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Targeted Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 7)

Page 19

by Anna Blakely

  “Same reason you keep bringing me to this hole-in-the-wall bar on the opposite side of the city from our precinct.” Riley handed him the pool cue.

  “Why, Detective York.” Eric pulled the cue—and Riley—to his chest. “Are you accusing me of trying to take advantage of you?”

  “Of course not.” She rose onto her toes and rubbed the tip of her nose to his. “It’s me who’s planning on doing the taking.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He nibbled her bottom lip. “Well, in that case, we should—”

  “Hey, turn that up!” One of the patrons sitting at the bar yelled loud enough to break the spell. “And hurry up. My old ears can’t hear for shit.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Keep your panties on, Walt. I’m gettin’ it.”

  Riley and Eric both looked up at the T.V. as a bright red Breaking News banner flashed across the bottom of the screen.

  “We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. A body of a young woman has been found near the banks of Trinity River. The police are still working on identifying the victim of what they are calling an obvious homicide.”

  “Shit.” The beer in Riley’s stomach churned as she listened to the anchorwoman continue on with the story.

  “While we have not been told whether or not this case is related to Jennifer Hanway’s or Marie Paul’s deaths, our source did say that the DPD has found several similarities in the three women’s murders. You might remember, both Hanway’s and Paul’s nude bodies were also found near the Trinity River, the coroner’s report showing that both women had been sexually assaulted before they were strangled. We’ll bring you more on this story as additional information becomes available.”

  “Jesus,” Eric muttered with a shaking head.

  Riley worked to keep her breathing steady. “That’s three, Eric.”

  “Yeah, but the Trinity River covers a lot of real estate, Riles. We have no idea where the bodies were found in relation to each other, how this newest woman died...nothing. Besides, it’s homicide’s case, and those guys are solid. They’ll figure it out.”

  Eric was right. There was no known evidence linking these newest deaths together. Just because they reminded her of an old case meant nothing. Besides, the killer in that case was dead, which meant it couldn’t be him.

  Shaking off the uneasy feeling the new murders had conjured up, Riley looked up at her partner and smiled. “You’re right. It’s not our case, and we have tomorrow off.”

  “Yes, we do. Now...” Setting the pool cue to the side, Eric wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back in. “Where were we.”

  “I think you were about to invite me back to your place.”

  You know”—Eric leaned in for a kiss—“I think you’re right.”

  With a soft chuckle, Riley closed her eyes and allowed herself a moment of guilty pleasure. Not that she was embarrassed or ashamed to be seen with Eric. Quite the contrary. Any woman in her right mind would be thrilled to be involved with a man like him.

  Eric West was smart, sexy, and one of the best damned detectives she’d ever worked with. He was the whole package and then some. But he was also her partner at the Dallas Police Department’s Special Crimes Unit.

  While their Captain—who’d known Eric for years—had a sort of soft spot when it came to Eric, he had no such history with Riley. The newest detective in their division.

  Not to mention, she was also female. In her experience—especially at her old department—that meant she had to work harder and be better than any of the men she worked with.

  So far, she hadn’t experienced anything like at her old job. But she didn’t want to press her luck, either. Which was why, when she felt herself growing more personal feelings for Eric, she’d played it cool.

  It worked, too. But then he started showing interest in her.

  At first, it was just playful teasing between the two of them. She’d make a smartass comment and he’d come back with a smartass quip. They’d banter about everything under the sun, but at the end of the day, they were an amazing team that got the job done.

  The dynamics worked for them for a while...until it didn’t.

  The closer they became, the harder Riley fell for him. The harder she fell, the harder she tried to fight it, until her suddenly cool demeanor toward him started causing problems on the job.

  Determined to resolve their issues, Eric had shown up at her apartment one night after work. They talked. They argued. And then they’d stripped each other’s clothes off.

  After that night, there was no going back. Not for her, and as far as she could tell, not for him. But with their jobs on the line, they still had to be careful. So they stole a kiss, here. A wink or a smile, there.

