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Page 6

by Pepper North

  “No, I’m good,” Tony assured him as he devoured the two tacos within seconds. Taking a drink of milk, which tasted better than he’d expected with Mexican food, Tony asked, “Can I have more tacos?”

  Rob answered firmly, “Eat half of your beans and rice and I’ll fix you two more tacos.”

  “Just two? I can eat four or five more,” Tony joked.

  “You’ll end up with a tummy ache for sure if you eat that many tacos. Eat some of your beans and rice, first. Then, I’ll make you two more tacos,” Rob promised.

  Tony dug his fork into his rice, and his hand slipped from the salsa on the tacos. Rice flipped over his highchair tray and onto the floor. “I’m sorry, Ro… I mean Daddy. Let me out, and I’ll clean it up.” Tony said, correcting himself to avoid another spanking.

  “I’ll get it cleaned up after dinner.” Rob took his fork from his hand and wiped it off. Instead of handing it back to Tony, Rob loaded the fork and raised it to Tony’s lips. When Tony automatically opened his mouth, Rob inserted the fork and began to feed Tony. Watching him closely to feed him another bite, Rob took a quick bite of his taco and chewed as he raised beans this time to Tony’s mouth.

  Tony turned his head to the side and closed his mouth to avoid the beans. “I can feed myself,” he said stubbornly.

  “Little boys who make messes on the floor need some help from their daddies to eat. Now, don’t be stubborn.” Rob again raised the fork to Tony’s lips. He held it there for the ten seconds that it took for Tony to decide that he was hungry and should eat. “Good job, Tony. I know it’s hard to let someone take care of you. Have a drink of milk, and I’ll get you some more. What do you want next? Beans or rice?”

  “Tacos?” tried Tony, taking a drink from his green monster sippy cup. He turned it around, looking at all the designs.

  “Not yet. You haven’t had enough beans and rice. Here, try some rice.” Rob offered a forkful of rice and placed it in Tony’s mouth when he opened it. Rob continued feeding Tony until he had eaten half of his beans and rice. He then loaded two taco shells and placed them on his tray.

  Tony attacked the tacos and ate them quickly, smearing the salsa down the front of his bib. He wiped it with his hand and looked for a napkin, but Rob grabbed each hand and wiped them clean with a towelette. Tony let Rob feed him some more beans and rice, but he was soon stuffed and couldn’t eat another bite. He clamped his mouth shut and shook his head “no” when his daddy tried to feed him another bite.

  “Okay, Tony. It looks like we’re both finished with dinner. Here, let me clean off your tray, and you can draw while Daddy gets the kitchen cleaned up.” Rob took the plate and utensils from the highchair tray and wiped it clean before putting a spiral bound pad of paper on the tray with a pencil. Rob turned his attention to putting away the leftovers and loading the dishwasher. He kept an eye on Tony to see what he’d do. Was he getting acclimated to being a Little, Rob wondered.

  Chapter 17

  Tony began drawing a picture of his favorite motorcycle and then began decorating it. He’d always loved to draw and plan color schemes and embellishments. He didn’t even look up when a set of colored pencils appeared on his tray. He opened them up immediately and began to color.

  Rob smiled at the image of Tony’s tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on coloring his bike. Rob finished cleaning the kitchen, and soon, he approached the highchair to remove the tray.

  “Hey, wait. I was working on that,” Tony protested holding onto a handful of colored pencils.

  “You can work on your picture in the family room if you wish. Let’s go watch a movie,” Rob soothed him. Rob pulled the bib carefully over Tony’s head keeping all the bits of his dinner that had dropped onto his chest and lap trapped inside. My Little boy needed that bib tonight. I’ll have to make sure I have enough for the week, Rob thought as he helped Tony step down from the highchair. Tony watched him carefully to make sure he was bringing the pad of paper into the family room.

  Rob noticed that Tony was squirming as he walked and pulling at the front of his pants. “Do you need to go potty, Tony?” he asked gently.

  Tony nodded his head and looked immediately at Rob. “Can I use the bathroom?”

  “No, Tony. Little boys use their diapers,” Rob explained patiently.

  “I don’t want to pee in my diaper,” Tony said stubbornly. He ran down the hall to the bathroom door and turned the knob. It didn’t budge. He turned to face Rob who had followed him slowly down the hall, looking very serious. “You locked the door?” Tony asked incredulously.

