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Page 32

by Tl Reeve

  “Who do you have with you?” Curiosity got the better of him.

  “Well, I had a reason for coming here. He led me here. Said you were a good guy. Pain in the ass of course, but you could be trusted with what we would need,” Rapier answered.

  What the fuck? He stepped closer to the vehicle. Still with the darkened interior, he couldn't make out the figure inside. What he could see, the man had shoulder-length hair and a wiry build. He stuck his arm out the open window, then pushed the button on the door handle, opening it.

  The man stepped out. His head had been bent so his hair fell in front of his face. Why was the guy being so secretive? Then, he caught a hint of the man’s scent. No. No fucking way. He died. Had to have. There was no way. The man turned his head and Kalkin forgot how to breathe. Rapier grabbed him, holding him steady as the man came at him.

  Piercing blue eyes narrowed as the same broad nose, full lips and square jaw he saw in the mirror every day stared back at him. Mackenzie. His brother had a limp now, and his face held a few scars, but it was his brother. He didn’t know what to say. Fifteen fucking years. Fifteen! They thought he died. Royce had accepted it. He accepted it. So had his brothers.


  The man snorted. “Well, don’t just stand there, boy, give your brother a hug.”

  Shit. Hug him? He worried he’d fucking crush him. He looked to Rapier, who’d busied himself doing other things, while he dealt with his long-lost brother. “How is this possible?”

  “I’ll tell you over some lunch. We’ve been on the road all morning and I’m hungrier than hell.” The man standing before him wrapped his arms around Kalkin and he didn’t want to let go.

  “I can’t believe this,” Kalkin whispered.

  “Neither can I. I thought I’d never see you again. I thought I was dead,” his brother answered. “How is…how’s Royce?”

  “A man now,” he answered. “Deputy, too.”

  “I’ve missed so much,” Mac answered. “I can’t wait to see everyone.”

  “I think I can arrange that.” Kalkin laughed. “Look, I was going to take Rapier to see a site. Do you want to go with us?”

  Mackenzie nodded. “I reckon so.”

  “My mate is going to shit,” he whispered.

  “Finally went and done it.” His brother nudged him. “Good for you. What’s she like?”

  He laughed. “A pain in my ass. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” They walked over to the truck and got in. His head was spinning. He’d have to prepare everyone. Tell Keeley about Mac, and then Royce. His nephew had accepted his father had passed away, and knowing he lived might fuck with the kid. “You’ll meet her later.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  As they pulled away from the curb, the link between he and Keeley opened gently, her soft voice filled his mind, and he had to hold back the burst of excitement. What’s going on, mate of my heart?

  She’s awake. Kal, Dani woke up. She’s awake.

  “Shit. We need to make a detour,” he said. “We need to go to the hospital about ten miles out of town.”

  Mac glanced back at him. “Everything okay?”

  “A lot of crazy shit. My mate is there with her sister, who’s been in a catatonic state for six weeks since getting shot. I’ll explain it over dinner, promise.”

  Rapier whistled. “Bad shit, huh?”

  “Yeah,” Kalkin agreed. “Anyway, Dani woke up.”

  “And you know this how?” Rapier cocked a brow.

  “My mate and her sister are special. They have abilities.”

  The man whistled again. “I’ll be damned. I thought they were all gone by now due to the PBH.”

  “Hate to burst your bubble.” There were more than Rapier even realized, and close by, too. “Keeley, my mate, just let me know.”

  They drove in silence for the remainder of the trip. He didn't really know how to explain what happened to them over the last few weeks, plus there was the issue with Quincy and how the hell Raymond stole this big ass lion’s land. When they pulled up to the hospital, Rapier parked them near the door, then shut off the truck.

  “I can wait here,” he grunted. “You going, Mackenzie?”

  His brother nodded. “Suppose so.”

  They hurried into the building, and he went straight to the elevator, then hit the fifth-floor button. He had so many questions for the man standing next to him. So many more for his mated-sister. He felt like he was being pulled in two directions at the moment.

