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Page 28

by Tl Reeve

  Kalkin would still want her, still love her no matter what Simon or Hazel did to her. She knew this to the bottom of her soul. Without thought to herself or what might come next, she let her connection to her mate open. She stared at the bitch behind the wheel, silently daring her to do something as she connected to Kalkin.

  Kalkin! she screamed.

  The rough growl that followed sent a bolt of adrenaline through her as she began to struggle with Simon. Kalkin heard her. He would come. He’d kill everyone. Burn it all to the ground.

  Simon dragged her to the back of the van, oblivious to what she’d done. He jerked open the door then shoved her in. Her knees and shins took the brunt of the impact and she winced in pain as he cuffed her hands to one of the poles welded to the side panels of the van.

  “Your sheriff or his brothers come after us, you'll pay. You and your bitch sister,” Simon promised.

  He appeared as calm as could be, but under his façade, Keeley felt the waves of glee coming from him. He slammed the door on her, and she bowed her head, letting the tears she’d been holding back to fall free. Her cheek throbbed, and the salt from her tears stung as they flowed into the open cut on her face.

  Simon thought he was so fucking smart. He wasn't. He knew she had powers, but not the extent of them. He knew about her being a telepath, but he assumed it had been her only ability. He also believed she had to be in visual contact with another person for her to connect with them. He thought wrong. Neither Dani nor herself ever told him the truth: once a pathway was formed, she could reach out anytime and over great distances. Simon fucked up, and she planned to exploit it.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kalkin jerked out of a dead sleep. Keeley's scream echoed in his mind, disorienting him for a moment. When he reached next to him, the bed was empty and the sheets cold. She hadn't been there for a while.

  He growled, low and long. Where are you? Nothing.

  Not a cry.

  Not a sigh.

  Not even a grateful retort.

  Keeley had gone absolutely and unnervingly quiet. He snatched the covers off of him and was out of bed in seconds. He grabbed his pants, throwing them on as he walked to the door. He had to get everyone off their damn asses.

  Kalkin stormed down the hall, pounding on his brothers’ doors as he went. As he hit the bottom step, a soft knock came at the door. His heart pounded. Fear and raged gnawed at his gut. If Keeley locked herself out of the house, he was going to spank her ass for scaring him like she did.

  He yanked the door open, prepared to chew his little mate a new asshole when Danielle rushed inside. Her night clothes were askew. Her hair fell in tousled knots. She clutched Aiden, holding onto him for dear life as her wild gaze darted around the room.

  “Where is she?” Her voice barely broke a whisper. “Where did she go?”

  Kalkin ran his fingers through his hair as his brothers joined them. “You tell me.”

  She whirled on him. The soft-spoken, mild-mannered woman disappeared. In front of him stood a woman hell-bent on bringing a war to their backyards. Her blue eyes blazed with fury. "Don't fuck with me, Kalkin Raferty."

  He cocked a brow.

  “You think because you’re the Alpha you can cross your arms, grunt, and act like the fucking messiah come down to save us, and we’re all supposed to fall in line behind you, well it ain’t fucking happening. Now, where the hell is my sister?”

  He put his hands up. He’d never seen a female like her before. “Dani, I need you to put Aiden down before you accidentally hurt him, then I need you to breathe.”

  “Fuck you,” she spat.

  It dawned on him then. She fed off his rage. She must have been flying high on all of the unsettled emotions from the last few days. Didn’t help his brother had been an asshole of epic proportions. The fucker probably forgot she felt everything. All his anger, his disgust. His assumed betrayal. This shit storm inside of her had to be coming to a boil. And the fucker had to add to it by opening his mouth last night. Son of a bitch.

  The door opened again and Caden stepped inside, looking like ran over shit. Speak of the devil. “What the hell is going on?”

  Danielle whirled on him. “Get the fuck out of here. You’re part of the fucking problem, too.”

  Okay. Kalkin had to stop this. “Dani, you need to breathe. You’re feeding off us. Control it.”

  Her gaze snapped to his. “When I want your input, I’ll ask for it.”

