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Broken Prince (The Broken Ones)

Page 18

by Jen Wylie


  "I’m here," she forced out quietly.

  Spinning to face her, his eyes narrowed. Suddenly he charged toward her and she scrambled backward, not expecting such a reaction.

  "What have you done?"

  Banging her back up against a tree, she winced at his roar. She didn’t try to escape, she needed to touch him and drain the fury. She needed to deal with the consequences of her actions.

  However, the look of violence on his face, and that he didn’t slow as he approached, changed her mind and she ducked to the side.

  "Let me explain!"

  He spun and sprang at her again. "No! You gave me Fey power. Fey!"

  "You were dying!"

  "I am quite aware of that," he snarled. "You should have let me go."

  She shook her vehemently as she evaded him. "You know I can’t do that."

  "First you use Were magic to bind me into a pack and now this? Do you know what you’ve done?"

  "It will fade. If you’ll just stop I can take the fury away."

  He froze in mid-step. "You have done this before. With Kei. How…" He shook his head.

  "I don’t know how, just that I can do it. It’s fine–"

  "You foolish girl!"

  A growl of frustration rumbled out of him and she took a step back at the sudden rise in anger. His words made her own fury spring forth again and she gritted her teeth against it.

  It distracted her enough she only had time to raise her hands as he darted forward. Grasping her wrists, his momentum carried them back until she hit another tree.

  "Foolish, foolish child! You have no idea the powers you are playing with."

  "I’m not playing," she snapped. Raising her chin she glared up at him. "I needed him. Like I need you. I do what I have to do."

  His head bowed down, closing the distance between them. "Says the little human girl. You understand nothing of our ways or of magic. Always the child–"

  "I am not a child!"

  His glowing red eyes stared heatedly into hers. "No," he finally said his voice soft and husky. "You are not, are you?"

  Her brow furrowed at the sudden change, but she didn’t have a chance to reply. His head dipped down and his lips pressed to hers, forceful and demanding.

  Surprise froze her for a moment. He was kissing her? After everything he’d said? The fury within her rose in a frenzy, a whipping mass of red. She kissed him back, pushing against him, trying to push him away. Trying to get closer.

  He shifted, pinning her hands above her head against the tree and then he pulled back. His blue eyes hid behind the faint red glow of the fury.

  "I should not be doing this."

  She gasped for breath, her gaze dropping to the angry line of his mouth. "I don’t care."

  "You should. Nothing will come of this. This is…nothing."

  His words cut through her like a knife. Pushing against him, she tried to break free of his hold. "You rotting–"

  Lips covered hers, silencing her. As his tongue traced across her lips she twisted, trying to break free but kissing him back at the same time because she simply couldn’t stop. Finally she found leverage. Jerking her arms down, she pushed her knee into the side of his leg and tried to escape to the side.

  His foot shot out, tripping her, but he didn’t let go of her wrists and she pulled him down with her. Hitting the ground hard, she twisted and turned and kicked, trying to get away. Too easily he overpowered her. When had he gotten so strong?

  She tried to scream in frustration but then his lips were on hers once more, his tongue pressing for entry. Parting her lips, new sensations sent tendrils of heat through her body. She finally understood why people kissed like this. Melting beneath him, he finally released her hands and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He kissed her until her brain felt like it had melted and when he finally pulled back she fought to find her breath.

  Red eyes once more glared down into hers. "Do you understand yet, Aro?"

  She shook her head, having no idea what he was talking about, not even wanting to try to understand. Her fingers tangled in his hair and she pulled, trying to bring him back down to her.

  "It matters not what I may or may not feel for you. This will never be."

  She frowned, pulling her hands from his hair and bringing them down to rest on his shoulders. "Will you stop with all of that?"

  "No." He kissed her again, a soft press. "Do you wish to come home with me?"

  She blinked up at him in confusion. "But, you said…"

  "Yes, you would be my pet. I would buy you a beautiful collar and you could kneel at my feet in court. Would you like that?"

  Her fury rose so swiftly she felt like her skin was on fire. The flames burned through her, a roaring furnace of anger at his betrayal.

  "And when the Elves learn of your special mind gifts, they will enjoy playing so many games with you. Likely they would destroy your mind. Perhaps for the best, as life at court, even for pets, is neither easy or safe."

  She barely managed to mute the cry of denial that tore up her throat. Her fingers clawed into his shoulders and she pushed, throwing up her hip as she rolled him off of her.

  A startled oath rumbled out of him as he hit the ground. Following her momentum she rolled on top of him and then flung herself to the side.

  "Why are you doing this to me?"

  He caught her ankle and jerked her back to him. Her fury flowed around her, whipping her anger as she fought with him in the dirt until he finally pinned her beneath him once more.

  Pressing his body down against hers, he caught her wrists and pinned them next to her head. "I can not seem to stop." He kissed her. "Despite knowing better, I am attracted to you. Lust, desire, is a powerful thing it seems." He kissed her again and then trailed kisses along her jaw and down her neck as he spoke. "This power you have given me, this fury, is not helping. I am so angry with you, for so many reasons. Yet the worst, is the anger toward myself for wanting you so much." His lips left her neck as she froze and he raised his head to gaze down at her.

