Book Read Free

One Look

Page 7

by Harlow James

  Me: Thanks. Couldn’t hit the ball for shit tonight though.

  Danielle: Can’t hit them all. You’ll get one next time.

  Me: Yeah, cause next time we’ll be at home. I’m beginning to think that there’s something at our home games that helps me knock one out of the park.

  Danielle: Oh yeah?

  Me: Yeah. How was class today?

  Danielle: Ugh, long! Only a few more weeks and I’m done! I can’t wait! I feel like I’ve been in school forever. Lochlin and I are going out tonight to let off some steam, in fact.

  Over the past week or so, Danielle and I have filled each other in are more aspects of our lives outside of baseball. I told her all about my family and life growing up in Chico, my siblings, and what it was like playing for Chico State.

  She told me about living with her grandpa and her younger brother, whom she feels more like a mom to than an older sister. She informed me that she goes to UC Irvine and graduates in a little over a month. She also explained Lochlin to me, her best friend, and the person I guess I should credit for the exchange I’m immersed in right now.

  Me: Believe me, once you’re done, it’s the best feeling. I had to finish my degree online once I was drafted and playing for the A-team last year. But when I submitted that final assignment, I felt like I could climb Mount Everest!

  Danielle: LOL No climbing for me, thank you. But yeah, I’m so ready! I’m actually getting ready to go out right now and it’s hard to text while finishing my hair. Can we talk more tomorrow?

  Me: Yeah, I understand. Hey, I know this might sound weird, but can you send me a picture when you’re done? I swear, I’m not trying to sound creepy, but I’ve kind of forgotten what you look like.

  Danielle: You’re supposed to be avoiding the creepy vibe, Jake. LOL JK

  Danielle: Yeah, let me finish up and I’ll send you a pic. But I need one in return then.

  I jump out of bed to check myself in the mirror, messing up my hair a bit and running my hands down the scruff on my jaw. For having just played ball for four hours and after a well-deserved shower, I look pretty good. Now, do I put a shirt on or not? Yeah, I don’t want her to think I’m trying to make this sexual, even though that’s exactly where my mind has wandered.

  I grab my shirt from my suitcase and toss it over my head.

  I snap a picture in the mirror, then a couple more for good measure, choosing the one I feel I look best in as I wait for hers.

  Then the ping of my phone sounds in the room, and when I open the message, my jaw drops open.

  Danielle is standing in front of a mirrored closet door, the flash from her camera evident in the picture, but not covering any part of her.

  And damn, there are lots of parts to admire.

  She’s wearing a skintight black dress that has no straps and hugs all of her curves on her petite frame ending just at the middle of her thighs, shiny black heels that her toes are peeking out of attached to toned and tan legs, and her hair is teased around her face, her eyes covered in more make-up than I remember her wearing to games. I guess girls do tend to overdo the make-up when they go out.

  She’s a knockout and my dick seems to agree, standing at full attention while I admire this woman who’s made my heart beat faster than it does when I go up to bat.

  I swallow hard, grateful that I’ve had time to digest the image in front of me and that Danielle can’t actually see the reaction my body is having to her body.

  She’s the total package. Smart. Sweet. Funny. And gorgeous.

  Danielle: I sure hope your lack of response is a good thing…

  I chuckle, knowing that she’s probably over-analyzing the fact that I haven’t said anything to her.

  Me: Sorry, I lost function in my fingers and my brain for a second. Damn, Danielle. You look amazing! Are you sure you won’t be cold wearing that? Maybe you should bring a sweater with you.

  Danielle: LOL I’ll be okay once I start dancing. It always gets hot in those clubs.

  And now I’m imagining her shaking her hips and swaying to the beat of the music while men stand around and ogle her. My dick is getting increasingly harder and anger pumps through my veins. I don’t want other men looking at her, hitting on her, appreciating her. I want her for myself.

  Me: Well promise me you’ll be careful. A beautiful girl like you can never be too careful.

