could fuck her ass. Peggy Ann watched with horror each time Maureen was dragged out of her cell, slapped into submission and fucked roundly and savagely by the large cruel man. Sometimes he would force Peggy Ann to suck him to hardness so he could go another bout with her heavyset friend. Sometimes he fucked Maureen to his content then made Peggy Ann finish him off with her mouth.
Louise had tacitly consented to Herman's freedom of action as it pertained to Maureen because she saw an equal opportunity to indulge in her private delights. Maureen was crisscrossed with welts and bruises because Louise liked to whip and beat her. She would do it with the fat girl ungagged so she could enjoy her pleas and screams. Once she had dragged Peggy Ann from her cage and forced her to lick her strung up friend to orgasm. She then had to suck on Louise's hard clit until Louise's juices flowed over her face.
Madeline would learn of these things shortly. For now, she had enough to adjust to her new circumstances. Since she was tall and broad, the cage was a more severe confinement for her than the other girls. She barely had room to turn around. Sleeping would be a great difficulty, although sleep was about the farthest thing from Maddy's mind right now. She took in the abject, distorted faces of her fellow prisoners and realized there was little hope of escape or being released anytime soon. She had seen the faces of her fellow captives and her kidnappers. This meant she could never be released. This meant she would probably die in this dungeon. Maddy crawled into a ball and cried.
Herman and Louise had gone back to the house and eaten their dinner. Herman was anxious to get back to the dungeon to have the new girl suck his prick. Louise was eager to have the fat girl under her lash. The two wordlessly sat at the dinner table, trying to figure out how they could maneuver into being first. It was Louise who broke the silence.
"I'm going to take the cunts some food. I'll be back in a little while."
Herman balked at his implied exclusion. He had been pushed around enough by this witch. "I'm going down there first and I'm going to get my cock sucked, then I'm going to fuck the fat one. If you want to watch that's fine, but I'm not waiting until you get your own rocks off!"
Louise thought a moment. Well, why not? Maybe it would be fun to watch the old coot stick his prick in the fat girl – and she enjoyed inflicting humiliation on the good-looking ones. She blamed them for their youth, their delightful bodies. Why not make them suck the old man's cock in front of her? She could taunt them with it later.
"Okay," Louise drawled. "Let's go then."
The caged girls heard the trapdoor being unlocked then saw Louise's feet descending. Maureen began to whine since she knew this almost certainly meant another session with the whip. Peggy Ann blanched as she saw the booted feet of the old man following. This had not happened before and it portended no good.
Maddy sensed the heightened fear of her cell mates. Obviously the couple was coming down for a purpose. Her fear was justified when she saw Louise pull out a long, thin reed covered with leather. Maddy had speculated about the red stripes worn by the girl next to her. Now she knew the reason why.
Louise unlocked Maureen's cage. "Come out little piggy," she called. "Come out and play with me."
Maureen shrunk back into her cage. It was a little ritual the two of them had. Maureen knew she had no choice but to submit, however she would not leave the cage until Louise had brought the electric wand to bear. Louise had it now in her hand. She pushed it into the cage and pressed it against Maureen's pudgy flesh. Zap The wand emitted a fierce electric charge. Maureen jumped within her cage, screaming behind her gag. Maddy was shocked beyond all recall. She had never seen anything so cruel and callous in her life. The pain from the wand seemed excruciating. She vowed to avoid it at all costs.
Sobbing in pain, Maureen began to crawl from her tiny prison. Her bulbous breasts swayed beneath her as she leaned over to get through the tiny door.
Since Herman was there, Louise had no hesitation in unlocking Maureen's hands. Up to now, she had kept them locked so the girl couldn't strike out at her. She had merely affixed the ring in the front of the collar to a chain she had hung from a hook in the ceiling, but today, she would raise Maureen's hands above her head. She wanted to whip her tits, something she had been unable to do before.
Maureen sniveled and whined as her hands were unlocked from her collar and affixed to the chain from the ceiling. Louise stood on a stool and raised the chain high. The ceiling was about eight feet high and leaving plenty of room to stretch the girl out her entire length.