  She stared up at him, his words shocking her more than he could possibly know. They hurt her, more than she expected.

  He wanted her.

  He wanted her and right now. In this moment, she had him.

  Thoughts of fighting him fled and she raised her head to tentatively kiss him before dropping back to the ground and waiting. She had to try.

  Their red eyes burned into each other for a long moment. A slight smile curved his lips and then they descended to hers once more.

  Surrendering to him, she pushed a scattering of thoughts and doubts aside and simply…felt. The weight of his body over hers. The pleasure his touch and kiss sent through every part of her. The warmth and pressure of his lips on hers, the feel of his tongue searching her mouth and warring with her own. It wasn’t as she’d imagined it would be. Fueled by their fury, it was rough and wild, but it sent her senses reeling and her heart raced so quickly she feared it would suddenly stop altogether.

  She could feel the power within him, within her. Their fury mixed and twinned around them both, pulling them closer. She didn’t understand why it wasn’t pushing her to attack and fight. It seemed to want him closer, to be pulling them together.

  A hand slid down her side and she shivered against him. Cool fingers slipped under the edge of her shirt and hit her burning skin. Gasping against his mouth, she arched her back and moaned as his hand slid up along her side, caressed her ribs and–

  He was simply gone, torn from her. Starring up at the canopy of the trees she gasped in shock before pushing up on her elbows.

  She saw the last thing she expected.

  Kei had him by the back of the neck, but only for a moment. Prince twisted away and snarled, swinging at the Fey. As she scrambled to her feet, Garen sprang forward, snapping at Prince. Bo caught him by surprise from behind, catching his arms and holding him immobile.

  "What are you doing!" Kei�
�s eyes glowed red and he lunged toward Prince.


  Everyone turned toward her and she jerked back under their angry stares. Her fury rose once more and she crossed her arms in annoyance.

  "What have you done, Aro?" Bo grimaced as Prince struggled against him.

  Her brain struggled for an acceptable answer. "Saved his life. Again."

  Prince threw back his head and laughed. "And I merely repaid her for it," he said bitterly.

  She sucked in a startled breath. His words suddenly came back to her, all of them. Striding forward, she slammed her palm on his chest and ripped the fury from him.

  His eyes quickly returned to normal. By the time she was done, he sagged back against Bo.

  Stepping closer, she tried to reign in her sudden anger. "You do not play games with me," she whispered furiously. "Ever."

  Raising his head, his beautiful blue eyes laughed into hers. "Learn not to be played with then, little one."

  "You rotting bastard." She pushed him in the chest. "If you don’t love me, then do not ever kiss me again. Understand?"

  "Oh, I do," he snapped. "And you never give me Fey power again. Understand?"

  She growled in response. Kei grabbed her arm, pulling her back when she moved to spring at Prince.


  "Leave me alone." Fighting to contain the overwhelming anger and disgust she felt for herself, she turned her back on them all and fled into the trees.

  Chapter 23:

  Letting Go

  Her whole body trembled in anger as she walked. It felt as though some violent, living thing tried to burst free from within her. Clenching her fists and teeth, she focused on staying in control.

  Eventually she stopped, dropping to her knees. Each breath came frantic and quick. Her heart beat just as fast, almost a roar in her ears.

  Prince’s words repeated themselves over and over in her head. He didn’t love her. She’d only ever be a pet. A pet! She couldn’t control the anger she felt toward him. Or toward herself for allowing things to come to this. She should have let things be. She knew how he felt, or thought she did. Now she had confusion on top of the anger. Now everything they’d had was ruined.

  She couldn’t relax, couldn’t let the power and the fury go like she had in the past.

  It overwhelmed her, consumed her from the inside. She rocked back and forth, trying and failing to calm down and let the power go. She wanted to scream, to roar out her fury so it echoed from one end of the forest to the other. She didn’t. She’d been trained well enough on the importance of being quiet in unknown territory.

  Leaves crackled behind her and she stopped her rocking. The light step told her it was Kei. He stopped behind her and crouched down.

  "Leave," she whispered, her voice hoarse as if she truly had been screaming.

  A hand touched her shoulder and she jerked it off.

  "Relax. Let it go," he said quietly.

  "I can’t!" She spun on him then, raising her hands to hit or push him away.

  He caught her wrists. She fought against him, but knew she wouldn’t win. He was faster than her, stronger than her. He was Fey. She wasn’t.

  He jerked her forward, catching her by surprise. A moment later his arms were around her, holding her close, her head tucked under his chin.

  She tilted her head back but could only see his neck. "I want to rip your throat out," she whispered. Her words shocked her, so too did the fact she meant what she said. The additional fury from Prince certainly made a difference.

  "I know."

  She lowered her head and clenched her teeth together. He understood. Of course he did. He was Fey. She wasn’t, but Fey power currently ran through her.

  He held her, tightly yet gently, pressing his cheek against her hair.

  "I asked you not to do this," he finally said.

  "I didn’t take yours, did I?"

  "We don’t know what it’s doing to you. You know that. But you did it again. Four times." His arms tightened around her. "Why?"