  And they came to this run-down shack to play pool, drink, and then spend the night devouring each other. Riley knew they couldn’t keep this up forever, but for now...for worked.

  Pulling away, Eric licked his lips and pulled his phone out to call a cab back to his apartment. Within minutes they were walking out of the bar together and she’d forced all thoughts of death and murders completely out of her mind.

  The next morning—after another amazing night with Eric—Riley treated herself to some Starbucks drive-thru on the way back to her apartment.

  Feeling deliciously sore in all the right places, she unlocked her mailbox and grabbed the previous day’s mail. She was sifting through the handful of junk mail when the building superintendent walked up.

  “Hey, Riley.” The kind, balding man smiled. “This wouldn’t fit, so the guy who delivered it left it with me.”

  He handed her a small, brown box with no return address. “Any idea who it’s from?”

  “No clue. He didn’t say, and I didn’t ask.”

  That’s strange. “Okay, Frank. Thank you.”

  “No problem.” He gave her a half-wave as he turned and walked away. “Have a good one.”

  In her apartment, Riley set the box down onto her dining room table next to the pile of mail and hung her purse on one of the chairs. Sipping her coffee, she studied it with an expert eye.

  Upon closer inspection, she found no ticking sound or traces of any sort of powdery substance. It wasn’t heavy in the least, and when she shook it, it didn’t rattle.

  In fact, the box felt sort of...empty.

  The detective in her wanted to take the package down to the station and have the forensic guys check it out, first.

  “You’re being ridiculous,” she told herself, and then she went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife from the set next to her stove.

  Returning to the table, Riley set her coffee down. She sliced through the brown packaging tape and put the knife to the side.

  Pulling the top flaps of the box apart, she looked inside and frowned. Folded up in the middle of the box was a single piece of folded paper. Assuming it was some sort of advertising gimmick, Riley grabbed the paper and unfolded it.

  Her breath froze in her lungs when she read the printed words...

  Miss me?

  Dropping the paper, she stumbled into one of the chairs as she reached for her purse and pulled out her phone.

  Hands shaking, she hit the first saved number on her favorites list and waited. Eric answered on the second ring.

  “Miss me, already?” he answered in his goofy, teasing voice.

  His choice of words sent a shiver down her spine. “Can you come to my apartment?”

  “Are you okay?” His voice had turned low and serious. “What’s wrong?”

  She swallowed hard. “I just need you to get over here. Now.”

  “I’m on my way.” A shuffling sound traveled through the phone and Riley knew he was getting out of bed. “Are you safe?”

  She looked down at the note again, the words sending a familiar shockwave of terror through her system. One she vowed to never feel again.

  “Goddamnit, Riley, talk to me!” Eric’s worried voice broke through her fear. “Are. You. Safe?”

e gave him the most honest answer she could give. “I don’t know.”


  Want to read Riley and Eric’s story?

  Savage Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 8) is Available for Pre-Order Now!

  Savage Risk Blurb:


  When the criminal who has taunted Riley York for years suddenly reemerges in her new city, she vows to take him down for good. With her partner by her side, Riley will risk everything for one final chance to see justice served.

  Until now, Eric West has kept his burgeoning feelings for his partner close to the vest and their personal relationship casual. But all that changes when things turn personal and Riley becomes a killer's next target. With his heart and life on the line, Eric will stop at nothing to keep the woman he loves safe.

  With help from R.I.S.C.'s Alpha Team, these two detectives will face their most dangerous opponent yet, one hellbent on destroying Riley's happiness—and her life—forever.

  Want to read more from Ms. Blakely’s R.I.S.C. Series?

