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Accidental Bride and Groom

Page 16

by Iris Abbott

  Emma was so overcome with emotion it took her a few seconds to find her voice. “I think so, but you can’t beat around the bush with me Landon. You have to say the words for me to believe them.”

  “Oh Emma,” Landon felt like his heart was breaking. “You really have had a tough time of it, haven’t you? Come here, darling.” He held out his arms and then held his breath waiting for her to accept his comfort and support. It was important to him that she be the one to take that final step of acceptance.

  Emma needed to feel Landon’s strong arms around her. She launched out of the chair and all but threw herself into his embrace. She felt the soothing motion of his hands as they moved up and down her back. Then she let the tears fall again for what she promised herself would be the last time that night.

  Landon slowly rocked the woman in his arms, his woman. The one he planned to love for the rest of his life. He whispered words of encouragement and endearments to help soothe her. Finally, she lifted her face from his tear soaked shirt. Her eyes were so intensely blue they could have rivaled any sapphire in existence. Her tear-spiked lashes made her look vulnerable yet adorable all at the same time. The muscles in Landon’s gut clenched, and his heart felt as if it was being squeezed by a fist. He meant what he had told his sister. He couldn’t live without this woman. Now he just had to make her understand that she couldn’t live without him either.

  He brushed his lips across the lush, full lips of the woman sitting in the circle of his embrace. He tightened his hug just before letting her go. He moved her so that she was sitting in the chair next to him. “Emma, you said you needed the words. Here they are. We have been building something special between us for the past several days, and I don’t want it to end. If you’re completely honest, I don’t think you do either.”

  His words registered and Emma allowed herself a small smile. It was just a twitch at the right corner of her mouth. Then as the hope that had been steadily building cocooned itself around her heart like a warm, cozy blanket on a chilly winter night, she smiled a full-blown smile. She missed having his arms around her and leaned into his touch. “What exactly are you saying, Landon?” She held her breath. She didn’t want to miss a word he had to say. This could prove to be the most important conversation of her life.

  Landon used his thumb to carefully wipe the stray tears that were escaping her eyelashes and trailing down her cheek. Before Emma had a clue what he was about to do, he knelt down in front of her on one knee. He picked up the small black box he’d managed to grab on his way out the door. He opened the box and held it up for Emma to inspect. “Emma, I love you with all that I am and all that I will ever be. Will you marry me, make your home with me on the ranch, and raise a family with me?”

  Emma was half in shock. She instantly recognized the one-karat, princess cut diamond nestled between two impressive sapphires. This hadn’t been something he picked up on impulse on the way to Georgia. Now she knew why he wouldn’t let her go back to the jewelry store with him the day they’d picked up the items for the wedding. He’d gone back in to purchase this ring for her. It was so beautiful, her dream ring, but right now she had eyes only for Landon.

  Emma ignored the ring and threw herself into Landon’s arms. She sprinkled tiny sweet kisses all over his face. “Oh Landon, I love you so much. Yes, I’ll stay on the ranch with you and be your wife.” Then she lowered her lashes and shyly whispered, “I can’t wait to have your children.” She lowered her mouth until her lips were barely touching Landon’s waiting mouth. She was inches from kissing him when applause broke out, and she realized they were not alone.

  Both were shocked to see Lynn and Bruce standing in the doorway of the waiting room. Emma rushed over to her best friend and the two women let out high-pitched squeals of joy before hugging one another. “I’m glad you’re here. We really didn’t get a chance to visit with each other at the ranch before my mad dash back to Georgia. Lynn, you’re the best friend a person could have, and now we’re going to be sisters. It’s amazing. I can’t wait to become a member of the James family.”

  Landon already missed the feel of Emma in his arms. He joined the group, shook hands with Bruce, and kissed his sister on the cheek. Then he wrapped a possessive arm around his fiancée’s waist. To seal their engagement, Landon placed the ring on the third finger of her left hand. Of course, it was a perfect fit.