  She advanced on Caden. Jace, the smart son of a bitch, had taken Aiden from her as she stomped toward the man who’d broken her heart, and there was nothing Kalkin could do to prevent this. His brother had it coming.

  “Are you happy now? Get what you wanted? Figure it all out?” Her tone dripped with sarcasm and condescension. “You were right, weren’t you? Must be pretty happy about my fucking marriage to the bastard who probably has my sister right now.” She pointed to her stomach. “Want to beat the shit out of me, so I miscarry his baby you think I have growing inside?”

  Caden wouldn’t even look at her. He turned his face away from her and Kalkin scented the hint of recrimination on his brother. Fucker deserved it, too.

  “I told you,” she said, getting into his face. “We had nothing to do with Simon and his fucking obsession with us. But you took his bait—hook, line, and sinker. You’ve done this, Caden Raferty. You put my sister in this position. You. Not any of us. You forced her hand. You brought us out into the light with your stupidity. And you will pay for it.” She slammed her hand on the door beside his head. “If she dies, I will kill you. I will skin you and make you a rug.”

  Kalkin came up behind Danielle and wrapped her in his arms. Her heart fluttered like a little hummingbird’s and her breath came in heaving pants. If she didn’t stop, she’d make herself sick. “Okay,” he whispered. “He gets it, sweetheart. You need to calm down. We can’t help Keeley if you’re fighting all of us. She could be reaching for you and you’re bound up in knots. Please, Dani. Stop.”

  She screamed. The piercing sound tore into Kalkin, ripping a mournful howl from him and his brothers. Then she collapsed in a heap of body rattling sobs. Her cries were a stab to his heart. His brother should be consoling his mate; instead, he just stood there. Staring straight ahead, into nothing. Fuck.

  Kalkin gently lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the couch. When he sat, she wrapped her arms around him and dissolved into a fit of hysterical tears. Every second they spent trying to deal with the bullshit between his brother and Danielle, it took another moment away from his mate.

  “I know, sweetheart. I feel it, too,” he murmured. “We can’t do this now. We have to push it all aside and help Keeley. I need you right now. Keeley needs you.”

  Danielle popped up. Her face drained of color as she scrambled out of his lap. The scent of sickness rolled off her. The retching sounds she made from the bathroom worried him. He glanced up as Jace tip-toed down the hall. The hesitation in his steps didn’t surprise Kalkin one bit. He followed.

  “It’s going to be okay,” Jace whispered. “I promise.”

  “Oh God, he’s got her again. You don’t understand, Jace. He’ll kill her.”

  “I do.” His tone was barely audible. “I understand exactly what will happen. You have my word, we will get Keeley back.”

  The sink turned on, and Kalkin went back to the living room at the same moment Caden came down the stairs carrying Aiden. His brother didn’t say a word as he crossed to the kitchen. “You have to fix this, bro. You have to see it now. You got played. Danielle was right. You fell into the trap Simon laid for us.”

  Caden flinched but didn't say a word.

  “Chicken shit,” he muttered.

  Danielle appeared at the entrance of the hall. Green tinged her jaw, and the rest of her face was a pasty white. All of the rage she’d expelled earlier had evaporated. “I have to check the security footage. You know, in the room Caden believes we’ve been hatching our nefarious plan.”

  “Okay, Dani. He gets it,” Kalkin stated, adding a little steel to his voice.

  “I’m going with her. We’ll let you know if we find anything. In the meantime, Dani will keep trying to get Keeley to talk to her.” Jace wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Good, I’ll call Loraine and put out an APB on Simon and Hazel. I’ll also get with Blackhorn, see if he’s heard any rumblings.” He stepped to Danielle and took her hand. “Don’t let the darkness consume you. We’re right here.”

  Her palm slid against his as Jace guided her out of the house. Royce stood there in silence. He had to get shit done. He glanced at his nephew. “Why don’t you go to town and grab us all breakfast? Make sure Danielle gets something to eat. She needs her strength right now.” They all did.

