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Donkey Doubled: A Twin Stepbrother Menage Romance

Page 57

by Stephanie Brother

  Finally, Dante’s private car arrives. Once outside, he ignores the chants that come towards him fiercely, and with his stepsister firmly in his grasp, he makes his way into his office.

  Chapter 40

  “Shares have plummeted”, Alex says. “Actually, they’ve not just plummeted, they’ve fallen off the fucking chart completely.”

  She’s pacing up and down the room, high heels digging into the expensively laminated floor. There are pock marks all over from several years of doing the very same thing.

  “Five hundred million wiped off the value of Hix Industries. It’s a fucking shit storm, Dante, how did you let this happen?”

  Sash can feel Alex eyeball her with a stare that would melt lead. Dante directs his gaze to Caulder, who is sat in a separate part of the office, filing his nails with an expensive looking, monogrammed emery board.

  “I don’t know, Caulder?”

  He shrugs, and with his arms out, he says, “I did my best.”

  “You fucked up.”

  Dante points an accusatory finger at him.

  He swipes the air and turns the corners of his mouth up at the edges. It isn’t quite a smile, not quite a snarl. It’s an emotionless gesture at best. I’m not the one fucking my stepsister is something he’d like to say, and might do, if Sash wasn’t present.

  Alex ignores the two of them.

  “You could have paid a hundred of that and saved yourself this issue. You might still have to.”

  “What does that mean exactly?”

  Alex pushes through the double doors, retrieves something from her desk and drops it into Dante’s lap. Sash doesn’t need to look more closely to see where the photos were taken, she recognizes the building immediately.

  “Who sent these?”

  “Does it matter who sent them?” Alex snaps at her, before returning her attention to Dante. To her, Sash is nothing more than something rotten they’ve all trodden in. According to Alex, they wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for her.

  “The damage is done, Dante.”

  “This is L.A. Who the fuck knew I was in L.A.?”

  “Everyone in this room, and everyone else you told about it”, Alex says, as though it’s obvious. “Does it matter? They want the same, otherwise they are threatening to publish those as well. The first one was a threat, Dante. A warning shot. This could topple you completely. Hymen reconstruction surgery? Fucking hell.”

  “Careful, Alex”, Dante warns, his voice showing the first strains of anger at her approach. “I don’t employ you to comment on what I do in my private life.”

  “No, you employ me to sort it out when everyone else does.”

  There are so many photos, it’s obvious it could be nothing else. Dante feels a sharp snap of irritation cut through him. These photos represent a personal invasion on his private life, and he wants someone to be punished for it.


  “Yeah, I know.”

  Dante drops the photos on the empty seat to his right and relaxes back into the couch. Sash makes a point of putting her hand on his leg, doing it slowly and deliberately so Alex can see.

  “Anyway, that’s only one of the problems we have. The other is what you are going to do about this… problem.”

  Her arms go up to indicate Sash as the intended recipient of her remark.

  “Hey!” Sash says, angry she’s being directly accusing of doing something wrong, and sick of sitting there and keeping quiet for the sake of her stepbrother.

  “It’s a fuck up, Sash. Do you even have the slightest idea what you two being together does for Dante’s worth?”

  “I don’t give a fuck what it does for Dante’s worth.”

  “Yeah well he does. And I do too.”

  Sash shakes her head in disbelief. Where does Alex get off talking to her like that, and why isn’t her stepbrother defending her already? There is an uncomfortable silence that hangs in the air, the sound of the emery board rasping across Caulder’s nails the only semblance of noise, other than Alex and Sash’s tense breathing.

  “So, what are the options?”

  “Bury it, and do it quickly. Deny everything, and continue as normal.”

  “That’s not going to work.”

  Sash looks at her stepbrother. “Dante, tell her that’s not going to work.”

  “Five hundred million, Dante. Say it was a one off affair, that you regret it and you won’t do it again.”

  “Fuck you”, Sash spits.

  Dante puts a hand on his stepsister’s arm, just to cool her down. Sash misreads it as condescending, believing that if anyone should be calmed down it’s definitely not her.

  “And what about the images?” Dante asks.

  “They are out there now, Dante. What isn’t, is you two. You can control that if you tell them there is nothing going on between you. We have investors, shareholders, businesses and projects all over the world. This is everything you own.”

  “And these?”

  Dante holds up the new images.

  “Pay them off. Pay them off, now. A hundred million dollars is nothing when you are talking about your whole empire, Dante. You should have done it in the first place and I have no idea why you didn’t. You and I both know it makes sense. Caulder knows it makes sense.”

  Caulder nods his head gently.

  “Sash”, Alex says, trying to reason with her. “This is bigger than you both.”

  “Dante, for fuck sake.”

  Sash has her hand flat out and pointed accusingly at Alex. “Tell her. Tell her we are already in a relationship, and we don’t give a fuck about what other people think about us.”

  “Sash, wait one sec. I told you this would happen if they knew, it’s important we make the right decision now to lessen the impact later on.”

  Sash shakes her head, shocked that Dante of all people wouldn’t immediately defend their love for one another, especially now their secret was out.