  When the doors opened, Keeley met them at the exit. She took a step back when she spotted his brother. “It’s okay. This is Mac.”

  “Mac?” She blinked. “Your missing brother, Mac?”

  “In the flesh.” Mackenzie stepped forward. “You must be Keeley?”

  She glanced at them then back to Kal. “Holy shit. Your brother is alive!”

  He chuckled. “Would seem so. How is Danielle?”

  She giggled. “Awake. She wanted to see you.”

  He nodded. “Come on, brother. You’ll like Danielle. She saved my life.”

  Mackenzie growled. “Why did a woman have to save your life?”

  “A long story,” Keeley said, grinning up at Kalkin.

  They stepped into the room, and Danielle sat up in the hospital bed. Most of the machines she’d been hooked up to were gone. The television was on and she appeared perfectly normal. He stepped inside first and her gaze met his. The smile she gifted him with almost brought him to his knees.

  “You’re here,” she whispered. “And you brought a friend.”

  Kalkin strode to her side. “I’d like you to meet my brother, Mackenzie.”

  She gasped. “The brother you thought died?”

  “The one and only,” Mac answered. “You talked a lot about me, huh?”

  “A little,” Dani stated. “It’s good to meet you. Welcome home.”

  His brother smiled. “Welcome back to the living.”

  She laughed. “Thanks…I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

  I love you, mate, Keeley said through the link.

  “And I love you.” Kalkin pulled his mate into his arms and kissed her mark. A sense of peace washed over him. His brother was home, his mated-sister woke up and in a few months, he would be welcoming pups with his soon-to-be mated wife. Life didn’t get any better than this.

  Later, when he stood alone on the porch of his house, overlooking the creek dividing the property, he tried to reconcile what had happened in the last twelve hours. Raucous noises filtered out from inside. Mackenzie. The bastard made it home. Never thought he’d see that coming.

  Nor the fact Danielle would do something so stupid, like saving his life. However, he learned a few things over the last several weeks; he could still be surprised. The light across the way flicked on, and he shook his head. Jace had moved into Danielle’s home to help take care of Aiden and watch over the property. Caden… Caden had become introverted and finally, he’d kicked him out of Danielle’s house as well. The bastard hadn’t gone to see her. He hadn’t even gone when Kalkin told everyone Danielle had awakened from her coma or whatever the fuck the doctor called it. He didn’t understand his twin. They’d always had such a tight bond, but now…it seemed to be unfurling every second and he couldn’t mend it anymore.

  “Hey,” Keeley said, stepping out onto the porch. “I can feel you thinking out here. Why don’t you come inside? Talk with your brother.”

  “I will in a minute,” he answered, unable to keep his eyes off of Danielle’s home.

  “It’ll work out if it is meant to. Beating yourself up about this isn’t going to make it any easier on you.”

  He nodded.

  “Come on, big guy.” Keeley laced her fingers with his. “It’s time to enjoy the rest of tonight with our family. Tomorrow, you can contemplate how you’re going to torture Caden.”

  Finally, he laughed. “You’ve got a point.”

  “Might also have a plan.” She wiggl
ed her brows.

  Kalkin growled as she opened the door. “I know all about your plans, mate.”

  “Not all of them.”

  “’Bout time your depressing ass got in here,” Mackenzie snarled. “I thought I was going to have to send for the waambulance to pick you up.”

  Kalkin flipped off his brother and smirked. “You could try it, old man, but your ass will be the one crying all the way to the hospital.”

  And just like that, it had been as though time dissolved in front of them. Kalkin kissed his mate, then settled onto the couch with her by his side. Keeley had been right as well. Tomorrow would handle itself. Tonight, he needed his family and his pack.

  “So, as I was saying. When Kalkin had been a pup, he—”

  “Whoa,” Kalkin yelped. “No stories involving me.”

  “Too late,” Keeley laughed. “I know all about your woobie and dancing naked when you were a kid. Too bad there aren’t any pictures of it.”

  “Says who?” Mackenzie cocked a brow.