  “On it,” Royce answered. “I’ll get Logan and Sage, too. Maybe they can show us which way Hazel went.”

  “Good thinking.” He clapped his nephew on the shoulder as he passed by. When the door closed behind him, Kalkin turned to his brother who sat at the table, feeding Aiden. “I don’t know what it’s going to take to get your head out of your ass, but you need to figure it out.”

  He took the stairs two at a time and hurried to his room. In less than thirty minutes, the house would be full of deputies and agents. They had to coordinate. Find out where Simon was hiding. He closed his eyes as he donned his shirt. Keeley…are you there? He waited for a beat then tried again. We’re coming, mate. I’m coming. Just hold on.

  By the time he finished dressing, half of the sheriff's department had descended on his home. Logan and Sage were talking to Blackhorn and beside them, Loraine worked with three other deputies. Their chatter hushed the minute he stepped into the area. Each member of his department stared at him.

  “Well, don’t look at me,” he said, a little gruffer than he meant to.

  “We have a ten-mile radius roadblock being put into place. If anyone sees anything, they’ll call it in,” Loraine said.

  “Make it twenty. We might have video. I’m waiting for confirmation. If we do, let’s hope there is a vehicle and license plate number.”

  Blackhorn stepped forward. “I have an agent checking all the hidden alcoves in the caves near the state line. If they see anything suspicious, they’ll call me.”

  “Good,” he replied. “Anything else?”

  Logan nodded. “Simon and Hazel checked out of the hotel at four a.m. this morning. They skipped out on their bill and left their belongings behind. I already sent someone to collect it. Maybe there will be some clues in it.”

  “Perfect. I shouldn’t have to tell any of you this, but you need to proceed with caution. Simon and Hazel should be considered armed and dangerous. Hazel is a psychic being, and Simon is her handler. My mate is also a psychic being. Approach with care. We don’t know what they are planning and if Keeley believes you are a threat, she will lash out. Got it?”

  A mumble of agreements filtered through the room.

  “Danielle is special, too. Control your feelings around her. She is dealing with enough right now. She doesn’t need your emotions mixing with hers.” He stared at his brother while he spoke.

  “Wouldn’t she know where Simon is keeping Keeley?” one of the younger deputies queried.

  Kalkin leashed his anger. “No. When Simon came into the station, he began the groundwork for this moment. Anything he said can’t be believed. Again, he is the target here along with Hazel.”

  The fact hadn’t been lost on him that his brother hadn’t spoken up. Turning his ass into a rug wasn’t such a bad idea right now.

  “I need a team to check out the walking trails behind the house. Keeley has a bad habit of going for early morning walks. Follow the paths and see if you can find anything. If you collect any evidence, bring it to me. No one else.”

  With their briefing finished, he broke them into teams. Royce returned as three of the deputies came out of the house. He carried a vegetable crate with their breakfast in it over to the table.

  Kalkin placed three boxes on the table, then grabbed his radio. “I’m going to Danielle’s. I’ll have my radio with me. If the status here changes, don’t hesitate to call.”

  Royce inclined his chin. “I will.”

  After Kalkin grabbed their food, he headed out. He would have preferred his brother came with him, but it was for the best Caden stayed away. Danielle needed to concentrate on herself and on Keeley. If anyone could find her, it would be Dani. He crossed the bridge and noticed for the first time the tire tread on the ground along with scuffle marks and footprints. Most likely Jace and Dani’s prints.

  Kalkin gave the markings a wide berth, deciding to use the back door instead of the front to gain access. He knocked first, before stepping inside. “I bring food.”

  The door to the basement stood open. A biometric reader hung on the wall next to the door. So, Keeley did have a dungeon. He shook his head. “I’m coming down.” He strode to the door. The soft conversation between Jace and Danielle broke his heart.

  For the first time, Jace opened up about his experience with Hazel. He talked to Danielle with ease. They could commiserate together, something neither he nor Caden or Royce could give him. Now, if he’d only show this side of himself to Loraine. He made enough noise coming down the stairs, so they’d know he was there.

