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Page 4

by Catherine L. Byrne

  Jeremy’s parents were dead and he was an only child. Sure, he had some distant cousins, but he hadn’t seen them since he was a kid, and he didn’t want Adam to go live with strangers. God, was he really considering what would happen to his son if he was to die? “So, umm, I know you didn’t want this, so what do you want to do?”

  Jeremy didn’t even lift his head as he spoke. He would much rather keep staring at his knees than see the rejection in Denver’s eyes. He was so sure the man didn’t want him that Denver’s answer took him by surprise.

  “Can we, you know, talk?” Jeremy looked up and stared at Denver until the man’s cheeks pinked a bit. That was cute. “I know I’m not good with talking, but if we’re going to do this,” he gestured between the two of them, “I have to try and do it.”

  Clearly Jeremy would have to be the one to do most of the talking, but he didn’t have a problem with that. “Do we need to have sex for you to claim me?”

  Denver’s eyes widened but he quickly hid his surprise. “No. I just need to drink your blood. I know you’re not gay, so if that’s what you want, it’s not a problem.”

  “Dominic said I was your soul mate, though, and that you wouldn’t be able to cheat on me. That means I’m the only one you can have sex with, right?”

  “It’s not exactly true, but yeah, it would take a lot for me to go against my tiger and sleep with someone else. He sees you as ours, and he won’t allow me to take someone else, male or female.”

  “Are you...are you gay?” Denver didn’t look gay, but then, what did a gay look like? It’s not like they had a stamp declaring it on their foreheads.

  “Yeah. That part isn’t going to be a problem for me.” Ah, so something was going to be a problem, though.

  “So what’s your problem?”

  “I didn’t want a mate. I’m not good with people, I’m a loner and I’ve never lived in a place more than one year. I’m here to help keep the pride safe and I thought I was going to leave once my job was done.”

  “And now you’re saddled with me and Adam.” Those words shouldn’t have broken Jeremy’s heart like that. He didn’t know Denver, he shouldn’t want him so much it hurt to hear the rejection. “How often would you have to claim me? Maybe you could go and do whatever you want and see me only for the claiming.”

  Denver shook his head and stroked his hand over the stubble on his cheek. “I will have to claim you about once a week, so it couldn’t work.”

  So Jeremy had a week to convince the man not to let him die. How the heck was he going to do that? He couldn’t count on his plain personality to make the guy like him, but then his body wasn’t that much to look at either. Still, since he was the only one Denver could have sex with, it was worth a try. He didn’t know anything about seducing a man, but maybe if he thought about what he liked and tried it on Denver, it could work.

  Jeremy took a deep breath and decided to give it a try. He had nothing to lose, right? Swinging around, he straddled Denver’s lap. The feeling of a cock—hey, he’s hard!—pressing against his own was unsettling, but not unpleasant. Jeremy took advantage of Denver’s surprise to slant their lips together. He licked along the man’s full lips before nipping at them, but Denver seemed frozen under him.

  Okay, so it seemed like Denver wasn’t going to react, and wasn’t that a nice blow to Jeremy’s self-esteem? He was about to give up and move when he felt Denver’s hands grabbing his hips and holding him in place. Now he was the one who froze as he waited to see what the man under him—his mate—was going to do.

  When Denver started sucking on Jeremy’s lower lip, he knew he had won, at least the first battle.

  * * * *

  Denver sucked his mate’s lower lip, still amazed that Jeremy had made the first step. He couldn’t understand why he had done it since he liked women, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He still didn’t know what he was going to do, but he did know that he couldn’t let his mate die.

  Jeremy opened his mouth and Denver delved in it, tasting his mate for the first time. He mapped the sweet mouth and stroked the tongue that dueled with his, wanting to do so much more. He just didn’t have the guts to do it right now. Denver had killed, had rescued, had fought, but he had never been so unsure about what to do as he was now. Jeremy brought him to his knees, and while he knew he shouldn’t like it, he also knew that his mate was the only one able to do it, so it was fine. Denver could stop being the hard man he was for everyone else in his mate’s arms.