  It was as if the ring had been made just for her. So had the rest of the upcoming wedding she suddenly realized. The boutique had even delivered her dream dress, and the dress just like the ring was a perfect fit. Emma was struck by sudden inspiration! Could she and Landon dare slip into the role of bride and groom Saturday? It was almost as if fate had stepped in to decree they do that very thing.

  Her best friend, as if reading her mind asked, “so, when are you guys going to set the date?” Lynn tried to look innocent, but a mysterious smile appeared on her face.

  Emma held her breath, did she have the courage to make the wild suggestion that had just popped into her mind. Yes, she did, she decided! Landon had said the magical words she needed to hear, but more importantly, she knew he meant them. “Well, we already have a wedding planned with various members of the extended James family, friends, and neighbors arriving in three days.” She bit her lip before continuing. She knew she was being presumptuous. Maybe Landon wanted a long engagement. She wanted everything to be perfect. She didn’t want the man she loved to feel like he was being rushed to the altar. Suddenly all her doubts were wiped away by a few words from the prospective groom.

  Landon knew exactly what his future wife was thinking, and he liked, no he loved the idea. “I was going to make the same suggestion myself, but you beat me to it, darling. This may have started out as the James/Thompson wedding, but due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, it’s been almost perfectly tailored to fit you and me. You even have your dream wedding dress, and if I’m not mistaken the waiting period for a marriage license in Texas is seventy-two hours. We can beat that deadline if we get the paperwork started right away. I am friends with the county clerk and several judges. We shouldn’t have any problems there. They’ll rush the paperwork through the system if they have to. All I need is my cell phone, a computer, and a fax machine. I’ll take care of everything while you visit with your mom. She is the reason you’re here, I presume.”

  Emma felt a little of her happiness float away. For that one moment in time when Landon declared his love for her, she forgot all the bad things in life, including her sordid family history, and her mother’s injury. “What would you know about my family?” she nervously asked Landon. “I’m pretty sure we never talked about them.” She glanced toward Lynn and saw the guilt on her friend’s face.

  “Oh no, you told him didn’t you,” she accused in a halting voice. She was embarrassed that Landon knew her darkest secret. She couldn’t believe the man she loved knew the heart-wrenching details of her past. And worse, she hadn’t been the one to tell him.

  “I’m sorry Emma. I know it was your place to explain about your past, but…”

  “It’s my fault,” Landon interjected. “I was upset when I found your note. I told Lynn how much I loved you and she made a judgment call. She thought I needed to be aware of the situation so that I wasn’t chasing after you blind.”

  Emma bowed her head in shame. Rationally she knew if they married she would have to talk about her family and why they were estranged, but it still didn’t make him knowing what kind of family she came from any less upsetting.

  The look on her face just before it disappeared behind a curtain of wavy golden hair was one of utter dejection. It just about broke Landon’s heart. “Darling none of what happened was your fault. You were just a child. I’m just glad you were able to make it out of there in one piece and move on with your life. We can talk about it anytime you want, okay. I promise I won’t judge. I’ll just listen.” He stepped closer and used a forefinger to lightly lift her chin until they were looking into each ot
her’s eyes. “This doesn’t change how I feel about you, sweetheart. It’s a reflection of your parents, not you. That you came out of the situation as well as you did is a testament to your bravery and spirit.”

  Emma kissed Landon on the cheek and then nuzzled his neck. “Thank you. I guess I owe all of you an explanation since you followed me all the way from Texas.” She took a deep breath ready to begin. Before she could start Landon led her to a chair and sat down. He pulled her into his lap and held her close. She felt the strength of his love seep into her and it gave her what she needed to open up and fill them in on the latest chapter of the abhorrent Sharpe family saga.

  “I have a friend, my former pastor actually. He’s been keeping an eye on my mom since I left home. He’s the one that called me at the ranch. I gave him my mobile number years ago in case he needed to contact me for any reason. All this time he’s never called me. When I heard his voice on the other end of the phone, I knew it was serious. Long story short, my father got drunk and abused my mom. Again. This time a neighbor new to the area didn’t turn a blind eye and called the police when he heard the screams. The police arrived, hauled my dad to jail, and called the ambulance for my mom.”

