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Bear's Gold (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales)

Page 2

by Hines, Yvette

  “Riley is fine.” She rested a hand on her chest and took another deep breath. Looking directly at him, her eyes pierced him, intense.

  The beating of his heart kicked up another notch. He needed more distance. Stepping back, he leaned against the wall beside his television, balancing on his shoulder. Clearly, he understood what was happening to his body. Since he was a youth, he’d learned to control it and over the last two years, he conquered stifling it. He’d do it again. Especially around this strange woman.

  “Okay, Riley, I’m Theo Kodiak, welcome to my home. What brings you way out here in Den County?” Visitors in the county never happened. It wasn’t a tourist location, campers didn’t even venture into their area. He heard recently that the main road had ended up as an obscure route down from Oregon, but rarely did even a single traveler take it. Except for the county sign that led into their small town, there was nothing else here to the unknowing wanderer.

  “I was more or less passing through it, when my tire blew and my car got mounted on a tree.”

  Hearing that she’d had an accident gave him a start. Concerned, he pushed slightly from the wall. “Are you alright?”

  Running a hand over her wild, tangled locks and pulling the mass to one side, she nodded. “For the most part.” She frowned and moved the hand away from her hair and held it out in front of her. “I think I’m still a little shaken up. I think some kind of animal was following me. Now I can’t seem to calm down.”

  He saw the tremors in her hand and noted the rapid pulse on the side of her neck. He knew what she had seen out there, was completely aware what had followed her hasty path to his house. His mind told him that it was a plausible reason for her response. However, his body didn’t agree.

  “Don’t worry, Riley, you’re safe. No harm will come to you here.” He assured her.

  Her gaze traveled from his face down his bare chest and took in the jeans he wore, not fully fastened until she got to his bare feet. He saw her swallow and lick her lips.

  “Sorry for getting you out of bed, Theo. I’ll be out of your hair soon, if I could just use your house phone, my cell doesn’t have reception out here.”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “Excuse me?” She looked at him as if he’d just grown horns and a tail.

  He shrugged. “The county doesn’t have service. We never had a need to get it installed out here.”

  “Then how do you communicate…uh, watch TV?” She gestured toward the plasma on the wall.

  “DVDs and radio.”

  Her hands shot up then slapped loudly against her thighs. “It’s the technology age and you still use radios?”

  “Den is a pretty small town and the residents here live pretty simple lives. We have no problem in taking care of our own needs.”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to offend you.”

  “None taken.”

  She dropped her head into her hands. “I don’t know how I’m going to get help or call—”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  “Oh, no.” She looked fearful for a moment, but the expression went away just as fast. “My family. I need to let them know where I am.”

  “I can take you into town tomorrow. The sheriff’s office does have a landline there.”

  “Great.” She stood up.

  “They won’t be open until tomorrow.”

  “But it’s the sheriff.”

  “It’s Den County.” He didn’t expect her to understand, but the law in town was only to settle disputes, each person could take care of their own safety. If not one on one, then with the help of a friend.

  “Are you injured anywhere?” He allowed his gaze to travel along her body, keeping control not to linger to long in any one area as he assessed for blood coming through anywhere.

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. It’s just my car.”

  He nodded. “If you were, I would have radioed in for help and woke both the doctor and Sherriff.”

  “Okay.” She frowned, her brows pinching toward the center. “If I can trouble you briefly to give me a ride into town so I can get a room for the night, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Can’t do that.” He took a step toward her and ignored the increasing heat of his body.

  “Why not?” Her shoulders dropped looking defeated. “You don’t have a car…do you?”

  “My truck is out back. Wheels aren’t the problem.”

  “What is?” Shadows clouded her eyes, making them appear darker.

  “No hotel in town,” he informed her.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  He kept his gaze on her face. “Nope.”

  “A bed and breakfast… something?”

  “Sorry. Den is—”

  “A small community,” she finished.

