Book Read Free

One Look

Page 12

by Harlow James

  “I’ll text you or call you while I’m away, okay?” He assures me as I walk him to his truck.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I beam while wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Thank you for being so amazing,” he whispers in my ear before nibbling on the skin beneath my earlobe and along my neck. My entire body breaks out in goosebumps and tingles of arousal shoot down my spine.

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Jake Calhoun.”

  He growls in my ear. “Hearing you say my name is such a turn on,” he chuckles.

  “Good to know,” I say before claiming his mouth with mine again. We break apart a few moments later and then he climbs in his truck and waves goodbye to me as he takes off.

  The permanent smile on my face never leaves as I walk inside and get ready for bed. But then I decide to search the internet for images of Jake and me, rattled by what I find.

  The picture from yesterday is everywhere, along with images of me smiling at him and vice versa from the game tonight. And then, there’s my name, along with photos of me from my social media accounts. They’re just my profile pictures since my accounts are all private, but my name is definitely out there.

  There’s no turning back now. Our relationship was a secret for only a minute, and I know now that my life will never be the same. I just hope that Jake is worth it.

  Chapter 20


  “Couldn’t knock one out of the park tonight, huh Calhoun?” Brandon Cash, our first baseman comes up behind me in the locker room where the team is showering after our close win.

  “Yeah, just wasn’t my night,” I reply, not sharing the fact that my girl wasn’t in the stands and I firmly believe now she’s tied to my home run count.

  “So who’s that girl I’m seeing pictures of you with all over the internet?”

  “Someone I’m seeing. She’s from Irvine,” I offer, not wanting to share too many details with my teammates. Rocky is the only one who knows the whole story behind our relationship. I mean, we haven’t made anything official, but I definitely feel a possessiveness about her.

  “She’s hot,” he jokes with me while finding his way to his locker.

  “Yeah, I know. Keep your eyes to yourself, Cash,” I grit out just as Rocky comes up behind me, fresh from the shower.

  “Don’t tease Calhoun, Cash. Our boy’s pretty smitten with the pretty blonde, okay? Don’t be jealous.”

  Brandon huffs mockingly. “I’m not jealous. I don’t want to be tied down. There’s too much pussy out there to be had, boys. Why go back to the same one twice?”

  “Obviously, you’ve never felt something more for a girl that the desire to see her naked. When you do, I’ll happily stand back and watch, and throw those words back in your face,” Rocky smiles around his jab, while Brandon waves him off and walks to the other side of the locker room.

  “Good game tonight, Jake. That catch in the bottom of the ninth sealed the deal for us,” Rocky praises me as we both start to get dressed.

  “Thanks. Couldn’t hit for shit tonight, though.”

  “Yeah, there will always be those nights. So, how are things going with your girl?” he asks as he lowers his voice, surveying our teammates around us. Rocky may like to give me shit, but he respects my request to keep my relationship with Danielle between us like I asked.

  “Great. I saw her the night of our last home game, and we’ve been talking non-stop since I left. I’m telling you, Rocky, this girl… she makes me want things I didn’t know I wanted.”

  “And another one bites the dust,” the deep rumble of his laugh rings in my ears. “But I’m happy for you man,” he declares while patting my back. “When you find the right woman, do everything in your power to keep her. There aren’t a lot of women who can handle what we do. I haven’t found one yet, and believe me, my mother is pressuring me to every time we talk. She doesn’t get how hard it is to find one that’s genuine though.”

  I get the sense that deep down, Rocky is just a romantic who is perceived as the fun-loving bad boy. I know now from spending so much time with him that the media paints him in that light, but he’s really a genuine guy who wants his own woman to love.

  Love. Is that what I’m feeling? It can’t be. It’s barely been over a month since we started talking and I’ve only seen her in person twice. But suddenly I see more days spent with her---her wearing my jersey in the stands during my games, cheering me on as I break records and make impossible catches. Her smile flashes in my mind repeatedly, and suddenly my chest feels like it might explode.

