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Bear's Gold (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales)

Page 4

by Hines, Yvette

  Sweat rolled down her back, creeping into the crease of her ass as she transported them both through the gates of paradise. Quivering, she collapsed onto his chest as his growl of satisfaction blended with her cry of fulfillment.

  They stayed that way for a moment, neither of them moving, just taking a moment to breathe and take in oxygen and their combined scents. Lying there, she felt a little more lucid and less out of control with lust. The embers were far from out; they still burned inside of her, but they had calmed to a tolerant level at the moment.

  “Riley.” He cupped her chin and lifted her face until she was looking at him. He brushed the unruly strands of her hair out of her face. “This should not be happening.”

  Frowning, she began to pull away from him. Was he having regrets while he was still buried to the hilt within her? Beginning to push away from him, she said, “I’m not like this… I’m not the kind of woman that just has sex with a man I don’t know—”

  Grabbing her waist, he didn’t allow her to move off his body. “That’s not what I mean. I can’t explain it to you.”

  She wasn’t sure why his can’t sounded more like he wouldn’t. Did Theo know something about the mysterious and enchanting night that she didn’t? “What are you trying to say?”

  “Nothing.” Shaking his head, he sat up, keeping her on his lap as he stared at her, his eyes still more gold than black. “Just know that we must see this night through. Tomorrow things will be clearer. They have to be… Then you will be gone.”

  Not giving a chance for her to respond, he kissed her. The kiss wasn’t as abandoned as their first, but still just as demanding. As if she hadn’t just experienced loving that was astonishing and beyond words, twice, the heat in her body began to build again.

  Cradling her form, Theo rose effortlessly from the floor. When the kiss ended, he moved them to the bed. Releasing her legs so she was kneeling on the mattress, he lifted his hand, traced the features of her face, and stared at her as if he were attempting to memorize every aspect.

  This close to him, she watched as the metallic of his irises bled out the onyx of his eyes—a golden storm.

  “Turn around.”

  Obeying his demand, she faced the head of the bed. Feeling the insistent pressure of his hand between her shoulder blades, she understood what he wanted. He didn’t allow her to stop until her shoulders were pressed into the mattress and her hands were stretched out above her head with her ass high.


  Theo stared at the nude body of the beautiful woman before him. Her captivating golden brown complexion with its red undertones captivated him. Lightly, he brushed the plump round globes of her ass with the back of his knuckles. The heat of her skin against his fingers was like being kissed by the flames of a fire, a mirror to the blaze that burned inside of him—mating heat.

  Leaning forward, he swept her golden, honey brown hair away from the side of her neck. Starting there, he kissed her and allowed his lips this moment to trail across her warm silken flesh. His mouth moved over the curve of her shoulder and saw the beginning hue of his mark as it darkened. Licking it, he heard her moan and felt her press her ass back against his groin as she shuddered. Something else Riley should not be feeling, the connection of his touch to his mark.

  Maybe his bite had been too fierce and it was just her response to a tender area, not anything more. However, the sound coming from her sounded like moaning instead of hisses of pain. He shoved that aside. She was a human woman, so in days it would heal and fade. Tomorrow he’d have to watch her for signs of illness a first bite may cause.

  Not wanting to dwell any longer on his current train of thought, he moved on, kissing along her spine until he finally placed his lips against her firm high ass. There he paused for a moment as his beast thrilled in her scent. Bears loved honey and the richness of her spiced honey aroma was as stimulating as any liquor, her intoxicating elixir enough to push him over the edge.

  Before the urgency of his desire moved him away, he leaned in using his tongue to collect as much of her sexual honey as possible. The taste of her coated his mouth and caused his hunger to become an inferno inside him. One he could no longer put off nourishing.

  Rising, he gripped her hip with one hand and used his other to guide his cock toward her wet pussy. Swollen and glistening in the moonlight, the view of her sex enthralled. He watched the head of his dick disappear in her folds as she pushed back toward him, begging for more with her body. She relaxed her muscles, allowing him to stretch her snug pussy and invited him in deeper.