  See how it all started with Jake and the rest of Alpha Team by checking out the other books in this series:

  Book 1: Taking a Risk, Part One (Jake & Olivia’s HFN)

  Book 2: Taking a Risk, Part Two (Jake & Olivia’s HEA)

  Book 3: Beautiful Risk (Trevor & Lexi)

  Book 4: Intentional Risk (Derek & Charlotte “Charlie”)

  Book 5: Unpredictable Risk (Grant & Brynnon)

  Book 6: Ultimate Risk (Coop & Mac)

  Book 7: Targeted Risk (Mike & Jules)

  Book 8: Savage Risk (Eric & Riley)

  Book 9: Undeniable Risk (Ryker & Sophie)

  Book 10: His Greatest Risk (R.I.S.C. Series Finale)

  Check out R.I.S.C.’s Bravo Team!

  Click below to read Ms. Blakely’s R.I.S.C. spin-off series in Susan Stoker’s Special Forces: Operation Alpha World:

  Book 1: Rescuing Gracelynn (Nate & Gracie)

  Book 2: Rescuing Katherine (Matt & Katherine)

  Book 3: Rescuing Gabriella (Zade & Gabby)

  Book 4: Rescuing Ellena (Gabe & Elle)

  Book 5: Rescuing Jenna ~ Releasing January 2020

  Taking a Risk, Part One Blurb

  (Book 1 in Ms. Blakely’s R.I.S.C. Series)

  “From the first book Taking a Risk to the 6th Ultimate Risk I have truly found a new favorite author. Susan Stoker, Kris Michaels & Riley Edwards are three of my very favorite authors, but Anna Blakely is now among those. I have loved those first 6 books. Please try these books you can't go wrong. You'll know I'm right when you start reading the first book. Trust me it won't take you long.”

  - Amazon reviewer


  Growing up, she was his best friend's little sister. For years, he's kept his distance. Now, it may be too late.

  Former Delta Force Operator Jake McQueen can handle anything...except losing the only woman he’s ever loved. Driven by an intense need for revenge, Jake and the other members of R.I.S.C travel deep into the jungle to find those responsible for killing Olivia, and to make them pay for shattering his entire world. What Jake doesn't expect to find is his very own miracle.


  After narrowly escaping a fate worse than death, Olivia Bradshaw gets a second chance at life...and love. Still devastated by the violence she’s been forced to endure, Olivia struggles to overcome her paralyzing guilt and shame. But if she doesn’t find a way to forgive herself, she’ll never be able to accept the love Jake is finally offering.


  When they’re forced to separate from Jake’s team, these two must make their way through the sweltering jungle. Because someone wants Jake dead...and to have Olivia for themselves.

  Will these two make it out alive, or will the future they’ve only just begun to explore be lost at the hands of their enemies?

  *Author’s note: TAKING A RISK, PART ONE is a full-length novel, and is the ONLY R.I.S.C. Book with a cliffhanger ending. This is Jake and Olivia’s Happy-For-Now, while TAKING A RISK, PART TWO is their Happily-Ever-After. Jake and Olivia’s story was simply so complex and intertwined, theirs took two full-length books to complete. ALL R.I.S.C. operatives will get their own happily-ever-after...they just have to work for it, first!

  Chapter 1 from Taking a Risk Part One by Anna Blakely:

  Something was wrong. Very, very wrong. The metallic scent of copper filled the air as a red stain appeared on Cody’s chest. Olivia’s eyes locked with the young male nurse as his grey shirt quickly became saturated with his blood. Yet, she remained frozen. Her own body and mind battling against her efforts to understand.

  Moments before, a series of thundering pops had filled the warm, humid air. Time stood still while men continued to yell. Screams echoed all around her, and still, she felt no fear. Olivia felt...nothing.

  Her gaze slid back up to Cody’s face. His always hilarious—and often inappropriate—jokes had kept their spirits raised in the midst of such devastation. Looking at him now, though, Olivia didn’t see his contagious smile. Instead, she found a face twisted with pain. Eyes that were filled with confusion and fear. Then, like a puppet losing its strings, Cody's body went slack, his muscles rendered useless.

