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Shadow Falling (The Scorpius Syndrome #2)

Page 22

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “Yes. Part of my orders were to ensure your safety. Then I got called to work with the Brigade in Colorado, and I left. Next thing I heard, about two months later, was that the president had you and Greyson wanted you.” At that point, his entire focus had changed.

  Jax leaned forward. “Wait a minute. Are you AWOL?”

  Raze shrugged. “Hell if I know. The government has broken down. The Brigade is still alive and kicking, but I was just on co-assignment with them.” The Brigade had been created as a first line of defense against Scorpius; now they’d branched out to protect key infrastructure. Who knew if they still existed or even answered to the president. “The military is fractured, and the president’s elite force, which answers directly to him, is small and primarily comprised of former Secret Service agents.”

  Jax nodded.

  “Besides,” Raze murmured, “if I’m AWOL, you and Tace probably are as well.”

  Vinnie leaned forward. “The best plan is for me to head to the rendezvous point, meet Greyson, talk to him, and then go from there. Maybe he doesn’t have to turn over your sister. Perhaps she wants to stay with the Mercs and continue her work in their territory. The key is to make sure she’s willing and that nobody has hurt her.”

  Raze breathed out. “It’s too risky.”

  “We could cover her,” Sami said. “If there’s a way to reach an agreement with the Mercs, some sort of postapocalyptic treaty, shouldn’t we try? I know it’s risky, but the payoff could be huge for us.”

  Lynne nodded. “Especially if they have food resources. That’s huge right now.”

  “Who knows what type of fuel and even medicinal provisions they’ve picked up from the university,” Tace said. He sat back. “I hate the thought of bending to blackmail, but if there’s a chance for cooperation, having the Mercs as an ally when Twenty and the president’s elite force attack would be a definite plus.”

  Raze shook his head. “Absolutely not. I was wrong to even consider a trade in the first place.”

  “Not your decision,” Vinnie countered. “It’s mine.” She looked toward Jax. “Plus, how do you know the Mercs are bad? I mean, the president has put out misinformation before. Perhaps he’s spreading rumors not only about the Mercs but about Vanguard.”

  Jax studied her thoughtfully. “Keeping us from becoming allies would certainly fit his agenda.”

  Vinnie nodded. “My job was to profile the most dangerous sociopaths in our world, and I was good at it. I found them, and I captured them, and then I studied them. Meeting with Greyson Storm doesn’t scare me.”

  Raze pulled her chair back. “You’re not in a fully protected prison facing a shackled convict, damn it. Greyson is dangerous.”

  “I know,” Vinnie said, reaching out to pat his hand. “This isn’t just about helping you or getting your sister back, although that’s a good goal. This is bigger. Aligning with the Mercs gives us strength, and if they do have food and medicine . . .”

  Damn it. He should’ve just gone himself the night before.

  Jax studied everyone. “All right. We need two plans. The first, a plan for meeting Greyson on his terms in Thousand Oaks. If that goes bad, we need a secondary backup plan for taking his headquarters.”

  Sami eyed the map. “The doc has a good point about rumors. The Mercs have a terrible reputation, but do we know any details? They’re known to hunt and kill and fiercely protect their territory, but we’re known for the same things.”

  Raze fought the urge to tie Vinnie to the radiator again. This was his fault. If anything happened to her, he’d live with the pain forever. He shook his head. “That’s the fucking problem. We don’t truly know a damn thing about them.”

  “We’re about to find out,” Jax said. “We’ll meet and strategize after lunch. Everyone be back in an hour.”

  Raze sure as hell didn’t like how the meeting had gone, but he was taking the reprieve to have a little chat with Vinnie, whether she liked it or not. To avoid an argument in front of everybody, he smoothly stood and lifted her, tossing her easily over his shoulder.

  She yelped.

  He didn’t have a claim on her, not one strong enough to prevent her from going on a mission. But there was no doubt in his mind that a claim would be forthcoming, and it was time they set some ground rules.