  Placing both hands on her backside, he spread her cheeks, opening her further to receive his thrust.

  “Please, Theo—”

  That was all he needed to hear as he buried himself fully inside of her. Even with the wetness of her sex, it was still a tight fit. Her walls were taut around him, squeezing him and quivering around his shaft. He didn’t let up. Couldn’t let up. The hunger riding his bear would not be satisfied with half measure. It confounded him that every time with Riley was like he’d never been inside her before. He became just as fascinated by her sex and the feel of her heat surrounding him.

  He loved to hear her cry out and plead with him to not stop. He gave it to her hard, fast, and rejoiced in the way she received his thrusts and gave back to him. He watched her hands clutch the sheets as she popped her hips, bouncing herself against him. She was fucking him, just as much as he was fucking her.

  Growling he pounded into her. There was nothing better than being inside Riley except shifting into his natural form.

  A vision of Riley as a golden-brown bear in the woods filled his mind. It was so real he believed for a moment that he could reach out and touch her fur.

  “A bear…” She went wild before him, pushing and thrashing as she climaxed at the same time.

  Her pussy tightened and trembled as tremors raced along his cock as the wonder of Riley’s words shocked him. Had he spoken? Did he say the words and confess the impossible vision? No.

  That meant she’d seen into his mind. No. That was impossible.

  The beast within him must not have comprehended the confusion of his mind because it rejoiced in the power of their connection and took him into wild ecstasy where he was freed and abandoned in rapture. Riley screamed as she came again, her body going limp.

  As the last shudder rocked his body, he pushed away, hastened back until his back was pressed against the wall. What was happening?

  Things were not right on so many levels. Riley should not have shared in a mind connection with him. She should not have been witness to the vision in his mind. She was not a bear. He’d heard about humans becoming Were-bears before, but as far as he knew that was only during the night of the First Frost Moon and only with verbal consent of the taker. Three bites. That’s why a human who received the spirit of the bear was called a taker. But, that was not Riley. Would not be Riley. She’d be long gone from Den long before then.

  Staring at her relaxed form sprawled in the center of the bed, he was thankful she’d passed out from the strength of her last orgasm because he didn’t know what he would say to her right now. Fuck, he didn’t know what to say to himself. There was no logical explanation for anything that had happened tonight since the moment he spotted her in the woods.

  He needed to get out of the house.

  Moving away from the wall, he went to her. Careful, so he would not awaken her, he lifted her up toward the pillows. As he laid her down, she curled her body toward him. He could feel the coolness of her skin. The fevered lust that had been upon her earlier was now gone. Picking up the blanket that had ended up on the floor at some point, he pulled it over her. Winter was coming and the nights were cold. He didn’t keep his house as warm as she was probably used to and he didn’t need a sick human woman on his hands. Especially one he found impossible to resist.

  Leaving the golden beauty in the bed, he exited the room and closed the door. He headed toward the back only pausing for a mo
ment to put her clothes into the dryer and hang her jacket up on a small rack. Going out of the house, in a flash he bounded off the porch in bear form and ran out into the woods. The crisp night air filling his lungs was just what he needed as he pounded the earth under his paws. A good distance away from the house, he stopped and pressed his back against a tree. Up and down, he used the rough bark on his back. Not because he had an itch, but because he needed something to ground himself. Something normal that would right his world.

  Gazing up between the trees, he stared at the night sky, the stars, and the moon over head and he prayed to the Great Spirit to return him to sanity.

  Ever since his wife had died three years ago during an attack by a Were-wolf pack that had attempted to move into Den County, he had only one focus—take care of his sons. Injured, Cindy had gotten their boys, two-years-old at the time, to the house where he had just arrived from work. She hadn’t made it through the night and by the time he’d rounded up a large group of Bear-males from the county the wolves hadn’t made it through to the next week. Those that didn’t die were severely injured and ran away with their tails tucked between their legs.