  Landon was stroking her back and running his fingers through her hair to calm her frazzled nerves. “How is your mom, darling? Have you gotten a chance to see her yet?”

  Emma nodded her answer. “Her doctor was kind enough to let me in for a few minutes when I first arrived. It seems my mom had been asking for me from the start. She has a couple of broken ribs and a punctured lung. They had to operate, but she’s stable now.”

  Landon hugged her tight, and Lynn who was standing nearby squeezed her shoulder. “I know a couple of cowboys that work with wild mustangs. They’ve had that happen to them before. I’m not going to lie, it’s a painful injury, but your mom can recover and be one hundred percent again if she follows the doctor’s orders and has good aftercare.”

  Emma bit her bottom lip and looked into Landon’s eyes. “That’s what I’m afraid of. I’m all she’s got. There’s no one else to take care of her, and she can’t afford to hire home healthcare. I can’t help take care of her if I’m in Texas and she’s in Georgia.” Emma felt herself tear up again and hid her face against Landon’s wide shoulder. “Landon, would it be possible for my mom to stay with us on the ranch? I have money saved from teaching summer school the past couple of years. I can pay for a part-time nurse if she needs it. Please,” her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  “Oh sweetheart, please don’t cry. I hate it when you cry, it tears my heart apart. Your mom can stay with us on the ranch if that’s what you want. We have plenty of room. If she wants to divorce your dad and live with us permanently, I’m all right with that as well. You have to understand however that I will protect you at all costs. That means your father will never be welcome on our ranch, ever.”

  Emma kissed Landon, a short lip touching sign of affection to let him know she was grateful for his love and support. “Thank you, Landon. I would like that, and I think my mom would as well.”

  Lynn tossed her brother a worried look then she patted Emma on the shoulder in a sign of affection. “Honey, don’t get your hopes up. Your mom hasn’t exactly wanted to have anything to do with you the past few years. She may not want to live on the ranch. You can’t make her if she doesn’t want to live there.”

  Emma smiled a sweet smile that really did make her beautiful. “That’s the only bright spot in this whole unfortunate mess. My mom told me that she never stopped loving me. She saw how I stood up to my father more and more the older I got. She was terrified he would eventually turn on me. She didn’t want me hurt, so she told me to stay away. She thought if she left with me, he would follow and take his anger out on me for sure. Everything she did, she did for me to protect me. It’s my turn to take care of her now.” Emma was absolute in her response.

  Landon hugged the precious bundle in his arms one more time. “Sweetheart, I’m really glad things worked out for you and your mom. I couldn’t understand why someone wouldn’t want you in his or her life. You’re so sweet and utterly irresistible. You brought this Texas rancher to his knees. That’s for sure.” He kissed her once more before removing her from his lap and standing. I can’t wait to meet your mom, but right now I’ve got a marriage license to secure. We’re getting married in three days, and I can hardly wait.” He kissed her once more and then left her in the capable hands of his sister and brother-in-law. He had phone calls to make and a fax machine to find.


  Linda Sharpe looked up when her only child stopped in the doorway of the hospital room. “Emma, you are here. I thought I was dreaming last night. It seemed like hours passed from the time I arrived at the hospital until your visit. I didn’t think you were coming, but of course, I wouldn’t have anybody to blame for that but myself.”

  “Emma rushed to her mom’s bedside. “What kind of daughter would I be if I didn’t come visit my own mother while she’s in the hospital?”

  “A daughter that doesn’t deserve a mother like me, that’s for sure.”

  Emma just ignored her mom’s barbed comment. She understood why her mom had done what she had done and all was forgiven as far as Emma was concerned, but her mom was going to have to forgive herself as well. “I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. I’ve been out of state preparing for my best friend’s wedding for almost two weeks now. I had to travel all the way from Texas.”

