Best In Breed
Page 3
He tentatively put his arms around her naked form and hugged her in return. She let out a long luxurious sigh at the feeling of being held by him. The side of her face was pressed to his chest and she moved it in a small circle.
"You poor man. I'm so sorry about what they did to your friend." She hugged a little tighter, and then meant to let go and step away. But his arms felt so good... she found she had absolutely no will to pull away from him. He rubbed her back and she let out another long slow breath.
"Thank you," he said quietly. "I can't bring him back. But I can give him justice. And you're going to help me. Aren't you?"
She nodded, cheek still pressed to him. "I will. I was wrong, you're not a bad man. I can feel it." The longer she stayed in contact with him, the warmer she felt, naked or not. Her whole body felt like it was lying in a sunbeam and little flashes of pleasure were sparking everywhere she touched him. His hand on the small of her back was heavenly.
"That's a nice kitty." He bent his head and looked at her with a grin. She turned her face to his and smiled back. Calling her "nice kitty" would have gotten any other man a slap. Now it made her want to melt. On impulse, she strained up and kissed him.
Her eyes closed and she sagged in his grip.
The touch of his lips sent a great wave of desire crashing over her. He kissed back, hesitantly at first, then hungrily. He tasted like... like sex. All the erotic bliss she had ever known, the memory of hot intimate tastes and touches and smells and feelings, faded to insignificance. Angeline was shaking in his arms and only his strong grip kept her from sprawling on the floor. Eventually he lifted his head and her eyes fluttered open. She was panting and gasping as if she'd been making love for hours. From somewhere far away she felt dampness between her legs, spreading to her thighs.
"Please." Her voice was a whisper.
"Please what, Angeline?"
"Please..." She couldn't speak. Couldn't think. The need was too overwhelming. Somehow she got out a few more words. "Please touch me."
His hand slipped down and stroked her ass, a fingertip brushing the base of her tail and sending more helpless shudders through her. Strong fingers tentatively squeezed the tight curve and when she moaned, squeezed harder. Angeline started kissing the front of his chest, whimpering. The lab coat tasted vaguely acrid but she didn't care. She barely had the strength to lift her head.
With a final squeeze he lifted his hands and pushed her back. "If you want to kiss me, let me at least take this off." He was smiling down at her but there was a rasp in his voice. A husky growl, faint but real. His eyes were roaming over over her like he couldn't decide which part was best.
He wants me. Oh, thank God. If he didn't want me I think I would die. She watched, swaying gently, as he removed the lab coat and hung it up on a hook by the door. To her eye his casual and practiced movements belied a hidden tension, and she could smell his arousal now. It made her breath quick and hot.
He walked back over to her and took her in his arms once more. She melted into him. Without the thick lab coat she could feel the heat of his body much better. His scent poured into her brain and made her start to salivate. She pressed into him and could feel his cock through his pants. It sent another wave of desire through her.
Pulling her hair back gently, he bowed his head and kissed her. Angeline moaned into his kiss and tried to kiss back, but she was so weak she just let his tongue explore her mouth and savored the taste and the feel of him. After long minutes he lifted his face from hers.
"It doesn't seem fair..." His voice caught, rough with desire. After clearing his throat he tried again. "It doesn't seem fair I have all these clothes on and you're naked. Do you want me to take them off?"
"Oh, yes, please, sir, please..." The words came hard and she ran out of breath. He gently walked her back to the chair-seat-thing and sat her in it. She watched, panting, as he removed his clothes and put them on one of the tables. When he pulled his boxers down and his cock came into view she groaned with need. Without even realizing it, she put her feet back up in the loops on the bars that came out of the chair, spreading her legs wide. Immediately the scent of her arousal started to fill the room with musk, overwhelming everything else. She was too captivated to think of touching herself. Fortunately, there was no need.
The man walked over to her, naked in the cool light of the laboratory. His hard cock was swaying and he didn't waste any more time with words. The chair had put her pussy at just the right height and he stood between her legs and slipped it into her with barely a pause.
She screamed.
His eyes grew wide and he held still for a second, his face concerned. But she managed to gasp out, "Nononodon'tstopohGodfuckme, fuck me, please!" She strained at the loops and lifted her ass, trying desperately to get more of him inside her. Reassured, but still wide-eyed, he started to pump into her and she hissed with pleasure. Finally she found the strength to lift her arms and she reached for him, leaning forward a bit to run her hands up and down his chest and stomach. She couldn't get enough of the feel of his skin. Her nostrils were dilated and she took long deep breaths. Her head was full of the feeling of his dick and the scent of their arousal. The only thought she could form was... More!
Angeline was in excellent shape and her need was making her clamp onto his cock with unbelievable strength. After only a few minutes, he started thrusting furiously, stretching her pussy so hard it almost hurt her. But still she could not get enough and she only thrashed harder. The sight of the gorgeous catgirl going insane beneath him overwhelmed him and he shouted in pleasure and triumph as hot come shot into her.
The feeling of his cock throbbing and the hot slippery come filling her sent electric bliss through Angeline and she started orgasming so hard and so fast that each wave just blurred into the next. The room rang with her screams of pleasure until he finally stopped.