  “We don’t get visitors.”

  This time she shoved both her hands in her hair and for a moment, he was concerned that she might try to rip it out in her frustration.

  “We have an extra bedroom.” He pointed to the door on the other side of the living room. “I promise you will be safe.”

  “We?” She didn’t even glance in the direction he pointed; instead she kept her gaze fixed on his.

  He wondered if she was trying to figure out the same thing that had plagued him earlier, his marital status. “My two sons and I,” he clarified.

  She clutched the thick waist ties of her short jacket, that was more about fashion than about something that would keep her warm in a few weeks when the weather dropped.

  “I’m sorry. I was banging on your door like a crazy woman. I hope I didn’t wake them.”

  “Trust me those two haven’t mastered the skill of light sleeping yet, so it’s fine.”

  “Thank goodness.” She let out a short laugh. “My brother always says once his children are out, they are like hibernating bears.” Sitting in the quiet for a moment, as if in deep thought, she finally said, “I guess I don’t have many options before me.”

  “None I can think of.”

  “Thanks for the offer.”

  He didn’t comment on that. “I’ll show you the room.”

  Crossing the short distance with her behind him, he arrived at the room and pushed open the door. Going in he located the lamp and turned it on. “It’s not much, but the sheets are clean and it’s comfortable.”

  He was sure that the room didn’t hold much appeal with its queen size bed, small dresser, and nightstand. It was the room his in-laws used when they used to visit. They hadn’t come in years.

  “It’s fine.” She looked down at her clothes with the layer of dry mud caked to them. “I don’t have anything to change into and I’d hate to get everything all dirty.”

  “I can get you something to put on for the night.”

  “Can I trouble you one more time to use your bathroom so I can wash some of this dirt off of me?”

  “No trouble.” He almost didn’t want to allow her to use his bathroom. The rich forest scent on her provided a cloak around her, masking her natural scent. He needed all the barriers possible between him and her.

  They journeyed up his stairs where he pointed her to the bathroom door and said, “I’ll be right back.” He moved past the door where his sons were snuggled under the blankets in the twin beds while their night light cast star shapes on their ceiling. Moving on, he walked into his room at the end of the hall. Not using a light, he walked to his dresser and removed a t-shirt and sweatpants with a drawstring. She was tall and slender, but he hadn’t missed the fullness of her hips and thighs in her slacks. Not anywhere near his size, but he hoped if she tied the string tight enough they would work.

  Coming out of the room, he went back to the bathroom where he found her standing in front of the mirror picking twigs and leaves from her hair. Occasionally a sigh or whimper came out, showing her personal disgust in her appearance. She’d already removed her jacket and the pink button down top she wore below it also had mud around the cuff and the v-neck coll

  “Here you go. There are clean towels and wash cloths in the closet behind the door.”

  Taking the clothes, she clutched them to her chest like they were designer originals, smiled and said. “I’ll only be a second.”

  “Take your time and feel free to use anything you find.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  Once the door was closed, he went back downstairs and out the back door. The earlier rain had left the heady scent of pine and earth in the air, nature. He loved it. Inhaling deeply, he stared up at the waning moon. The First Frost Moon would arrive by the end of the week; the fall festival was the last big event in the county until spring and the Fish Moon Harvest.

  Last year he’d attended the festival, but by their custom, he’d stayed away from the evening events. However, this would be the first time since his wife’s death three years ago that he would participate. The excitement and expectation of what was coming had to be the reason why tonight he felt like he was losing his mind.

  It was true that all the single adults in Den County would be feeling out of sorts at this time as the First Frost Moon drew near, but tonight for him was like madness in his blood. He’d never experienced a reaction so intense before. That was the reason why he'd gone out for a run this evening after his boys went to sleep. He enjoyed running in the rain and feeling the heavens shower down on him in the natural elements.

  Riley. His mind called out.