  She stilled for the briefest of shocked seconds and then punched him square in the kidneys.

  His responsive smack on her tight ass echoed through the entire first floor.

  She struggled like a crazy woman as he made his way out of the offices and upstairs to their apartment, where he swung her over and tossed her stubborn butt on the bed.

  The woman bounced twice. “You are a damn Neanderthal who needs to enter this century,” she yelled, flipping the leather-bound book onto the bed next to her.

  He crossed his arms and gave her his most intimidating look.

  She glared right back.

  “I don’t have a right to forbid you to go on this mission.” If he could figure out a way to go on his own before Jax’s plan came to fruition, he’d do it.

  “Damn straight,” Vinnie spat, shoving to her feet.

  Hot blades pierced inside his chest. “I’m asking you not to go,” he bellowed, his ears ringing with temper.

  Her chin lowered, and raw fury darkened her stunning eyes. “Too fucking bad.” Her voice lowered to pure challenge.

  “Oh, baby.” He had no idea where they stood, but she was about to find herself buck-assed naked with him sprawled over her. He didn’t have the right. He needed to earn the right. Even though he wanted to quash her stubbornness, he wanted her with him more. On his side and having his back. Obeying him out of loyalty alone. “This is a dangerous world, and I call the shots with missions.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “We’re not a couple, Shadow.”

  His last name. She always used his last name when she was trying to distance herself from him. “I think we are.” He didn’t understand it, and they’d happened way too quickly, but they were together. Period.

  “You wanted to sacrifice me,” she said, hurt glimmering with the anger in her eyes.

  “Until I fucking met you,” he ground out. Not for a second would he have been able to turn her over to Grey, and she damn well knew it. “Now I’m willing to take a risk with my own sister’s life just to keep you safe. That has to count for something.”

  Vinnie paused. “That counts for a lot. But it doesn’t give you license to make my decisions.”

  “What does?” he asked softly.

  She blinked several times. “Nothing does.” Slowly, she lifted a shoulder. “It’s not who I am.”

  He rubbed his battered chin. “When it comes to military missions, when it comes to safety, there has to be a chain of command.” If he was crazy enough to allow her on the mission, then she couldn’t question him if he gave an order. “You understand that, right?”

  She swallowed. “I think so.”

  That meant no. “Submitting to me doesn’t make you weak,” he whispered. “It shows strength.”

  Her chin jerked up. “I’m not submissive.”

  Ah. There it was. The crux of the issue. He could handle this. “Okay. New terminology. If we’re on a mission, or if we’re in danger, you’re the dominant one if you do as I say.”

  She chortled. “That makes no sense.”

  “Neither does courting danger just to spite me or show me your independence,” he said evenly. He knew, with every fiber of his being, that threatening her to gain compliance would backfire. Yet truth was truth. “You can push me all you want, you can even get away once with kicking me in the balls. But, baby, you go on a mission and ignore my directives, and I ain’t going to go easy.”

  She shook her head. “I have a brain, Raze.”

  “Yes, I know. An impressive brain.” There had to be a way to get into her head and make her see reason. The mere idea of anything harming her made him want to punch through the nearest wall. “How many close-combat
situations have you experienced?”

  “None.” Her mouth tightened.

  “Right. So logically, it makes sense to listen to those with experience.”

  She huffed out a breath. “We’re not talking about me being an idiot on a mission. We’re talking about you being bossy, overprotective, and overbearing just because we’ve slept together. You’re the one whose focus is fractured, not me.”

  Damn if she hadn’t just nailed him with the truth. He nodded, falling into acceptance. “Right. You’re right.”

  Triumph lit her eyes.

  “So here it is. If you do one thing—and I mean one little titch of a thing—to put yourself in danger on this mission, or if you disobey one order of mine, I swear to fucking God I’ll make sure my focus is never fractioned again.” He let the truth flow.

  She frowned. “Meaning what?”

  He finally let her see the guy he rarely allowed himself to be. “I’ll tie you to that bed, I’ll shackle you to that radiator, I’ll beat your ass until you can’t walk . . . in order to keep you safe and keep you here.”

