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Accidental Bride and Groom

Page 4

by Iris Abbott


  Emma watched as the assistants from the first catering company set up a miniature display and samples of their best entrees and side dishes. She sensed rather than saw Landon walk into the formal dining room where things were being laid out for their inspection and taste test. Her breath nearly caught in her throat as she took in the sight of him. His dark brown wavy hair was damp and tousled. It was as if he’d only had time to towel dry it before sliding his hands through it a couple of times.

  Emma ached to run her fingers through that hair. She unconsciously clenched and unclenched her fingers. He was wearing snug fitting worn blue jeans. They hugged his physique and showed off how fit he kept his body. He worked side by side with the ranch hands instead of having them do all the physical labor on their own. Emma appreciated the results!

  She continued her slow perusal until her crisp blue eyes came in contact with his sparkling green ones. Something seemed different. Her gaze dropped to his lips. She realized they were slightly turned up at the corners, as if in a smile. Then she realized the devil was laughing at her because he had caught her in the act of checking him out. Her cheeks turned bright pink.

  “I trust I passed your inspection, Emma darling.”

  That brought her right out of her daydream and back to the business at hand. She didn’t have time for such nonsense. Landon was just like any other man, right? She introduced everyone before she and Landon began trying a bite of each dish on offer. They discussed which foods they liked the most and what they thought Lynn would be most likely to choose if she were there. While the caterer and Landon talked cost, and the assistants cleaned up and loaded the van, Emma made careful notes about the presentation and quality of each dish. She also made a note of which dishes she and Landon liked regarding taste.

  The next group was coming all the way from San Antonio and was scheduled to arrive in about five minutes. “Well now that they are gone what did you really think?” Emma asked. They had to be honest with each other if they were going to make the best possible substitution for the wedding.

  Landon sent her an uncomfortable smile. “I think that I have no idea about any of this. Food is food to me. As long as it tastes good and Lynn is happy, I don’t care what’s served at the wedding.”

  Emma took a deep breath. She had to agree with what Landon was saying. “I just wished I’d been able to get a text message or call through to Lynn or Bruce. Or that one of us had some kind of idea about the kind of entrée’s she chose for the reception.”

  “Well, we don’t,” Landon was quick to remind her. “And I don’t see any need to lament the fact. I don’t think Lynn will really care as long as no one gets food poisoning, and the whole wedding day itself goes off without a hitch. Now, what did you think of the caterer that just left?”

  “I don’t know. They seemed okay,” Emma hesitated before continuing. It wasn’t as if it was her wedding, so what did her personal preferences matter.

  “I sense a but in there somewhere,” Landon offered. “Go ahead and spit it out. By my calculations, you have about two more minutes before the next caterer arrives.”

  Emma made a face and searched for adequate words to describe her feelings. “I don’t know how to explain it. Other than to say they just didn’t knock my socks off. There was no wow factor, nothing that grabbed my attention. If it were my wedding, I would want to be wowed. But then again and this is a big but, it’s not my wedding. I’m just a stand-in, and I shouldn’t forget that.” The last comment was aimed more toward herself than Landon, but she said it out loud anyway.

  The doorbell rang before Landon could form a reply. He left Emma in the formal dining room while he went to answer the door. He was intrigued by what Emma had revealed. He couldn’t stop wondering just exactly what it would take to wow her. That set his thoughts into overdrive. He wondered if he had what it would take to accomplish that feat. That stopped him dead in his tracks, and the doorbell rang a second time before he came to his senses enough to start moving again.

  Whoa, he told himself. Those were dangerous thoughts for a man that valued his single no-strings lifestyle as much as Landon did. Most women only saw dollar signs when they started dating him. It was no secret around Rancher’s Bend or the rest of Texas for that matter that he’d put his business degree to good use. In the eight years he’d been in charge he’d doubled the ranch’s profitability. He’d had much luck investing those profits too. He was a millionaire several times over. But that didn’t stop the women he dated from bitterly complaining about all the time he spent working the ranch and taking care of the business end of things.

  They also resented his commitment to his sister. He and Lynn were close because he had been the one to raise her during her late teenage years. It had been an act of love and his mission in life to make sure Lynn survived the death of their parents as unscathed as possible.

  Emma tried to make eye contact with Landon a couple of times during A Thyme for Elegance, the San Antonio caterer’s presentation. She wasn’t having any luck. He appeared to be preoccupied with his thoughts. He was not paying attention to her or the caterer. As a matter of fact, the caterer had to say his name three times when the presentation was over to ask about budgeting.

  They tried the stuffed duck and minted lamb chops after the woman finished her sales pitch. “What do you think,” Landon whispered into her ear. She slowly shook her head no. “I agree,” he whispered. “Let me get rid of her. One more to go,” he reminded her. “Maybe the third time will be the charm for us tonight.”

  Emma laughed at his joke. It was rare for her to see Landon in such a light and humorous mood and she realized she liked it. Slow down she warned, don’t go borrowing trouble you don’t need. Landon had made his opinion of her more than clear the night he threw her off the ranch. He was only nice to her now because it was what Lynn wanted. Plus with Lynn and Bruce in Mexico City, her cooperation was vital to the success of the wedding ceremony and reception. His charm had nothing to do with her. She was just a means to an end, and she needed to remember that the next time that cowboy flashed her one of his heart-stopping smiles.