  He hadn’t seen the accident, but on his way back to his home, he’d seen the light from her cell phone and had been drawn to it, curious. When he’d drawn close enough to see the stranger walking through his woods, the urges he’d had earlier in the night seemed mild in comparison to the full assault on his senses. Everything around him became more intense: sight, hearing, texture and scents. However, that seemed insane to him. This woman, a stranger to Den, could not be responsible for his heighten state. Tomorrow he’d find a way to get her out of the county.

  Turning around, he went back into his house.

  Chapter Two

  Riley finished drying her body off. She had hoped that once she’d washed off the grime covering her body she would start to feel more like herself. Especially having a warm secure place to sleep for the night instead of her cold car, but that wasn’t the case. The accident had left her feeling unsettled, but nothing compared to the reaction her body had been having since the moment she realized something was behind her. The reason she decided it was better to stay here than try to make it back to her car with something wild outside. Even now, those same feelings: racing heart, hot flashes and itchy skin as if she’d come in contact with something still plagued her in Theo’s house. However, it didn’t give her the urge to scratch herself, more like the desire to rub against something.

  Or someone. Her body screamed. Of course if she listened to her desire then she’d find herself rubbing up against the massive body of Mr. Theo Kodiak. If she stood five- ten then he had to be at least six-eight or taller with shoulders almost as wide as a tree. But bulk didn’t mean fat, because she would have to be blind not to notice the delicious bare chest he had no shame in displaying for her. She’d never known a man who was sculpted so fine.

  The man was a sensual beast, an appetizing feast to the eyes. She’d never had a thing for men with beards, all of her exes kept their faces smooth, but thinking of Mr. Kodiak, she could not imagine him differently. She liked his rugged viral look. Chocolate brown hair and eyes so dark they appeared black every time he looked directly at her. But, no one’s eyes were black. They had to be dark brown like his thick hair that hung slightly unruly around his face. If the situation were different and maybe they’d met in Oregon, she would’ve looked forward to the opportunity to bury her hands deep in his hair.

  Everything about the man was sexy. She’d even noticed that the hair on the back of his right hand was stark white. The odd coloring had fascinated her. Theo was an interesting man in many ways.

  The steam in the bathroom was dissipating but it wasn’t doing anything for the heat surrounding her body. She needed to get out of the room before she passed out. Her hair that hung in wet waves around her shoulders, but in the morning, it would be a dry rat’s nest. At least it would be clean. Lifting the towel, she used the towel to wipe down the mirror. Taking a quick look at her reflection, she was happy to see that the remnants of Mother Nature were down the drain instead of still stuck to her body. She was sure Theo had believed her to be a lunatic arriving at his door in such a physical and mental state. Once she got to town tomorrow, she would figure out what to do about her car situation. Maybe there was a rental place if nothing else.

  Quickly pulling the 3XL t-shirt over her head, she then grabbed the sweatpants from the counter where she had them resting. Stepping into them, she dragged them up to her waist and immediately noticed the wide width of the waistband. Even after she tightened the drawstring, they still hung baggy around her legs, bunched up around her feet like elephant ankles and dangled so low on her hips that they threatened to fall off her backside with every move. Frustrated, she easily yanked them down her hips without untying them, proving that they were barely up anyway. Stepping out of them, she looked down at her legs and was thankful that Theo’s t-shirt was long enough to cover her to mid-thighs. She reminded herself that she only needed to sleep in it then in the morning she could put her clothes back on. Another check in the mirror showed her that she appeared more lost in the oversized shirt than she did sexy, so she should not be concerned that she would move Theo to lust.

  Gathering up her clothing and shoes from the floor, she exited the bathroom before she lost her nerve.

  “Feeling better?” Theo asked from the base of the steps when she came out. Still shirtless and still hot as hell.

  “Yes, much better.” Standing at the top landing, she looked down the stairs at him and wondered how the steps between them could seem like too many and not enough at the same time.