  Danielle: Why, Jake? Are you worried about me? *batting my eyelashes

  Me: Yes.

  She takes a moment to reply, and I wonder if I crossed a line. We haven’t even met, and yet I already feel responsible for her, connected to her, territorial of her.

  Danielle: Well that’s sweet. I promise to be careful.

  Danielle: Hey! Where’s my pic by the way?

  I search through my photos again, locating the shot I approved of and send it her way. She replies instantly.

  Danielle: Damn, Mr. Calhoun. You always look good in your uniform, but I think I like the casual look on you best.

  And my dick is about to combust.

  Me: I want to take you out, Danielle. When I get back to California.

  My pulse is racing, realizing how demanding that must have sounded, but my fingers typed before my brain could protest.

  But it is the truth. I want her. This whole encounter is scary and way outside my comfort zone, but I have to know her more, and I want to spend time with her face to face.

  Danielle: Are you sure, Jake? There’s no pressure… I’ve really enjoyed talking to you, but I know dating is complicated given your job.

  I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and instantly smile. She’s been patient and understanding, which makes me want to meet her even more.

  Me: I’m sure. Talking over text has been great, but I want to see you face-to-face.

  Danielle: Well, if you’re sure, then I would love to go out with you.

  Me: Okay then. We can make plans tomorrow. Have a fun night, Danielle. But not too much fun.

  Danielle: Sounds great. You too, Jake.

  It’s only been two weeks, but the feelings I felt for this girl from that first moment have only grown. My gut told me to follow through, and boy, am I glad I did. She’s not like other girls I’ve seen hang around at Sully’s, or outside the stadiums after games, dying for attention from any of the players.

  She’s different. And in a few days, she’ll be mine for a whole day.

  I’ll get to hear her voice, smell her hair, touch her skin. Hopefully, kiss her lips. I want to see the way she moves, how her lips curl when she smiles, how her eyes light up when she gets enlivened about something she’s passionate about.

  I sound like a crazy person, but she makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. The pull to her is too strong to ignore. And now I’m ready to explore it.

  I lie back down in bed, opening up that picture of her decked out in her dress. My hand travels down in my pants, finding myself still rock hard and in desperate need of release. I glide my hand up and down my shaft, closing my eyes as I drop my phone on the table beside my bed, imagining it’s the silky skin of her hand that’s doing the movement, imaging the heat of her breath on my neck while she straddles me and I take her hard from below.

  It only takes a few seconds before I’m coming all over my hand and my stomach, my orgasm so strong I felt like I ran five miles from the way I’m breathing.

  I stand up and make my way to the bathroom to clean up, and then head back to bed, where Danielle appears in my dreams, decked out in that little black dress, building the anticipation for a few days from now.

  Chapter 12


  “So he said he wants to take you out finally?”

  Lochlin and I are on the treadmills at the gym where I work, getting in our cardio after I finished my shift today. Tomorrow I have a full day of class and there’s a game, so I know I won’t have time to fit my workout in.

  “Yes,” I whisper, reminding Lochlin that I don’t want people to overhear ou
r conversation.

  “No one knows who we’re talking about, Dani,” she rolls her eyes at me and we pace ourselves for the last few minutes of our run.

  “Yeah, not yet. But once word gets out or we’re seen together, there will be no stopping the gossip.”

  She glances over at me. “Are you worried about that? What it will be like when people know you’re dating a famous athlete?”

  I shrug, huffing through the last few minutes. “I can only imagine what it’ll be like. You’ve seen what celebrities go through when people are digging for information on them. We both watch E-News.”

  “I guess. But Jake isn’t a normal celebrity. He’s an athlete.”

  “Po-ta-toe, Po-tah-toe,” I say. “It’s still the same.”

  Lochlin and I press the stop buttons at the same time, bracing our hands on the armrests as the belts slowly come to a stop.

  “Just give it a chance before you talk yourself out of it, okay? You’re living every girl’s dream right now. Give it a shot.”