  “Let’s go in the nursery, Tony. We’ll have to draw and watch movies another night,” Rob said as he took Tony’s hand. He pulled the resisting Little down the hall and into the nursery. Once there, he began undressing Tony, and when he resisted, Rob gave him five quick spanks to his sore bottom. “Stop that, Tony. You want to be a good boy, don’t you?” Rob turned him around and looked into his eyes.

  Just that bit of motion triggered Tony’s bladder to pour into the diaper. “Oh, no!” Tony protested as he danced around.

  Rob pulled Tony’s back to his stomach and pressed again on his bladder, causing him to empty it fully. When Tony stopped groaning, Rob loosened his hold and allowed Tony to step away. When the younger man dropped his chin to look at the floor in embarrassment, Rob tilted his face up to look at him. “You’re doing exactly what I asked of you. You’re being a good boy, Tony.” Rob kissed him deeply and stepped away to begin taking off his clothes.

  When Tony was standing only in his wet diaper, Rob urged him over to the changing table. “Climb up onto the table, Tony,” Rob instructed. Rob helped him lay back, and he unfastened the sides of the diaper to strip it off. Cleaning him thoroughly caused Tony’s penis to enlarge and rise. Rob kissed the top of Tony’s erection causing the Little to groan and beg for more kisses.

  “Temperature time first, young man,” Rob ordered as he opened the lubricant and dipped a fingertip inside to scoop up some of the cold mixture. Rob pressed it against Tony’s clenched anus, sliding it in deeply despite Tony’s attempts to keep it out. Rob slid his finger in and out repeatedly until Tony began to moan in pleasure. Then, he quickly replaced it with the large thermometer. He held it in for ten minutes before removing it and seeing fecal matter again on the thermometer. He cleaned the thermometer off thoroughly before quickly restraining Tony’s arms and bent legs to the changing table.

  “What are you doing?” Tony demanded, trying to free himself.

  “It’s time for your enema,” Rob quietly said as he opened the cabinet containing Tony’s new enema bag and selecting a nozzle from the collection in the drawer under the restrained Little boy.

  “I don’t want an enema,” Tony stated with bravado. “You can’t make me take one.”

  Rob continued putting the pieces together and started filling the enema bag in the sink. “Tony, you promised to let me take care of you this weekend. Can you honestly say that your tummy isn’t upset? That you haven’t missed pooping for several days?” Rob bluntly asked as he poured in a generous amount of cleanser and screwed the hose onto the enema bag. He returned and hung the bulging bag behind Tony where he couldn’t turn to see the amount of water and cleanser that would be soon flooding into his intestines.

  “I’m not having any trouble going...” Tony started only to feel Rob grip one of his red buttocks firmly.

  “Do you really want more spanks on this already reddened bottom?” Rob asked calmly.

  “No, no more spanking,” Tony said as he gasped from the mishandling of his sore bottom. “Okay, I haven’t gone to the bathroom for a few days. I don’t need an enema though,” Tony started as he felt his top buttock being lifted and a large nozzle being pushed in with determination. It popped in finally despite his efforts. He moaned as Rob twisted it around inside of him. His penis, which had started to deflate, snapped rigidly back.

  With a click, Rob started the warm enema water, and he w
atched Tony take a deep breath as the first trickle of liquid began to flow into his bottom. “Just relax, Tony.” He stood by his side, watching his face for discomfort.

  “Oh, no!” Tony moaned as the enema water began to flow into him. He had never had an enema. The water felt good at first as it moved inside. It was warm and soothing until Tony felt it beginning to sting from the cleanser. He moved restlessly on the changing table. He felt Rob rub his back and stomach from time to time. Within a short time, Tony began to ask, “Can I use the bathroom now? You said I could use the toilet when I have an enema. I really need to go badly.”

  “Soon, Tony. Your tummy is in bad shape. All the enema medicine needs to go in. Soon,” Rob promised.

  Tony heard Rob pull out his phone and a crackle of a card. “What are you doing?” he asked desperately as the pressure rose in his tummy.

  Rob resumed rubbing Tony’s stomach, easing the enema fluid deeper into his intestines to lessen the pressure. “Hello, Dr. Richards. I’m sorry to call on a Saturday night,” Rob began. He could hear high-pitched singing in the background.