  “Lessen the impact? Dante, we’re not some kind of meteorite from space, threatening other people’s lives. It’s just you and me.”

  She reaches over to take his hand. “We can’t deny we are together, not now it’s already out.”

  “You have to-“, Alex buts in. “-And if you have any sense, Dante, you will.”

  “And then what do you expect us to do? I can’t go back to being secret, not now.”

  “Then go back to nothing at all.”

  Sash’s jaw drops open so far it nearly hits the floor. Undeterred, Alex continues. “This is not going to die down immediately, but your relationship, whatever it is beyond what it looks like here, which I have to admit isn’t very much at all, will have to. After that, when enough time has elapsed, if that ever happens, I for one don’t think it ever will, then you might have a chance again. But, if you ask me, I’d quit before you get anywhere near being serious. That’s my personal and professional opinion.”


  Dante regards his personal assistant for a while, his head cocked to the side like a dog. He has never been spoken to before in that way, and when all of this has died down he’ll deal with Alex in the way she deserves. How dare she disregard his relationship with Sash and make comments about his private life, even if she feels her own position to be in danger because of it.

  “Whether she is right or not, no one has earned the right to speak to him like that, especially not Alex. Sash can see the storm brewing in Dante’s eyes, but she can’t see him speaking up for her. She doesn’t get it. Alex’s increased pulse rate indicates that she knows she might have gone too far with her comments. Stubbornness, however, means she won’t retract them, nor change her stance either.

  “Is there no other way?”

  Dante is happy to continue to play the passive role, like a predator playing dead, waiting for the propitious moment to strike.

  “What other way?”

  Alex refuses to sit down. Half of the time she stands in front of Dante and Sash, leering down at
them both, the other half propped against his desk, her arms folded angrily. She’s the only one of the four of them who has refused to take a seat to deal with the matter calmly.

  Sash doesn’t know why Dante is deferring to this woman. It’s almost as if he likes seeing her angry, or just likes the game of trying to work out how to solve the problem they’ve both been handed.

  Whatever it is, she doesn’t like it. This morning her stepbrother was stressed out and distant, now he seems completely relaxed and almost in his element. It’s almost as if he’s already made up his mind what to do, and this is just the game that’s necessary to play in order to get them there. A fucking detective in the sum up, leading his suspects into the frame.

  “Make a bigger story”, Dante says, his arms up and his eyes sparkling.

  “Bigger than this? Impossible. You need a natural disaster, and even that’s not going to help you. You are one of the richest people in America. People know you. People want to be you, and a lot of people want to hurt you. This is huge. Aliens would have to take over and reduce everything to dust to make this even think about going away. The pope would have to fuck the Queen of England for you to get out of this fucking hole.”

  Dante regards her again. He likes her passion, it was one of the reasons he employed her in the first place. He’ll miss that.

  Out of her depth, like a Yorkshire terrier yapping at a great Dane.

  “And if we admit it. If I stand there and admit that Sash and I are in a relationship, and we’re not doing anything wrong, what then?”

  Finally he’s defending us, Sash thinks. She reaches over and grabs his hand again, but although he lets her sit it in her lap and stroke it affectionately, he won’t take his gaze off Alex.

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  She has one hand on her hip, while the other hangs loosely by her side.

  “Stop being so dramatic and answer the question, Alex. What is the worst case scenario?”

  Her eyes go wide. She cannot believe that Dante is being this stupid. To her, the answer is obvious.

  “Career suicide. You say that, what you’ve just said right now, you are fucked for the rest of your life. Bye bye private jets and thousand dollar lunches, bye bye credit cards and holidays to California at a moments notice. Bye Bye Hix industries, forever. And if you are seriously considering that, you are not the Dante Hix I know.”

  Silence spreads throughout the office again. You could hear a pin drop as Alex and Dante regard each other. Sash wants her stepbrother to look at her, but he’s quite deliberately choosing not to. Even Caulder has stopped filing his nails to look, for a rare occasion, directly at his boss and his colleague.

  Dante is the first to look away. He takes his hand away from Sash and adjusts himself in his seat.

  “Well that’s that then, isn’t it?”

  He raises his palms defensively. “I guess that leaves me with no choice.”

  Sash turns to him, just to make sure she’s heard him right.

  “Are you serious?”

  Her blood is about to boil over. “You’re going to do what she says, you’re going to deny that we’re together? That we ever were?”

  Now Dante turns to her.


  He pinches her chin. “I’m going to do the only thing I can.”

  Sash shakes herself away from him, swatting his hand away when he puts it up again.

  “You’re going to put your fucking business ahead of our relationship? I can’t believe I’m hearing this, Dante. After everything that we’ve been through, after everything that I’ve done for you.”

  Her hands go back to her belly. “After this? I thought I knew you.”

  Alex towers over them with her arms folded smugly. As far as she is concerned, she’s won.

  “I’ll notify the press”, she says confidently, before striding back out to her desk.

  Tears are running freely from Sash’s swelling eyes, rolling and tumbling across her cheeks.