  Two years ago, he hadn’t participated in the winter festival to find a mate, because it was customary after the loss of a spouse to wait a year. He had waited an additional year. Were-bears mated for life, death was the only thing that separated them.

  Tomorrow, Riley would be gone and Friday he’d find a new mate. Someone he could depend on to protect and help raise his cubs.

  Back on all fours, he lumbered back to his house. Only a couple hours remained before sunrise and he needed to shower and get to bed. Bernie and Aubrey may sleep deep, but were up with the sun like most young Were-bears.

  Chapter Four

  Riley stretched her limbs as the morning sun beamed into her face; too bright. After sleep filled with dreams of a black bear and golden-brown bear and a sexy as hell man, she wanted more shut eye. She pulled the blanket over her head. What time was it? Blindly, she stretched her right arm out to collect her cell phone from her nightstand. Her arm waved around in open space. Frowning, she shoved the covers off her face and looked toward her stand. However, it wasn’t there.

  What the hell? Not only was her nightstand not where it normally was, she wasn’t in her friend’s apartment at all. Rolling onto her back, she stared at the room around her. Wood slats were everywhere: bed, ceiling, floor, and walls.

  “A cabin.” As the words left her mouth, everything came flooding into her mind like a tsunami. Escape. Accident. Light. Forest. Chase. House. Theo. Theo!

  His name echoed inside her head, causing her body to shudder in memory. She had believed the pictures moving through her mind as she slept had been an erotic dream brought on by exhaustion. She’d been so tired and stressed in dealing with her ex. But that had not been the case. The throbbing soreness of her body and especially her sex assured her it had all been real. Fierce and wonderfully real, her body taunted.

  Dropping back onto the mattress into sheets that smelled of her and Theo, unrestrained passion, she groaned.

  “This can’t be happening.” She just got out of a relationship months ago, and the last thing she needed was to find herself falling into another one with a man she didn’t know. Why?

  She questioned herself. Not, why not date. That was clear to her. But, why did she even allow things to go as far as they did. In her life, she’d never had a one night stand. Never slept with a guy before three months. They were hard rules she lived by. Those self boundaries had driven her ex crazy in the first few months of their relationship, but he’d dated her and tricked her into believing he was the real deal. It hadn’t been until they moved in together that she’d seen the true Fred. In a rude and blatant fashion. That had been eight months ago and she’d been attempting to get him out of her life ever since.

  Now she had this problem on hand. Theo Kodiak was a forest man who lived in a county in the middle of nowhere. He had probably been lonely and happy to get some. Shaking her head, she wondered how she’d let him know she had to leave.

  “It’s been fun, but I’m a city girl.” Or maybe, “Hey, stud, if you’re ever in my hometown, look me up.”

  Shoving upright, she wasn’t looking forward to any conversation. If she didn’t need him to take her into town, she would sneak out and avoid the discussion all together.

  She saw her clothes neatly folded at the foot of the bed. It warmed her heart to see that he’d taken the time to finish her clothes and bring them to her. Trying to stay away from him and being exhausted from her ordeal, she’d completely forgotten that she was supposed to move her clothes into the dryer, let alone get them out.

  She got up. Looking down at her naked form, she was surprised there weren’t bruises on her body as hard as Theo had held her and as rough as he’d taken her.

  You loved every minute of it. Her body taunted.

  She did. However, she’d have to be satisfied with memories because there wouldn’t be any repeat performances.

  Finding the discarded t-shirt, torn down the front, on the floor across the room beside a rocking chair that sat next to the window, she went and scooped it up. Pulling it on like a robe, she crossed the edges over in the front as she took a moment to stare out the window. Bright and sunny outside, the forest around the house looked appealing, in a way that made her want to go for a hike if she had time and wasn’t trapped in the county by happenstance with a sexy, virile male. She hadn’t hiked since she was younger. Outside the window, she also noticed a navy blue pick-up on the side of the house.

  My ride to town and away from this cabin.

