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Wine, Tarts & Sex

Page 23

by Susan Johnson

  Jake went rigid, his conversation left off midsentence.

  Elena took note of his intent gaze.

  Then the drummer’s solo riff came to an abrupt end with an ear-shattering frenzy, and the room went silent. A second later, the crowd erupted in clamorous applause.

  And Jake and Liv recovered.

  Jake finished what he’d been saying, as though nothing had happened.

  Liv quickly turned and detoured to the bar. She wouldn’t be sitting in the VIP section tonight.

  “Did you see him?” Shelly hissed loudly enough to be heard through the din.

  “Yes, I did. It’s no big deal.”

  “Is that the Peruvian beauty sitting next to him?”

  “In the flesh.” They’d reached the bar, where a crowd of men had made room for them. “Could we please talk about something else?” Liv said, lifting her hand to gain the bartender ’s attention.

  Not that her gesture was necessary; Sonny himself appeared as though from nowhere.

  “What can I do for you ladies?”

  My Lord, Shelly was right, Liv thought. His long, dark lashes were amazing, his upper body visible above the bar, the glorious consequence of months and years in the gym. “I hear you make some special drinks,” Liv said, liking his warm, open smile and direct gaze.

  “For you ladies,” Sonny said, his blue eyes focused on Liv, “we’ll do something extra special. Tequila or vodka base?”

  “Tequila, Patron Silver,” Liv said. She almost said, Straight up, but didn’t want to be uncivil when he was noted for his creativity.

  “Vodka,” Shelly said. “Something healthy for mix,” she added with a grin. Shelly came from the same Nordic ethnic background as Liv, and while Liv may have been a cover model, Shelly was tall, blonde, and beautiful as well. A veritable swarm of men immediately surrounded them.

  In contrast to Liv’s glittering chartreuse dress, Shelly’s club finery was a jewel-tone magenta organza that showed off her long legs and toned body. Shelly was not only consumed with work, she pumped iron with equal zeal.

  Over her second drink, Shelly caught Liv’s eye in the midst of flirting with their admirers and grinned.

  Liv grinned back. She didn’t have to say, You’re right. Shelly knew it.

  And really, for up to ten minutes at a time, Liv was able to forget that Jake was sitting across the room with his newest bed partner. Okay, honestly, maybe it was more like five minutes. And she wouldn’t actually swear on a Bible about the accuracy of that five-minute thing.

  As a result of her stubbornly irksome resentment, Liv drank a little more than usual trying to dismiss the image of Jake looking sexy and gorgeous-and even more so, the picture of Miss Peru looking totally smug.

  She swore the bitch had smirked.

  The only sensible recourse was for her to decide which of these really great men she’d prefer to have serve as surrogate for Jake Chambers tonight. Shelly was right, of course. She really did have to move on, get back in the game.

  Maybe she’d just have to shut her eyes and point.

  Or maybe Sonny was available?

  If he was as good in bed as he was at concocting fabulous drinks, she could look forward to a potentially gratifying diversion.

  Speaking of drinks, she’d had so many, she had to pee. Tapping Shelly on the shoulder, she nodded her head toward Quantum’s famous powder room. “I’ll be right back,” she semishouted to be heard above the din.

  Every new club in town was competing to have the most innovative, glamorous, or bizarre restroom. These fabrications ran the gamut from mirrored Art Deco splendor to rustic facsimiles of cabin outhouses. Quantum’s fell somewhere in between. It was arty, colorful, semiretro, and had the added advantage of soft, comfy chairs for those who needed a five-minute nap. Right now, one of those chairs was luring her tush. She’d rest for a few moments, try to come to some decision in terms of getting back into the dating game, then return to the bar and do the deed.

  Jake saw Liv walk toward the restrooms.

  As did Elena. Quickly coming to her feet, she murmured, “Order me another drink.”

  Jake grabbed her hand. “Don’t.”

  “What? I have to go to the bathroom.” Shaking off his hand, she slid from behind the table and followed Liv.

  Eduardo gave Jake a resigned look. “There’s trouble on the move.”

  He could have stopped her, Jake thought. Then again, what for? “Maybe Elena will let it go.”

