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Bear's Gold (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales)

Page 7

by Hines, Yvette

  Theo looked from his sons’ cheery faces with their wild black hair to Riley. She didn’t hold his gaze long; instead she looked off toward the other families playing in the park. He’d never have her pay, but for a moment he wondered what kind of financial state a woman would be in if she could place all of her belongings in a small sedan. He hadn’t missed that her car had been packed as if she were headed to a new life. Believing that whatever was going on with her was her business and he had no right to pry, he didn’t ask.

  “Now, what kind of men would we be if we allowed a woman to pay for lunch for us?”

  Bernie shrugged.

  Aubrey said, “Nice ones?”

  Ruffling Aubrey’s hair, Theo shook his head. “Not even close, son.”

  “Can we go to Gobi’s?” Bernie asked.

  “Sure.” Looking back at the mysterious woman before him, he asked, “You hungry, Riley?”

  Shifting her pretty hazel eyes toward him, she nodded. “Amazingly I am. I think it must be all the woodland air. I usually only eat a light breakfast and dinner.”

  “That’s not nearly enough substance. Whatever you do for a living must not be very strenuous.”

  “Actually, I’m a preschool teacher.” She nodded toward his twins. “I spend my day chasing fifteen children like your boys around a room.”

  As they left the park and headed back to Paw Tracks Street, he tilted his head and observed the woman walking beside him. Theo tried to picture her as a teacher and having multiple children tugging on her for one thing or another. He realized that she had seemed extremely comfortable with his boys from the moment she walked into the kitchen. Now he knew why. It fit her.

  “I bet the little ones in your classroom love you.”

  A shadow crossed her features then disappeared. “I’ll miss them.”

  “Why?” Glancing at the road before he allowed his boys to cross after a truck went by, he moved their small group to the other side.

  She ran her hand idly over her hair, pushing back the few strands that had escaped the plait. “I’m sure you figured out that I’m moving. I’ll be getting a new job, so the kids I’ve grown attached to last year, I will not see anymore.” She exhaled loud. “Most of them would have been going to kindergarten next year anyway.”

  He wasn’t fooled for one moment that she was taking leaving those kids lightly; he could see the sadness she was trying to hide.

  Remaining silent on the subject, he escorted them down the sidewalk, waving and calling out hellos to his neighbors until they arrived at Gobi’s Diner.

  “It’s about time you brought these little guys to see me, Theo.” A short, slim woman with long brownish-red hair came from around the front counter wagging her finger at him. Once she was in front of them, she bent over and kissed both his boys on the cheeks.

  After giving the small woman a hug, he made introductions. “Riley Gold, this is my Aunt Ann, my father’s twin.”

  Whacking him on his arm with the towel from her apron, Ann chided him. “Don’t say twin, people will think your father and I look like each other. I like the term womb mate.”

  Theo chuckled. It was an old argument he heard often from his aunt. His father and aunt were a representation of most of the children sets in Den, fraternal twins. Few people had identical cubs as he and his late wife had. Only three others in town.

  His aunt pulled Riley into a hug. “Welcome to Den. That big lug in the kitchen is my husband, Paul Gobi.”

  Hearing his name, his uncle waved his spatula in the air and gave them a big smile.

  “Nice to meet you both,” Riley said.

  “Well, I know these Kodiak men are hungry. I hope you brought your appetite, too, Riley, because I just finished my famous stew, some homemade bread and my honey walnut cake should be out of the oven and cool by the time you all are done eating.”

  “Oh, goodness. If I wasn’t hungry before this moment, I think I am now.” Riley smiled.

  “Excellent.” His aunt ushered them to a booth and hustled away.

  Before they could even settle into the seats, Aunt Ann had a waitress bring them all steaming bowls of food and a basket filled with warm bread.

  The boys shoveled stew into their mouths as they colored on the large sheet of paper covering the table with restaurant crayons.

  Halfway through the meal, Riley said, “Everyone in town has been really kind.”

