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Page 16

by Tl Reeve

  The thought settled in Kalkin’s stomach like a lead weight. It made sense to him. If the woman had shields like Simon, they’d never read her intent or anything about her. They wouldn’t know she’d been there. Watching. Waiting. He sat back in his chair and let out a breath. How the hell am I going to explain this to Keeley?

  Caden’s expression darkened. Tell the truth.

  He’d have to. “I want you and Sage to keep your eyes on them. If you have to, make conversation. Tell Simon we’re going to stop by and see him later. We’ve had a sighting. Something. Then follow him. See where he goes and what he does. See if he calls anyone. Report back to me.”

  Logan stood. “Understood.”

  When the new recruit left his office, he stared at his brother. “I’m not going to lecture you about what’s going on. Just don’t shut her out, man. The more we’re learning about them, the more it turns my gut.”

  Caden didn’t say a word. Angst and rage rolled off him in sickening waves. The guy internalized things way too fucking much. The tight way he turned from Kalkin didn’t bode well for whoever got in his way. Shit…he couldn’t blame his brother. He felt the same way about Keeley. She’d been with him all night and she was at his home. Which brought up a whole other situation.

  “We’ve gotta figure out living arrangements,” he said.

  “Don't worry. I'm moving in with Dani. Keeley can stay with you, Jace, and Royce.” Caden opened the door. “I have to get more milk for Aiden. Also, we need to convince him to shift. Danielle has to check him out. As a puppy, he's normal now. As a boy, we don't have the answers for it.”

  “You and Dani claiming him?”

  Caden grunted. “Yep.”

  “Take the day off and spend it with Danielle. Enjoy the festival. Keeley and I will join you tonight. We’ll get him to shift.” Kalkin scrubbed his face. “When you’re ready, we’ll keep the pup so you and your mate can figure stuff out. Don’t give up on her or each other yet.”

  “We need to nail this asshole to the wall.” Without a backward glance, his brother left the office, allowing him to let out the pent-up breath he'd been holding. This whole situation didn't make sense to him. The more they got to know Simon, the more he sounded like a jealous boyfriend who turned obsessed. Like he used the bounty to get closer to her. But why?

  He had to talk to Keeley. He had to find out from his mate why this guy had a hard on for them. To Kalkin, it went deeper than the bounty. Yes, he realized the easiest thing to do would have been to call PBH and find out more information on Simon; however, he worried they would contact his suspect then everything would go to hell in a handbasket. They were already two steps behind the guy, they didn't need to be any farther away.

  He pushed away from his desk and grabbed the file for Nico. He could turn over the information he learned about Simon and Dani while he talked to the kid about his need to create havoc in his town. Then he’d call his mate and see if she wanted to grab some lunch with him. With the festival still in full swing, it might be late before he got home and he’d rather not leave her there alone. Plus, he’d also get some quality time with her, maybe try out a few things she’d whispered to him while they touched and teased each other.

  His groin tightened at the thought, and he adjusted himself. Though he'd never been a conventional kind of guy, this had to be the weirdest way for mates to meet and consummate their relationship. If Mr. Martin were still alive, he'd get a kick out of it. He sighed. Days like these he wished the guy was still alive. He'd have had some kind of words of wisdom for him and Caden. Now, it seemed he had to say it for his brother. Hopefully, his brother didn't cut and run emotionally from Dani. They needed each other. Just like he needed Kee.

  Ain’t that some shit.

  Chapter Twelve

  Keeley stepped from the glass enclosed shower in Kalkin’s bathroom, wincing at the soreness between her legs. The hot water had gone a long way in helping to ease the sensitivity from last night’s activities. A bath would’ve been a better choice, but she’d nixed it, knowing full well she wanted the constant reminder of what had occurred between Kalkin and her after their run and several times during the night. It was tangible evidence of their mutual need for each other.