  “I will kick your ass, old man,” Kalkin snarled.

  “You’re a dandy if you do,” his brother replied. “It’s been a while, boy.”

  “Kalkin, don’t,” Keeley admonished him.

  “Hold my beer, sweet cheeks. It’s time to take out the trash.” Kalkin stood with ease before pulling off his shirt. “Same rules as before.”

  Mackenzie followed, yanking off his shirt as he went. “Keeley, this is how you keep your pups in line.”

  “Mate, don’t listen to him. He’s old, senile, and withered.”

  “I’ve got your old right here, pup.” Mackenzie punched Kalkin in the jaw, sending him reeling.

  Kalkin didn’t know how long they tussled on the ground, kicking up dirt, while grunting and growling through each punch and kick. The splash of ice cold water had Kalkin and Mackenzie jerking apart and cussing up a storm.

  “What the hell?” Kalkin yelled.

  “While it is entertaining to watch two grown men fight each other, I have other things I’d like to do with one of you,” Keeley announced, holding the bucket in her hand.

  Kalkin pushed his hair out of his face as he stood. “Do you now? I don’t think Mackenzie is your type, though.”

  She smacked his chest. “Asshole. I meant you.”

  Kalkin grinned. “Damn straight you better mean me.” He kissed her softly then rubbed his nose against hers. “I love you.”

  “Prove it,” Keeley challenged.

  Kalkin gathered her up into his arms and started for the house. “I aim to. All. Night. Long.”

  Keeley glanced up at him. “Promises, promises, mate.” When he growled at her, she finally laughed. “I love you, too, wolf.”



  Apache County Shifters, Book 1.5

  After Danielle’s strenuous delivery of Nicolas, Kalkin has done everything he can to keep his pregnant mate, Keeley calm in the last weeks of her pregnancy. However, the twins have other plans.

  Follow along as the Raferty twins make their debut.


  Apache County Shifters, Book 1.5

  Copyright © 2018 by TL Reeve & Michele Ryan

  Edited by Kat Lively

  First E-book Publication: July 2018

  The day started like any other. Keeley had been up since four. The twins were moving like crazy and she couldn’t find a comfortable spot in bed to rest. Kalkin worried incessantly about her. After everything with Danielle, and now the early birth of Nicolas, he waited, expecting Keeley to go into labor at any moment.

  He thought she would have the day Danielle’s doctor called them. Instead, she held her shit in check and didn’t break down until after they returned home. It’d been why he stormed into Caden’s hotel room and tore him a new ass. The asshole needed to get his head out of his ass and start paying attention to those around him.

  However, Kalkin couldn’t fully blame his brother. He’d been fucked over time after time. In a way, he should have prepared for the reaction Caden’s reaction when Simon opened his mouth and let loose with vile accusations and lies heft upon lies, made to drive Danielle and Keeley into his clutches. Kalkin wasn’t, and that would always be on him. He too would have some atoning to do.

  Kalkin slipped out of bed and padded over to where Keeley stood. Her hand rested on her round belly, the other on the small of her back. The soft hint of pain hit him in the chest. Off and on the last few days he’d scented it, but he figured it had more to do with the babies running out of space more than anything. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck.

  “It’s all going to work out,” he said. “I know it.”

  She turned her head to gaze up at him. “I’m glad you think so. My sister is in the hospital and her son has been in the Neonatal Pediatrics Unit. Both of them are clinging to life, and your brother is drowning his sorrows because of what? He believed Simon?” She snorted.

  “I’m not defending him,” Kalkin whispered. “Getting angry with me won’t fix this.”

  “No, but it feels good.” Keeley turned in his arms. “She did this for us. She almost died for us. To give us a chance. Why?”

  He sighed. “I don’t think there is an answer to your question. Why does anyone ever do anything? I’m sure when she is ready she’ll tell you and if not, we both have to live with the idea Danielle was willing to sacrifice herself for us. So we could live and so you could be free.”

  Tears sprang to his mate’s eyes. “Not possible. It’s supposed to be both of us against the world. She can’t die.”