  Sam snorted. “Yeah, right. And world peace is right around the corner.”

  Jake shrugged. “It’s not my problem. They’re old enough to take care of themselves.”

  “You’re throwing that blonde to the wolves,” Gunther murmured in warning. “If Elena’s not back in ten minutes, someone better go and stanch the bloodshed. Don’t look at me like that. Remember Carla?”

  “I thought that was an accident,” Eduardo noted.

  Gunther rubbed his bleached buzz cut, slouched lower in his chair, and looked at his companions with a jaundiced gaze. “Maybe it was, and maybe it wasn’t.”

  “Elena doesn’t have a knife this time,” Jake pointed out. “Consider that a plus, but okay-maybe you’re right.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll give her ten minutes.”


  Quantum’s powder room was extra large, so there weren’t the usual long lines outside. But it was busy inside. Definitely too busy, Liv decided, when she walked out of a restroom stall and saw Elena stationed like a sentry near the door into the lounge. Damn, she’d been thinking longingly about resting in one of those comfy chairs. Not likely now.

  Liv was hoping to brush by with just a quick nod.

  No such luck; Elena grabbed her arm.

  “We have to talk.”

  No we don’t, Liv felt like saying. But she was pretty sure she wouldn’t get her way with Elena’s steely grip on her arm. “Look, I don’t have anything going with Jake. I’m not in your way, if that’s what you want to talk about.”

  “If that were true, I wouldn’t be here now, would I? You are in my way.”

  “We’re holding up traffic for sure,” Liv said, even as a little voice inside her head was screaming, What did she mean, “You’re in my way?”

  As Elena pulled her toward the lounge, Liv debated making a scene. She could break away if she wished. Farm work built muscles, too. On the other hand, in a few moments she could just explain to this woman as simply as possible that she wasn’t interested in Jake. A few succinct words would clear the air, Miss Peru’s issues would be resolved, and they could get on their way. More or less politely.

  Elena came to a stop in a quiet corner, and Liv pulled free. Figuring the sooner she made her case, the sooner this embarrassing situation would be over, she immediately spoke up. “Seriously, I have no interest in Jake. I’m not in your way-or anyone’s way. I don’t know how to make it any clearer.” She turned to go.

  Elena quickly stepped in front of her, the large red stones on her necklace and earrings sparkling like fireworks as she moved. “You must have done something to him,” she said, bitterly. “He’s into some Zen celibacy kick. And, that’s not Jake.”

  Here’s where it was real tempting to say something bitchy like, Maybe you don’t turn him on. But a “Hallelujah Chorus” had just started up inside Liv’s head, because Jake was about the last person in the world she would have pictured celibate. In fact, the idea was so preposterous, Liv blurted out, “You’re kidding!”

  Crap-she should have said something mature and noncommittal instead-like Maybe you should find him a therapist. And she might have, if the choir in her head had stopped singing so she could concentrate.

  “I’m not kidding.” Elena leaned in, the brilliant scarlet of her mouth set in a sullen pout. “And you’re pissing me off, because it’s your fault.”

  Liv didn’t back up an inch, even with Elena’s breath on her face. “Don’t blame me,” she muttered. “I haven’t seen him or thought of him i
n weeks.” So part of it was a lie. But she’d never get this woman out of her face if she said she was missing him-like twenty-four/seven.

  “Then tell him it’s over.”

  “I already did.” Even her perfume was fabulous. Did she have any defects at all? Outside her bitchiness, of course, which was pretty much out there.

  “I don’t believe you.” Elena’s black brows came together in a scowl. “Obviously, you didn’t make it clear enough.”

  “Believe me, I did. This is not my problem.” How many ways could she say this? More important, how could she get the hell out of this worthless conversation? “Look,” Liv said, speaking very slowly and carefully, “whatever you two have going has nothing to do with me. Nada. Zip. Diddly. Okay?”

  “You fucked him up some way. You must have cast a spell over him,” she hissed.