  She drew back. “You’re a chauvinistic asshole.”

  He shrugged, his focus finally narrowing and settling. “So be it. I’m Raze. Nice to meet you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The brain is the most powerful of all weapons . . . except a sledgehammer.

  —Dr. Franklin X. Harmony, Philosophies

  Vinnie stretched her toes in her borrowed tennis shoes as she jogged down the stairs to the gym. After spending two more hours in the conference room, she knew the plan backward and forward.

  Now, under Jax’s orders, she was being trained by Raze in some very quick self-defense moves. “I think this is a waste of time,” she muttered again, stomping in front of him and down the rough steps.

  “That’s unfortunate,” he said, his breath brushing the back of her hair.

  Yeah, it definitely was. Allowing Raze to put his hands on her would end up with her breathless, turned on, and probably pissed off. Not a comfortable way to be.

  She squished across the old mats and then turned around, shaking out her arms. “I don’t see why Sami couldn’t train me just as well.”

  “She could have,” Raze said, shutting the door. “I told her I wanted to train you.”

  “Oh.” Vinnie took a couple of steps in retreat. “I know you don’t want me to go and meet with the Mercs.”


  “So why are you training me?” She tried to keep the hurt out of her chest.

  He stalked closer, all intent and all male. “Because I care about you, and the idea of you being harmed makes me want to blow up the entire Mercenary organization just to ensure your safety.”

  The words hit her dead center. She held out a hand. “Please don’t be sweet. I can’t take sweet.”

  His lips tipped. “I know you have to be focused and slightly pissed, or you’re going to get scared. But you do not get to be pissed at me. We have to work together.”

  “You want to shackle me to a radiator again. Oh, baby. I am pissed at you.” And slightly, very slightly intrigued. She’d never admit that, no matter what.

  He nodded. “I get that, but you need to get a few things, too. You’re going to have to accept the mission and the parameters, and you need to be focused and not angry. Especially at me.”

  She could be angry at whomever she wished, but that wasn’t how to get into his head. “All right, that’s good. Since we’re finally being real and talking, I think we should talk about us.”

  His left eyebrow lifted, and with his face bruised, he looked like a pirate about to plunder. “All right.”

  Oh, it was time for her to gain the upper hand. With a guy like him, there was a surefire way to get him to back the hell off. “I like you, and you’re a strong partner to have.”

  He straightened, moving his torso back and away from her. “Huh?”

  She nodded vigorously, even feeling mean. “Yep. I want the whole enchilada. You know. Hearth and home—and I think you’re a good bet.”

  He may have paled a little bit.

  “Because we’re building civilization as well, I want to get married before we continue any sexual encounters. Any chance you could find a ring on a scouting mission?” She put a hopeful expression on.

  He studied her, and the moments ticked by. “Sure.”

  It took every ounce of control she had to stay still. “Su-sure?”

  “Yeah.” He moved in, his hands cupping her face. “You’re right. We do have to worry about civilization, and here in Vanguard, we’re safe. We’ll get married right away.”

  Holy shit. She opened her mouth to argue.

  His descended, and he kissed her deep. Electricity zinged through her torso, bounced around, and landed in her girly parts. When she’d forgotten how to think, he lifted his head.

  “During the ceremony, you’re gonna vow to obey, baby.” Amusement glittered in his eyes.

  Warmth exploded in her chest. “Oh, you—you—” She kicked him in the shin.

  The pop to her ass shocked her.

  He grinned. “Nice try, and I guess it’s time you learned I retaliate . . . considering we’re getting married and all.”

  Maybe faking him out hadn’t been such a great idea. “I will never marry you,” she hissed, her face heating.

  “Too late.” He released her. “You proposed, and I said yes.” He turned, his gaze thoughtful. “In fact, we could actually use our marriage to meet with the good reverend, couldn’t we? Get in with him by talking about a wedding.”