  I laugh at her. “I don’t know that this is every girl’s dream, Loch. But okay, I’ll try for you.”

  “Damn right you will! You have me to thank for this mess anyway,” she winks at me as we make our way to our lockers to grab our stuff.

  Back at home, I’m greeted by Gramps and Conner, who are in the kitchen preparing some chicken to throw on the barbeque.

  “Perfect weather to grill,” Gramps declares while he kisses me on the cheek.

  “Mmmmm, sounds great. I’m gonna shower then I’ll meet you outside.”

  I walk down the hallway to the bathroom, stripping off my sweaty clothes once inside and hopping in the shower. While washing my hair and body, my eyes close and instantly I see images of Jake.

  Jake in his uniform.

  Jake getting ready to bat.

  Jake locking eyes with me as he makes his way back into the dugout.

  Jake in his athletic shorts and plain white t-shirt, A.K.A the hottest thing I’ve seen him wear yet.

  That picture he sent me last night made my whole body heat in a blanket of warmth, making me sweat before I ever started dancing. The man can rock his uniform, but the sight of him in casual clothes was way sexier to me. Maybe because most people don’t get to see that side of him. And I did.

  My hand travels south as I think about his muscles straining against his shirt, the tattoo around his bicep that peeked out from underneath his sleeve, the dirty blonde scruff that lined his jaw and what it would feel like between my legs.

  My hand finds that sensitive button between my folds as my fingers circle my clit, imaging how it would feel if it were Jake’s hands versus my own.

  I feel my breath quicken, my pulse race, and the build of ecstasy as my fingers move faster and faster.

  I wonder how big he is, how the bat in his pants compares to the one he swings on the field with precision. I wonder how the hard planes of his chiseled body would feel pressed tightly to my soft curves, or how it would feel as we moved together, him buried deep inside of me.

  I bet he knows how to knock one out of the park in the bedroom too.

  My orgasm hits me hard, the waves of pleasure rolling through my body as I brace myself against the shower wall, gasping for oxygen and trying not to collapse from the shudders and aftershocks of my release.

  “Holy hell,” I exhale on a whisper as I clean off my hand and finish my shower, composing my body and my mind so I can return to real life and feign innocence in regards to my day dream.

  Once I’m dressed and sure that the flush has left my cheeks, I make my way outside to our patio where Gramps and Conner are playing catch on the grass. I take a seat at the patio table and see iced tea waiting for me.

  “Thanks, Gramps for the tea.” I hold up the glass in the air.

  “That was actually Conner,” he shouts as he smiles over at my brother.

  I tilt my head in admiration. “Thanks, buddy.”

  He shrugs. “It was no big deal.”

  I laugh off his reaction as Gramps comes over to the barbeque and declares that dinner is done.

  Once he pulls off the meat and vegetables, we make our way inside to fix our plates, but ultimately decide it’s too nice of a night not to eat on the patio. Warmth still fills the air as a soft spring breeze wafts through the trees, bringing with it the fragrance of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass.

  “Tonight is just a little preview of summer, you two,” Gramps says while taking in a deep breath, relishing in the crisp air around us.

  “I know, I can’t wait to sleep in,” Conner chimes in.

  “And I’ll be done with school,” I add, taking a bite of my grilled zucchini.

  “So, you heard from Calhoun again?” My grandpa asks eagerly as he cuts up his chicken.

  I tuck my hair behind my ears, stalling the inquisition I know is coming. I know my brother and grandpa are curious now about this whole relationship. But part of me doesn’t know how many details I should give them. I like that this is a secret. But I also know that I don’t want them to both get their hopes up that this could turn into something more than it is.

  “Well, he text me last night again, and we talked for a minute before Lochlin and I went out dancing.”

  “Did he mention the game tomorrow night?”

  I turn to Conner, who looks like he’s about to climb off his chair in excitement.

  “Yes, he knows we’ll be there. I told him we have season tickets.”