  I clear my throat, rattled by the emotion that’s overcoming me as I think about Danielle. It’s too soon. I know I like her, a lot. But I can’t possibly love her yet. Can I?

  No. This just has to be pure infatuation. She’s addicting and rattles my self-composure. Her face and body flash through my mind more often than I care to admit. And I eagerly await the point in my day when I can hear her voice on the phone and learn even more about her.

  But I don’t think it’s love. Not yet. No way.

  “So any plans to see her when we get home?”

  “Yeah, I think I might invite her over to my place, so we can see each other without cameras around watching our every move.”

  His eyebrows shoot up on his forehead. “Shit, you’re going to let her see where you live? Already? I mean, I know you like her, but that’s brave.”

  I shake off his words. “You don’t get it. I trust her. She understands me and what my life is like. She hates the media attention as much as I do. I don’t think, heaven forbid things didn’t work out between us that she’d start stalking me. She’s not like that, Rocky.”

  He nods his head at me as he pulls his shirt over his head. “Okay, man. I get it.”

  And the conversation ends there. I dress, gather my stuff, and make my way to the hotel room, where I call her as soon as I settle into my bed.

  “Hey babe,” I say in the phone when she picks up.

  “Hey, yourself. Good game tonight.”

  “You were watching?”

  She laughs. “Of course. Gramps always watches the away games on TV, so I don’t really have a choice,” she jokes. “You sure look good on TV, Mr. Calhoun,” she purrs, and my dick suddenly wakes up.

  “I had a few good catches, but I couldn’t make the ball connect with the bat for shit.”

  “There’s always the next game,” she says casually, like the inner turmoil I feel over not getting a hit is nothing to her. Which it isn’t, and I know I shouldn’t let it get to me like I do.

  “Are you already in bed?” I ask, hoping she’s in the same position as me.

  “Yup. Snug as a bug in a rug,” she sings, which makes me laugh.

  “Good to know,” I say while visualizing her in her bed, barely covered by her pajamas. Over the last few nights, we’ve stayed up late, talking until we both almost fell asleep. I know she sleeps in next to nothing each night, and the images I’ve conjured up in my head have helped me ease the ache in my dick. It’s been a while since I’ve seen any action from the female form, and I’m eager to get to know Danielle on that level. If the physical connection I’ve felt when we touch is any indication, the sex should be off the charts.

  “By the way, that picture you sent me earlier made it very difficult to shove my junk in my cup before the game.”

  I hear her laugh for a minute at my expense. “I’m sorry. I thought about that after I sent it. But I wanted you to see the outfit I bought when we went to the mall.”

  Oh yeah. I saw it all right. Every inch of her tight and toned body was slathered in spandex, molded to every curve. My dick grew painfully hard in an instant.

  “I’m glad you didn’t try that on in front of me during our date, or I would have embarrassed myself way too early on.”

  “So did you approve?” She says seductively, waiting for my response, the lust in her voice filters through the phone.

  “Hell yeah, I did. And then I
thought about what all the other guys at the gym must think when they see you in that, and I wonder if it’s as bad as what was going through my mind.”

  “Oh. Are you jealous?”

  “A little. I wish I could see it in person.”

  “One day soon, maybe you can,” she says, making my heart pound with the thought. This girl is a tease, but I can’t say I’m not enjoying the game.

  “So, what are you up to Sunday night?” I ask, changing the subject and hoping she doesn’t have plans.

  “Well, there’s a home game that morning, right? So naturally, I’ll be there. And then after, I don’t have any plans. What are you implying?”

  “Well, since I’ll have the evening free, how would you like to come over to my place so I can cook you dinner?”

  The other side of the line is silent for what feels like forever.

  “Are you sure you want to have me over, Jake? We can just go out somewhere, you know…”

  Her hesitation makes me weary. Is she afraid to be alone with me? Or does she think I’m asking her over because that’s what she wants?