  "They reminded me of you. When you were caught in the fury. Would you have had us kill them? I know it’s not their fault. I wanted to help them."

  He sighed against her hair. "You have to stop."

  "I…I don’t think I’m supposed to." She paused, trying to gather her thoughts. "When I saw them, the urge to help them came on so strong. When the last one ran, I had to follow. Something inside pushed me to do it. I think I’m supposed to do this, Kei. I might not be your Queen, but I think I’m supposed to help your people."

  "Aro…" A low growl of frustration rumbled from his chest. "You are more important to me."

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and realized her breathing and heart had calmed while Kei held her. The fury still boiled within her and before it took control again she quickly concentrated on letting it go.

  As it seeped away her body relaxed against Kei. She hadn’t realized she’d been so rigid against him.


  She nodded and shifted in his arms so she could look up at him.

  He frowned, his gaze flicking back and forth between her eyes.

  "What is it? Are they still red?"

  "No. There are flecks of gold in them."

  Her eyebrows went up. "No there isn’t. They’re brown."

  "There is now."

  Her tongue flicked over her teeth as her hands went to her ears. Everything else seemed normal at least. "Brown was boring anyway," she muttered. "We should go back."

  They stood silently and headed back.

  "There’s blood on your hand."

  Kei looked down, shrugged, and then wiped it on the back of his pants.

  Her eyes narrowed. She was quite certain it hadn’t been there before she’d run off. "What did you do?"

  "He deserved it."

  Her feet planted themselves in the ground. "Kei!"

  He stopped and turned to face her, crossing his arms over his chest. "I didn’t kill him," he muttered.

  She gaped at him, not sure what to say.

  "He disrespected you. Doing that to you," he snapped, his voice rising in anger. "You aren’t some whore! You’re a lady."

  "What…but…" She shook her head in confusion.

  "I know," he continued more quietly. "The fury didn’t help. But he’s an Elf. He should not have treated you like that."

  "I’m not a lady. I never was."

  His eyes brightened in renewed anger. "You are! You’re our lady. My lady. You don’t see yourself like we do. Your strength. Your loyalty and honesty and beauty. You don’t need a title to be a lady, Aro."

  She shook her head. He didn’t understand. "He didn’t make me. It’s fine."

  "No. It’s not. Did you want it to be like that? That isn’t courting."

  "I wanted him! I want him and I can’t have him!" She took a deep breath, realizing her voice was getting quite loud. "For a moment he wanted me. He was mine."

  Sorrow crashed down on his face and he took a step toward her, hands outstretched pleadingly. "Don’t let him do this to you."

  Biting her lip, she shook her head and looked away. "You don’t understand," she whispered.

  "No. I don’t. You deserve to be treated better than this."

  "What am I supposed to do?" She pleaded with him.

  He bridged the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her. "Let him go."

  Somehow, closing her eyes against the tears actually kept them away. Maybe she’d cried enough over Prince already. Kei was right. She had to let him go. A few more days and he’d be gone. Maybe it was enough time for her to salvage their friendship. Anything else…it would never happen. Not now. Not in this time and place. Not ever.

  Chapter 24:

  Back for More

  She avoided looking at Prince as she joined the others. Bo and Garen had found the horses like she’d asked, so they were able to set out immediately.

  For a time, she kept to herself and the others let her
be. Space and the shadows of the trees hid how she kept bringing her fingers to her lips. They were tender to the touch and a little swollen. He’d kissed her and said such terrible things and kissed her some more. Trying to understand only made her head ache.

  At the sound of a horse drawing close she jerked her fingers away. Glancing up, she saw with relief it was Bo and not Prince.

  "How are you doing, pup?"

  The concerned look on his face made her force a small smile. "Good enough. I’ve been better. I’ve also been worse." She shrugged and looked away, pretending to watch her footing.

  "You worried us. When we returned with the horses you were both gone. We called, but you never answered."

  "I didn’t hear you." She frowned. "I don’t know why."

  "Be careful, pup. I don’t know what you did with the Fey. But I know the others are worried. I am, too." He raised a hand as she opened her mouth to protest. "But, I also recall the prophecy. You don’t believe in it, but perhaps there is some truth to it. You took their fury. Perhaps this is what you are meant to do and if so, then that is the way of it. There are some things you can’t fight and some things you shouldn’t. Healing the Fey is a noble cause and I support you in that."

  Blinking up at him in disbelief, she finally shook her head, not sure what to say. "Thank you," she eventually managed.

  "Now as for you and Prince…" Bo let out a loud sigh. "I’m sorry, if we overreacted."

  Her head jerked up and she looked back at him in surprise. His words made her think, and after a moment she smiled softly. "It’s what my brothers would have done, I think."

  He chuckled. "Yes, they would have. Or perhaps something even worse. We know you can take care of yourself, Aro. It’s just hard sometimes. We want to protect you."

  "I know." Thinking of her brothers made her chest suddenly ache. "After we get Prince home…do you think…" She stumbled over what to say. "Maybe we could try to find out what happened?"

  He nodded thoughtfully. "I don’t know if any word will have reached over here, but we can ask around."

  "Do you…do you want to go home?"


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