  The look in Elena’s dark eyes was a little alarming. But Liv calmed herself by noting that a crowd of women was within earshot. “Listen, I wouldn’t know a spell if it wrapped itself in gold lamé and knocked on my door,” Liv firmly noted. “Maybe Jake has a virus or something. Maybe he’s overworked getting his restaurant open. Maybe some bad karma dropped in.” Oops, that bitchiness slipped out. “I gotta go,” she quickly added and walked away before she said something rude.

  Liv was halfway to the outside door when she began to think she might have actually gotten through to the resentful, in-your-face Miss Peru. A couple more steps, and she was home free.

  Just as she opened the door, a hand on her shoulder pulled her to a stop.

  “Just a damned minute.”

  Why me? Liv thought. She started counting to ten, figuring she could hold it together and act like an adult if she really tried.

  “Just a word of warning,” Elena said, sulky and peremptory. “Stay away from Jake.”

  Liv didn’t take orders well; she spun around. “Listen, bitch. It’s not up to me who he screws. Okay?”

  “Maybe it is,” a deep, familiar voice asserted.

  Liv turned back, and there was Jake leaning against the corridor wall-male centerfold material in jeans and a black T-shirt-looking even hotter and sexier than she remembered. Drawing in a sharp breath, she struggled to withstand her body’s instant response to his sexually explicit gaze: the tiny flutter in her vagina, the warmth flushing her cheeks, the libidinous craving streaking through her senses.

  With supreme effort, she managed to speak calmly, even as her heart was pumping wildly. “Don’t involve me in this.”

  “There, you see?” Elena interposed, her smile assured. “You’re wasting your time.”

  “Get the fuck out, Elena,” Jake softly said.

  The explosive cursing was in Spanish, but Liv got the general idea. “If you two will excuse me,” she murmured, “I have friends waiting.” She’d worked at forgetting Jake too long to even think about returning to square one. And bottom line, with her vagina pulsing at warp speed, escape was essential.

  “About those friends of yours,” Jake growled, pushing away from the wall.

  Liv jerked her hand up to stop him. “Don’t you dare,” she said, heated and low, then turned and walked away as fast as spiky heels would allow.

  “Can’t you see she doesn’t want you?” A high-pitched staccato rush of words, half-English, half-Spanish-and had she known, wholly in error.

  “This doesn’t concern you.” Jake’s voice was so cold, Elena took a step backward. “I want you on a plane to L.A. in the morning.” Spinning away, he strode toward the music and bright lights, not entirely sure what he was going to do. Correction. He knew what he was going to do, but he wasn’t certain he could accomplish it without the bouncers getting involved.

  Catching up with Liv just short of the bar, he grabbed her hand and pulled her around. “I have something serious to say, and I’d rather say it outside.”

  “Jesus, Jake, stop. I’m not up to it.” Mostly because she didn’t want her too-susceptible emotions all shook up again. “Go get it on with Elena. She wants you, and she’s hot. What are you waiting for?”

  “Maybe she’s not as hot as you.” He could be rude, too.

  “Is that a compliment? I can’t tell.” Snide, arch words.

  “Give me a minute, and I’ll make it real clear,” he brusquely replied.

  “No, no, no, no! I don’t know how much plainer I can be!”

  “Is this dude bothering you?”

  A guy who looked like he could lift a Mack truck was in Jake’s face.

  “Fuck off,” Jake snarled.

  Liv glanced at the towering man, then at Jake, who was clearly out of his weight class, and her survival instincts kicked in. “Are you crazy?” she said, jerking on Jake’s hand. Turning to her world wrestling knight errant, she said with a supercordial smile, “I’m really fine. We were just having a little disagreement.”

  Jake could have ignored Liv’s conciliatory overture and said, Bring it on, to the guy on steroids. He could break a cement block with his hand and any number of other black-belt maneuvers. But given this incredible opportunity, he said instead, “It was entirely my fault we were arguing. Sometimes I just can’t keep it together.” Turning back to Liv, he murmured, “I’m sorry, babe. What d’you say we kiss and make up?”

  He knew better than to wait for an answer.

  He also knew what that flush on her cheeks meant, and it had nothing to do with anger. Bending low, he kissed her-no hands and gently, gently, until she swayed forward the merest distance. As the warm softness of her breasts brushed his chest, he drew her into his arms, understanding what her tacit acquiescence implied.