  “I know. But if we go out, there will be people with cameras everywhere. I figured if we stay in, we’ll have privacy.”

  She chuckles, which allows me to relax a bit. “Okay then. That sounds great. Can I bring anything? Do you even cook?” She teases me, the sound of her giggle makes my dick twitch and my lips curve in a smile.

  “When I have the time, I can whip something up. But my housekeeper usually preps my meals for me. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure we have something delicious to eat when you come over, babe.”

  “I like when you call me that, Jake.”

  Damn, I wish I was with her so I could show her how much I like calling her babe too.

  “It just feels natural to call you that… I hope that’s okay?”

  She mocks me with a hiss. “I don’t know. I think a term of endearment like that is pretty serious, don’t you?”

  I don’t even hesitate with my reply. “Well, what I’m starting to feel for you is pretty serious…”

  I shake my head, even though I know she can’t see me. This isn’t how I wanted to ask her this, but being away from her had made me realize I want her in my life. I like her, a lot. And as crazy and fast as this is, I want to know she’s mine.

  “I want you to be mine, Danielle. I need to know that I’m the only guy you’re with.” I wait on pins and needles as silence fills the line. Just when I think I’ve pushed this too far, she gives me reassurance that she feels the same way.

  “I think it’s safe to say the feeling is mutual, Jake. There’s no one else on my radar at all.”

  “Damn. I really like the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth.”

  “Likewise,” she mewls, making me itch with anticipation for Sunday, my hands clenching from the need to touch her again.

  “So, I’ll text you my address and you can drive over once I get home from the game on Sunday, then?”

  “Perfect. Looking forward to it,” she reveals, the heat of her words makes me feel feverish. I may need to take another cold shower after this.

  “Me too, babe. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams,” I whisper.

  “You too, Jake. Goodnight.”

  I hang up and open up that picture of Danielle from earlier, admiring her physical beauty while reveling in her smart mouth. As my dick stands at attention, I realize I’m not going to get any sleep with this raging hard on. My hand travels south, sliding up and down my length to release the sexual frustration I feel every time I talk to her. I can’t wait for Sunday when hopefully, my hand can get a break.

  Chapter 21


  “I’m nervous, Loch,” I whisper as we walk into the stadium, the crowd gathering momentum as we walk.

  There are people all around us doing second and third glances in our direction. Yeah, people are definitely starting to recognize me. Add on the fact that there were reporters stationed outside of World Fitness more than one morning this week, and it’s safe to say I’m no longer a normal nobody.

  “No one says you have to sleep with him tonight, Dani. But hey, it has been a while, so if the mood strikes, then go for it.”

  “That’s the thing. I feel like I already know once we’re alone, I’ll have no self-control. I’m probably going to mount him before we ever eat.” The impulsive need I feel when I’m near him makes me feel like my vagina is running the show. And when she clenches with desperation just as the sight of him or sound of his voice, my body buzzes with the promise of release soon.

  Lochlin laughs at me. “Get it, girl! I’m jealous. Are you primped and ready to go in case that’s where the evening leads?”

  “Uh, yeah. Better to be prepared than not,” I answer, thinking back to my wax from yesterday that I had been putting off for a while. The memory of the pain returns, but I brush it off. It will be worth it later.

  We find our seats where Gramps and Conner are already waiting for us. I drove separately to pick up Lochlin so I could talk to her about everything in private. I’ve filled her in on every detail imaginable concerning Jake. I mean, the woman is my best friend, so naturally, I tell her everything. She’s the only one I can be completely honest with about my feelings anyway.

  “Hey, boys,” Lochlin greets my grandpa and Conner as we take our seats, folding the orange plastic down and setting our cushions on top.

  “Hey, pretty girls,” Gramps smiles over at us once we settle in.

  “Hey there, Gramps,” Lochlin winks over at him as the team takes the field.