  So what if Landon James was the sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on. So what if he was a successful businessman. He was also cruel when he wanted to be, and he never stayed in a romantic relationship for more than a few weeks at the time. It was no wonder he had never gotten married, dating the empty-headed beauties he favored must be hard on an intelligent man with a business degree from Baylor.

  Emma heard the door close and watched Landon return to the formal dining room. She wondered if that sexy walk of his was natural or something he had perfected over the years. She waited until he sat in the chair next to her. “The food was excellent, and yes it was very elegant just as their name suggests, but I wouldn’t want lamb or duck at my wedding reception. Then she paused to draw attention to her next statement. “Especially if that reception was being held on a Texas cattle ranch.”

  “I agree with you totally. As a matter of fact, I don’t even think Lynn likes lamb, and I have no idea if she’s even tried duck. Do you know anything about this last caterer?” he asked.

  “Actually caterer number three is a local lady from right here in Rancher’s Bend. I did a little research on the internet. She has only been in business for about four months. She specializes in theme dinners for the tourists that frequent the dude ranches in the area. You know the ones who want to experience an authentic Texas barbeque.”

  Landon actually heard something he liked for the first time all day. “Authentic Texas barbeque, now that I can relate to.” He gifted Emma with one of his megawatt smiles. “I can’t wait to see what this one has to offer. Maybe we should have started with her first.”

  Emma didn’t know about that, but she did know that it was a good thing she was already seated, because that smile was causing havoc with her insides. If she didn’t know any better, she’d have thought she was melting on the inside. If he ever directed that
smile at her and really turned on the charm, she would have a hard time refusing him anything. She was frantically searching her brain for an appropriate reply when the doorbell rang. Thank God she thought. Emma jumped up from her seat and all but ran to the front door. “I’ll get it,” she called over her shoulder without even slowing down. There was nothing like being saved by the bell.

  Landon’s laughter followed her out of the room. He was getting to her, and he knew it. He marveled at the thoughts of Emma that were rushing around in his mind. He wondered what it would be like to shake her cool composure and melt the ice that seemed to surround her body and soul. He had about two weeks to find out, and with any luck, he would do just that. If there was anything the Texas rancher couldn’t resist it was a challenge. Emma Sharpe represented a challenge, maybe the toughest of his life.

  Emma and Landon both listened to Abby Westlake deliver her spiel on what she and her company Lone Star Backyard Cuisine had to offer. They had already tried the food and Emma had not been able to contain her enthusiasm for the melt in your mouth beef brisket and the tasty tomato based sauce that accompanied it.

  After the third caterer left, Emma and Landon sat down together at the cozy table for four. It sat in a nook in front of the ceiling to floor bay window next to the recently updated gourmet cook’s delight of a kitchen. Emma knew which caterer she would choose if it were her wedding, but she wasn’t sure if Lynn would agree with her choice. She definitely needed Landon’s input with this decision. She had checked her messages and email earlier hoping for some word from Lynn, but there was nothing. And while that didn’t come as a complete surprise, it didn’t make things any easier for Emma.

  Emma cradled the sweet iced tea in her hand and took a sip. The refreshing liquid eased the dryness in her throat. “I really liked Abby. She seems very enthusiastic about her business model, and the food was excellent. It would be nice to give a local business that’s just starting out a boost,” she gave a nervous shrug. “I am worried however that not being a native Texan I fall into the same category as the tourists that get married or honeymoon on dude ranches. I guess what I’m asking you Landon, is this. Would Lynn think a Texas barbeque for her reception was lame or corny?”

  “That thought would never cross my sister’s mind.” Landon could tell that Emma was agonizing over her decision. She wanted to pick the option that would work best for Lynn, and she wasn’t making any snap decisions. She climbed a notch in his estimations. “We are having both the ceremony and the reception here on the ranch, and Lynn has never made a secret of how much she loves Texas and life on the ranch. I was impressed enough with Ms. Westlake to take a chance on her company if you are.”

  Emma let out the breath she didn’t even realize she’d been holding. They had both come to a mutual agreement and their first, and hopefully, last wedding crisis had been diverted. “You’re right. Lynn has never made her love of the ranch and Texas a secret. I think she will be pleasantly surprised at the idea of an authentic barbeque for the reception. She might even have considered Lone Star Backyard Cuisine herself, but I know she started making arrangements for the wedding months ago before this company even existed. I’ll call Abby and take care of all the arrangements first thing tomorrow.”

  Emma trailed off her chatter. She suddenly realized that she and Landon were alone in the big house. The thought made her self-conscious and more than a little nervous. They had never been close. She saw him as the gorgeous and worldly big brother of her closest friend. While he probably saw her as the pesky plain Jane from Georgia that had invaded his home every school holiday, because she didn’t have a home of her own to visit.