Herman admiringly watched his wife attend to the fat girl. The old cow still had some life left in her. Too bad she wasn't thirty years younger, but this would be a show he would enjoy.
Louise rubbed Maureen's breasts with her hands, licking the nipples and squeezing them hard. She ran her hand down the girl's protruding stomach and grabbed at her snatch. She pulled sharply on the hairs that covered her sex. Maureen protested and tried to pull her hips away from the old lady. Louise merely pursued Maureen's cunt with her hand and, having gotten purchase on the twin lips that bracketed her juicy hole, pressed them together, vise-like. Maureen's eyes squinted with pain, tears running out of the corners. She moaned loudly. Louise smiled. "Just getting started, dearie," she said. "A little warm up. Tonight, I'm going to whip your big fat tits until you scream your throat hoarse, then Herman is going to fuck that big broad ass of yours. Okay?"
Maureen's expression indicated it was not okay, but her permission wasn't needed.
Louise loosened Maureen's gag and pulled it from her mouth. Maureen immediately began to beg and cry.
"Oh, please lady, please, don't whip my tits, please! I couldn't stand it! Please, I'll do anything! Please!"
Louise ignored the girl's ranting. She stepped back and swung the leather reed with all of her might. 'Smack!' It landed across both of Maureen's breasts, just above the fat, thick nipples. Maureen screamed in pain.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" she cried. She tried to twist and turn her body so that her breasts were not accessible to Louise's whip. Louise smiled and, taking two small ropes from a wall-mounted closet, knelt and tied Maureen's ankles to the rings in the floor, about three feet apart. This had the effect of stretching Maureen's body, causing her breasts to jut out prominently.
"Now, sweetie, we can begin in earnest. I want to strike every inch of those big boobies of yours."
Maureen resumed her pleas. Undeterred, Louise swung the reed back again and brought it forward with a loud whoosh! This blow struck just under Maureen's nipples. She screeched again in pain, straining at her confinements.
"Nooooooo! Ahhhhhhhhhh!"
Louise was in near ecstasy. Her eyes were on fire, her face red with passion. Again she struck Maureen's breasts. And again. Maureen's howls were continuous. Her words were unintelligible.
Herman was taking all this in with untrammeled delight. His cock was hard as stone and ached for attention. His eyes were pinned on the flabby globes of the girl's
ass as she danced and gyrated in response to her whipping. Finally, Herman could take no more. He pulled his pants down and shucked them off. He took off his red and black checked flannel shirt. It was a long time since he was naked in front of Louise, but he didn't give a shit. He was going to fuck that ass no matter what.
Seeing Herman stripped naked, Louise gave out a laugh. "Come and get it, Herman!" she yelled. "Fuck this cunt silly!"
Herman stepped up behind Maureen and parted her ass cheeks. He saw the brown star between them and shot a wad of spit onto it for lubrication. Maureen was sobbing, decrying her abuse and humiliation. Why didn't they do this to Peggy Ann or the new girl, she thought miserably. Why are they torturing me?
Herman pressed the bulb of his cock's head into Maureen's private place. She stiffened as she felt it. He had fucked her there before, but not while the big lady watched, enjoying her abasement – and not standing, stretched out for all to see.
Maureen cried in pain as Herman shoved his meat past the narrow entrance. He reveled in pleasure as the tight ring slid over his shaft. He began to pump in earnest, bringing a fresh cascade of tears and wails from the girl as he pushed his cock home.
Louise determined to recommence the girl's whipping. Herman's hands were around her waist as he held her steady, the better to pierce her. Her tits were still free and not yet marked to Louise's satisfaction. Crack Another blow landed on Maureen's abused mounds. She had been preoccupied by Herman's assault on her rear portal and was taken by surprise by the sudden blast of pain. She barely had time to breath in, prefatory to a piteous scream, when another blow landed, taking her breath away. Louise methodically covered the breasts with the red leavings of her whip. Maureen bucked and brayed as she was overwhelmed by painful and humiliating sensations. She wanted to expel the invader in her rear and to grab the hand whipping her and compel it to stop. Both of these were impossible so she was forced to continue to suffer the insufferable.