  That had shocked Theo a little. Not because the Den residents weren’t nice, but usually they kept to themselves when it came to strangers. Shifters were a tight knit group because of their small numbers. However, people had treated Riley as if she were a Were. But she wasn’t, he reminded himself.

  “I’m glad. I wouldn’t want the days you’re going to be stuck here to be miserable.”

  Taking another bite, she chewed slowly, thoughtful. Lifting her gaze to his, she said, “I haven’t told you thanks for opening your home to me last night.” She swallowed, looked away for a moment then back at him. “And until my car is ready.”

  “No problem. It will be nice having someone else at the house to talk to who’s conversation ability is a little higher than four.”

  “I make no promises.” She smiled.

  His heart slammed into the back of his chest. Locking his eyes on her plump lips, he wanted to lean over the table and kiss her. Reacquaint himself with the taste of her.

  “Is everyone ready for dessert?”Aunt Ann’s cheery voice broke the spell.

  His boys wiggled around in their seats and clapped as plates of cake were placed before them. Another waitress cleared the bowls and basket from the table and refilled their glasses with sweet green tea.

  Thank God for aunts. Theo sat back, not realizing that he had leaned forward toward Riley. This was going to be a long night.


  At home three hours later, he pulled his boys from a bath and got them dried and dressed in pajamas.

  “Can we see the ice movie?” Aubrey pulled on his slippers.

  “The one with the possums,” Bernie clarified as he raced out the room door.

  “Yes, we can.” Theo went back into the bathroom and hung the two towels on hooks to dry as he followed his boys down the stairs.

  Riley had just finished assembling the dinner plates when he moved into the kitchen. His son was telling her about the ‘ice movie’, practically telling her all the exciting parts. He hoped she had seen the cartoon movie before, otherwise his son had just spoiled it for her. Seeing her there caused his gut to warm. She looked perfect in her sweatpants and pullover, like she belonged in his kitchen making dinner.

  “I’ll help you carry the plates into the living room. We’re going to eat in there and watch the movie.”

  “Perfect. Like a slumber party,” she joked as she glanced over her shoulder at him. Riley had taken a shower first; she’d washed her hair and blow dried it. Now, her golden brown locks fell around her shoulders, straight with a shine to it from whatever kind of oil she used to manage it. She was just as beautiful as she had been covered in mud and wearing a frizzy plait.

  “Exactly.” He grabbed two of the plates that had turkey sandwiches and salad on it making sure he kept clear of touching Riley. His bear’s lust level had been on a low simmer all day and since they’d arrived back at his home, it had only elevated. He’d keep himself under control tonight. The pull of the First Frost Moon be damn, that’s all it was. That’s all last night’s overpowering reaction to Riley had been.

  Liar, his bear declared.

  Theo chose to ignore the word.

  He allowed Riley, carrying the last two plates, to go before him with the boys trotting happily between them. Once in the living room, he relinquished his chair to Riley, the boys sat in their own recliners and he pulled the boys old rocking chair from the guest room then started the movie. When his wife passed away and he had redecorated, during that time, because it was initially hard for him to see all her frilly details around the house, he never truly con
sidered how another person would fit into his all boys décor.

  With Riley’s presence in his home, it made him think of things like that. Eating, he silently observed her as she ate and conversed with the twins, as they explained parts of the movie to her as if she couldn’t figure out what was going on. She laughed and pretended to be shocked when events happened in the movie the boys told her were coming up. The nagging feeling that she belonged with them tapped at his gut again.

  He consumed his salad with more gusto than was needed, reminding any inner voice or feeling that Riley was headed to a new life. Den County was just an accidental stopping point for her.

  Looking away from her, he focused on the movie he’d seen more than a hundred times with his boys and tried to push his active thoughts of Riley from his mind. As he dreaded the coming moments when he put the boys to bed and the two of them would be alone.


  “Okay, boys, time for bed.” Theo announced as he rose from the rocking chair when the cartoon movie ended.

  “Ah, Papa-Bear, can Riley tuck us in?” Aubrey asked, rubbing his tired eyes.