"I can't... it's too much..." His face was dark red with the heat of his passion. "You're so tight... I can't take any more!" He slipped his dick out of her with a wince of over-stimulation and she moaned with the sudden emptiness. He leaned on a table, breathing heavily, and she looked up with new desperation.
The scent of his cock, covered with their juices, lit up every dark and hidden place the Breeders had fixed in the catgirl's head. With no conscious thought at all she flowed out of the seat and sank to her knees in front of him. He stared down in amazement as she started to lap at him, gently, too overwhelmed to do more than take tiny little licks and then sigh in absolute ecstasy.
Fresh from the bonding - the first catgirl bonding in thousands of years - and with a lifetime of need she didn't even know she'd had, Angeline was lost to her instincts, to the feeling. To the need. She never knew how long it took her to lick him clean, but when she was done, his skin glistened, pink from the tiny bristles of her tongue. He had started to go soft, but it didn't take long for him to come back to almost painful hardness.
Eventually, he spoke. "That was incredible. But I can't stand up any more." He was leaning quite hard on the table and his breath was labored. But he smiled down at her and her heart melted. Then he spoke again and it started to pound.
"Let's go upstairs and find a bed."
The next morning, Angeline woke with a start to the sensation of sunlight tickling her nose. (It worked on catgirls just like it worked on cats.) It took her a second to remember where she was. A big bed, soft sheets, a bedroom almost as big as her whole apartment... and lying next to her, a naked man. She took a deep breath and the scent of him made the world go soft and fuzzy.
She nuzzled him, humming with a sound that catgirls really hated being called a purr. He stirred and looked at her sleepily. "Good morning," he said, shaking his head with a bemused look.
"Good morning... master." Sometime during the third go-round, "sir" had been replaced by this. She still didn't know his name, but she didn't care and he didn't seem to mind. She rubbed her face against his chest, sniffing and kissing.
"How are you feeling?" His smile was warmer to her than the sunbeam sliding through the window and she basked in it for a second.
"I feel wonderful." She stroked her face against his chest a little harder. "I'm so happy. Thank you, master. I'm sorry I was so rude to you."
"That's all right. You didn't know." The smile broadened. "But you do seem to have calmed down a little."
She lifted her head inquisitively. "Do you want to fuck, master? That would be great, but I'm happy to just lie here and hold you right now."
A look of relief passed over his face. "Oh, no, this is fine. You feel really nice." He slipped an arm around her and pulled her to him and she started to purr with delight. "I was starting to worry you were stuck on 'high.'"
"I can think now, master," she answered. "The need is still there, but it's... softer. I'm fine. Thank you for worrying about me." She gave him a little kiss on the chest and reclined her head against him. "You're so sweet."
He looked down at her and chuckled. "You really think so? Even after the whole... kidnapping... thing?"
She nodded. "You had to. And if you hadn't I never would have found you. How could I be angry?"
"Fair enough." He laughed softly. "So I think we'll call that experiment a success, then." His hand slipped down and caressed her and she started, then began to squirm. He brought his other hand around and stroked her face with it. She let out a little moan of desire. The need was no longer soft and her breathing quickened. One leg came up around his and she pressed his thigh between hers.
"Yes, master. Very successful." She rolled with fluid grace and was suddenly on top of him. He jumped at the quickness of her movement, but then relaxed as she began to rub her body over his. Her little pink tongue was busy on his chest and neck and his cock pressed into her belly.
He took her hair in his hand - he had discovered how very much she liked that - and pulled her up for kisses. With some shifting, his erect member managed to slip from between them and rubbed her rapidly dampening slit. She gasped into the kiss and wiggled her hips until she managed to get it inside and then pushed down with all her might. When it was all the way inside she started squeezing with strong muscles and he moaned.
Not a lot got done that morning.
When his stomach would keep quiet no longer, they got up and he led her to a bright kitchen. It was surprisingly far. Angeline had never been in a house so large. Once in the kitchen he turned to her and said, "Can you cook?"
She lowered her head in shame. "Not very well, master. I'm a waitress. I can serve food. But my mother never taught me to cook and I never had time to learn or money for nice food."
"Well, then, sit down and watch." She sat on a chair at a small table in a corner of the kitchen - she didn't know what a "breakfast nook" even was - and watched him. He had thrown on a robe and he moved purposefully, the hem of the robe swishing about as he gathered eggs and other things and set a pan to heating. "Anybody can make an omelet."
Angeline put her elbow on the table and leaned her head into her hand. She had had omelets at the coffee house and didn't care for them. But she would try anything he asked her to. In a few minutes he started throwing things in the pan and the savory smell of some kind of sausage filled her nose. She realized with astonishment that she was ravenous. Until the food was right in front of her she had only been hungry for him.
"That smells wonderful, master." She gave him a hopeful smile. He winked at her.
"Alchemists tend to either live off junk food or be very good cooks. It's another kind of alchemy, really - some of us just don't want to be bothered." He flipped the omelet and it landed neatly in the pan. She almost clapped her hands with delight.