  Mates, Kalkin had told her. And thanks to having a sister who was a vet and who often spoke ad nauseam about the fascination of animals who mated for life, she knew exactly what it meant for her, for them. It was her reality. One she’d gladly embrace. It gave her a sense of peace and acceptance, something she had rarely experienced, knowing from this day to her last, Kalkin would be beside her.


  The knowledge made her feel safe. Something both her and Dani had been missing from their lives for a long time. It would be a good thing to have someone share the load with her. Yeah, she had her sister, but Dani wasn’t Kalkin. She didn’t possess his strength or will.

  Snagging the lone towel from the drying rack, she wrapped it around her, noticing the purple bruises on her hips, the love bites on her breasts and thighs. She wore them with pride, tucking the slightly damp towel’s corner into the top, between her breasts.

  She inhaled. Kalkin’s distinctive, manly scent filled her senses making her moan and her pussy achy and wet. Proving, if she had any lingering doubts, she already had it bad for the big, bad, wolf-shifter sheriff, whom she had begged several times last night to fuck her. She needed to stop thinking about him and last night, otherwise she’d have to hunt him down and beg him for some more. Not that he’d deny her. Every single time she turned to him last night, he was ready, willing and more than able.

  A wave of need washed through her and she clenched her thighs together hoping to ease it. It didn’t help, it just increased the ache. Warmth bloomed up her chest and cheeks as she thought of last night. She had it bad. One night of hot, raunchy sex and she was acting like a bitch in heat!

  Shaking her head, she tried to clear her thoughts and bring her focus off Kalkin and back to the ever-growing list of things she needed to get done today. She needed to finish her morning routine, get breakfast, then head over the bridge and check on her house and do a couple of things for work. Things like food, electricity and a roof over her head weren't free. Thinking of Kalkin, their night together, did nothing but distract her. Not like she wouldn't get the real deal again tonight.

  Searching through bathroom cabinets, she located an unused toothbrush and a comb. With the length of her hair, a brush would have been a better option, but beggars can’t be choosers. Waiting until she got home to take care of her hair wasn’t an option. Even with all the conditioner in the world, her hair would dry into a rat’s nest. Not a very becoming look at all.

  Going home to take care of her morning activities had been an option, one she had been reluctant to make for two reasons. It smacked of being a walk of shame and she hadn’t wanted to leave the sanctuary of Kalkin’s bedroom and return to the real world.

  She finally got her lazy ass in gear when she smelled freshly brewed coffee and the distinct smell of bacon being cooked. Her stomach agreed, rumbling again, only louder this time.

  She brushed her teeth and hair in record time and pulled on yesterday’s jeans, sans her dirty panties, going commando. She headed into Kalkin’s closet, determined to locate a shirt she could wear for the day. It wouldn't be easy. Kalkin happened to be a big guy, and most of his shirts would look like a dress on her. If she could find a buttoned dress shirt or something similar, she could make it work. In the back of the closet, she located a blue denim shirt that would work. Slipping it on, she buttoned it down, leaving the last three buttons undone. Using the corners, she tied a knot, cropping it so it didn’t swallow her up.

  Dressed and ready to face whoever was downstairs, she scurried down the stairs to the kitchen, skidding to a stop when she saw him.

  Royce, the youngest Raferty, stood in front of the stove, shirtless. A pair of faded blue jeans hung low on his hips. Dangerous, considering he was in the middle of fli
pping bacon in the frying pan. When the grease popped, she winched knowing the pain of bacon grease on unprotected skin.

  “You know, a shirt would help with that,” she declared.

  He turned, looked her up and down, then flashed her a warm, welcoming smile.

  Whoa…each one of the Raferty’s were handsome as sin. How the hell did any of the woman of the town even function?

  “You might be right about the shirt. I couldn't resist poking at Kal,” he said.

  “Poking at Kal?” she asked, confused. What the hell did him not having a shirt on have to do with his uncle, who wasn’t even here?

  “My uncle is possessive as hell. When he finds out I made you breakfast, shirtless, he’ll know you saw me half naked. It’ll drive him bat-shit crazy,” he proclaimed gleefully.