  She hadn’t meant what she’d said.

  She wanted what he wanted as badly as he.

  Oblivious to their audience, they gave in to their long-deprived desires, to weeks of privation, to necessitous appetites, their kiss prolonged, protracted, and in due time sweetly conciliatory. When they finally came up for air, the crowd around them broke into applause and cries of “Get a room!” rang out.

  “Can we leave now?” Jake murmured.

  “Will your girlfriend let you?” She couldn’t resist.

  “Smart-ass. I might ask the same of you.” He nodded toward the bar. “There’s a helluva lot of guys over there.”

  “I was going to draw straws tonight.”

  “You wouldn’t have made it to the door.”

  She smiled up at him. “I love it when you go all cave man on me.”

  He grinned. “I know what you love, babe. Believe me, I’ve been thinking about it nonstop for three weeks. Want me to drag you outta here?”

  “Tempting, but under the circumstances”-she glanced around-“we should probably be discreet.”

  He laughed. “I didn’t know you did discreet.”

  Her brows flickered. “I have my moments. Let me say good-bye to Shelly, and then we’ll go.”

  “Your place or mine?”

  “You’re not alone-right?”

  “I’ll kick them out.”

  She just loved how he casually offered her the world. He didn’t equivocate; he did as he pleased. Or in this case, how she pleased. “If you don’t mind the drive, let’s go to my place.”

  “I’m not the one who usually can’t wait. You sure you can make it? We could check into a hotel.”

  “I like waking up in my own bed.”

  “Done deal, babe. You talk to Shelly, I’ll give Eduardo a heads-up.”

  “She might put a hex on you.”

  “She would have already if she could. Don’t sweat it. I can handle Elena.”

  Liv almost said, I’ll go over there with you, but restrained herself. It was a rare totally adult moment apropos her out-of-control passions for Jake Chambers. She’d been pretty much in the grip of demon desire since she’d met him, and now, look, she was acting all grown-up. “See you in five,” she said with a smile.

  He gave her a quick, assessing look as though trying to gauge her bland expression. “You sure? Come with me if y
ou want.”

  “I really don’t want to.” She liked that she meant it. No jealousy, no paranoia, no doubt he’d be back.

  “Gotcha.” Bending low, he dropped a light kiss on her cheek and walked away.


  “Was she mad?”

  The valet was bringing up the car. Jake looked at Liv blankly for a moment before the identity of she registered. “I didn’t notice,” he casually said. “Elena’s going back to L.A. in the morning anyway. Eduardo’s taking over for me for a while.”

  Sweet, sweet, sweet, Liv thought, trying not to openly gloat. “For a while, how nice,” she said, politely, when she was really thinking she finally understood the true meaning of the phrases, on top of the world, on cloud nine, happy as a lark, et al.

  He smiled at her bland reply. “You bet your ass, it’s nice. The way I’m feeling right now, I may not let you out of bed for a month.”

  She blushed, his look so scorching it sent shock waves through her body. “Except for work; I have to work,” she murmured, trying to keep some perspective on her life, trying to keep her voice from shaking. “I don’t have time for a holiday right now unless you help me out.”

  “No problem. I’ll help you do all kinds of things, babe,” he said, husky and low.

  “You two have yourselves a good time,” the valet said with a wink, having overheard Jake’s remark.

  Jake grinned. “Thanks, man.”

  The men exchanged keys and money, Jake helped Liv into the car, and minutes later they were on the freeway north.

  Jake was holding Liv’s hand, their arms resting on the console between them. A song about love lost and found was quietly playing in the background, and if it was possible to measure happiness, the aggregate sum in the car would have been off the charts.

  “I’ve never felt this good in my whole life,” Liv murmured, smiling at Jake.

  “Ditto here, babe,” Jake said with a smile so sweet it could have been packaged by Hershey.

  “One sure can’t plan, can one? I mean, fate sometimes takes a hand, doesn’t it?” She squeezed his hand. “Who knew you’d be at Quantum tonight?”


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