  She was smart enough to realize that even if she were interested in Landon, he was way out of her league. He tended to date model skinny blonds with big breasts and big hair. She was an average curvy size twelve with golden hair and blue eyes. It was no wonder men didn’t give her a second look. That was all well and good though because after seeing how her mother had been dependent upon and then abused by Emma’s alcoholic father, Emma had no desire to become involved in a serious relationship. Especially not with an alpha male rancher who didn’t even want Emma in his home, but tolerated her presence because of her friendship with his sister.

  Emma stood up from the table. She needed to put distance between them. Being that close to the cowboy was making her body feel all sorts of things that she didn’t want to acknowledge or think about. She was anxious to be alone or away from Landon at any rate. “Well thank you for your help. I feel much better since we were able to agree on a new menu. That way we can both present a united front to Lynn about the change in caterers. Not that she would hold anything against either one of us. She is fairly laidback and easy to get along with that sister of yours.” Emma said the last part with a small smile.

  “As opposed to her brother, who’s not?” Landon questioned with slanted brows.

  The slanted brows drew Emma’s attention to his deep green eyes. Her breath caught in her throat and she felt her heart beat faster. “Nope, that’s not what I meant at all,” she rushed out. “You don’t know me well enough to be putting words in my mouth.” Darn, why did he have to read her mind? “Well good night Landon. Don’t let me keep you from your regular routine. I know you are up almost as early as the sun on the days you work outside.” Emma turned and fled up the stairs. She could hear the deep chuckle of Landon’s laugh follow her out of the room. It was bad enough she let him get to her, but for him to know he got to her was just too much to swallow.

  Once again she checked her mobile phone for any sign of communication from Lynn or Bruce. The silence was ominous and just a little disappointing. She knew her friend was busy saving lives, and communication was spotty due to structural damage to mobile phone towers, but she was hoping there would be something to let her know Lynn had safely arrived at her destination. She said a quick prayer for her friend, all the rescue workers, and the earthquake victims. It had been an eventful day, and she was asleep almost as soon as she had finished saying Amen.


  Her second full day on the ranch, Emma was riding Bluebonnet and enjoying the early morning sunshine. She had already spoken with Abby Westlake. The food and menu were taken care of. Barring any more unforeseen problems she could relax and enjoy the rest of her time in The Lone Star State. Then once again she would leave Texas and James Ranch to return to Georgia.

  She couldn’t shake the feeling of alarm that accompanied that thought. What was wrong with her anyway? She’d been a mass of contradictions and jumbled thoughts since returning to James Ranch. She was happy with her job and her life, wasn’t she? Of course, she was, Emma firmly reminded herself. She loved her students, and they loved her for thirty-six weeks anyway.

  More importantly, she was in control of her life. She didn’t have to answer to anyone, and she didn’t have to depend on anyone. She’d be just fine on her own. And if she were lonely well that would end just as soon as the school year started and she busied herself with the task of learning new names and faces. There were also countless school projects that other teachers wouldn’t volunteer for because they had family or other obligations. Still, Emma wondered what it would be like to actually say no to someone’s request to put in even more time at work because there was someone at home waiting for her.

  Emma decided that all the thoughts of her friend’s upcoming wedding must be putting strange thoughts into her head. She turned Bluebonnet back toward the stables. There were a couple of bestselling romance novels she wanted to catch up on before going back to work. She had better get a start now if she was going to finish either book much less both of them before she left Texas. Once she returned home and became engrossed with her job, there would be little time for pleasure reading.

  She hadn’t ridden far from the stables when she saw a lone rider in the distance galloping toward her. She recognized Obsidian, Landon’s large black stallion as it raced through the field. Even if she hadn’t recognized
the horse, she would have known Landon was the rider. He had the sexiest physique she had ever seen. Riding horseback only emphasized his long legs and hard muscular body. Everything about him was sexy including the black Stetson he wore low over his intense green eyes. Emma found herself wondering once again what it would feel like to be held in those strong arms. She could feel her cheeks redden at just the thought of making love to someone as sexy as Landon James.

  She was still caught up in her daydream when Landon reined his horse to a stop next to Bluebonnet. She tried to cover her embarrassment with conversation. “I was just heading back to the stables. You don’t have to worry about rescuing me today,” she threw in for good measure. She didn’t want him to think she was a total klutz. She had to maintain some of her dignity.

  “Oh Emma,” Landon teased, “rescue was the last thing I had on my mind. I was heading back to the stables myself. I have some business in town this afternoon. How about you? Any plans for the day?” he asked as both horses and their riders began a slow canter toward the stables and home.

  “No, not really. Now that we’ve handled our first wedding crisis I thought I would relax and read one of the paperbacks I bought with me. This is the last vacation I’m going to get for a while. School will keep me busy until Thanksgiving.”

  Landon eyed Emma through his lowered lashes and the rim of his Stetson. After several years of acquaintance and many visits to the ranch, she still seemed nervous around him. Her shyness and nervousness should have been a turnoff. That wasn’t the case, however. He found the two traits only endeared her to him. Something about her made him curious enough to want to dig deep and solve the mystery that was Emma Sharpe. He just hoped he had enough time before she ran back to Georgia.


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