  “No problem. My Little girl is enjoying her bath. She’ll be happy to play a little longer. May I ask who I’m talking to?” Dr. Richards asked calmly.

  “My name is Rob Harris. I would like to make an appointment with you for a checkup for my Little boy, Tony,” Rob explained. “You were highly recommended by everyone at Gordon’s.”

  Dr. Richards chuckled softly. “Yes, I have some very loyal patients who shop at Gordon’s. You must be the Rob Harris who owns the garage on Main Street,” Dr. Richards guessed. “Your garage has been highly recommended to me as well.”

  “Yes, that’s my repair shop. I’m glad to hear that I have some loyal customers as well. I’m afraid our hours are a little different from normal doctor’s office hours,” Rob began. He wandered away from the changing table to the large potty chair where he removed the guard filling the hole in the chair to prepare for later.

  “I have very flexible hours here at my home office. That’s where I treat all the Littles. It makes them more comfortable. Would you be able to come in the evening around seven? How about this Wednesday at 7:30?” Dr. Richards suggested.

  “That works great with our schedule,” Rob answered.

  “Give me your email, and I’ll send you directions and some papers to fill out before coming on Wednesday,” Dr. Richards suggested and wrote down the information as Rob told him his email address. “Great, I’ll get those out to you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to save my Little girl from becoming a giant, walking prune.”

  Rob heard peals of laughter from the background as he imagined the Little girl looking at her hands and discovering that her daddy’s suggestion was true. “Thank you, Dr. Richards. We’ll see you this Wednesday.” He disconnected the phone and turned his full attention to Tony.

  Rubbing his tummy, Rob murmured softly to him as the last of the enema drained into his bottom. Tony’s low moans as his stomach filled tugged at Rob’s heart, but he knew that his Little boy needed this enema badly. He opened the drawer and withdrew Tony’s pacifier. He rubbed it against Tony’s lips, and at his next moan, he pressed it inside. He held it in place until Tony began to suck at it strongly. “That’s a good Little boy. Let the paci help you take your enema medicine,” Rob patted his bottom gently before lifting the top buttock and letting the last of the enema gush into Tony’s bottom.

  “It’s all in, now. You’ve done a great job in taking your enema,” he praised.

  Tony pushed the pacifier out of his mouth to ask desperately, “Can I go to the bathroom now?”

  Rob picked the pacifier back up and slipped it into Tony’s mouth. “Ten minutes. An enema normally needs to stay inside you for thirty or more minutes to soften up all the poop, but I know your tummy was packed. We’ll just wait ten minutes, and then, if you need another enema tomorrow, we’ll wait for the thirty minutes.” Rob held the pacifier in Tony’s mouth as he argued about waiting ten minutes and about having another enema tomorrow. Finally, Tony began sucking again on his pacifier, and Rob started watching the clock.

  When Tony began moving restlessly, Rob ran a warm hand down Tony’s tummy to grasp his erect penis. Without saying a word, he brushed his fingers gently up and down the rigid organ. Immediately, Tony’s body shivered. Rob wrapped his large hand around Tony’s erection and began to stroke strongly up and down. Rob smiled as he watched Tony begin sucking faster on his paci. Tony’s head jerked around and his eyes locked with Rob’s.

  “Daddy’s just helping his Little boy enjoy his enema. Are you enjoying this, Tony?” he softly asked as he gripped even more firmly.

  “Daddy, don’t stop!” Tony moaned around his pacifier before sucking on it again. His head moved back to look forward at the wall in front of him. His eyes rolled up and shut with pleasure.

  “What a good Little boy,” Rob praised lowering his head down to kiss Tony’s sensitive neck. “Daddy’s so glad he found you. Are you glad Daddy’s made you his Little boy?”

  Tony’s mouth opened, and the pacifier tumbled out to the changing mat as he screamed, “Yes!” His hips pressed into Rob’s hand, and his penis erupted fiercely.

  Chapter 18

  Rob allowed Tony to recover. Finally, his Little’s breath smoothed out, and he relaxed on the table. Rob ran a hand down Tony’s side, watching the shivers of overstimulation. He checked the clock. His Little boy had held his enema for fifteen minutes. He’s stronger than I anticipated, Rob thought before asking softly, “Would you like to use the potty, Tony?”