  “When are you seeing Jake again?” My brother pipes up as Jake smiles over at me from third base and I give him my signature wave.

  Conner and Gramps wave at him this time too, which makes me find his reaction amusing. I know baseball players are weird about superstitions. I hope the fact that he got two more waves today doesn’t mess with his head.

  “Tonight actually. He’s having me over for dinner.” And the anticipation is killing me.

  “Darn. I wanted to say hi again,” Conner whines while my grandpa stares over at me with a knowing look.

  I can feel my cheeks start to blush and the heat flush all over my body, but Gramps just laughs and shakes his head while Lochlin pulls on my arm to get my attention back on the field.

  The Rays are in an all-out battle against the team from Texas. Rocky Perez makes a diving catch at the bottom of the third inning that gets the entire crowd on their feet.

  “Damn! The man literally flew!” Lochlin shouts while the eruption from the fans echoes in the stadium.

  “Yeah, he’s a hell of a player too. And Jake’s best friend on the team.” I glance at her, arching my brow.

  “What are you implying, Dani?” She questions me as we take our seats again.

  “I don’t know. I remember you saying you thought he was attractive. Maybe I can put in a word for you?”

  She shakes her head. “You know I don’t do relationships, Dani. If he’s looking for a fun time, I’m your gal. But I’m not looking for monogamy and the happily-ever-after.”

  I stare at my best friend, my heart breaking for her just a bit. Lochlin has never allowed herself to let a guy in, not after her high school boyfriend revealed he’d made a bet to see how long it would take to steal her virginity. The next day he dumped her in front of the entire cafeteria and revealed his scheme. She’s never been the same since, and that hard shell she’s erected around her heart has yet to be penetrated.

  “You never know, Loch, if you don’t put yourself out there.”

  “Just drop it, Dani. We should be celebrating and living our lives to the fullest right now anyway, given we finally finished college,” she beams over at me, changing the energy from before in a full one-eighty degree turn.

  She’s right. We took our last final on Friday and now we’re finally free from deadlines, tests, and classes to attend at all hours of the day.

  “You’re right, Loch.
I can’t believe we’re done!”

  “I’m very proud of both of you,” Gramps chimes in as the Rays jog into the dugout and prepare to bat.

  “We’re still on for dinner Friday night, right?” Lochlin asks as Eddie Salazar takes up behind the home plate. Friday afternoon is our graduation, and our party is reserved at The Yard House immediately after.

  “Yup. I already make the reservation,” I answer as Eddie hits a double and Jake stands up next.

  Our conversation pauses as I lean over in my seat and watch Jake intensely, reading his body like a book.

  His stance is strong, his elbow is tucked tight to his ribcage, and his eyes are laser focused on the pitcher. He watches the first two pitches go by, the umpire declaring both balls.

  And then he nods in affirmation as the third pitch flies past the plate and his bat connects, sending the ball soaring into the outfield. The centerfielder doesn’t make it to the ball in time, allowing Jake the opportunity to round the bases, stopping at third.

  “Go, Jake!” I shout, loud enough for him to hear me apparently, as he peeks over at me behind his batting helmet and winks.

  I take a moment to drink him in, clearing my throat and pressing my thighs together to quell the pangs in between my legs. My entire body is flustered with sexual ache---and right then and there, I decide---I’m going to have sex with Jake Calhoun tonight.

  “You are so going to get laid,” Lochlin whispers over at me while the next player knocks a ball to right field, allowing Jake to run home and score another run for the Rays.

  I laugh knowingly, imagining Lochlin was reading my thoughts. “Yeah, I think so too.”

  The game ends just before four, early enough for me to head home and freshen up before heading over to Jake’s condo in Turtle Rock.

  I change into my favorite pair of skinny jeans, a revealing and sexy black sleeveless top that zips up the back, and a cute pair of wedges, leaving my hair down and around my face, the way I know Jake likes it.

  Even though I know we aren’t going out, there’s no reason why I can’t look good for my boyfriend.


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