  "Hey," Danielle whispered when she spotted him.

  "Hey, yourself. I had Royce grab us some breakfast." He placed a box in front of her and her face paled again. She pushed it away. "I understand how you feel, but you're going to need all of your energy, sweetheart. There should be some toast in there. At least try that."

  She mumbled something about him being a pushy asshole but did as he requested. He placed the other box in front of Jace. His brother took it and began to chow down. He wanted to ask so many questions, but instead, Kalkin allowed them a minute. As soon as Dani was ready, she'd tell him if they found anything.

  Dani used the corner of her toast to point at the screen in front of her. “They were right here.”

  “I got her settled then used my phone to take pictures of the scene outside,” Jace added. “We’ve got a partial on the plate. Should be enough to get something back on it.”

  “Excellent,” Kalkin answered. “I have a couple of deputies on the trails behind the house. I thought if there could be any evidence back there, Dani could…” Shit, sitting there, maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea for her to use her abilities.

  “I’ll do it,” she said, a little more force behind her words. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  Kalkin hoped they found something then. “Blackhorn has a few agents checking near the border, and a team is already picking up Simon and Hazel’s belongings from the hotel.”

  Danielle’s eyes grew wide. “You shouldn’t have touched it.”


  Before she could answer, Kalkin's radio went off in a series of fire department beeps, then the dispatcher began speaking. "Structure fire at Main Street and Arapaho Lane, the building is fully engulfed. EMS units including Station 3, Station 6, Station 9, sheriff's department, paramedic and ambulance services are requested. Code 3." The series of beeps began again.

  “Don’t go,” Danielle pleaded. “It’s what he wants. It’s a trap if you show up.”

  Kalkin trusted her. “Sheriff Raferty here, proceed with care, this could be a ruse. All officers stay vigilant.”

  When the radio cleared, he called in the plate number. Then waited. Every department was being taxed. Danielle had been right. How do you distract someone? Place distractions in their way. This little diversion wouldn’t keep Kalkin’s attention.

  The radio popped and Royce’s voice came through. “Kal?”

  “Yeah, what’s going on?”

  “We got something.”

  Dani glanced up at him and nodded. “Bring it to Danielle’s house.”

  “On it.”

  Minutes later, his nephew called out, “Where are

  “Basement,” Kalkin said. “Come on down.”

  The clomp of boots on the stairs signaled Royce’s arrival. “You’ll never guess where we found this ring.”

  “Where?” He cocked a brow when his nephew handed him the small evidence bag.

  “On the trailhead about thirty feet from the house.” He sat down in the open chair Jace must have brought down earlier. “The guys said there is vomit up there. Footprints, too, and signs of a struggle.”

  Shit, Danielle didn’t need to hear about what happened out there. “Enough, Royce.”

  He gave Dani a sheepish look. “Sorry.”

  She shook her head then held out her hand. “Is it going to be a problem if I hold it?”

  Protocol dictated only those wearing gloves handled evidence, but in this instance, he didn’t give a shit. If he could figure out where Keeley might be, then he’d take the chance. “Not at all. What do you need from us?”

  “Wish me luck,” she answered, opening the baggie.

  He did more than wish her luck. Danielle closed her eyes as she placed the ring in her palm. For long moments nothing happened, then she gasped. Her body vibrated with energy. Perspiration broke out on her brow. Her lips thinned as the scent of pain wafted from her. He knew what this cost Keeley’s sister and he’d spend the rest of his days in her debt.

  Her eyes flashed open and her mouth began to move. An evil smirk twisted her features. Did she experience everything Simon did? It was like a pantomime show. She went through every step of the production then lifted her hand as though she meant to strike someone and when she brought it down, the ring tumbled to the floor, and Danielle sucked in a breath. Her breath came in rapid pants, and she shook like a leaf.

  Before he could ask her anything, she vomited in the trash can near her. The way her slight form lurched bothered him. He’d never witnessed anything like this, but it would be the last damn time. He could imagine from watching Danielle what his mate endured only feet from his home, his bed where he’d lain completely unaware.


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