  “Sash, please. It’s going to be ok.”

  He tries to touch her, but she pulls herself away quickly. A moment later, she’s up on her feet.

  “Sash, where are you going?”

  “I don’t know you.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t know you at all.”

  A second later, she’s flashed past Alex, who isn’t even bothered enough to look up to her, and is halfway down the stairs before Dante is even out of his seat. In Alex’s office, he stares at the main door, yawning at his stepsister’s absence.

  “Don’t”, he says to Alex, when he sees her about to say something.

  Back in his office, he closes the double doors, flops back down into the sofa, sighs heavily and begins to pull his tie off.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?”, he says angrily to Caulder.

  “Can you book me a flight to L.A.?”, Caulder asks. “I have a feeling I know who did it.”

  Chapter 41

  Sash has no idea where she is going. All she knows is she needs to get away. She takes the stairs two at a time, falling into a rhythm that helps her send everything that has happened in the last few hours, to the very back of her mind.

  If she doesn’t think about it, she can’t let it affect her. Jason Walker, her pregnancy, the stepbrother she thought she knew. None of it matters if she’s just Sash, dancing down the stairs, running to get away.

  There is a moment of silence as she bursts through the double doors to Dante’s granite black office tower, when the stationed security guards, the row of police and the half a dozen camera wielding journalists collected outside look at her with a shared expression of confusion.

  This is not at all what they expected to see.

  In her haste to leave, Sash had forgotten completely that they would be there. With everything else going on, it hadn’t even crossed her mind. Outside now, faced with an impenetrable wall of people trapping her exit, she feels like she has no where left to turn. She can’t go back inside, and the crowd in front of her looks like the last thing it wants to do is part and let her through.

  Finally, a snap second after the penny drops, they realize it’s her. It’s Sash, the woman at the center of all of this. Cameras flash and journalist barge each other out of the way to try and get as close to her as possible.

  “Is it true?”

  “Look at me.”

  “Is it about money?”

  “Are you in love?”

  “Where is Dante?”

  The questions mash together and form an incoherent reticulation of noise that leaves Sash hollow and desperate. Everywhere she turns there is a camera pointed at her, or a finger of accusation, or a placard registering disgust.

  The security guards don’t know what to do, the police either. One of them radios up to the office above, just to see if this is some kind of publicity stunt they haven’t yet been advised of. They all wonder if Dante will burst out of the still swinging doors behind her, as though the building itself is giving birth to its celebrity owner, and save her.

  Sash doesn’t know where to turn. Everything is a whirling chaos of lights and noise she can’t even begin to imagine how to take control of. She’s on the edge of being consumed by it, ready to sit down and let it swallow her and her baby up, until there is nothing left but a pair of footprints slowly dissolving in the post cataclysmic wind, when out of the blurred confusion that surrounds her, comes a distinct and familiar voice.


  Before she can see who it is, a hand goes under her arm, while the other stays extended out in front of her, both to clear the path in front and force back overeager cameramen. Sash no longer has control of her body, but when she finally sees who does, she is both surprised, and extremely happy to see her.

  Abbey glares at the police officers who stand and watch as though observing a curious example of contemporary street theater.

  None of them seem to know how to deal with what’s going on. Eventually they understand that Ab
bey isn’t so much as stealing Sash away, but doing everything to save the poor girl from a mauling at the hands of both journalists and fervent members of the general public, and finally step in to help, forming a protective barrier either side to push people back to where they belong, and chaperone the two girls back to Abbey’s car.

  Sash is so overwhelmed by what’s going on, she can barely form words necessary to describe or control her situation. Instead, with heart racing and eyes wide, she just lets Abbey take control - like she has done before on a number of occasions - and save her from a situation she would otherwise have let completely debilitate her.

  Once in the car, the hood up and the windows sealed, Abbey slams her Manolo Blahnik down on the accelerator. In another moment, and if she wasn’t looking up past the crowd outside to the office on the top of the tallest building in New York, where she knows Dante will be sat, planning the demise of their relationship the moment after taking her virginity, she might have recognized the shoes.

  With the back wheels spinning noisily against the tarmac, they zoom off as quickly as the car will allow them, several members of the general public left on the floor in their wake, having had to dive quickly out of the way to avoid them.

  Behind, some journalists decide to take to motorbikes, in order to follow Abbey’s car, while others decide to wait, hoping Dante will be the next to burst unexpectedly through the doors.

  Sash has her hands held protectively over her belly, while Abbey weaves expertly in and out of traffic, one eye on her best friend, the other on the road ahead.

  She can see the journalists swarming in behind her, but she’s a better driver and her car is a lot faster. Two of them she loses by jumping through traffic lights, another she sends in a different direction by turning late at an intersection, and the six or so others she leaves for dust as they exit the city and take to the freeway.

  In all that time, Sash still hasn’t moved her hands away from her belly, she hasn’t stopped weeping silently, and she hasn’t spoken. With a little bit more time to concentrate on her now the chaos has been left behind, and more than concerned by her best friend’s appearance, Abbey decides to break the silence.


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