  Kalkin wiped her tears away. “She’s not.” He kissed her forehead. “We have time this morning, why don’t I go start a bath for you?”

  Keeley nodded. “I’d like that.”

  He kissed her again before stepping away. God, he hated this. Hated the idea his mate suffered along with her sister. Hated the idea Caden was to blame for all of their misery. He turned on the water in the tub to let it warm then grabbed the package of bubble bath. When he was sure he had it at the right temperature, he went back into the bedroom and helped Keeley undress.

  “Let’s see if we can get you relaxed.” Kalkin laid his hand against her belly. Both babies were kicking, and he winced. “All right you two, settle down.”

  “I don’t think they’re listening to either one of us anymore.” Keeley frowned, placing her hand on her lower stomach.

  “If you don’t go into labor soon, we’ll have to think about changing up the plan.” Kalkin detested seeing her in pain and uncomfortable.

  “I’m close to agreeing with you,” she said. “I’m at thirty-eight weeks, and you’d think they’d make their appearance since their space is rapidly shrinking.”

  Kalkin chuckled while helping her into the water. “I’d have thought so too, but they have the stubborn Raferty gene.”

  When Keeley was comfortable in the water, he stepped back and removed his pants then joined her. He eased in behind her, bracing her body to his. She nuzzled his chest, gave a soft sigh, and within seconds drifted off to sleep. He had to admit, the bath had been what both of them needed. His muscles had been too tight, his body tense with expectancy. Too much was happening to them at one time. Poor Keeley was paying the price for it.

  He placed his hand on her belly, rubbing the mound in a relaxing manner. The kicks from the babies had lessened since their momma drifted off. However, he didn't miss the distinct tightening of her belly. He'd felt it before. Braxton-Hicks is what Keeley called it. Must have been why she'd gotten out of bed. He couldn't even begin to imagine how painful it was, yet he didn't scent any pain from her.

  The more he caressed her belly the quicker the tightness released. Again, he promised himself if she didn't go into labor soon, he would tell the doctor to hurry the process. Because let's face it, nature sometimes didn't always go according to plan. Sure, every week spent in utero was best for the babies, but as her stomach tightened again, he had to wonder
if it was or not.

  Keeley shifted in her sleep and whimpered. This time the scent of her pain hit his nose. It punched him in the gut and he wondered, not for the first time, if she'd been blocking him from feeling her pain. She had the best barriers he'd come up against. She only let him in when she wanted him there and the rest of the time, her walls were up. He figured most of her issues came from how she'd been treated all her life. Today, he needed in.

  A rush of warmth filled the tub and his heart hammered in his chest. “Keeley?”

  She bolted upright. Her hands went to her belly as she groaned. “Oh no.”

  “Oh no? What do you mean, oh no?”

  Keeley couldn’t move.

  She'd spent most of the night tossing and turning, not quite able to put two and two together. Between Caden being a drunk asshole, and spending the day with Danielle and Nicolas, she'd figured she overdid it, not that she'd been in labor. Par for the course with you, she chided herself.

  Since she hadn’t any clue when the contractions started or how far dilated she’d been, she didn’t say a word to Kalkin. Secretly, she hoped it’d been a false alarm. She didn’t have the wherewithal to drive all the way out to the hospital just for them to tell her nope, not yet. Nonetheless, she wished she had now.

  “Kal, I need you to call the midwife. Tell her what’s going on.” She tried to keep the fear out of her voice, but she failed.

  His wide-eyed stunned gaze met hers, and she knew, like her, he was panicking. “Right, the midwife. Are you okay in the tub alone?”

  She nodded as another contraction ripped through her body. Keeley whimpered. She forgot all about her breathing techniques and becoming one with the tide. Fuck the water and the moon, this shit hurt like a mother fucker. She cried out. “Yes! Call her.”

  Kalkin sprung from the water. He didn’t even bother with a towel as he ran to their room. She could hear the conversation. Kalkin’s voice rose with every word he spoke, then he went silent. “What do you mean? Are you serious?”


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