  His eyes moved from her face, past the bundle in her arms to her legs making her feel naked. She had to remind herself that she owned dresses and skirts that were shorter than the shirt and she’d never paused for a moment before putting it on to go to the club with her friends.

  “The pants were too big,” she informed him.

  “Figured as much.” Returning his gaze to her face, he said, “When you’re ready to come down I’ll give you the not so grand tour of the kitchen and the laundry room.”

  He was probably being polite because she was still hanging around at the top like an idiot. She slowly descended, closing the gap between them.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked when she was three steps above him, finally on eye level with him. His voice was so deep it almost seemed to rumble, filling the house and making her insides quake.

  For a moment, she thought she noticed his breathing pick up, but then it was gone and the rise and fall of his chest appeared normal. As she stared into his eyes, she tried to locate a hint of brown, even the outer ring, but only saw soulful onyx eyes staring back at her. The tremors she experienced earlier were starting again. “No. I stopped shortly before crossing the California border and had dinner.”

  He nodded and turned abruptly and walked away.

  She had no other choice but to follow him. He walked past the door to her room, his bare feet slightly moving across the hardwood flooring; unlike her own that slapped loudly behind him. Embarrassed she started to tiptoe.

  How did such a big man move so quiet? she wondered.

  “I still have to pick up a few items from town tomorrow for my winter stock, but for the most part anything you need you should be able to find in the refrigerator or the pantry.” He pointed to a door on the other side of the stove.

  One thing she noticed was that for such a primitive living, sans cell phones and internet connection, his kitchen was premium. Dark cherry wood cabinets, granite countertops, and a flat range stove. Every amenity and appliance was in the kitchen: microwave, high quality b
lender, single cup coffee maker and even a bread maker. The kitchen was large enough to have a six person table at the other end made in the same wood as the cabinets.

  “Wow, this kitchen is amazing.” She kept turning in circles in the middle of it. Cooking may have been something she enjoyed doing, but she’d never even thought about making bread from scratch. “Do you use all of these appliances or are they just for show?” She looked over her shoulder as she joked with him.

  He was leaning against the door frame leading to what she would guess was the laundry room. “Most men in Den cook well. We all have pretty hearty appetites. If you stayed around for the festival during this week you’d see for yourself.”

  She wasn’t sure if that was an invitation or not. Choosing not to respond to it, she walked toward him. “Is the washer and dryer in there?”

  Stepping aside, he turned on the light and allowed her to enter. She noticed that the area also doubled as a place where the family kept their shoes and coats. Evidently, they used the back door instead of the front. There was a window in the door, but there wasn’t an ounce of light in the back to allow her to see what was back there. It just reflected her and the man beside her, who seemed to fill up most of the small room.

  “You can put your clothes in it now and if you use the cold delicate, you can wash your jacket too.”

  “It won’t make too much noise?” She always used the laundry facilities in her apartments and her friend that she stayed with after that had an older model washer that was too loud to run after a certain time at night.

  “Not at all.”

  Placing her clothes inside, she adjusted the temperature and added the detergent to it. Once it started, she faced him. He hadn’t moved from his position at the door. His gaze was intense as he stared at her as if he were looking into her soul. The look made her heart rate kick up. It began to beat faster, as if she had just run the woods again.

  Now that she no longer had her muddy clothes in her arms, there was nothing to distract her from the scent of him. For a moment, his smell reminded her of the mud that had clung to her clothing; damp soil after a fresh rain. She was unable to keep herself from inhaling deeply like he had become the keeper of her air and she needed it. It was then that she realized that there was a difference to his essence than just dirt. Theo’s scent was earthy, no doubt about that, but it made her think of being wild and free and there was an overlaying hint of spice and red blooded male. Not from a bottled liquid, but something that was robust, naturally masculine. The mud had made her want to bathe and be clean, but Theo made her want to close the gap between them and wrap her body around him.


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