  She breathed out, her nostrils flaring. In panic? Could nostrils flare in panic? “Wait a minute. I was just messing with you.”

  “I know.” He rolled his shoulders back. “But I like the idea of you being my obedient little wife.”

  “Knock it off,” she ordered through gritted teeth.

  He studied her head to toe. “Yep. Just perfect.”

  She looked for something to throw, but the free weights seemed kind of heavy.

  “I’m not kidding about meeting with the reverend,” Raze said.

  She shook her head. “It’s too soon. With April joining his church, and Jax offering to sit down and talk, our hitting up the reverend would be too much. Besides, neither of us is Pure.”

  Raze frowned, thoughts scattering across his sculpted face. “You’re right.” He shrugged. “I guess we’ll just have to ask Jax to marry us. I’ll write the vows, and you find a nice dress.”

  She fought the urge to tackle him, mostly because she’d lose the fight. “Stop teasing me.”

  He shook his head. “Sorry, baby. You proposed, I said yes, and now we have a binding contract. You will be mine.”

  Enough of this silliness. Maybe if she ignored him, he’d stop it. She’d tried to mess with his head, and it had totally backfired on her. For now, she needed to learn a couple of defense moves in case things went south on her first and probably only mission.

  She looked around and shuddered. “Is this where the bodies are buried?” Her voice echoed off the dirty walls.

  “We burn the bodies, remember?” He winced.

  She nodded. “Not funny, considering it’s probably true.” She glanced at the bright blue gym mats covering the floor. “Those are actually nice.”

  “From the school on Chalice Street. Jax said they raided it right off.” Raze rolled his neck. “You should’ve already been down here training. From the second you arrived in Vanguard, you should’ve been training.”

  She huffed out a breath. “My work is more important.”

  “If we’re attacked and you die without fighting back, then you can’t work.”

  She sighed. “You really don’t like me right now.”

  He paused. “I’m doing this because I like you. By failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.”

  Temper rippled through her. “You’re quoting Benjamin Franklin? Really?”

  He grinned. “I’ve been hanging out wi
th Jax too much.”

  The Vanguard leader loved his quotations, now didn’t he? “Fair enough.”

  “Attack me.”

  “Oh, I’d love to,” she said grimly. “Anything goes?”

  “Yep, but keep in mind, I’m fighting, too. You nail my boys, again, and you’re not going to like the results.”

  She stepped onto the mat and turned around to face him. “I’ll take my chances.”

  He gestured in a come-and-get-it motion. “Let’s go.”

  She frowned and carefully settled her stance, one foot slightly behind the other. Then she shook out her shoulders. Finally, her hands rose and fisted.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he asked.

  “Getting ready.”

  He shook his head, irritation wrinkling his nose. “I said to attack me. You don’t pause and get ready. You fucking attack.”

  “Fine.” She rolled her eyes. Taking several moments to think, she finally launched herself at him, head down, trying for a tackle.

  He caught her easily, lifting her up, shaking his head. “No. Definitely no.” Setting her down, he took two steps back. “Okay. I want you to attack when I give the order, but this time move instantly. There isn’t time to stop and think and plan. You have to fight.”

  She frowned and blew hair out of her eyes. “I’m a psychologist.”

  “Not today.” He gave her a second to get her balance. “Attack.”

  She threw herself at him, turning, her shoulder colliding with his chest. He grabbed her biceps, lifted her, and then put her down flat on the mat, sprawling over her. Her legs kicked ineffectually, and her hands slapped the mat. Her thighs widened to allow him more room, and heat slid through her entire body. As she struggled, her breasts rubbed against his chest, providing a breath-stealing friction. Finally, she stilled. If she moved one more inch, she’d combust. “How was that?”

  He laughed. A true, genuine, honest, and deep laugh. “Really, really bad.”

  She gaped. His laugh, the full one, was sexy as hell. Masculine.

  He sobered, but the smile remained. “You kinda suck.” She blew out air. “That’s what I was trying to tell you. My time is better spent digging into people’s minds. It’s too late to train in self-defense.”


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