  As soon as he had been reminded of his full tummy, Tony needed to go badly. Nodding quickly, he asked, “Please, Daddy.”

  Rob released his legs and hands. He helped him sit up and forced him to move slowly. Holding the enema nozzle in place, he allowed Tony to cross the nursery to reach the potty chair.

  Tony groaned and held his bulging tummy as each step agitated the mixture inside. Finally, they reached the potty and Rob removed the nozzle, allowing Tony to drop to the seat as the enema burst from his bottom. Tony was embarrassed by the loud plops of poop that washed out of his bottom. He had no idea that there was that much trapped inside of him. “I really needed to poop, didn’t I?” he asked incredulously, looking at his daddy.

  “Yes, Tony. We’re going to have to keep your tummy cleaned out much better. Do you think you’re ready to get up and take your bath?” Rob asked. He was happy that Tony realized how much he needed his enema.

  “No, not yet,” Tony moaned as more water and poop burst into the bowl.

  Rob walked quietly down the hall to start the bath water. He set out a razor and some shaving cream on the countertop before going back to check on Tony. He knelt by the potty chair and gathered Tony into his arms.

  Tony looked up amazed as Rob got down on his level. When he gathered him against his wide chest, Tony closed his eyes and relaxed against his daddy. He was exhausted. All the stress from shopping at Gordon’s and allowing himself to be Little. The force of the enema and the orgasms that his daddy had provoked throughout the day. Finally, he felt able to get up from the potty chair.

  “I think I’m ready for a bath now, Daddy,” he softly said as he leaned against his daddy’s strong chest.

  “I think so too, honey. Let’s get you cleaned up a little.” Rob helped him stand up and leaned him over his knee to wipe his bottom thoroughly. “Let’s walk to the bathroom.” He helped the shaken Little walk slowly to the bathroom where he boosted him up on the countertop. Rob brushed Tony’s teeth before helping him rinse his mouth. Rob told him softly, “We need to get these big boy curls off my sweet Little boy.” He pressed Tony’s shoulders backward to lay against the cold mirror, and he spread his legs.

  Tony was so tired. He didn’t protest at all. It made sense that a Little boy wouldn’t have pubic hair. He closed his eyes and dozed as he felt the cool shaving cream spread around his groin and the razor swept carefully across his skin. He roused when his dadd
y lifted him back to his feet before leaning him over the countertop and shaving the wispy hair along his buttocks.

  “Into the bath, honey.” Rob helped him into the warm water, and he washed him quickly before toweling Tony dry and leading the sleepy Little back to his nursery and into the crib.

  Tony felt Rob lift his legs to slide a diaper under his bottom, pulling it snug around his hips. He opened his mouth for his pacifier and snuggled under the cover that Rob spread over him. He was asleep before Rob tiptoed to the doorway.

  Chapter 19

  Rob heard a big yawn before a tentative, “Daddy?” He entered the nursery with a bottle of formula and smiled at his Little sitting in the crib. Smiling, Rob set down the bottle by the rocking chair, and he greeted Tony, “Hey, Little boy of mine. You were really sleepy. Did you have pleasant dreams?”

  “Hi, Daddy,” Tony mumbled as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

  “Do you need help pottying?” Rob asked gently.

  Tony’s face turned bright red, “No… I was going when I woke up. I couldn’t stop.”

  “Hooray!” Rob enthusiastically said as he lowered the crib railing. “It sounds like one Little boy’s bladder has decided it likes the freedom of having a diaper.” He watched Tony think about this as he scrambled out of bed.

  “Yeah, I guess it does,” he decided, and a wide smile spread across his face. “That means something important, doesn’t it?”

  “I think it means that maybe my Little boy is enjoying being Little as much as I am enjoying having you here in the nursery.” He kissed Tony as he stood in front of him. “Up on the changing table, cutie. Are you ready for another great day being Little?” Tony nodded shyly as his diaper was unfastened.

  “Look at this beautiful Little boy all smooth and soft,” Rob praised as he wiped Tony clean. “Over on your tummy. Let Daddy take your temperature,” he lubricated and pressed the thermometer deep in Tony’s rectum. Rob smiled to see the normal squirming as the thermometer measured his temperature.


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