  She watched numbly as his head slumped forward, and he slid from the log upon which he’d been sitting. Cody landed with a sickening thud in the dry dirt. Olivia was still trying to comprehend what was happening when another terrified scream pierced the air.

  Turning slowly, she saw that, much like Cody, the rest of her new friends had begun to fall. Movement to her left caught her attention, and she looked back just in time to see Malani, the young woman who’d lost so much in the storm, drop to the ground by her feet.

  Wide eyes stared into Olivia’s, their rapidly expanding pupils conveying the fallen woman’s desperate plea for help. Seconds later, Malani’s head tilted to one side; her beseeching gaze no longer there. Olivia realized that nothing was there anymore.

  No light. No laughter. No life. If Olivia didn’t know any better, she’d almost think that Malani was—


  The word slammed into her with brute force, bringing Olivia back from wherever her shocked mind had escaped. The scene sped into focus, and she finally, finally understood. Her group was under attack, and with an indescribable horror, Olivia realized she was the only one still alive.

  Dear God.

  Adrenaline surged through her body as her belated fight or flight response kicked into gear. She shot up from her log and spun around in a dizzying attempt to assess her situation.

  Several men—at least ten—were quickly approaching. They appeared local and, with one exception, were all dressed in head-to-toe in camouflage, each carrying an automatic rifle at their side.

  Olivia’s initial thought was to fight but going up against these men would be suicide. She was far too outnumbered, not to mention unarmed.

  The well-dressed man headed straight for her. He wore all black, from his dress shirt down to his shiny, black shoes. He would have reminded her of a Wall Street businessman if not for the long, jagged scar running down the right side of his face. The puckered mark, paired with the set of deadly eyes now focused solely on her, sent waves of terror pulsing through her veins.

  Instinct told her this was the man in charge, and given the way he was looking at her now, Olivia knew she was as good as dead. Despite her odds, she refused to just stand there, waiting to be slaughtered. She had a snowball’s chance in hell of escaping, but she still had to try.

  With one final look at Malani and her other fallen comrades, Olivia bolted toward the road leading away from their camp. She thought she heard laughter coming from behind her, but the sound of her own blood rushing through her ears made it impossible to tell.

  Leg muscles burned as she forced them to work harder than ever before. Tears fell from her eyes as she thou
ght of her dad and brother. Of the mother she never really knew.

  Her entire family was already gone—taken from her far too soon—and Olivia found herself praying that when the bullets hit, she wouldn’t have to wait long before seeing them again.

  Another image flashed before her eyes. One that nearly brought her to her knees.


  More tears came as Olivia realized she’d never see her best friend again. Never be on the receiving end of his sexy-as-sin smile or hear his deep-chested laugh.

  Even more heartbreaking was the knowledge that she’d never get the chance to say everything she’d always wanted, but, even at thirty-one, she’d been too afraid to. Why didn’t I tell him?

  She should have shared her feelings with him years ago, rejection be damned. At least he would’ve understood how deeply she cared for him. That just thinking about him could make her smile, even at the worst of times.

  A person should know that, right? Everyone needed to know they were loved. Especially, someone as good and kind as Jake. And now, it was too late.

  Oh, God! A loud sob escaped her throat as she forced her tiring legs to keep moving. She was going to die without ever having the courage to tell Jake she was in love with him. That single thought was more painful than anything these men could ever do to her.

  Though she’d never been shot, Olivia knew to the depths of her soul that a bullet piercing her flesh would be nothing compared to the pain searing through her heart at this very moment.

  With more thoughts of Jake and a lifetime of regret, she glanced back over her shoulder. The scarred man was right behind her, now. He raised his gun, and Olivia screamed.

  She tried to run faster, but it was too late. He was too close, and her body had nothing more to give. She squeezed her eyes shut and pictured the last thing she wanted to take from this world.

  Jake’s handsome face appeared in her mind’s eye. He smiled, the movement deepening the shallow lines bracketing each side of his mouth. His piercing blue eyes sparkled back at her.


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