  “Who’s going to tell him? Not me. I could care less,” she informed him.

  “You don’t have to tell him. I will,” he announced.

  So, handsome and apparently with a death wish.

  All righty then. Moving on, she didn’t have the brain function yet to deal with this. Maybe after two or three cups of coffee.

  “Coffee pot is over on the counter,” he said, as if reading her mind. “It’s fresh, and mugs are in the cabinet above. Help yourself.” He turned back to the stove, flipping the bacon.

  “Thank you,” she said, all but running to the stainless-steel machine sitting on the countertop.

  “Cream is in the fridge. Sugar is in the covered glass bowl beside the pot.”

  “Just sugar,” she replied, pulling opening the cabinet door and retrieving the largest coffee mug she could find.

  “Kal's at the station,” he informed her while she poured the heady brew into her cup, adding three heaping spoonsful of sugar into the dark liquid. “I'm making breakfast if you're interested.”

  It was a little odd, she thought, bringing the mug to her lips, to have her lover's nephew make her breakfast and not her lover. Royce, on the other hand, seemed unfazed with finding her here or making her something to eat. It made her wonder: did Kalkin often bring his partners back and then just leave them for his brothers to entertain? She was dying to ask Royce but thought it might be best to ask Kalkin the question and not his nephew. “He told me when he woke me up to say goodbye this morning,” she replied, inhaling the scent of the brew before she took a tentative sip. “And yes, I'll take you up on your offer of breakfast. I'm starving.”

  He chuckled. “I imagine you would be after all of last night’s activities.”

  She felt the warm heat of a blush forming on her cheeks at his blatant insinuation of why she’d be hungry. Was he assuming or had he heard them? “That’s rude to say. Are you trying to embarrass me?”

  “Nope,” he said as he started to remove the bacon onto a waiting paper towel. “Testing you, actually.”

  “Testing me?” she asked, putting her cup down on the counter. “Why would you do that? Or maybe the better question is, why should I have to pass any of your damn tests? According to your uncle, I’m his mate.”

  He grinned at her. Grinned, like he hadn’t just insulted her.

  “You are his mate,” he affirmed. “I can smell his mark, his scent all over you. Did Kal explain who he is?”

  “Is this about him being a wolf-shifter?” He nodded. “He took me on the run last night. I saw his wolf form. I’m not afraid of him or his wolf,” she tartly informed him.

  He sighed. “Not what I meant. Did Kal explain his role within the pack?”

  “He's the sheriff and all of his brothers, including nephew—you, are his deputies. What else do I need to know?”

  “Plenty. Kal’s more than a sheriff, Keeley. He’s our Alpha. You are now mated to him. Our pack looks to him for leadership, guidance in disputes, and strength when dealing with rogue shifters and skirmishes between other packs. Being his mate, this means you will need to stand beside my uncle and the females will look to you for guidance and assistance. The Alpha female is technically a step below my uncle,” he announced, watching her intently.

  Not wanting him to see her shaking hands, she tucked them into her back pockets and worked at seeming unaffected by his announcement. “Are you trying to frighten me?” she asked, amazed her voice didn’t wobble when she spoke. It was a lot to take in. Accepting Kalkin was a wolf-shifter had been easy. Finding out they were mated, for life, had taken her a little longer to wrap her head around. But she had done it. When she woke up this morning, she accepted it with a sense of peace and happiness.

  Now she was finding out he was the alpha and the responsibility it entailed. From his freaking family, and not from Kalkin, had her flipping the hell out. Not that she was going to let her new nephew-in-law know that. She blinked, took a deep breath and removed, what she hoped, was every expression from her face. It was a struggle. Dani told her on more than one occasion she could say one thing, but her face always gave her away.

  “No. It would also bring Kal’s ire down on me. Not something I’m willing to deal with it. He’s got a mean right hook,” he admitted as he filled two plates with eggs he scooped from the other frying pan and the bacon.

  “It’s okay to test me, though?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Kal would expect that.” He shrugged, placing the plates on the table.