  Bernie scooted off his own recliner. “Yeah, Papa-Bear, we want Riley.” A yawn followed his small declaration.

  Riley smiled hearing their nickname for Theo. It fit the big bear of a man that stood beside her, directing the twins toward the stairs. The two little guys looked more than a little beat. She was surprised they had made it through the movie. Even though it was just barely eight at night, they’d had a full day of running around with other children at the park by the fair grounds.

  “Do you mind?” Theo glanced over his shoulder at her.

  Her smile faltered some at his direct gaze. By some kind of silent agreement, they'd avoided each other’s eyes all evening. The tension in the room was thick. While she’d focused most of her mind toward enjoying the movie with the boys, the rest of her thoughts were consumed by the man in the rocking chair. How he looked in a navy blue tank top and jeans, his feet bare and masculine. His scent, the woodsy robust smell seemed to be everywhere around her since they got home.

  She had told herself that it was because they were in his house, around his things, but her body hadn’t seemed to care as it reacted to him continuously. Her skin felt as if it was on fire, her nipples were drawn tight, and her sex was aching to feel him inside her again.

  First she swallowed then licked her lips and fingered her hair away from her face, she was nervous and edgy. She feared that the moment the boys were down and they were alone that she wouldn’t be able to keep her desire at bay and under control. She had to. One night’s mistake was one thing. Two nights was just—

  Pure bliss. Her body sighed.

  Ridiculous! Her mind countered.

  “I don’t mind putting them to bed.” She circumvented the recliners on the side closer to the boys instead of the side Theo was on.

  “Thanks.” Squatting down, he kissed and hugged the two boys. “One story and that is it,” he told them firmly.

  Two identical heads bobbed up and down before they turned and moved up the stairs. Riley followed.

  “I have things to check on around the property, it may take me a while.” Theo backed up toward the hall leading to the kitchen.

  Continuing up the steps, she nodded. “Take your time. We’ll be fine here.”

  Before she and the boys reached the last step, Theo was out of sight.

  “Have a fun run, Papa…” Aubrey yawned loud.

  Riley ushered the little guys into bed. She knew the boy had to be excessively tired thinking his dad would go running in the dark woods at such a late hour. That didn’t make sense.

  Twenty minutes later, the boys were sound asleep and Riley realized Theo had not come in yet. Deciding to wash up the dishes, she told herself that she wasn’t trying to wait around for the sexy father of twins; she was only being courteous to her host by cleaning up the kitchen.

  Since they’d eaten a simple meal, the job didn’t take very long. She paused for a moment to look out back, but didn’t hear or see any movement. With nothing else to do, she headed off to her room. Once inside, she realized that she was tired. She’d never been an early to bed kind of person, but evidently the woodland environment was pushing her out of her norm with excessive hunger and sleepiness.

  Don’t forget horny.

  She wanted to deny the claims of her body, but she couldn’t. She was twenty-seven and in all of her dating years, she had never felt quite so turned on and physically needy. It had never been that way with Fred. And before he started acting out of sorts, she would have said they had a pretty good sex life. However, after last night she knew what she and Fred had was nothing. Staid, boring, and without real passion.

  Theo in bed—more like around the bed—was exciting, bold, commanding, and ardent to a sexually maddening point.

  “Ahh.” She gritted her teeth and let out her frustration. Having thoughts like this of Theo was not going to help her body calm down.

  Snatching off her sweatshirt, she allowed the coolness of the house to seep into her body. The Kodiak men didn’t seem to mind the chilly temperature of the house in the evening. She was the only one always cold, however, she welcomed that now, needing to relax her body and focus on getting to sleep.

  In bed, she pulled the covers over her head and forced herself to think about things that she had enjoyed growing up. Mundane thoughts of riding her bike and eating snow cones with her brother and sister allowed her mind to drift into sleep.

  Later, she woke up from a dream; a bad dream that she hadn’t had for years. It was the same old fragmented visions about something that happened when she was younger. Things she couldn’t piece together. Maybe even didn’t want to piece together.