  Those arms were currently wounded around his neck as Jeremy tried to get even closer. Their chests were flush against each other, their erections sliding with every move they made.

  “Uh, guys? Adam is calling for his dad.”

  The voice behind the closed door cut through Denver lust and brought him back to reality. He gave one last peck on Jeremy’s lips and leaned their foreheads together as they waited for their ragged breaths to slow down.

  “We’re coming. Give us five minutes.”

  The voice chuckled and Denver recognized Keenan. He didn’t know if he should thank the kid or throttle him for inviting Jeremy here today.

  He had so many things to ask Jeremy that he didn’t know what to ask first, but he wanted to know two things right now. Okay, maybe three. “You don’t seem to have problems accepting that shifters are real.”

  Jeremy shrugged. “As I said, I don’t see why humans should assume we are alone here. New species are discovered all the time after all. Sure, it was surprising to know about you, but being different doesn’t make you bad or anything. You’re still the same man.”

  Denver didn’t think humans could be so accepting, but he was happy. It was one less problem to deal with. “You also don’t seem to have problems with me being a man even though you said you’re not gay.”

  Jeremy looked up and smiled a sweet smile that warmed Denver’s heart. “Love is love. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, the important thing is to love. So yeah, I’m a bit surprised and more than a bit worried about the, umm, physical aspect, but I’m not going to run away from something that could become the love of my life just because you don’t have the right bits and pieces.”

  Denver had never thought about it like that, but he supposed Jeremy was right. He didn’t know what he would have done if his mate had been a woman. Thankfully, he would never have to find out, but it made sense. “So, are we going to try and find out if we can make this work?”

  Jeremy hesitated. “I don’t want you to take this wrong, but I already know I want you to claim me. I would do anything to be with my son, and I thought you should know that, but I also want to explore whatever could be between us. I’ve never felt this drawn and attracted to anyone, and I guess that if Fate thinks we’re perfect for each other, maybe we are.”

  Denver could understand that. He was actually happy that Jeremy had wanted to be clear from the start, and he already knew that he would have mated the man even if he wanted only the mating bite. This solution, however, was so much better. Now he just had to see if Jeremy still wanted a relationship with him once he got to know Denver better.

  And he also had to think that he was about to become a dad. Oh god, Denver knew absolutely nothing about kids. How did he change a diaper? Did Adam actually wear diapers? Did he eat the same things they did? Did he sleep at night? Shit, what was he going to do?

  “Hey, are you okay? You’ve paled and you’re, well, shaking a little.” The soft hands caressing Denver’s arms soothed him a bit and the panic ebbed, but the fear was still there. “Denver? Did you change your mind? I know I’m not much, but please, give me a chance.”

  The hurt in Jeremy’s voice was enough to snap Denver out of it. “Hey, don’t say stuff like that. I think you’re special. You’re cute and sexy, you didn’t freak out when you saw my tiger and you’re willing to give me a chance even though I’m an ass.” Shit, Denver was rambling and he knew it, but he felt this...need
to reassure his mate and tell him he thought he was an incredible man. “I’ve seen the way you’re with Adam and I can see you’re a wonderful dad, and—”

  Jeremy stopped him with a soft kiss. “Okay, I get it.”

  “I’m just worried I won’t be good enough with Adam. I’ve never had many interactions with kids, and I don’t know what to do with them.”

  “You’ll be fine. It’s not like I’ll leave you alone with Adam right now. You’ll have time to learn how to take care of him if you want to. Just...go with the flow and ask me if you need help. When Deborah left me, Adam was only a week old and I had no idea what to do with a newborn. He was so small I was afraid to break him or drop him, but everything went all right, I learned how to deal with him and how to take care of him.”

  Denver nodded, grateful that his mate understood what his problem was. Using the hold he had on Jeremy’s hips, Denver hauled him up. “Come on, let’s go see what happened.”