"I can get pretty distracted and then it's frozen-pizza time, assuming I remember to eat at all." He winked at her again, with a sly smile, and she blushed a little bit. "But when I'm hungry, I like good food. And voila!" The omelet slid onto a waiting plate and he put it in front of her. "It's hot. Wait f..." Angeline had already grabbed a fork from the table, moving almost too fast for a human to see, and scooped up a big bite. She blew air through her mouth as the hot food hit her sensitive tongue.
"... For it to cool." He shook his head and started another omelet for himself as Angeline fought to keep from shoving hers into her face faster than she could blow on it. A moment later he sat next to her and started eating, with just as much appetite if not quite so recklessly.
When she had finished she sat and watched him eat. He smiled at her between bites. When he paused, she said, "This is a beautiful house, master. Who else lives here?" It occurred to her for the first time that he might have a girlfriend. Or a wife. Or... her heart started to sink before he answered.
"Nobody else. It's mine. I'm a pretty good alchemist. It pays the bills." The smile got a bit broader as he took a few last bites and sat back. He had brought over glasses of juice when he sat and they sipped at them, just looking at each other.
"Do... do you work anywhere else?" The need was still there, red and warm, but Angeline successfully squelched it for the time being. She was very curious about him and up until now all she'd learned was that he was very, very good in bed and almost as good in the kitchen. Although that first part might just be me.
"No. Used to work at the university, got tired of it, started doing consulting." A look that was becoming sadly familiar to her came into his eyes. "That's where... My friend... he was a geomancer. Brilliant, just brilliant. Met at the university..." He shook his head. "No. That time has passed. He was right and the proof of it sits before me. Now it's time for vindication."
"How are you going to do that, master? You aren't... you aren't going to tell everyone, are you?" Her mind whirled at the thought of what the revelation of the secret of the catgirls would do to them. To the world.
"Nope." The devilish smile was starting to creep over his face. "I have a better idea."
"What's that?"
"You'll find out. In the meantime, though, what's your story? I knew the easiest way to find a Spotted Queen would be to watch the right places at the university, but it's not like I stalked you for weeks." He didn't appear to be bothered by the admission that he'd hunted her, and somehow it made her feel... proud.
"Anyway, I saw you, and that was that. You're pretty much perfect. And from the things in your bag, you're quite intelligent and working hard. Good for you." She ducked her head and blushed at the praise. "Got a roommate? Somebody who will be missing you?"
"No, master. But I'm going to miss my test today." She looked sad, if only a little, but then a very strange expression came over her. "It was in FeleoSapiens Studies. I don't know if I could do it now, knowing what I know. It's... weird."
He chuckled. "Well, if you want to go to school, then we can probably work something out. But I think you'll be taking the rest of the semester off."
"I will?"
"Yep. Maybe we can get you a work-study credit. You can be my assistant. A letter from Doctor Martin Ostanes should still carry a little weight with the alchemy department. And you've certainly helped me advance my research!"
The name meant nothing to her, but she still thrilled to hear it. And she giggled at the idea of having "helped" him.
"Thank you, master. I would like to go to school. I love it, even though it's hard."
"Then you shall. But why is it so hard? You seem clever enough." Again the praise made her blush and a surge of warmth passed through her.
"I just never have enough time. I have to work and it's a long walk from the school to my job to my apartment and..." She hung her head. She didn't want to even get into the part about not having enough to eat or buying out-of-date textbooks when she could get them at all. Poverty had always seemed like an excuse to her. She knew it wasn't, but it didn't help.
He laughed and she felt vaguely hurt. But then he spoke and her eyes widened.
"Angeline, those days are over. You'll stay here with me, and you won't need to work
. Like I said, I'm a very good alchemist. When I want money, I let it be known my time is for sale, and that takes care of it, fast. I'll hire you a cab to go and get anything you want from your apartment, and you can quit your job. After all, I need you close. To... monitor the results." He looked at her with sudden lust and she gasped. The heat in her nicely-filled tummy was suddenly a pale echo of a much brighter heat somewhere lower.
"Yes, master!" She hadn't considered the future for the past several hours: the idea of suddenly being free from drudgery and squalor was so abrupt she hardly knew what to think. But her face was glowing with sudden delight.
"Much better. We'll get you a leave from the university, tidy up any loose strings, and you can stay here with me. And then we start phase two."
"Phase two? What's phase two?" A little confusion couldn't dampen her joy at the thought of being close to him, but she was still a very curious catgirl.
"Like I said... you'll see."
Angeline looked up from the screen of her laptop. Martin was reading something on the computer at his desk. (She was sitting on the floor near his feet, her preferred position.) He had a satisfied look. She had gotten used to it in the weeks since they first met, but this one was particularly smug.
"Ah what, master?"
"We're going hunting tonight. I have a contact who is interested."
This confused Angeline, naturally enough. "Hunting? For what?"
"Another catgirl, of course. A Siamese." He had closed the message and was now surfing through webpages for bars and clubs.
"What do you need with another? Aren't I enough for you?" The idea of sharing him made her anxious. But in a corner of her head the idea of pleasing him with another girl, watching his ecstasy, made a little spark flare.