  “I didn’t know about him being Alpha. I suspect you were aware of that, though.” He nodded as he pulled out a chair and sat. “And so you told me something, which I believe, and I’m sure Kal will agree with me, was his right to tell me.” She picked up the fork and dug into the eggs. Let him digest that nugget. “I’m thinking you might get more than just his right hook when he finds out.”

  Royce followed her, picking up his fork and scooping up his eggs. His blue eyes, like Kalkin’s but so different, gave no hint of what he was feeling or thinking. “Maybe. If you tell him.”

  Laying her fork down, she looked at Royce in amazement. “Are you out of your mind?! Of course, I’m going to tell him. Why would I not?”

  “I smelled your fear, your uncertainty of your ability at my announcement. Even if I was human, I would have known. Your hands shook, and your face shows every single expression you’re feeling.” He shoveled his fork into his mouth, chewing on his eggs.

  “Your point?”

  “My point is I'm not your mate, and yet I detected all this from you and more. Kal, as your mate, is more attuned with you. Your attempts to hide what you're feeling and thinking would put my uncle's hackles up, kick in his protective instincts. Which are strong on a normal day.” He picked up a strip of bacon, biting off a hearty chunk. “It would cause him to do everything in his power to shield you, protect you from your fear of the unknown because this is what a mate does. I don't think this would be beneficial for you, Kal, or the pack. An Alpha female is strong.”

  “You know nothing about me, or my strengths,” she hissed.

  “You’re right, I don’t know about you. I do know about your past, as do the rest of my uncles.” Her breath hitched at his announcement. “Kal is an ass, but he is a meticulous ass. He knew who and what you were to him from the first meeting. It is our way. He would do anything and everything to protect you, Keeley. Make no mistake, even protect you from his own pack if your newfound responsibilities overwhelmed you.”

  “So let me get this straight. You’re telling me this for my own good. So I’m prepared when Kal tells me?” she asked.

  “Yes. Kal is a strong, fair leader. Our pack needs him, and on the opposite side of the coin, Kal needs our pack. I wouldn’t want you to inadvertently drive a wedge between Kal and those he leads.”

  “And you think I could do this?” she asked, wondering where exactly he got his set of balls to assume anything about her, considering this had to be the longest conversation she ever had with him.

  “Intentionally, no, I don’t think you would. I think your reaction to Kal’s news about who and what he is could.”

  “You’re an asshole,” she announced
, no longer beating around the bush.

  He chuckled. “You’ll learn it runs in the family. I’m mild next to Kal.”

  She wanted to snort in agreement but didn't. She and Kalkin hadn't spent a lot of time together, but she already knew he had asshole tendencies. Now she understood why. He was an Alpha who was never questioned. When he gave an order, he expected it to be done and done right. She hadn't exactly done this with him, and she doubted she ever would. She would need to learn to temper those urges to question, argue or voice her opinions with him. At least in front of the pack. His rule was law. If she knew anything, she already knew that.

  In private, though…it was game on. She would have no issues telling Kalkin exactly what she thought or felt.

  Royce smiled, then nodded his head, almost as if he could follow her train of thinking and it pleased him. She watched him intently, trying to sense any form of deception from him. She didn’t have his or Kal’s sense of smell, or insight of an animal to rely on. All she had were her powers, which she could use on Royce, but she suspected this would displease Kalkin. So, she didn’t.

  “Took you ten minutes,” he said, smirking at her as he reached across the table, picked a piece of bacon off her plate and popped it into his mouth.

  “Ten minutes for what?” she asked, cocking her head to the side to stare at him. He confused the hell out of her.

  “To get it,” he said as he stood up, taking his plate to the sink. Before she could even ask him what, he explained. “Now when my uncle tells you he’s the pack’s Alpha, you’ll already have accepted it and he’ll smell it from you.”

  She shook her head.


  She was more than ready to be done with this conversation.

  She sighed, then admitted, “I have a feeling this family is going to drive me nuts.”


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