  Jeremy headed for the door and he followed him. They walked next to each other, their hands brushing now and then, and Denver realized he wanted to grab that hand and just hold it. He wasn’t used to feel those kind of things, damn it! Did it make him soft? He didn’t want that. And why was he so hesitant? He never had problems taking what he wanted, when he wanted, and he never cared about what others thought about him, and he wasn’t going to start now!

  Denver’s fingers twitched as he slowly reached for Jeremy’s hand. He was about to grab it when they entered the dining room, and by then it was too late. He snatched his hand back and looked up at Jeremy. The man was softly smiling at him like he knew exactly what had just happened, but he didn’t seem angry.

  “Hey, pumpkin. What’s wrong?”

  Denver looked at Adam. The kid had obviously been eating because his face and hands were covered in what looked like BBQ sauce. He animatedly waved at his father and scrambled down the chair he was sitting in, leaving his hand’s imprints on the fabric. It was nothing new in this house since there were other kids living here, so no one batted an eyelash at it.

  The toddler hurried to Jeremy and Denver’s mate sat down and started cleaning his son. Denver sat down beside the two and looked at how his mate was interacting with the kid. He had to learn somehow, right?

  “So, how did it go? Am I forgiven?” Keenan asked quietly from Denver’s other side.

  “Yeah, we’re good.” Keenan opened his mouth, probably to ask for some details since he was as curious as a monkey, but a sudden weight landing on Denver’s lap stopped him. The air whooshed out of Denver’s lungs as he grabbed at the child who was looking at him curiously.

  “Sorry, Denver. I didn’t manage to stop him in time. Do you want to give him back to me?” Jeremy smiled at Denver and held out his hands, but it looked like Adam had other ideas.

  “I want to stay with uncle!” Adam grabbed at Denver’s t-shirt and started to climb him until he managed to loop his little arms around Denver’s neck and his legs around Denver’s waist. Denver froze, unsure what to do, but Jeremy’s smile reassured him. He lifted a hand and patted Adam’s small back. It felt awkward, but I also felt surprisingly good. He did realize that everyone around the table was looking at him, most with wonder in their eyes, but he liked the encouraging smiles Keenan and a few others gave him.

  “I’d never would have thought you would look good with a kid in your arms,” Keenan whispered.

  “Yeah, me neither.”

  Chapter Three

  “Jeremy! Are you listening to me?”

  Jeremy looked at his two co-workers. Xavier was silent as always, but Janet didn’t look so glad that Jeremy hadn’t been listening to her. In fact, lately he passed most of his time daydreaming, except when he had to concentrate on work or on Adam.

  “Jeremy! What’s happening to you recently? You’ve been walking on your little cloud for days now. What is it, are you in love?” Now, how could he answer that?

  Jeremy wasn’t sure it was love, but he knew he couldn’t do without Denver anymore, and they had met not even a week ago. Denver had passed every evening of the week at Jeremy’s house and his quiet presence was quickly becoming essential to both him and Adam. Denver wasn’t used to kids but Jeremy could see that he was trying, and Adam seemed to like the big guy.

  Yeah, there was definitely something there, maybe not love, not yet, but affection. Denver might be quiet, but he was sweet and considerate.

  “Yup, definitely love if you ask me. I wonder if the lucky girl works here?”

  Gosh, Janet was such a gossiper. “There’s no girl, Janet. I’m fine, I’m just tired. It’s not easy to deal with Adam and work, but I’m managing.”

  “Are you sure there’s no girl, honey? You do have that lovey-dovey look on your face.”

  “That’s not a lovey-dovey look, Janet, that’s a tired look. Leave the man alone.”

  “Xavier, you’re such a party pooper!” Janet said with a huff before standing up and leaving them alone at the café table, finally. Jeremy knew that if she found out about Denver the whole office would know about it within five minutes. He didn’t really care about what they thought, but Jeremy needed this job, so he was trying to be discreet. He didn’t know how his boss might react to the news that he was gay. “Thanks, Xavier.”

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind covering for you and your partner. It’s nobody business after all, certainly not Janet’s.”