  Moving back to the bed, she picked up the clean clothes and went to the door. Pulling it open a crack, she listened. She could hear people talking, but they didn’t sound close. Opening the door wider, she looked into the living room, it was empty. The voices she could hear coming from the direction of the kitchen. With quiet steps, she moved to the stairs and prayed she wouldn’t encounter anyone. She wasn’t even sure who all lived in the house with Theo. The last thing she wanted to have to do is explain her unkempt, sex dipped look.

  Making it to the bathroom, she sighed with relief as she closed the door behind her. She caught her first glimpse of herself and she almost screamed. A mess.

  She looked as if she’d been fucked hard all night. Her hair was in full dry disarray, especially since she didn’t have any way of wrapping it up and moisturizing it overnight, but her mouth really told the story. Her lips were swollen and red, and there were whisker burners around it that matched the ones along her neck.

  Unable to stop the memory of how it felt to be kissed with such abandoned and compelling passion, she moaned. This forest man was too good.

  Shaking away the thoughts, she made haste in showering and making herself presentable.


  “Good morning!”

  Theo felt Riley’s presence before one of his son’s had called out to her. He could also smell her fragrance, but he tried not to let it bother him that it was now the generic soap they used instead of his scent. She’d washed it off. Another thing that declared she was not Were and she wasn’t a good candidate for a taker. She would have reveled in his scent instead of scrubbing her body until there was nothing of him left on her. There was a way of cleansing that didn’t remove his scent. If she were his mate, he would have dragged her into the nearest room and replaced it. But she wasn’t.

  Exhaling, he turned around from the counter with his prepared coffee in hand.

  “Hi,” came her hesitant greeting to his two boys who were sitting at the table eating.

  “My two sons, Auberon and Bernard.” He lifted his coffee and sipped as he took in her fresh face. Her hair appeared damp. She had pulled it back into a thick braid down her back. He preferred to see it how it was when he’d gone into the guest room and set her clothes down, wild and flared out over rumpled sheets.

  “Everyone calls me Aubrey.” The oldest tw
in gave the newcomer a toothless grin and shoved a biscuit into his mouth.

  “I’m Bernie.” His brother added. “You want some of my porridge?” He held out a spoon with an oats and semolina combination, raisins, honey and milk as it dripped from the utensil to the floor.

  “I can’t remember the last time I ate…” Riley frowned at the food. “Hot cereal for breakfast.” She then winked at both the boys. “I may have been…five?”

  “Four.” Aubrey called out laughing, somehow realizing she was jesting with them.

  “Yes, four.” She smiled.

  Theo swallowed down a gulp of hot beverage. He hadn’t seen a smile on her face last night, and he was thankful because the impact of it, even though it was not directed at him, was powerful thing making him want to pull her into his arms and kiss her. Those lips that were still just a little swollen from his kisses.

  She finally shifted her gaze to him. “Good morning.” She was rubbing her hands along her pants. Nervous.

  He allowed his gaze to roam her features, looking for signs of illness, nausea. Expected from his bite. Strange, he didn’t pick up on any signs. “How did you sleep?”

  She licked her lips.

  He stifled a groan.

  “Okay. Umm…pretty good.” Her eyes flitted back to his boys, who were staring at her still then she glanced back to Theo.

  Theo could practically read her thoughts. Last night they hadn’t held back. Riley had screamed multiple times in climax as well as making continual pleasurable noises. His chest swelled at recalling those sounds. “They slept fine. They’re both like logs once they’re out.”

  “My nieces and nephew are the same. They might as well be hibernating.”

  “They’re bears, too?” Bernie asked with excitement.

  “Why do they hibernate so early?” Aubrey added.

  “Umm.” Riley stared at his twins perplexed. “No. It was a figure of spee—”

  “How about a little breakfast?” Theo called out, wanting to pull her attention away from his sons’ questions. They didn’t really discuss their species with outsiders. Those that weren’t shifters never understood and traditionally reacted with hysterical fear instead of trying to understand their difference.


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