  “Well no matter,” her mother reassured Emma. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters. Come closer and let me get a good look at my baby. You’ve gotten even prettier over the past few years if that’s possible.”

  Emma smiled at her mom’s words. All mothers naturally thought their daughters were pretty. “Mom, when the hospital releases you, I want you to come live with me in Texas.”

  “Honey I don’t know about that. What about when your father is released from Jail? I still don’t want to be responsible for leading him to your door.” She frowned. “Wait a minute? I thought you were only in Texas for your friend’s wedding. I didn’t know you lived there.”

  Emma blushed. Then she bubbled over letting the excitement take her along for the ride. “Actually, Mom, I just got engaged out in the waiting area of all places.” She held out her left hand so her mom could see the sparkling diamond and sapphire ring that now adorned her ring finger.

  Her mom reached for the hand to inspect the ring as all women are apt to do. “It’s very lovely, honey.” She gave her daughter’s hand a comforting squeeze. “Is he a good man, and do you love him? I don’t want you making the same mistakes I did when it comes to marriage.”

  “Momma, Landon is beyond words. He’s my best friend’s brother, and I’ve known him for about six years. I spent all of my college vacations on his ranch. In all that time I never saw him abuse alcohol. He raised my friend on his own when their parents died, and he did an excellent job. He would never hurt me or any other woman for that matter. I do love him momma, more than anything else on this Earth.”

  “I can’t wait to meet the man that’s stolen my daughter’s heart. That’s mighty fine praise you’ve heaped on him. I hope he’s worth it, honey. When do I get to meet this paragon of virtue?”

  “He is worth it, momma. When you meet him, you’ll understand. Lynn, that’s my best friend and Landon’s sister, and her fiancé Bruce actually eloped yesterday in Las Vegas. Landon and I are going to be married at the ranch Saturday instead. We pretty much spent the last two weeks piecing together the ceremony and reception because several last-minute problems cropped up. It’s almost as if the wedding was custom made for the two of us. Landon’s taking care of the paperwork for the marriage license right now. I’m sure you’ll get to meet him soon.”

  “For your sake, I hope he’s all that you think he is and more. Are you sure you really love him?”

  Emma understood her mother’s almost obsessive need to protect her, especially fr
om a bad marriage. She’d been trapped in the nightmare of a horrible marriage without the strength to leave for twenty-five years. “I do love him. I think I always have, and he loves me. I…”

  Emma recognized the arms that encircled her waist from behind. Even if she hadn’t, the fresh outdoor and cedar scent that followed Landon everywhere he went would have given away his presence.

  “Yes I do love your daughter, Mrs. Sharpe and I will always take care of and cherish her. We would be very happy if you’d come stay with us at the ranch as soon as the hospital releases you of course. If you don’t want to stay with us, you’re welcome to visit anytime you like, but your husband is not welcome. I won’t let him anywhere near Emma ever again as long as there’s a chance he might hurt her.”

  Linda Sharpe looked from her daughter to the man at her side. “I can see that you do love my daughter and she definitely loves you.” She got a wicked gleam in her eyes. “I think you’ll both bless me with plenty of grandchildren too.” She chuckled at that thought but had to stop when she was assaulted by a sharp pain from her ribs.

  “I definitely want children just maybe not right away,” Emma warned both her mom and fiancé.

  Linda gave her daughter a knowing look. She couldn’t blame her daughter for wanting to keep this man all to herself at least for a little while. “I’ll probably be in the hospital until after your wedding. I promise to think about your offer to move to Texas.”

  Landon moved around Emma and gave her mother a light peck on the cheek. Just remember you’re welcome anytime. It would make Emma happy, and her happiness is everything to me.”

  “Well, I can’t tell you how very happy it makes me to see my daughter again, and it was definitely a pleasure to meet you, Landon. But now I expect the two of you to get out of here.”

  Emma looked at her mom half in shock. She thought they’d gotten past all that nonsense. “But mom…”


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