  Had Xavier said partner? How did he know about that? “How...”

  “I saw you the other night. Your son was playing at the playground and there was a man with you, a big man. The two of you didn’t even touch or anything, but it was obvious you care for each other, at least to me. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” the man tucked his blond hair behind his ear as he talked.

  “Thanks. We’re still getting to know each other, you know, so I’m trying to keep it private.”

  “Hey, if I had that hunk of a man waiting for me at home, I’d keep him private too!” Xavier winked and Jeremy wondered how he hadn’t noticed that the man was gay. Well, to be honest Xavier didn’t usually talk that much, so they didn’t really know each other, but Jeremy was glad he wouldn’t say anything. He didn’t want to start looking for another job.

  The two men started walking back to the office when someone stepped in front of Jeremy. He stopped and looked up, his eyes wide when he recognized her.

  Deborah was standing in front of him, a smile playing on her lipstick red lips. Jeremy hadn’t seen his ex-wife since Adam was born a little less than three years ago, and it seemed like the single life had done her good. She had never been so beautiful. Her blond hair was gleaming in the winter sun and she was elegantly dressed, her white coat stunning on her lean form.

  “Umm, Xavier, why don’t you start heading back and tell the boss I’ll be a few minutes late?”

  “Uh, sure.” The man walked away, leaving them alone, and Jeremy started worrying. Deborah had relinquished her rights as Adam’s mother and she had refused any economic support from him, so what did she want?

  “Jeremy.” Her eyes looked at him from head to toe, and he knew he wasn’t the man she had fallen in love with four years ago, but he didn’t care. He was happy now, even if he wasn’t as fit as he had been.

  “Deborah. What brings you to Whitedell?” And how had she found him?

  “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t think we have anything to talk about. You made yourself very clear when we divorced. You never wanted to hear anything either from me or from Adam, and I’m giving you exactly what you wanted. Bye.” Jeremy started walking again, but he had no doubt that she would follow him. She had always been stubborn as hell when she wanted something, and it obviously was something important to have followed him all the way to Wyoming.

  “I want Adam back.”

  Jeremy stopped in his track. “What the fuck, Deb? You’ve never wanted him! You wanted an abortion and I managed to stop y
ou, but then you ran as soon as he was born! What the fuck do you want from him now?” Jeremy knew he was making a scene right in the middle of the street, but he couldn’t care less. She was trying to take his son away from him, and he wouldn’t let her, no matter what it took.

  “He’s my son, Jeremy. I know I wasn’t always the best mother, but he’s mine. I changed, and now I’m ready to be his mother.”

  “So what? Do you want to see him during the holidays?”

  “No, I want him to come and live with me in New York.”

  Jeremy snorted. “Yeah, right, because I’m stupid and I’m going to hand him to you just like that. You signed the papers in which you said you weren’t his mother, and you’re not. Adam doesn’t have a mother, that’s final.”

  “We could be together again, you and me,” Deborah purred, putting a hand on Jeremy’s chest in what he supposed was a seductive gesture. He knew he had fallen for things like this before, but now he had Denver. She rubbed her hand up and down until Jeremy caught it and moved it away. “We could be a family. Don’t you think Adam deserves to know his mother? And you could have had me back.”

  Jeremy’s anger fell a bit. Yeah, Adam should be able to be with his mother, and he wouldn’t have had problems letting him see her if she had been acting in a decent way. Okay, so maybe he would have had some problems with it, but he would have let her see Adam. But what she was asking for was too much. He couldn’t let her take him back. “I’m sorry, but I already have someone else in my life, and I’m happy, Adam is happy, and we’re not going anywhere.”

  “You’re seeing someone? Who is the poor girl? You weren’t that good looking to begin with, and it hasn’t improved over the years, obviously.” Her gaze made Jeremy feel disgusting. He knew he shouldn’t let her get to him , that she was only trying to hurt him since he had just rejected her, but it still hurt, especially from someone who was supposed to have loved him not too long ago.


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