  Her wrist was aching and she needed a glass of water. Rubbing her old scar, she left the room and padded to the kitchen silently in her thick socks.

  The house was quiet and she figured Theo was back home and most likely sleep by now. Back in the room, she looked at her cell phone and realized only an hour had passed since she’d gone to sleep. Crossing the room, she finished off her drink and set it on the nightstand. She needed to go back to sleep. If she stayed up, she knew her mind would just keep replaying the old dream. Being surrounded by woods for the next couple days, she didn’t want that.

  The window was closer to the side of the bed the stand was on. Her eyes were drawn outside to the dark trees, shadowy and eerie. All kinds of animals could be hiding out there, in wait of an innocent prey. Even as she had trepidation about the woods, something seemed to draw and fascinate her as well. She’d known this since she was little. Her own curiosity and sense of adventure had been her own downfall.

  The light from the porch, her beacon from the night before, reflected on part of the truck below her window. About to turn around to head back to bed, something moving caught her eye. Shifting back, she stared out into the night, unsure of what had grabbed her attention until she noticed Theo moving past the side of the vehicle. Now at the soft edges of the light, she could see enough of him to notice that he was completely nude.

  His thick unruly black hair blended well with the night. His broad shoulders seemed to gleam with a heavy sheen of sweat. The light and the moisture illuminated his muscles. His wide chest was smooth and well sculpted. She’d noticed that the night before. Every inch of him was covered with muscles; even his powerful thighs looked chiseled out of granite. The part of him that captivated her and held her focus was his manhood. The man’s cock was thick and well hung. Last night she’d barely been given a moment to view it before she was in his arms and consumed by a sexual madness.

  Her sex clenched and wept into her panties with memories of his cock thrusting inside of her. Her body pulsed with need and the mark on her shoulder throbbed. The bite had healed amazingly quickly, but still left evidence of…teeth? A man that bites during sex. For reasons she didn’t want to analyze at the moment, the thought of him becoming so overwhelmed during sex
that he bit her caused heat to flood her sex. This was not what she needed to keep her thoughts away from Theo.

  Unable to hold back the sigh of pleasure, she allowed it to slip from her lips.

  As if hearing the soft sound he stopped and turned to her window.

  Shocked and anxious about being discovered, she quickly stepped to the side away from the window.

  Her heart was pounding. Had he seen me?The room was dark and he was in the light, wouldn’t that make it hard for him to see into the house at all?

  Unsure, she stayed away from the window as she crept along the wall until she reached the bed and was once again buried below the covers.

  She drifted off to sleep again with one question on her mind. Why would he be strolling around outside naked in the chilly Fall night?

  Chapter Seven

  Theo knew Riley had seen him. What had drawn him to glance toward her window, he didn’t know. Just like he didn’t know why he was pulled toward the woman herself. The uncanny awareness of her was more than bear lust. The strangeness of feeling whole and complete around her was what had driven him out of the house. He always went for a security run at night. It was what all male bears in Den County did. What he would train his sons to do once they reached full maturity. How to protect your property and family was an essential lesson his own papa-bear had shown him and his three brothers.

  But, normally he was only out for no more than an hour; tonight he’d gone out for over two. Checking and re-checking every corner of his large boundary. All because he couldn’t trust himself to be alone downstairs with Riley.

  Damn it, he was a grown ass Were-bear. The man of his home. He was stronger than a little feral desire for a human woman. In his youth, he’d gone away from the county and traveled. Experienced life in the world like all young adult Weres and sampled his fair share of human women. None of them had captivated him like Riley. None of them had taken his unleashed passion and pleaded for more.

  He’d been advised and learned to temper his sexual drive around the weaker females. However, with Riley there hadn’t been the will to do it or the need. She’d taken him and compelled him to give more of himself. He’d connected with her on a deeper level that should not have been possible. A Were level, mind-link, where visions were shared during the peak of ecstasy.


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