  “So when is he going to take you out? I mean, I know he’s an athlete, Dani. But don’t let this boy drag you along. You’re a wonderful girl and deserve to be dated, and not in secret.”

  “I know, Gramps, and thank you,” I smile while placing my hand on top of his. “But remember, he’s in the public eye too, so we want to be careful about being seen together.”

  “Why? Is he ashamed of you?” Gramps's eyes light up in anger.

  I shake my head. “No, nothing like that. It’s early in his professional career and he doesn’t want to create a reputation for himself outside of baseball, which I completely understand. And if I’m being honest, the thought of how dating him could change my life concerns me too.”

  I push my food around on my plate, suddenly not as hungry as the thought of my fears cover up the elation I felt earlier at the thought of his touch.

  I know I like Jake. I know I want to see if there is truly something to this connection we both felt. But that idea of immersing myself in his world is terrifying.

  “Trust your path, Dani,” Gramps says confidently, eyeing me over his fork.

  Trust my path.

  He’s right. There is a reason why Jake reached out to me, besides the fact that Lochlin is crazy.

  But God, do I love her.

  There is a reason that our paths have crossed, and I need to trust that I’ll be pointed in the right direction if trouble arises.

  “You’re right, Gramps.” I take a deep breath and then a sip of my iced tea. “Let’s just see how it goes.”

  “That’s the spirit. But eventually, I do want to meet the boy. The kid will be a legend in the game, that I’m sure of.”

  I chuckle, enamored with the fact that even though we’re discussing my love life, Gramps still can bring the conversation back to baseball. “Of course, but let’s give it some time, okay?”

  Conner lets out a long sigh. “Man! I really want to get his autograph and a picture though.”

  I ruffle his hair as he swats away my hand, laughing at him. “I’ll see what I can do, buddy.”

  We finish our meal as Conner fills us in on the end of the year festivities at school and we make plans for my graduation. I want to go to dinner afterward with them, Lochlin, and her parents.

  I text her to let her know my desired plans once I’ve settled in my room and see I have a missed text from Jake.

  Jake: Are you free on Sunday? I have a rare day off, besides my workout in the morning, and I would love to spend it with you

  My face lights up instantly. I guess he really is serious about wanting to take me out.

  Me: I just so happen to be free. What do you have in mind?

  Jake: How about I pick you up? I have a few ideas, but I would love to get your input too.

  Me: That sounds perfect. What time?

  Jake: How about 11? I should be done with my workout and shower by 10, giving me enough time to jet home and then pick you up.

  And now I’m thinking about Jake in the shower.

  Me: Eleven is perfect. Leaves time for sleeping in.

  Jake: Text me your address. See you then, Danielle.

  I send my address to him and then squeal in delight.

  “Oh my God… I’m going on a date with Jake Calhoun,” I whisper to myself as I lie on my bed and stare at my ceiling, sinking into the down pillow and comforter beneath me. I can’t believe this is happening.

  Trust my path.

  I close my eyes and silently talk to my parents, hoping they’re watching over us and in this case, guiding me to where I’m supposed to be. I miss them so much, but I have faith they are helping Conner and me out from the other side, wherever that may be.

  After getting ready for bed, I have trouble falling asleep, wondering what Jake has planned for us on Sunday. However, I do know that at least I get to see him tomorrow night at the game before then.

  I’m pretty sure the smile is still on my face as I succumb to sleep.

  Chapter 13


  “So you’re actually taking this girl out?”

  I’m on the phone with my older brother, Dillon, as I’m driving back to my condo after our game. Traffic lights brighten up the inside of my truck as I cruise down the streets. I know it’s late, but every once in a while he’ll stay up later than normal so we can talk and catch up.

  My brother still lives up north in Chico, near my parents. He’s married and has two little girls, who are his entire world and mine when I get to see them. He works as a professor at Chico State now and his wife runs an Etsy shop out of their home. However, I’m not sure if his advice is warranted in my situation, given his life is completely normal compared to mine.


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